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Time for some new Approved Terrain

@lefton4ya, yeah, this is in the same vein as that project. To represent your cryptoliths in virtualscape, are you doing something similar with alternate starting zone dots to represent where the cryptoliths will be placed? I’m not sure how to incorporate the cardboard map pieces though. We would include the cryptoliths in here for sure if they weren’t already part of the aotv project.
Again see our Pillar of Hár (Crypolith) currently in Playtesting, but would be awesome if someone can make a 3D version to add to VirtualScape. Right now we just sub in Fortress walls to represent it. The AoTP mats are easily represented with other terrain, and we can use VS' built in "customer terrain" and yellow sides for sand.

One other idea is to make terrain that can either be 3D printed OR "papercraft". For instance, WotC officially released Papercraft Hedrons but @Toshi Umezawa made a 3-hex 3D stl version for it and JustAnotherPrinterGuy made a 1-hex 3d stl version as well. See Hedron Horde - NEW - Special Rule Suggestion. I am not saying the Hedron is something we should add for this project, just using it as an example of doing both cardboard and 3D printed version of something to make more accessible.


3D Printed:

Just an interject. 3d printing is a powerful avenue of access, especially for the hex part of designs but DIY solutions for terrain that are widely available might also be a good consideration.

LOS blockers that have no powers or effects on the figures directly would be great additions as well.
Just an interject. 3d printing is a powerful avenue of access, especially for the hex part of designs but DIY solutions for terrain that are widely available might also be a good consideration.

LOS blockers that have no powers or effects on the figures directly would be great additions as well.

As I stated above, there should be a section for pieces that can be interactive, and a section for passive terrain such as los blockers that have no game effects. I’d prefer not to have plain Jane los blockers fill up the thread as standalone pieces. If there is an interactive piece of terrain that you want to put in that has some effect that comes with some other los pieces in a cool set Id be for that. As an example, I can go on thingiverse and scale just about anything to a hex space and print it out for the game to sit on the board. That in itself doesn’t add much to the game. As a cool set that adds some fun stuff I can see that as a viable addition. I’m hoping that makes sense. There are quite a few cool things out there that can be tacked on to a hex. In general I’m hoping for this to be a 3D print file depository for 3D terrain. While paper craft is fine, perhaps a version of the object as paper craft and stl would be better. With as many 3D printers and printing services out there this is the avenue I’d want to go.
As an almost exclusive builder and not so much the game player, I often find myself asking for slightly different variations of tiles. If I only had THIS color it would look great! For example, palm tree bases that aren’t the swamp green, but instead the traditional grass tile. Might have to print one of those off. I like to stay on point with original HS, but for a game that is no longer produced, that’s just temporary.