Sir Heroscape
Sir Formerly Known As adoney
Welcome to My Trade Thread!
I make custom Ticalla Jungle terrain, and quite honestly it's better than the Heroscape expansion. My positive trades speak for themselves, b/c people like it and want it! I mean, who really wants to pay a hundred dollars for a few jungle trees and some spiders anyway?! My trees are very sturdy and good quality, check out the pictures below.
There will be one large tree, accompanied by 2 smaller ones, just like the original set. The Jungle pieces for the bushes used by Hasbro in the original Ticalla set have been found!! There are 4 plants that go into the original bushes, 3 of which can be found for EXACT matches. I use the 3 exact matches for my bushes and an alternate.

This is a high quality product and I put in a lot of time to make these, which is significant b/c like most of you I'm a full-time father, husband, student and employee as well as an avid finding time to do this is valuable, but still cheaper than you buying the rare Heroscape jungle set. All sales will be through PayPal. I will not ship internationally. All shipments will be carefully boxed and padded, USPS tracking included. I will not begin building the set for you until we've agreed on a trade or sale. If you are buying, I require payment up front. Once I've completed your set I'll send tracking info. Expect ~2weeks from time of purchase to time of shipping.
In summary:
Full set = $50 + FREE SHIPPING
Special Offer: $40/set for anyone attending ScapeCon 2022!!!
(I'm open to either trading or selling...but trading is preferred)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Full set = $50 + FREE SHIPPING
Special Offer: $40/set for anyone attending ScapeCon 2022!!!

(I'm open to either trading or selling...but trading is preferred)
Heroscape Wants
Capuans X1
Repulsors X4
Deepwrym Drow X3
Good trades with: GUILD_WARRIOR, Tiranx X2, CrazyTankster X3, dart48 X2, reverie, Raudalfr Shieldcrusher, Porkins, TheSparkleInYourWater, Kramdb X2, Scott H. (2 sets, local trade), OrcElfArmyOne X2, arp12 X4, The 4th Horseman, I LIKE PI, Brad E., Rathburn, Spritemichealer, dreamscaper, BiggaBullfrog, Scaperedude, CJtheMighty, Leaf_It X3, AznScape, WarBeast, Anthony(YouTube Subscriber), Cristian(YouTube Subscriber), thehandofzarquon, The Dewk X2, Pentius, Jet, Tom, RedWorld, Fireemblemrox, 09167, VVildeyedjoker, Jet, heroscaper2010
Pending Trades with:
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