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Tournament Armies Played

I am always a big fan of Raelin with Samurai. Its never a bad thing to kill opponents on their own turn. I have used a similar build just without the Kozuke and the addition of 2 x Tagawa Archers. It was a 550 pt build.
2008 National HS day
I won with a 5-0 victory.


3x's 10th mass
2x's rats

First match I lost two rats, one 10th mass. Second match I lost more units, but still had 400 + points left. 3rd match was close call only winning by 15 points (only match that was determined by points). 4th match was little closer, had 200 some points left, and the final battle, I think I had close to 300 points remaining.
I am always a big fan of Raelin with Samurai. Its never a bad thing to kill opponents on their own turn. I have used a similar build just without the Kozuke and the addition of 2 x Tagawa Archers. It was a 550 pt build.

This army did amazing, but the MVP was defenitly the Kozuke. Took down Krug in one game, Charos in another, and Major Q9 in the third. Raelin was only used for extra defense a total of two times. She was just really a big scaring point for my opponent, and they just kept attacking her which really helped me, espescially in the final game where it was me vs my cousin for the tourny win, as we were both 2-0 heading in. He kept pounding on my Raelin with the Krav, and by the time he had killed her, my Kozuke had killed two of them off, and I ahd gotten some good position on the feild.

I only had to use the Izumi in one game, when it was down to my opponents Isamu against the Izumi, the Tagawa on the far side of the board, and my Isamu. Quite a nail-biter, and I still hate Isamu...in any case...

For anyone looking for some hints on using Sammys(I don't consider myself an expert, I just don't see anyone else around here playing the guys competetively. :-\); here was my strategy/gameplay choices. Hopefully it helps some.

I always sent out Major Q10 to deal with the heavy hitters first. Example: In one game he took down a bunch of 10th foot. This one didn't go very well in 2 out of three games though, and in one the Kozuke had to cut back the slack; all 150 points of it, after Q9 plowed thru due to a wiff. I think it was because of the 5 defense 4 life thing, and I was just throwing Q10 out there like he was a behemoth. Even though it worked out in the end, I think I need to implement this a bit. However, I needed a guy immune to trample stomp, since my entire army was small-medium besides him. You see, one of my cousins is Stomp-happy. I never even ended up playing him though...so....but anyway...

Once Q10 was dispatched of, I sent out the Kozuke to deal with the next threat at hand, and they really showed up in ever game. When I got Charos-Rushed, and had my Q10 absolutely overwhelmed, these guys took him down within two rounds, and then immidiately rushed to the bridge and took down a bunch of Macdirks before being put down. Effective hide-and-seek with these guys gave me the first strike, and the first strike in turn gave me some awesome KO's.

If the Kozuke were destroyed(And in one game they were not.), then next came Raelin. She would tie down some forces and then I would let the Tagawa come in and wreak havok with bloodlust.

After all this has failed, it's time for some cleanup, via the Izumi Samurai. I usually try to keep Raelin preserved for them, but if not they can still shine. They were only used once, as said before, and they were used only to dispatch Isamu. Not a hefty feat, so I really never got a feel for them.

So, in order to capture the essence of my gameplan, here was one of the battles in a short paragraph or two:

Major Q10 is sent to the base of the mountian, and over comes Charos. I take a bunch of shot's, real smug-like, and fail to wack him. Heck, I didn't even wound him! The smug smile dissapears. He bumrushes my zone, kills Rae-Rae. I use my Kozuke next round and kill em' in a few fell swoops. ;) Then, the ever battle-ready Kozuke charge towards the bridge which has been taken by Alstair and his MacDirks. They wittle down the dirks to 2 of their number before being felled by the highland clan. In comes Raelin, and she kills yet another warrior. The tagawa then put the smackdown to Alastair and the last Macdirk.

The Tagawa then succesfully clean up with bloodlust in their eyes.
Sorry for the wall of text. >,< Here I go again with a long post...hopefully it helped some of you out at all. Sorry for clogging this thread up. Move along, nothing to see here!
I updated my post on the bottom of page 2 of this thread.
I went 5-0 at the Nebraska Skirmish taking 1st place. I also beat Spider Poison for the first time!!! 8)
My army was -
Heavy Gruts x 4 - 280
Gimnak - 400
Nerak - 450
Raelin - 530
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Matthias Maccabeus said:
I updated my post on the bottom of page 2 of this thread.
I went 5-0 at the Nebraska Skirmish taking 1st place. I also beat Spider Poison for the first time!!! :cool:
My army was -
Heavy Gruts x 4 - 280
Gimnak - 400
Nerak - 450
Raelin - 530

That is so hardcore! I really want to play an army like that up in Reading sometime. Did you feel that the heavy gruts were better than the KoW? Seeing as you actually went 5-0 with all melee, whereas with the knights you never did so. That is seriously rockin'. :D

Updated. Went 5-1, taking first in another low-key tourny.
Low-key tourny today as it was for on campus scapers only. Went 4-0 with:
2x 4th Mass
2x KoW
Sir Gilbert
Alister Macdirk

Puts me at 11-3 for a 79% win rate.
Matthias Maccabeus said:
I updated my post on the bottom of page 2 of this thread.
I went 5-0 at the Nebraska Skirmish taking 1st place. I also beat Spider Poison for the first time!!! :cool:
My army was -
Heavy Gruts x 4 - 280
Gimnak - 400
Nerak - 450
Raelin - 530

That is so hardcore! I really want to play an army like that up in Reading sometime. Did you feel that the heavy gruts were better than the KoW? Seeing as you actually went 5-0 with all melee, whereas with the knights you never did so. That is seriously rockin'. :D

Updated. Went 5-1, taking first in another low-key tourny.

Probably worth mentioning that the NE skirmish gave a 90 point bonus to an all melee army.
NE Skirmish 2008: (440 Range / 530 melee)
Army:2x Stingers, 3x Rats, Cyprien, Sonya
Battle Report

KC Hextreme January 2009: (530)
Army: 3 x Glads, 2 x Blasts, Realin, Warden
Battle Report

Beatrice Showdown 2009: (600 General Specific)
Army: 3 x Glads, 2 x Blasts, Braxas, Otonashi

Gencon 2009: (Heat of Battle 450)
Army: 5 x Romans, Ne-gok-sa, Me-burq-sa, Zetacron

Gencon 2009: (Capture the Flag 400)
Army: Tul-bak-ra, 5 x Drones, Marcu

Gencon 2009: (Main Event 500)
Army: 4 x 10th Reg, Realin, Keamon Awa

Gencon 2009: (War of the Worlds 400)
Army: 5 x Stingers, Me-burq-sa, Marro Warriors

NHSD 2009 TTO V: (510)
Army: 3x Gladiatrons, 2x Blastatrons, Realin, Me-burq-sa, Marcu
Battle Report

Nebraska Skirmish III: (405 range / 475 melee)
Army: Tor-Kul-na, Marrden Nagrubs x3, Dividers x3, Isamu
Battle Report

Adventures in April: (Draft)

Omaha, NE May 22nd: (500)
Army: Realin, Nilfhiem, Greenscales x2, Krav, Isamu
Battle Report

Nebraska Heroes vs Squads: (345 if you had any sqauds/420 if you had all heroes)
Army: Stingers x5, Guilty, Isamu
Battle Report

Gencon 2010: (General Wars 520)
Army: Blastatrons x2, Gladiatrons x3, Q10, Otonashi

Gencon 2010: (Capture the Flag 480)
Army: Dwarves x 4, Q10, Marro Warriors
2-3 (?)

Gencon 2010: (Championship 510)
Army: Blastrons x3, Gladiatrons x3, Realin

Gencon 2010: (Marvel 500)
Army: Realin, Q9, Krav, Rats x3 (Just realized I played without Marcu)
3-2 (?)

Gencon 2010:
(Lightweight 320)
Army: Venoc Vipers x5, Venoc Warlord

Gencon 2010: (Heat of Battle 400)
Army: Drones x5, Brunak, Isamu, Drow Chainfighter
1-1 (dropped)

NHSD 2010 TTO VI: (525)
Army: 10th Regiment x3, Phantom Knights x3, Realin, Isamu
Battle Report

Nebraska Skirmish IV: (505 16hexs if ranged/24hexs if all melee)
Army: Vipers x7, Elite Onyx Vipers, Venoc Warlord

Nebraska Multiplayer Madness (350pts 14 hex, 3-4 players per map)
Army: Rats x2, Nakitas, Q10

Gencon 2011

Capture the Flag
Army: Dwarves x4, Q10, Marcu

Slugfest (480pts Range 1 figures get +1 to attack)
Army: Rats x5, Taelord, Krav

Championship (500)
Army: Braxas, Greenscale Warriors x3, Krav, Isamu

Tournament of Champions (500pts different format each round)
Army: Phantom Knights x3, 10th Reg x3, Marro Warriors, Isamu

Overall 71-45 61% win rate
Here are my (Cody Lucido) armies played (final list that will be updated)! I state my event, followed by my army, my wins, my losses, and lastly my overall result. For wins/losses, I only post members on this site. So if there is nothing after wins or losses, then that means I played 1 or more people not on this site, it's not that I didn't win or lose. If I didn't win or lose for an event, then I'll put 'None' in the space. My armies go in order by: 1.) Unique Heroes (Greatest > Least in pt.), 2.) Common Heroes (Greatest > Least in pt.), 3.) Unique Squads (Greatest > Least in pt.), 4.) Common Squads (Greatest > Least in pt.). If the same category unit is the same point value then it goes by alphabetical order for the same costing set of units. My dad (Bob Lucido) has also been in these same events, but I obviously do not know exactly his opponents so I'll just post his armies and overall results also. And, please, if you find any mistake, whether it may be a mistake in calculation or a forgotten name PLEASE PM/tell me about it. Anyways, enjoy!!!!!!

Cleon's Tournament Armies Played:

GenCon 07' Indy Championship:
Army: Venoc Warlord, Theracus, Elite Onyx Vipers, Armoc Vipers x2, Aubrien Archers, Venoc Vipers (500pt.)
Wins: Ninthdoc
Losses: Joah, Fallen Soldier
Results: 2-3

GenCon 07' Win-A-Wave:
Army: Venoc Warlord, Theracus, Armoc Vipers x2, Aubrien Archers, Venoc Vipers (400pt.)
Losses: Damja (maybe?)
Results: 1-1

GenCon 07' Slugfest:
Army: Major X17, Parmenio, Theracus, Isamu, Tarn Viking Warriors, Sacred Band x2 (390pt.)
Wins: None
Results: 0-1

GenCon 07' Big Ole Monster Battle:
Army: *Charos, Templar Cavalry, 4th Massachusetts Line (400pt.)
Wins: None
Losses: Spider Poison
Results: 0-1

GenCon 08' General Wars:
Army: Marro Hive, Me-Burq-Sa, Marro Stingers x4 (450pt.)
Wins: Scaper Dude
Losses: Lonewolf
Results: 4-1 (2nd place for utgar, 3rd place overall tied with spider and some one else)

GenCon 08' Jumpstart:
Army: Sujoah, Venoc Warlord, Zetacron, Fyorlag Spiders x2 (445pt.)
Wins: None
Losses: Lonewolf
Results: 0-1

GenCon 08' Indy Championship:
Army: Major Q9, Raelin The Kyrie Warrior (RotV), Krav Maga Agents, Eldgrim, Isamu, Marro Stingers x2 (520pt.)
Wins: CycoDuck, Gulp
*Ties: Clarrisimus
Results: 3-1-1

GenCon 08' Battle Above Cursed Lands:
Army: Braxas, Nilfheim, Sonya, Isamu (450pt.)
Wins: None
Losses: Gamjuven
Results: 0-1

GenCon 08' Win-A-Wave:
Army: Marro Hive, Me-Burq-Sa, Marro Stingers x4 (450pt.) (Utgar :utgar:)
Wins: heroscaper314, Cleon's Dad
Losses: None
Results: 3-0 (1st place in my alley)

GenCon 08' Heat Of Battle:
Army: Kaemon Awa, Zombies Of Marrindan x3, 10th Regiment Of Foot x2 (450pt.)
Wins: Jexik
Losses: Buddy Lee, paradox22
Results: 2-3

GenCon 08' Unique Hero:
Army: Nilfheim, Major Q9, Kaemon Awa, Isamu (500pt.)
Wins: Mechafrog's Son
Losses: ManTrainChooChoo, Ninthdoc
Results: 3-2

Army 1: Cyprien, Marro Stingers x3, Deathreavers x3 (450pt.)
Wins: Onacara's Son (Anthony Jr)
Losses: Ollie, Dennys
Results 1: 1-2
Army 2: Raelin The Kyrie Warrior (RotV), Gladiatrons x3, Blastatrons x2, Isamu (450pt.)
Wins: Onacara's Son (Dylan)
Losses: Ollie
Results 2: 2-1
Results: 3-3

Tournament Results (Cleon):
GenCon 07': 3-6 (Date(s): 8/16/07-8/19/07)
GenCon 08': 15-9-1 (Date(s): 8/14/08-8/17/08 )
NHSD NESA 08': 3-3 (Date(s): 10/18/08 )
Overall Tournament Results (Cleon): 21-18-1


Cleon's Dad's Tournament Armies Played:

GenCon 07' Indy Championship:
Army: ? (500pt.) (I'll find this later)
Results: 1-4

GenCon 07' Win-A-Wave:
Army: ? (400pt.) (I'll find this later)
Wins: Skyknight
Results: 3-0

GenCon 07' Slugfest:
Army: Raelin, Tagawa Samurai, ?(400pt.) (I'll find the rest later)
Wins: None
Losses: NwoJedi
Results: 0-1

GenCon 07' Big Ole Monster Battle:
Army: *Charos, Crixus, Krav Maga Agents (400pt.)
Wins: None
Results: 0-1

GenCon 08' General Wars:
Army: Mimring, Krug, Ornak, Arrow Gruts x2(450pt.) (Utgar :utgar:)
Wins: Lord Paul
Results: 3-2

GenCon 08' Jumpstart:
Army: Kaemon Awa, Airborne Elite, Krav Maga Agents, Deathreavers x2 (450pt.)
Results: 1-1

GenCon 08' Indy Championship:
Army: Sonlen, Kaemon Awa, Isamu, Otonashi, Tagawa Samurai, Krav Maga Agents (520pt.)
Results: 3-2

GenCon 08' Battle Above Cursed Lands:
Army: Mimring, Raelin, Sentinels Of Jandar x2 (450pt.)
Wins: None
Results: 0-1

GenCon 08' Win-A-Wave:
Army: Sonlen, Kaemon Awa, Krav Maga Agents, Aubrien Archers (450pt.)
Losses: Cleon
Results: 2-1

GenCon 08' Heat Of Battle:
Army: Kaemon Awa, Tagawa Samurai, Kozuke Samurai, Izumi Samurai, Warriors Of Ashra (450pt.)
Results: 3-2

GenCon 08' Unique Hero:
Army: Ulginesh, Jorhdawn, Chardris, Emirroon, Arkmer, Kyntella Gwyn, Otonashi (500pt.)
Results: 2-3

Army 1: Kaemon Awa, Tagawa Samurai, Airborne Elite, Krav Maga Agents (450pt.)
Wins: Dennys
Results 1: 2-1
Army 2: Sonlen, Kaemon Awa, Otonashi, Krav Maga Agents, Izumi Samura (450pt.)
Losses: Ollie
Results 2: 1-1
Results: 3-2

Tournament Results (Cleon's Dad):
GenCon 07': 4-6 (Date(s): 8/16/07-8/19/07)
GenCon 08': 14-12 (Date(s): 8/14/08-8/17/08 )
NHSD NESA 08': 3-2 (Date(s): 10/18/08 )
Overall Tournament Results (Cleon's Dad): 21-20
I know i've played you and your dad on numberous occasions. :)

You've played my dad twice, once last year at GC and once this year at GC and you won both times. But you've never faced me, I've always wanted to face you though. Maybe in 09'. ;) :)

EDIT: I'll post my dad's armies/results (not wins/losses though since I have no idea on 50% of his games; but keep note that NWO beat him twice :razz:) later.
maybe for 09. :) If Upper deck is doing WoW Mini's tournies, my appearance in HS tournies might be less next year. :)
Chaos in the Capital =500
Kaemon Awa-120

Marlboro vs the World =500

DW 8000-130
2x Marrden hounds-180

UConn =450
3xMarrden Hounds-270

Beantown Beatdown IV =500
3x10th Regiment-225

Saratoga Slugfest I =600[No Start Zone limit]

Eastern PA Tournament =520[All one general]
3xOmnicron -300

Revalation =600[Theme army]
600 points all Feylund
[I feel I did a good job of playing the Under used Jotun, and putting him in an army that could have one that tournament.[Had i not done a stupid move against tablewalker]
Fall Brawl = 500
Agent Skahen-120

Total Record-
19 -19
In my first tournament (Battle at the Border) I used:
Blade Gruts x3
Sidebar: NGS

I was 3-2 (12th place)

All in all, a very fun army to play with all those heroes and the double hero activation on round one!

Beantown Beatdown (500 points)
Groks x2
Marro Warriors

Record: 3-2 (~10th place?)

Saratoga Slugfest (600 points)
Microcorps x3
Rats x2

Record: 4-1 (1st place)

Marlboro College Fall Brawl (500 points)
Marrden Hounds x2

Record: 1-4 (17th place)

Overall: 11-9
20 different units used in 4 tournaments

The army I played today was a lot of fun and very competitive. Each loss my opponent had only 1 or 2 figures remaining and I just kept getting very unlucky at the end. I would definitely recommend trying this army.
First post updated! Also:

Marlboro College was rough on me. I came in 18th out of 20 with one win and four losses. My theories why explained later in the thread. My Army:

Double Dragons Revised:
Rats x1

I don't blame my losses on the army or the way I played the army, that's first and foremost. What I will say is that there were a lot more longer maps in this tournament, which prevented Zelrig from doing his thing efficiently. I also was paired against three different armies with no common squads.

My first two losses were actually pretty respectable. I think my army performed to nearly its fullest potential, earning me a good amount of points. The next battle My Nilfy got tangled in a fist fight with another Nilfy. I was able to skillfully secure height, as well as Raelin which lead to the demise of my opponent's Nilfy. Then his Cyprien swung in and anihilated a full health Zelrig and a Raelin with only two damage all in one turn. OUCH! There was no climbing out of that hole, especially with only two life left with Nilfy. Isamu, of course, never rolled Vanish. The next match was much the same, with another Cyprien eating a full health Nilfy this time. I don't think I rolled a single shield in that game. The last game, I pretty much dominated.

My tactics were pretty good, my unit placement was great and my propper use of order markers wasn't bad either. What was bad was my luck (It was actually an unlucky day altogether, having almost killed a student of Ollie's [long story]). The map's I got stuck on were against me, and the 'Zelrig Effect' swayed things in favor of my opponents who mostly had uniqes. I'm not ready to call that army an epic failure yet, and if you saw my pitiful dice rolls, you would agree.

I don't mean to sound like a sore loser if that's the way you read this. I had a great time and even got to flip Ollie's duck house! I'm mearly trying to defend this army dispite my record with it.
My post on the first page is updated:

Fall Brawl, Nov 2008, Vt (500pts, no glyphs)
Deathstalkers x2, Raelin (RotV), Kaemon Awa, Syvarris.
Won against: Guido, Bengi, Habeo_Bukkit, ToddRenn; lost against: Onacara.
Results: 4-1 (2nd in a field of 20)

Overall record: 40-13, for a 75.5% win rate.
I got around to editing my post with the last three tourneys I've done. I lost quite a bit, and I think I've decided that I'm just going to play really good armies from now on. There's still a lot of variety in that, but I just have more fun playing efficient units.
I got around to editing my post with the last three tourneys I've done. I lost quite a bit, and I think I've decided that I'm just going to play really good armies from now on. There's still a lot of variety in that, but I just have more fun playing efficient units.
Oh come on, I know you want to bring 3 squads of Shades to a tournament!;)
Might as well make a post for myself in this thread.

Florida Frenzy (440)
150 Major Q10
120 Kaemon Awa
120 Marro Stingers x2
030 Eldgrim
020 Marcu Esenwein
Record: 3-2 (6th/18 )

Florida Frenzy 1.5 (465)
225 Jotun
240 Marro Stingers x4
Record: 4-3 (4th/26)

Florida Frenzy II (495)
220 Tor-Kul-Na
185 Nilfhiem
090 Marrden Nagrubs x3
Record: 3-3 (5th/26)

Louisville 1/31 (540, 2x commons up to 135 points, 200 pt range)
220 Tor-Kul-Na
150 Major Q10
100 Kozuke Samurai
060 Marrden Nagrubs x2
010 Isamu
Record: 2-3 (8th/10)

OVAH NHSD '09 (600)
330 Minions of Utgar x3
180 Major Q9
090 Atlaga the Kyrie Warrior
Record: 4-1 (2nd/11)
Wins: Aldin, KCUmaster, Onion_Knight, jschild; Loss: jschild

Overall: 16-12
Win Rate: 57.1%
Well, I'm finally getting around to posting my results. I've played in lots of tournaments, so I can't remember (or search and find) everything. Here are my results:

TTO October 2005
Army = unknown (had Krav and Syvarris)
results 4-0

Austin, MN Tourney
Army = Krav, Raelin, Drake, Marro Warriors, Izumi Samurai
results 5-0
Random notes: all Master Set army, had close win against Gibberish where Drake had to grapple away from 4th Mass and wait for reinforcements

Austin, MN Tourney
Army = 3X Swog, 3X Arrow Gruts, Raelin, Krug
results 5-0
Random notes: victories in this tourney were probably my most decisive ever, so this led me to play this army again for GenCon

GenCon Valkyrie General Battle
Army = unknown (some 400 point version of Arrow Gruts)
results 3-1
Random notes: was champion of Utgar

Win-a-Wave Tourney
Army = unknown (had Sgt. Drake, Raelin, Krav)
results 1-1
Random notes: got owned by lil_wis and her Q9

2006 GenCon Championship
Army = 3X Swog, 3X Arrow Grut, Raelin, Krug
results 7-0
Random notes: beat Jormi_Boced and lil_wis (had Krug this time for Q9 :D ) in day 1; beat Dustin Sikora, Jormi, and nwojedi in a comeback for day 2

Mindshackle Tourney
Army = 2X Romans, Me-Burq-Sa, Marro Warriors, Krav, Ne-Gok-Sa
results 4-0
Random notes: wins versus MoMo and jacob_jp in final

TTO October 2006
Army = 4X 4th Mass, Charos
results 5-0
Random notes: win versus Jormi in final match

Austin, MN Tourney
Army = Krug, 4X Swog, 4X Arrow Gruts, Q9
results 2-2
Random notes: I am destined to not play Q9

Iowa City Invitational
Armies (team tourney) = 3X 4th Mass, Eldgrim; Marro Warriors, Tarn, Nilfheim
results 3-1
Random notes: win against Clarissimus, loss to MoMo

GenCon Heat of the Battle
Army = 4X Zombies, 2X Romans, Me-Burq-Sa, Isamu
results 4-1
Random notes: win against Scaper_Dude, loss in championship game to matrixrenegade

Win-A-Wave Tourney
Army = 3X Swog, 3X Arrow Gruts, Krug, Raelin
results 0-1
Random notes: loss to dragonmaster384 in first round

2007 GenCon Championship
Army = 5X 4th Mass, Alastair, Eldgrim
results 3-1-1
Random notes: wins against funrun and truth, tied to nwojedi, loss to Mattser...missed day 2

Win-A-Wave Tourney
Army = 4X Marro Stingers, 2X Rats, Raelin
results 3-0
Random notes: wins against damja and Scaper_Dude, first victory for Stingers in a tourney

Big Ol' Monster Battle
Army = Major Q10, Krug, 2X Swog, 2X Arrow Gruts
results 1-1
Random notes: win against Cleon, loss to Rÿchean

TTO October 2007
Army = 4X Marro Stingers, Raelin, Kaemon Awa, Isamu, 2X Deathreavers
results 6-0
Random notes: wins against deliverymanxas, Clarissimus, Eclipse, and Jormi in the final match

Nebraska Skirmish
Army = Brunak, Raelin, 5X Zombies
results 2-2
Random notes: win against Matthias

Chicagoland Tourney
Army = Nilfheim, Raelin, Marro Warriors, Krav, 2X Deathreavers
results 4-1
Random notes: same army as funrun's GenCon 2007 army

Austin, MN Tourney
Army = 3X Gladiatrons, 2X Blastatrons, Raelin, Isamu, Marcu
results 5-0
Random notes: beat Matthias, deliverymanxas, K-Boom, and I BEAT Q9!

2008 GenCon Valkyrie General Battle
Army = 4X 4th Mass, New Sgt. Drake
results 4-1
Random notes: was Jandar champ, lost to lonewolf for overall title in last game

Deathwalker Jumpstart
Army = Dund, Agent Skahen, Krav, Laglor, Otonashi
results 0-1
Random notes: yes, the above is not a typo :), I played Dund, lost to Kahrma

2008 GenCon Championship
Army = 4X Glads, 2X Blasts, Raelin
results 9-0
Random notes: beat Brownsfan82, gamjuven, Southwest Ninja, and lonewolf in final

2008 Mindshackle
Army = 4X Stingers, 3X Rats, Ne-Gok-Sa
results 4-0
Random notes: beat Supergeek, KaBoomBoomBoom, and jacob_jp in final

2008 Rochester Gamers Reunion
Army = 4X 10th Regiment of Foot, Raelin, Brunak, Marcu
results 4-1
Random notes: beat Clarissimus, and Momo, loss to JEXIK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Redcoatz r teh sux

Army = 3x Gladiatrons, 2x Blastatrons, Raelin, KMA
results 3-2
Random notes: Lost to fomox. First losses in tourneys with Trons.

Nebraska Skirmish 2008
Army = 3x Minions of Utgar, Cyprien, Sonya
results 3-2
Random notes:LOST TO MATTHIAS who took my TTO title away from me, too. :cry:

Well, those are all of my tournament results. My total record is 94-19 with one tie.

Marlboro College Fall Brawl (500 points)
Marrden Hounds x2

Record: 1-4 (17th place)

The army I played today was a lot of fun and very competitive. Each loss my opponent had only 1 or 2 figures remaining and I just kept getting very unlucky at the end. I would definitely recommend trying this army.

Marlboro vs the World =500
DW 8000-130
2x Marrden hounds-180

UConn =450
3xMarrden Hounds-270

I'm interested to see the Marrden Hounds in these armies. Would you mind sharing your experiences with them? How did they fare vs. armies with Glads/Blasts, Deathreavers, or Q9?

Fall Brawl, Nov 2008, Vt (500pts, no glyphs)
Deathstalkers x2, Raelin (RotV), Kaemon Awa, Syvarris.
Won against: Guido, Bengi, Habeo_Bukkit, ToddRenn; lost against: Onacara.
Results: 4-1 (2nd in a field of 20)

Very interesting army. I immediately notice the range superiority that your army seems to have, both in terms of Syvarris' 9 range and the mobility of the Deathstalkers.
Just got back from the Youngstown tournament.

540 points:
4x KoW
Sir Gilbert

Win against Brownsfan.

Result 3-2. Had some bad luck in come my losses (not being able to defend hurts and played a Q9, 6x Stingers army). Could have done better, could have done worse. But, Isamu came through for me in one of my wins.

This puts me at 14-5 for a 74% win rate. Dropped my win rate by 5%. That really hurts. Got another tournament coming up in about a month. Should help me out.