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The Story Behind Your Username/Picture


New member
Thought it would be cool if you could share the story behind your Username or picture.

Username: Marro are awesome! I guess the Warlords are cool...

Picture: I am a Metroid Fan.

So, what are the untold stories of your username?
My name is James...I played baseball and typically baseball players are jokesters and apparently I was a trickster. By changing one letter in my name I got the nickname japes.

My favorite characters are Batman and Wolverine and IamBatman kinda cornered the market on Batman avatars so ... My son dressed up as Wolverine.
Well, I like Heroscape (no big surprise there).

My avatar (at the moment), is Terra from Teen Titans. I grew up on that show, so she kinda has a special place in the characters I like. Considering changing it to something from Kingdom Hearts though (which is my favorite video game series).
Well, I like Heroscape (no big surprise there) and I am a Guy.

My avatar (at the moment), is Terra from Teen Titans. I grew up on that show, so she kinda has a special place in the characters I like. Considering changing it to something from Kingdom Hearts though (which is my favorite video game series).

There...now your name story is complete
My name, Ninja Status, relates to the old summer days when I'd beat my brother at heroscape with Isamu (vanish was always on my side :twisted:)

My avatar changes fairly often, though the current and previous ones have been the angel Castiel from Supernatural.
Pic is Venoc Warlord, naturally.

My name is the Mega form of Silverman, a superhero I created. It has no relation to MegaSilver, the Super Sentai character.
My username comes from one of the toughest Doom enemies, the Arch-vile. I'm a big fan of the video game Doom; as a young kid my grandpa would play it while I watched. It made me scared of the dark then, but that didn't stop me from asking him to play it again and again. :) Man, this whole paragraph makes me feel old.

My favorite classic heroscape figures are the samurai, so I had a Tagawa Samurai as my avatar for a while. Then I changed it around christmastime to put a santa hat on this picture. Once the holiday season ended, I removed the hat, and here we are.
Funny enough I don't know half the story behind my name. I decided upon it long before I actually joined, back when my brother utger_man was making battle reports. We needed names to go by and at the time I was pretty hooked on the Marro (still am) and wanted it to have something to do with them, he then came up with the name Marrowick.

My current picture was influenced by my name. I decided that I should have a picture of Ne-Gok-Sa as my profile picture and being a writer for the Codex I asked Evar_Scarcarver to add the Codex symbol to it.
I got my user name from a lonely little Roman archer, my last miniature on the board. He killed a two life Krug, and a legend was born. When I decided to make my user name, I decided to honor him. Orgersbane. One misspelling later, and you get orgsbane! Close enough ;)

My avatar is Sirus fighting a dragon, from the incredibly awesome Infinity Blade games. Also, the dragon is wearing a santa hat cause I'm to lazy to change. It'll work out in my favor soon enough!
I thought these questions looked familiar, and then I remembered that I've answered them before.

My interview from my appearance as Scaper of the Week 53 (or possibly 54):

Who are you?

Father of KidScaper, of course. I used to be DaddyScaper but it turns out my kids got older and someone referred to me online as Daddy, and... I wished & prayed & broke out a tooth and stuck it under my pillow, and in the morning my new name was Dad_Scaper.

Who, or what, is your avatar and how did you come up with your username?

My avatar is from one of my early battle reports, linked here. I loved writing those and taking all the pictures. It was so time intensive, though; I don't have the time anymore and we'd rather just play.

My user name I picked when I thought I'd only be lurking and I've always hated it. It's better now, a little, which goes to show you the power of believing in your dreams.​
I got my user name from a lonely little Roman archer, my last miniature on the board. He killed a two life Krug, and a legend was born. When I decided to make my user name, I decided to honor him. Orgersbane. One misspelling later, and you get orgsbane! Close enough ;)

My avatar is Sirus fighting a dragon, from the incredibly awesome Infinity Blade games. Also, the dragon is wearing a santa hat cause I'm to lazy to change. It'll work out in my favor soon enough!
That's funny, I always thought that you meant it to be "orgsbane" in reference to an "org," which is a monster that made it's appearance in Edition 2 of D&D.

USERNAME. Back in high school, I created an encryption algorithm from scratch. This was before I understood how bad of an idea such a thing was. I had named one of the functions xor_lof, "xor" being the logical operator known as "exclusive or" and "lof" being some sort of abbreviation for what the function acted on; I don't remember the details.

I reflected on how similar the function name was Zorlof, the name of a word processor I had used for the TRS-80 series of computers:


After doing my best to ensure that "xorlof" was (at the time) globally unique, including fairly extensive searches of [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FidoNet"]FidoNet[/ame], Veronica, [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archie_search_engine"]Archie[/ame], and [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wide_area_information_server"]WAIS[/ame], I started using it (and my younger brother decided to start using Zorlof...grrr!) Notice there were no web searches because at the time the web was pretty tiny. WebCrawler might have been around, but I don't remember using it for this most important task. :) Also, I don't think I had good, comprehensive Usenet access at the time, but even if I did, I don't think there would have been a good way to search the current group of messages.

IMAGE. I use various Smurfs for my avatar image because they're Smurfy. Duh! :xorlof:
My name is Ollie and I'm a bespectacled lion.
Whoa, I blinked and I almost missed that one.

IMAGE. I use various Smurfs for my avatar image because they're Smurfy. Duh! :xorlof:
A bit of personal backstory: As a teenager I thought smurfs were pretty much the nadir of popular culture. The cartoons offered nothing as meaningful narrative or as any kind of art - visual, storytelling, audio - and I just thought they were awful. So I melted a bit of one with a light bulb. Yes! I was a delinquent!

No offense, Xorlof. :)
A bit of personal backstory: As a teenager I thought smurfs were pretty much the nadir of popular culture. The cartoons offered nothing as meaningful narrative or as any kind of art - visual, storytelling, audio - and I just thought they were awful.

So I melted a bit of one with a light bulb.

Burn him at the stake!
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I got my user name from a lonely little Roman archer, my last miniature on the board. He killed a two life Krug, and a legend was born. When I decided to make my user name, I decided to honor him. Orgersbane. One misspelling later, and you get orgsbane! Close enough ;)

My avatar is Sirus fighting a dragon, from the incredibly awesome Infinity Blade games. Also, the dragon is wearing a santa hat cause I'm to lazy to change. It'll work out in my favor soon enough!
That's funny, I always thought that you meant it to be "orgsbane" in reference to an "org," which is a monster that made it's appearance in Edition 2 of D&D.

Yeaaaah. It was a clever and obscure reference. Cause I'm cool like that ;) good catch :p
A bit of personal backstory: As a teenager I thought smurfs were pretty much the nadir of popular culture. The cartoons offered nothing as meaningful narrative or as any kind of art - visual, storytelling, audio - and I just thought they were awful.

So I melted a bit of one with a light bulb.

Burn him at the stake!

Brought this conversation to mind from Monty Python
Spoiler Alert!
USERNAME. Back in high school, I created an encryption algorithm from scratch. This was before I understood how bad of an idea such a thing was. I had named one of the functions xor_lof, "xor" being the logical operator known as "exclusive or" and "lof" being some sort of abbreviation for what the function acted on; I don't remember the details.

I reflected on how similar the function name was Zorlof, the name of a word processor I had used for the TRS-80 series of computers:


After doing my best to ensure that "xorlof" was (at the time) globally unique, including fairly extensive searches of FidoNet, Veronica, Archie, and WAIS, I started using it (and my younger brother decided to start using Zorlof...grrr!) Notice there were no web searches because at the time the web was pretty tiny. WebCrawler might have been around, but I don't remember using it for this most important task. :) Also, I don't think I had good, comprehensive Usenet access at the time, but even if I did, I don't think there would have been a good way to search the current group of messages.

IMAGE. I use various Smurfs for my avatar image because they're Smurfy. Duh! :xorlof:
The mystery that has dominated my thoughts for the last year has been solved! Hallelujah!

I got my user name from a lonely little Roman archer, my last miniature on the board. He killed a two life Krug, and a legend was born. When I decided to make my user name, I decided to honor him. Orgersbane. One misspelling later, and you get orgsbane! Close enough ;)

My avatar is Sirus fighting a dragon, from the incredibly awesome Infinity Blade games. Also, the dragon is wearing a santa hat cause I'm to lazy to change. It'll work out in my favor soon enough!
That's funny, I always thought that you meant it to be "orgsbane" in reference to an "org," which is a monster that made it's appearance in Edition 2 of D&D.

Yeaaaah. It was a clever and obscure reference. Cause I'm cool like that ;) good catch :p
Haha! Too late to cover it up. Your secret is out. :p
