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Today in HeroScape!

Today is National Read a Book Day. I’m not going to get much else done if I read a whole book today, but I could get through a quick “Book Of” here on the forums. Or the Codex. What’s the best “Book of” ? (For classic Scape.)
Today is World Beard Day. Put some dwarves into play today! Maybe an epic dwarves vs. elves battle?

How many HS figs have beards?
Today is Hug Your Hound Day. Play an army with Dund, Marrden Hounds, Marrden Nagrubs, and/or the Wolves of Badru today!

EDIT: And Kita for AOA, also Deathstalkers.
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Today is Teddy Bear Day. Good thing you preordered Knight Irene and those Frostclaw Paladins! They act tough, but they love to cuddle.

It’s also National When Pigs Fly Day. Unfortunately, there are no official HeroScape Orcs with Flying. Any customs? Any combos that get those Orcs airborne?
Theracus can carry an orc, so assuming he is flying while carrying the orc ...?
Yeah, I know the card says to place after moving, but thematically, we can say the orc was carried while Theracus was flying.

Then the Wyvern can talon grab an opponents orc and again thematically the orc is flying since the Wyvern has to be flying to use talon grab.

Also, not really flying, but an orc can jump off a cliff and "fly" for a short time or better said: "fall with style" (bonus points for knowing the reference).

Edit: thought of one more: Jotun could throw an orc, so it would be "flying" sort of ;)
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You’re a HS genius! One army with Orcs and Theracus (unconventional!) against an army with two Wyverns. Keep count of how many times they fly with Orcs. Whoever made more Orcs fly by the end of Round 6 wins!
Today is National Police Woman Day. That's a challenge in HS, for sure. I think Knight Irene and the Nakita Agents are the closest to legitimate law enforcement. Have them try and arrest some pirates and those Goblin Cutters.
Today in HeroScape we have another two-fer: 1) It's National Coloring Day, so get those AoA minis painted! 2) It's also National "Food is Medicine" Day. Marrden Nagrubs literally heal their Hivelords by being eaten! So play all your Nagrubs with Su-Bak-Na, Tor-Kul-Na, and/or Wo-Sa-Ga and chow down! Or just play Grimnak and eat your enemies. It won't heal him, but it's tough medicine for your opponent.
Don't forget the Shades of Bleakewood with the "soul devour" for the "food..." day. A little bit of a stretch, but they devour your opponent's soul and take control of them - a literal "you are what you eat" scenario :rolleyes:
Don't forget the Shades of Bleakewood with the "soul devour" for the "food..." day. A little bit of a stretch, but they devour your opponent's soul and take control of them - a literal "you are what you eat" scenario :rolleyes:
Not exactly in the healthy spirit of National "Food is Medicine" Day, but if we include the zombies and the vampires we can field two decent armies of units that consume and heal/multiply and they can fight it out!
Today is World Afro Day! Celebrate by sending our favorite Nakita Agent - with her awesome, natural hair! - on a mission to rescue her fellow Nakitas who have been Mind Shackled by Kee-Mo-Shi! Angela will lead a team of Krav Maga and Microcorp agents into the Marro swamp to save her squad mates:

[Warning: I have not done any playtesting of this card or scenario. If you do play it out, let me know how it goes!]

You may not play Agent Carr today because he shaves his head! (National Bald is Beautiful Day was two days ago, but I went with the more obvious Friday the 13th theme.)
It's Collect Rocks Day: Play the Granite Guardians and "show" the enemy their rock collection!
It’s World Water Monitoring Day, aren’t you excited? Amazingly, HeroScape is even ready for this weird holiday. If you haven’t already, play Scenario 4: The Wellspring’s Woe from the Battle for the Wellspring battle box. It’s all about Ewashia and her pets ‘monitoring’ and protecting the wellspring waters so the pirates can’t poison them.
It's National Punch Day, so time to play some Marvel HeroScape! (I think maybe they intended the holiday for the fruit and liquor based drink, so if you have a punch recipe that you think should be the official HS Punch, feel free to share.)
Today is the International Day of Peace - Krug that! They don’t want you to play HeroScape at all!

Luckily, it’s also National Dance Day! So time to bring back this weird HS classic:

I remember when I first saw it 16 years ago. My kids also made lots of stop motion vids, mostly with their Nintendo 3DSes.

Which HeroScape units would make the best dancers? I think Nakita Agents would rock the dance floor in their disco-white outfits. I bet the boys in the Airborne Elite have some old-school swing moves too.
It's National 'Girls' Night In' Day (the people behind this may be a little fuzzy on what a 'day' is). For HeroScape purposes, you don't have to be a girl to participate! Just make an army of all girl figures and say 'they're just pillow-fighting' when they massacre the enemy!

Who's in your all-girl army?

Note that today is also World Rhino Day and National Elephant Appreciation Day. Unfortunately, we don't have either of these awesome beasts in HeroScape yet (but show me those cool C3V units!).