• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

TORONTO, CANADA Heroscape gamers.

Allo All,

I want to get a game going either this weekend or next. June 6-7 and Jun 13-14 are both options. My Goal is to get 4 player (at least). If we get 4 or more players we can have a mini tounament and I will supply a Heroscape Figure prize.

My Place is always open, but if anyone else wants to host I'm open to it. I'm at Dundas and Bloor, in the west but would be willing to travel to get this going.

The sooner you e-mail me back the sooner we can get a game going. New players are totally welcome.

Hey guys,

I typically play with buddies of mine in multi-player games, but I'd be down to mix things up a bit and play some Heroscape in the GTA sometime.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend either or those dates. Also, I'm pretty much unavailable on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Otherwise, we can work something out.


Hello Fellow Canadain Scapers

Looks like we will have our own NHSD (National Heroscape Day) Event. It will cost 10$ to play and we have room for 10-20 players. The Event will take place at Dueling Grounds: www.dueling-grounds.com. They are at the corner of Bloor and Dufferin and there is "free" parking a short walk away at the Dufferin Grove Mall. You can get full directions at their website. We will be meeting at 11:30 and playing from 12:00 till we are done, which I hope will be around 6~7.

I don't yet have the specifics of how the Tournment will be run, But rest assured that the organizers will have a very fair and interesting gameday planed. Prizes will be awared to the day's winners including more scape, possibly including some exclusives. Expect more information to follow in the comming days. If this event goes well we might be looking at a quarterly event in Toronto.

We are also looking for people willing to help set up who can bring a few master sets to create maps. If you would like to help out please send me a PM.

Good News!!! The well-know Toronto gamestore THE HAIRY TARANTULA has recently opened its third store in the north end of Toronto at Yonge and Steeles. I went up there yesterday and spoke to the owner himself (his name is Leon and he's always there on Saturdays). I asked him if it would be ok for us to play Heroscape games in his store and he said it would be great, as long as I booked ahead of time.

For those who know what I'm talking about, this store is much larger than his Yonge and Dundas stores combined!!! I kid you not. He's got plenty of space because he's rented the entire mini-plaza's basement. We could easily play 8-10 simulatenous games of Heroscape. All I need is for those of you who are interested in setting up a Saturday (?) game day to chime in and let me know you're interested.

If I can get at least half a dozen people to come, I can set up a round-robin tournament and we can even have prizes (Leon stocks Heroscape too, lots of it. I bought my 2 D&D Heroscape sets in his store). If you guys want, I'd be happy to set up the scenarios and the game day. Please let me know even if you're just interested in meeting and playing casually at the new store.

Hope to hear from you.
:bump: Come on guys, let's get together and play. There's no excuse. I've got Wriggz on board willing to help organize. He's proven himself capable already (18 turned out in the very first event he organized with me as his second). We can't do it without all of you.
I've been looking for a local T-Dot game since the October event (my 1st). The new Harry-T store is great, and I too have made a few purchases from this location. The prices are reasonable, and the guys are friendly. As for space... Yeah, they've got plenty!

Confirm a date and time and I'll be there. I'm sure that a few of the guys north of the city from the Barrie/Newmarket crew would also be in attendance.
airdroppers said:
Any info on the tourney is helpful so definitely let me know. Because if there are prizes involved I might convince some of my friends to go.
Also got this message.
I'm a little east of the city (Whitby), but would definitely try to make it in for some 'scape. I'm pretty new to it, but my collection is growing, and am itching for more games.

As an aside, I know about HairyT and 401 Games, but are there any other FLGS either downtown or east of the city that stock HS? I don't mind buying online, but love eyeballing the goods in person.
Greetings, everyone.

This evening I played Heroscape with fellow member Airdroppers and his charming girlfriend at THE HAIRY TARANTULA game store located on the Southeast corner of Yonge and Steeles. It was great! We even met another Heroscaper who definitely
wanted to play in the future.

I would like to set up game days/afternoons/nights there on Fridays and Saturdays. The owner, Leon, really digs us and is happy to accomodate. Please get in touch with me right here in this thread if you'd like to participate in what could potentially develop into a great Heroscape Hub.

This is the time to get in on this. Don't miss out on the fun! :excited::excited::excited::excited:
padlock said:
I'm definitely interested in attending another tourny. The last one was a lot of fun.

Another Scaper puts his hat into the ring!
Toronto Treasure Tournament

Date: March 13 2010
Location: 6979 Yonge St. Toronto M2M 3X9
Cost: TBD

- Premade 500 point army with AT LEAST 1 hero.
- Order Markers
- Wound Markers
- Combat Dice

Restrictions: Marvel and customs figures will not be allowed. Repaints using official figures are okay.

Objective: Each map will have 1 Treasure Glyph in the centre. The player who controls the treasure glyph after the end of 50 minutes of complete rounds wins the match. The winner collects the Treasure Glyph to be used in the next match. The 2 players with the most Treasure Glyphs after 5 games face off in a death match to determine the Tournament Winner.

1. No squad figure may occupy a treasure Glyph until it has been first picked up by a Hero.
2. Squad figures may not carry Glyphs but may block a figure from taking a Glyph once it has been dropped by a Hero.
3. If a Hero kills an adjacent squad figure occupying a space containing a treasure that Hero receives the treasure.
4. A treasure Glyph is considered under your control if being carried by a hero or occupied by a Squad figure.
5. If the treasure Glyph is under no ones control at the end of the match the player with the most points in Heroes wins.
6. If all heroes are no longer in play then greatest number of squad figures wins.
7. If an army is completely destroyed before then end of time, it is considered an automatic win.

Maps: Maps will be randomly selected by the Tournament Administrators for fairness and size. They will Include one master set and one standard expansion. Please be familiar with Rules regarding Snow and Ice, Lava, Jungle, Swamp, Water, Castle and Road Movement.

Rulings: Questions regarding rules will be settled at the discretion of the tournament Administrators. If this is still unsatisfactory disagreements will be settled in the THUNDERDOME! Two men enter, one man leaves.

ATTENTION: PLEASE PM or EMAIL me if you are attending I need to know numbers ASAP.

David Riggs
Has this turned into a reoccurring game?

While I'll be attending Wriggs Treasure Tournament, I'd like to get a few games against others beforehand to test out new armies and what not.

Let me know specific times and dates that you guys usually play and I'll attend, heck, I might even drag the Wifey out. She plays as well, but has an affinity for the Marvel armies. :roll:


Greetings, everyone.

This evening I played Heroscape with fellow member Airdroppers and his charming girlfriend at THE HAIRY TARANTULA game store located on the Southeast corner of Yonge and Steeles. It was great! We even met another Heroscaper who definitely
wanted to play in the future.

I would like to set up game days/afternoons/nights there on Fridays and Saturdays. The owner, Leon, really digs us and is happy to accomodate. Please get in touch with me right here in this thread if you'd like to participate in what could potentially develop into a great Heroscape Hub.

This is the time to get in on this. Don't miss out on the fun! :excited::excited::excited::excited:
Has this turned into a reoccurring game?

While I'll be attending Wriggs Treasure Tournament, I'd like to get a few games against others beforehand to test out new armies and what not.

Let me know specific times and dates that you guys usually play and I'll attend, heck, I might even drag the Wifey out. She plays as well, but has an affinity for the Marvel armies. :roll:


Greetings, everyone.

This evening I played Heroscape with fellow member Airdroppers and his charming girlfriend at THE HAIRY TARANTULA game store located on the Southeast corner of Yonge and Steeles. It was great! We even met another Heroscaper who definitely
wanted to play in the future.

I would like to set up game days/afternoons/nights there on Fridays and Saturdays. The owner, Leon, really digs us and is happy to accomodate. Please get in touch with me right here in this thread if you'd like to participate in what could potentially develop into a great Heroscape Hub.

This is the time to get in on this. Don't miss out on the fun! :excited::excited::excited::excited:

Me and Sarpedon are playing at the Hairy Tarantula today at 4:30 and we only started doing this since last week. We generally meet up once a week to play. Feel free to drag your wife to, my girlfriend joins us so it wont be an all guys thing.

If you are interested just PM me or Sarpedon
I'm totally Jealous!

I've been itching to play, but the time does not work. Perhaps I'll beable to make a game next week.
I'm totally Jealous!

I've been itching to play, but the time does not work. Perhaps I'll beable to make a game next week.

We'd love to have you all (Chrispi and wife and Wriggz) join us here at the Hairy Tarantula Game Store on Friday afternoons. I'm also available tomorrow if someone would like to get together to play either at the store or my house. If you're coming to the store tonight, Chrispi, please let me know so I can bring an extra ready-to-play scenario on a project cardboard.

Wriggz, I would like to attend the tourney on March 13. Have you received the go-ahead from Leon? Let me know. If not, I'll talk to him at the store tonight. Stay well.
:fencing: HEROSCAPE TOURNAMENT :starwars:

The tournament will be on March 13, 2010
located at 6979 Yonge Street in Toronto on
the Southeast corner of Yonge and Steeles
under EB Games (starting at noon).

Organizer par excellence Wriggz will run the
event with the "uncommon" Sarpedon as his
second. Contact Wriggz ASAP if you plan to
attend. The fee is $10 and the store owner
Leon said ALL the money will go toward the
prizes! Limited spaces available, don't delay!

:woot: :utgar::aquilla::vydar::ullar::einar::jandar: :woot:

What a great game evening I just had with Airdroppers and his girlfriend. They are truly the "first couple" of Heroscape in Toronto. Love you guys! I just want to remind you all that I'll be available to play Heroscape tomorrow at the Hairy Tarantula Game Store at Yonge and Steeles. If you want to get together for a game, please PM me ASAP.
Everyone is welcome, I've got plenty of stuff prepared.
Hope to see you tomorrow.

Had a real nail-biter of a game tonight against fellow Heroscapers member Chrispi at
the (you guessed it!) HAIRY TARANTULA GAME STORE. Chrispi played an excellent, competitive game using Ana, Raelin, Darak, Syvarris and Sonlen (I know, I couldn't
believe it either, but, somehow, he makes it work). The tide finally turned decisively
in my favour when I managed to heal 3 wounds on my Major Q9 when he stumbled
upon a healing potion. Nevertheless, what a battle!

Come on out to the store, guys. It's a blast. I'm having so much fun with my new friends/opponents, I don't even have time to write verbose posts! What are you
waiting for? The store is there and the competition is top-notch in Toronto!

Thanks again for organizing a great game! I think you're giving me too much credit. The game and was fantastic, but I got served.
The D-20 was not my friend, and I really didn't get my 100pts worth out of Ana. I love the idea of two D-20 rolls to remove wounds on each activation of Sonlen when Ana is adjacent, but it really helps if the D-20 is cooperating. LoL!

I'll hook up with you guys again in the near future as soon as I return from my business trip!



Had a real nail-biter of a game tonight against fellow Heroscapers member Chrispi at
the (you guessed it!) HAIRY TARANTULA GAME STORE. Chrispi played an excellent, competitive game using Ana, Raelin, Darak, Syvarris and Sonlen (I know, I couldn't
believe it either, but, somehow, he makes it work). The tide finally turned decisively
in my favour when I managed to heal 3 wounds on my Major Q9 when he stumbled
upon a healing potion. Nevertheless, what a battle!

Come on out to the store, guys. It's a blast. I'm having so much fun with my new friends/opponents, I don't even have time to write verbose posts! What are you
waiting for? The store is there and the competition is top-notch in Toronto!
Hi, again, guys.

You know the drill. Friday afternoon at the Hairy Tarantula Game Store. Be there or be square. Heroscape is only for hexagonals!
Wow. Just wow.

Our gaming sessions at the HAIRY TARANTULA GAME STORE keep on getting better and better! Yesterday, I had the pleasure of meeting up with Wriggs, Cosmic and Airdroppers. What great games! The play of Airdroppers is improving by leaps and bounds. I often win, but yesterday it was my turn to get "served"; I lost all three games! :wtf:

I'm not used to such streaks, but I still had a great time. If you're still on the fence, I have just one question:

:star: Wouldn't you rather be playing Heroscape?
Thanks guys for being so welcoming, and helping out with my forgotten order markers and dice :oops:

I had a lot of fun with the scenario, and was bummed my visit was cut so short. Hopefully I'll be able to make it this Friday.
Hello fellow Toronto Heroscapers!

Friday is fast-approaching and the HAIRY TARANTULA GAME STORE (at Yonge and Steeles) is the place to meet for some afternoon/evening Heroscaping. Please let me know if you're coming so that I can set up an appropriate number of maps. Otherwise, you may find yourself having to sit out and we wouldn't want that!