• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

TORONTO, CANADA Heroscape gamers.

:drunk: :beer: :toast:

Sat June 21st is the next TABSCon for those in and around the GTA. If you wish to play HeroScape at the con I believe Xombie has requested it be put on the schedule for that day so come on down and get a fix. The con runs from 09ooh-21ooh. PM me or check earlier posts in this thread for the address or click the link in my sig and get the address from TABS.

Hope you folks can make it!!
We need to find a way to organize canadian scapers and have a network of tournies. The reason for this is I would like to be able to declare a canadian champion and find a way to send them to gencon to play against the best the U.S. has to offer. And eventually once other countries get into scape have a world championship. that would kick ass
I'm all for tournies, but it'd be nice just to get a simple game going once in awhile. Where are all the players in Toronto? They have to exist ...

Norseman, I'll make the TABSCon.

Right now I'm 75% likely to make TABSCon in June. I'll bring some of my HeroScape stuff if my wife gives me a lift if she doesn't I'll have to use TTC thus I'll be travelling fairly light. I may be able to clear up more Saturdays in the future and could arrange to get some HeroScape time in by either hosting at my place or travelling to your place or somewhere like 401 Games. I'll get back to you.
Bump.........Any interest in trying to find a place/date to play some friendly games of this? I haven't played this for over a year and would like to see it get some play time.
I'll be off the week between Christmas/New years and may be able to host on the Monday or Tuesday.
I just got this game at Christmas... poured through the posts and was dismayed to find that you can't find any product in Canada!! /sad

Scoured all my usual haunts, and I managed to find a Rise of the Valkyrie set for $60 bucks... Can't find any small expansion sets (except the ToysrUs in Pickering had some hidden in tha back that I had to ask for...)

Why is this game so hard to find? And is there a good place on the east end to play/buy more product?
Three places to find product in Ontario, The Game shop (.ca) in Aurora, Sir-Games-Alot in Barrie, J&J's in Kitchener. All 3 have product on their shelves. ToyRus in Newmarket still has TT in stock.
I'm up for a friendly game on the east end... is it just you interested Norseman?

I've been playing mostly against my kids at the moment, but wouldn't mind some friendly adult games to see if I've interpreted the rules correctly.
I was contacted by a new member in the west end so I bumped this thread. I'm actually waiting to hear back from someone on TABS about meeting on Saturday and if he is unavailable I could host you at my place that afternoon. I'll get back to you on that.
Guess I'm the new guy, horrah! Sarcasm is totally lost on a form. Anyhow I'm itching to test out my new armies. I have singles of almost everything (except wave 1 and 4) but find it difficult to by multiple packs.

I'm up for hosting, but that would mean cleaning... so a casual game would be cool. I'm best for weekends, but the odd Wednesday would be good to.

Okay I'll see about next wednesday as Sat has been booked with some Hex and Counter wargaming Goodness!!!!!!!
If I'm free we can either meet at 401 Games (401 Yonge St) or my place depending on where you are coming from. As I posted earlier I haven't played since TABSCon in Jun of '07 so I'd like to ge this on the table soonest.
Watch this thread/your inbox for more news.
Allo All

I'm Thinking of getting a game going for Saturday. I figure a 400-500 point army, no customs, and marvel will be accepted on a case by case basis. My place is easy TTC acceptable right by Dundas West Station. I have a good set of figures and tiles, but if you got your own army feel free to bring 'em. I'm willing to host up to 4 players, but even a 2 player game would be fun.

Let me know what time would be best.

Thanks for the games Wriggz!

Norseman, you missed out on two fun, and epic to a certain degree, battles. Wriggz won both fights, the first being an assault the fortress type run, where both Major Q9 and Krug performed horribly for my team, and the star ended up being Ne-Gok-Sa whom I never intended to do much with... But he managed to keep Wriggz running scared from his mind shackle ability.

Wriggz winged angel army pounded the crap out of me, with the funniest tale being the viking champions that were meant to die early on so he could get the benefit of the Auras, but never managed to die until late in the game.

The second was kind of a themed battle, where I was the undead vampire team (the Eisenweins, and some werewolves, and zombies) against Wriggz Samarai, Monk, and one lowly dastardly ninja (Isamu) team.

The battle was completely one sided with Cyprien chewing up half of Wriggz army before I stopped chill touching because we wanted to see what Samurai vs. Zombie would net us. The answer is a lot of dead zombies.

But never count a game over 'til its over... Isamu, yes... ISAMU, ran around and killed off my army. He proved impossible to kill with the vanish triggering off for Wriggz round after round, and he won the game, prompting us to rename the army THE NINJA, and some samurai and monks (who my wolves ate in one quick round without them having done anything)

All in all, it was fun.
Allo All,

Having Discovered the eternal truths that samuri beat zombies, vampires beat samuri, and a single crappy ninja beat vampires and werewolves it is time to put even greater hypothosis to the test.

Robots verses dragons?
buisness men verse demons?
lavamen verse dino riding orc?
angels verse elves?

What better way to learn these lessons then a round of heroscape! I suggest Sunday March 1st, if you guys are up for it.

Robots verses dragons?

Robots! Those dragon's are too hard to move around the board and the range and defense on some of the soulborgs is sick. It would be a great match though...

buisness men verse demons?

Wait... aren't they one and the same? =)

lavamen verse dino riding orc?

I'd like to see that Dino chomp down on some lava rock... I expect he'd lose some teeth.

angels verse elves?

Hmmm.... not sure how this one would go. But isn't that like "my little pony" fighting "the care bears". I mean... who would throw the first punch?

Should have suggested Gruts vs. Elves, or Angels vs. Vampires...

Cap. America, Drake, and the AE vs. an all Marro army with the hive... hmmm.... that could be epic!

** edited for spelling
Myself and Wriggz are going to be playing this evening at my place in Etobicoke. We may be getting a regular game going if people are interested in joining us. I can host at my place and pick people up from the Kipling subway station if that helps.

So Alex and I battled it out in the West end. Racken' Fraken' Samurai Archers. Samurai shouldn't have bows, and arrows shouldn't be able to damage robotic armor. Crappy robot.

All vengence aside, (anger soothed by Cyprien mopping the floor with Braxas and runa), we had an excellend final match. It came down to tarn vikings, raelin and a squad of archers againt 3 red coats. By the end it was a one on one battle between one red coat an one viking. It was epic! I didn't mind losing since it was so awsome!

Hopefull this is the start of a healthy heroscape group in the GTA.
So Alex and I battled it out in the West end. Racken' Fraken' Samurai Archers. Samurai shouldn't have bows, and arrows shouldn't be able to damage robotic armor. Crappy robot.
I have a lot of love for those little guys :D

Also fellas, game at my pad this Thursday (March 19th) at 6 or so ... so far it's just me and David but there is always room for more. I'd also be up for some early evening scape this coming Satuday (March 21st) too, right after the huge pillow fight in front of city hall (yes I'm serious) in downtown Toronto.

Message me if you'd like to get some gaming in.
Thursday April 2, there is a open gaming night at Dueling Grounds at Bloor and Dundas. I plan on going with my heroscape set to see if I can't bring a few more toronto's gamers to the table. Vets are always welcome, To show potential newbs how it is done.

Thursday April 2, there is a open gaming night at Dueling Grounds at Bloor and Dundas. I plan on going with my heroscape set to see if I can't bring a few more toronto's gamers to the table. Vets are always welcome, To show potential newbs how it is done.

I'll need directions David but unless I get stuck working late on Thursday (murphy's law) I'm willing to come out and mix it up. I need my scape fix.
Heroscape match this thursday At Dueling Grounds! starts at 5:00 with lots of other gaming going on.

Dueling Grounds is located at 2222 Dundas St. W.


Driving in from west of Toronto: Take the 427 south to the Gardiner Expressway if applicable. Follow the Gardiner Expressway eastbound into downtown Toronto and take the Jameson turnoff (just before the Exibition grounds). Follow Jameson north to King St. and turn left (west). Follow King St. westbound until it ends turning north at an intersection with Queen St. Drive north through the intersection (McDonald's on your left) onto Roncesvalles Ave. until you reach a Y intersection where Roncesvalles meets Dundas St. Our store is on the large curve by those lights.

Heroscape will live in Toronto!
I'm willing to host games at my place in Etobicoke (I can pick people up from the Kipling subway station and drop off at same station afterwards).

So far it is normally myself, David, and potentially his gf and mine ... A city of over 4.5 million people, and only two scapers that can meet on a semi-regular basis? C'mon.