• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

The New York City Gang Of Four

Well met!

OK, we have the map and we know it's Heroes of Fiction/Classic/VC. How many points and how many HoF heroes per player?
TWScape Update

With HOF armies already into the GM by K. and Chas, SD's HOF options are shrinking! But TW politely waits before composing his own...what a nice guy!

And BTW: thanks for the simple map build.



My second Good Lantern Army:

Good Lanterns
Star Sapphire (Carol Ferris) 340 (C3G)
Star Sapphire (Uncommon Hero) 140 (C3G)
Blue Lantern (Barry Allen) 325 (Unknown) As 'The Beloved'
Total: 805


In Blackest Night
Black Lantern (William Hand) 475 (C3G)
Black Lantern (Uncommon Hero) x2 250 (C3G)
Total: 825

Dalek Sec 250 (A3n)
Assault Daleks x2.5 (5 figs) 510 (A3n)
Total: 780


Deathstroke 280
Cyborg 200
Kryptonian Soldier 200
Firefly 120
Total: 800

Captain Marvel 360
Booster Gold 290
Batman (Terry McGuiness) 150
Total: 800

These games will be a good first play of Spectrum Lantern Armies/Figures, including 6 of the 8 colors:

Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Violet, and Black!
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I'm going to be playing a fifth game soon on the Illinois Smith board. This will be a solo match using all of the IS rules, but with two opposing Lantern armies. I'll half the glyphs available to four, double the army points from the 4 Player Game, and place the Deployment Zones in the center of each side. This will give me a chance also to playtest the revised Tech Squad (my own custom card).

THE ARMIES: (C3G unless otherwise noted)

Green Lanterns Corps

GL (Kyle Rainer)
GL (Jade)
GL (Killowog)
GL Recruit (Maddog80) x2 250 (Uncommon Hero)
Science Police (85)
Tech Squad (100)
Green Construct: Helicopter Gunship
GC: Mech Warrior
GC: Decoy 50
Total: 1,585

Yellow Lantern Corps

YL Thal Sinestro 330
YL Lyssa Drak 240
YL Jonathan Crane 240
YL Arkillo 310
YL Sinestro Soldier 110 (Uncommon Hero)
Shadow Demon (Qwardian) 130 (Uncommon Hero)
Thunderers of Qward (Qwardian) 130 (2 Figs)
Tech Squad 100

Total: 1,590
Well met!

Inhumans for Illinois Smith scenario:






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Well met!

In both our games Wednesday, Taeblewalker's Charge determined the outcome. We won the first game due to chas' horrible luck, and lost the second after Taeblewalker was eliminated.


By the time Arkillo made it into battle in the first game, it was nearly over. He Evicerated a Star Sapphire that had only 1 Life left just for fun, made another attack or 2, and the game was over.


In the second game, in spite of breaking up my team to rush in behind Taeblewalker, he was wiped out fairly early. I ended up playing 1 OM versus chas' 2 OMs, and lost by only 50 points. I miscalculated badly with Deathstroke's Calculated Defense, and he went down faster than I would have liked. He'll definitely see more playing time in the future.

P.S.: The pictures all came out blurry or badly lit, unfortunately.


I predicted that I would narrowly lose my first game as Good, and win my second as Evil. That's what happened in the main, although the first game was much shorter than anticipated (or than the second game). But as usual, things did not go as expected! K. bet on me to win both games, but that did not happen. I'm sorry the photos did not come out, since we tried to take some very colorful and interesting ones, even taking more time than usual to take them. But we did get to use six out of the eight colored Lantern factions (or parts of them).

[BGame One:[/B]

In both games, I moved my two armies toward each other to meet on the central hill. In the first game this was accomplished. Figuring that TW would charge ahead, I planned to Violet Lantern his first advancing figure, but he got on the hill with OL Larfleeze, and hit me first. On one round he took out my VL (Uncommon). I was still able to gang up on him, but had to take out "my own VL" first, as he turned her into an Orange Construct (we used an orange Classic Fire Demon as proxy). However, because of multipe bad attack rolls, I took many more casualties than expected. When K.'s Arkillo flew up on the hilltop, it took almost everything I had left to deal with it, and soon Luthor came up as well.

I had an interesting time trying to manage all of the Green Constructs. I planned to use the Decoy for Kyle and the two Shields for Killowog. But the Decoy charged ahead to pin down two advancing units, and Kyle did not get a chance to protect it. One Shield did help out Killowog, the other was never materialized. The GLs went down much faster than anyone expected. I don't like to give up power battery tokens, but was ready to do it if a character was threatened with death. However, I never got the chance. Had I been able to carry out my plan of eliminating TW's first OL quickly as per Plan TW, things would have gone better, but it didn't happen.

In addition, the non C3G Blue Lantern (Barry Allen) synergized in a very interesting way with Star Sapphire (Carol Ferris). Using a BL OM to activate him, SS then sacrificed a power battery to go before him, but got to take a battery back thanks to another of his powers before using one up to do so! I did this several times, which should have taken out my targets faster, but I had some unlucky attack die luck, as stated. Still, it was lots of fun to try, and see the odd things that can happen when different designer's cards are juxtaposed!

I'll be trying out a double sized GL team for my next game to further learn about GL management!

Game Two:

Once again I planned to engage TW before K. could come up. This time, however, TW moved up his whole army together. His Captain Marvel engaged with all of the slow Black Lanterns before they could get to the hill. We finished him off finally, but it cost us many power batteries to do so. Then up came Booster Gold right away, and this time we barely managed to take him out. I was able to follow the double teaming plan against TW in that I was able to get one Dalek over to that flank to fire on BG and later TW's last Batman figure, who came right in after BG bought the farm. Only one Black Lantern made it up to the central hill, and eventually joined in the fight against K.

A3n, the Daleks designer (custom Dr. Who villains) said they were tough, and their enemy needed long range characters to beat them. Unfortunately for K. he had none. His Firefly flew over and got one, but the others took him out. Then K. was ambushing and pulling back with Deathstroke effectively.

However, having destroyed TW before K.'s army could come up, I was now free to use the Daleks plus the last Black Lantern to fight in the center against K., using both sets of order markers. This is my usual "wargamy" strategy when playing teams. Of course, when you're running both teams (Sherman Davies not being present that day), coordination is pretty easy to accomplish.

The Daleks shot down all of K.'s characters except Cyborg, while I had nothing left but a mauled Black Lantern and the Dalek Sec (leader). Since we had realized I was ahead on points remaining on the board, it had been looking good for me to win, but now it was close again. However, after the Black Lantern died and the final Tenth Round came up, we realized that not only was I still ahead on points, but my once a game escape power would allow me to evade Cyborg and survive for the win, at which point we called the game in my favor. But boy, it was much closer than we had expected.

Black Lanterns and Daleks; now that some scary Evilness on the table...


Later out at the local pub for dinner, we discussed team tactics among other things, and whether it made more sense to bore right in or wait for your partner to come up; each of my former adversaries advocating for a different tack. I suggested that both team mates had to take timing into account, since trying to coordinate with a partner is very different than either a one on one tournament game or a free for all.

(EDIT): Looking back on that second game, my weakness was that all my units were a slow Movement of 4 (except the head Black Lantern). But although I didn't get everyone together on the central hill this time, I did get to cross one Dalek over to deal with TWs assault by making a distance attack from the hilltop on that flank. Of course, its good to vary your tactics, so the enemy cannot just figure out what you're going to do all the time.

The next group game in about a week next Wednesday will be a free for all, with Taeblewalker Scape and the Heroes of Fiction. I've picked my team, but like to keep it secret while SD is still choosing, and K. still completing his...
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Well met!

Chas and I have already chosen our Heroes of Fiction for Taeblewalker's game. I have Enzio from Assassin's Creed, Dr. Who, and Tanis, a half-Elven archer. With 130 points of Classic/VC remaining, I'm taking Kaemon and Isamu.

I am grateful that our next game is an FFA, but will still sit as far from Taeblewalker as I can.

This thread started out as an elegy to a long standing play group. But now that TW is able to come down frequently from upstate, the NYCG4 continues. And this thread seems to have become a good place to consolidate our local doings, growing by leaps and bounds. So while you'll see us individually all over the site as usual, (and not see some of us working behind the scenes in the big committees, unless you are there too) this has now become the place to check out our varied regular group activities.

Anyone is free to post here about anything we are doing, or how they Scape in their own gang. I know there are many other groups out there playing, but they usually only share how they are playing on the one time Event Threads, which then get buried in old pages. This is unfortunate, so feel free to start your own group thread and show us how you do it, or drop some comments here.

Since we host a four person mini-event regularly each month here in NYC, anyone is free to jump in, either here online or in person--just PM one of us if you will be in NYC and want to come by and join in the madness.

Here In 'The Game Palace' In Brooklyn
Well met!

An email from chas:


Taeblewalker and I just got back from The Complete Strategist, where we were helping to set up the giant Memoir 44 D-Day Landings game for tomorrow (June 6). They had a big carton of FREE miscellaneous Heroclix Supers, from which we both chose some nice figures--I got 20 myself! I was lucky enough to discover a figure which is perfect for a character I just designed last month, as well as a few I'd been hunting for! This got me thinking...

Some of the most fun is deploying one of your own characters on the battlefield! So I propose for my next game that we make up teams of 1,000 points, and each of us must include at least one Supers figure we design ourselves! Other game details to be announced, but it will be a general type scenario where you won't need a particularly specialized character. You will be able to use at least one figure of each of my character levels (Good or Evil; Marvel, DC or Independent), so whoever you design can be included on the team. If you all accept, you've got three months to do one, and I the others can review your design and offer comments to help you develop it (you can post it on the site for other comments as well, and even start your own supers customs thread)!

For me it will be no problem, since I do a figure a month or so these days anyhow, usually someone I really am interested that no one else has made yet. I already have a candidate in mind that I just did as mentioned above, but of course I can choose more than one of my own, as you can, if you want to do that much work. All other designers' Supers cards will be eligible as usual in my games, but not Classic/VC.

For Sherman Davies, he can pick one of his own favorites, taking the opportunity to play test someone new he is just working on or recently finished.

For Taeblewalker and Kolakoski, it will be chance to do a first Super figure, and flex some interesting brain cells...you can even redo someone else's card that you don't think quite does it for you (as long as you give them the credit).

Let me know if this interests you ASAP, and I'm sure we'll have a good time with it!


I not only accept, but have created a unit. All I need are the points, help
to consolidate the wording, and suggestions for a proxy.



LIFE = 5

MOVE = 6

POINTS = ???

Bo Master Reach

For all attacks (Normal and Special), if an opponent's figure is within 2 spaces of Ganjin, and its base is no more than 3 levels above Ganjin's height or 3 levels below Ganjin's base, Ganjin may add 1 to its range when attacking that figure.

Bo Master Special Attack

Range Reach. Attack 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8. Ganjin starts each turn with 8 attack dice. Choose any figure within Reach and attack by rolling
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 attack dice. Ganjin can keep making Special Attacks until he has rolled all 8 attack dice. Ganjin may target the same or different figures with each attack.


Anytime an opponent's figure ends its movement within 5 clear sight spaces of Ganjin, roll a 20-sided die. On a roll of 11 or better, Ganjin may move up to 5 spaces
[and Pole Vault], and will take no leaving engagement attacks.


If Ganjin is attacked by an adjacent figure, roll a 20-sided die. On a roll of 11 or better, Ganjin takes no damage, and the attacker receives a Wound.

[or Pole Vault]

After moving and before attacking, if Ganjin moved at least 3 spaces and is unengaged, he may Pole Vault. Pole Vault has a move of 3. When counting spaces for Pole Vault, ignore elevations.
Ganjin may vault over water without stopping, vault over figures without becoming engaged, and vault over obstacles such as ruins. Ganjin may not vault more than 6 levels up or down in a single vault.

P.S.: Could probably get by without Mushin.

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Well met!





LIFE = 5

MOVE = 5

POINTS = ???

Bo Vault

After moving and before attacking, if Ganjin moved at least 3 spaces and is unengaged, he may Bo Vault.
Bo Vault has a move of 3. When counting spaces for Bo Vault, ignore elevations. Ganjin may vault over water without stopping, vault over figures without becoming engaged, and vault over obstacles such as ruins. Ganjin may not vault more than 6 levels up or down in a single vault.

Bo Reach

For all attacks (Normal and Special), if an opponent's figure is within 2 spaces of Ganjin, and its base is no more than 3 levels above Ganjin's height or 3 levels below Ganjin's base, Ganjin may add 1 to his range when attacking that figure.

Whirling Bo Special Attack

Range Bo Reach. Attack 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8. Ganjin starts each turn with 8 attack dice. Choose any figure within Bo Reach and attack by rolling 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 attack dice. Ganjin can keep making Special Attacks until he has rolled all 8 attack dice. Ganjin may target the same or different figures with each attack.


If an opponent's figure ends its movement within 5 clear sight spaces of Ganjin, and/or attacks Ganjin from an adjacent hex, roll a 20-sided die. On a roll of 11 or better, Ganjin may immediately move up to 5 spaces (and may Bo Vault), and will take no damage. He must end his movement unengaged.

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Scenario Clarification On The ChasScape Challenge

*1,000 Points.

*A Maximum of one A, B, and C Level Character, and any number of D. Super squads allowed, but no Classic/VC units.

*At least one supers character of your own design!

*Characters may be Good or Evil and Marvel, DC, or Independent.

*The Chas Supers Character Levels:

A: 351-500 Points
B: 241-350
C: 201-240
D: Maximum 200

*Any designer's cards with prior GM approval for your army as usual, to prevent the duplication of Unique Heroes, broken cards, etc .
Well met!

Further revision:




LIFE = 5

MOVE = 5

POINTS = ???

Bo Vault

After moving and before attacking, if Ganjin moved at least 3 spaces and is unengaged, he may Bo Vault.
Bo Vault has a move of 3. When counting spaces for Bo Vault, ignore elevations. Ganjin may vault over water without stopping, vault over figures without becoming engaged, and vault over obstacles such as ruins. Ganjin may not vault more than 6 levels up or down in a single vault.

Bo Reach

For all attacks (Normal and Special), if an opponent's figure is within 2 spaces of Ganjin, and its base is no more than 3 levels above Ganjin's height or 3 levels below Ganjin's base, Ganjin may add 1 to his range when attacking that figure.

Whirling Bo Special Attack

Range Bo Reach. Attack 1, 2, 3, or 4. Ganjin starts each turn with 8 attack dice. Choose any figure within Bo Reach and attack by rolling 1, 2, 3, or 4 attack dice. Ganjin can keep making Special Attacks until he has rolled all 8 attack dice. Ganjin may target the same or different figures with each attack.


If an opponent's figure ends its movement within 5 clear sight spaces of Ganjin, and/or attacks Ganjin from an adjacent hex, roll a 20-sided die. On a roll of 11 or better, Ganjin may immediately move up to 5 spaces (and may Bo Vault), and will take no damage. He must end his movement unengaged.

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TW and I got together for a nice quiet Sunday of mayhem today. My giant Lantern battle saw him as the GL team posted above, and me as the YL. I started out with an Arkillo Eviscerate that took out his best character Kyle Rayner, and things looked bleak, but he came back and the game was very close at the end: my 10 VP to his 8VP! Well played, dude! This was the last Illinois Smith game before we took the map down.

Lyssa Drak helped quite a bit with her book's initiative bonus. The big guys Arkillo and Killowog went at it with each other and more figures around them, and eventually both went down. During the first turn, Zettian Deathwings exploded against the first characters sent to the central spaceship crash area, putting some wounds on them. Sinestro came on late but got right into it. But his two GL Recruits did really well.
A rehersal for Wednesdays heroes of Fiction game came after we took down the "Amazon Rain Forest" (see photo upthread, with all fifty of my jungle pieces on it) and built that much smaller map. This game went the opposite way; TW was cleaning my clock again, but I made a come back was very close when he won on Turn Ten.

The three of us who have sent in armies each have three Heroes of Fiction characters on each team, so the HOF are really getting a work out!

Saturday June 6 I played the full 12 player Memoir D-Day Landings at my FLGS. They had a FREE box with msc. Heroclix Supers in it--and I came away with 22 of them! POW!!! TW got some too.
Well met!

I'm having trouble finding a sculpt with a staff for fighting, as opposed to casting spells. chas took advantage of a freebie I was too late for and got a Monkey King, which he will lend me, but I was hoping to find something Human - or, failing that, something more intimidating. "Bo" could be replaced by the name for any long melee weapon (naginata, daikatana, double lightsaber, etc.). Made some changes in response to Dadscaper's suggestions in his Wurdz thread. Added Tail Trip especially for chas'Monkey King. 5 Powers! It's beginning to look a lot like a Grishnak card.



LIFE = 5

MOVE = 5

POINTS = ???

Bo Vault

After moving and before attacking, Ganjin may Bo Vault.
Bo Vault has a move of 3. When counting spaces for Bo Vault, ignore elevations. Ganjin may vault over water without stopping, vault over figures without becoming engaged, and vault over obstacles such as ruins. Ganjin may not vault more than 6 levels up or down in a single vault.

Bo Reach

If an opponent's figure is within 2 spaces of Ganjin, and its base is no more than 3 levels above Ganjin's height or 3 levels below Ganjin's base, Ganjin may add 1 to his Range when attacking that figure.

Whirling Bo Special Attack

Range 2 + Special. Attack 1, 2, 3, or 4. Ganjin starts each turn with 8 attack dice. Choose a figure
within 2 spaces of Ganjin whose base is no more than 3 levels above Ganjin's height or 3 levels below Ganjin's base, and attack by rolling 1, 2, 3, or 4 attack dice. Ganjin can keep making Special Attacks until he has rolled all 8 attack dice. Ganjin may target the same or different figures with each attack.


If an opponent's figure ends its movement within 5 clear sight spaces of Ganjin or attacks Ganjin from an adjacent hex, roll a 20-sided die. On a roll of 11 or better, Ganjin may immediately Bo Vault, and will take no damage.

Monkey King's Tail Trip

Before attacking an adjacent Small or Medium figure with his normal attack, Ganjin may attempt a
Tail Trip. Roll a 20-sided die. On a roll of 11 or better, the defending figure subtracts 1 from its Defense.]

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Well met!

chas tells me his Monkey King sculpt is Human, so Tail Trip is superfluous. We're left with:



LIFE = 5

MOVE = 5

POINTS = ???

Bo Vault

After moving and before attacking, Ganjin may Bo Vault.
Bo Vault has a move of 3. When counting spaces for Bo Vault, ignore elevations. Ganjin may vault over water without stopping, vault over figures without becoming engaged, and vault over obstacles such as ruins. Ganjin may not vault more than 6 levels up or down in a single vault.

Bo Reach

If an opponent's figure is within 2 spaces of Ganjin, and its base is no more than 3 levels above Ganjin's height or 3 levels below Ganjin's base, Ganjin may add 1 to his Range when attacking that figure.

Whirling Bo Special Attack

Range 2 + Special. Attack 1, 2, 3, or 4. Ganjin starts each turn with 8 attack dice. Choose a figure
within 2 spaces of Ganjin whose base is no more than 3 levels above Ganjin's height or 3 levels below Ganjin's base, and attack by rolling 1, 2, 3, or 4 attack dice. Ganjin can keep making Special Attacks until he has rolled all 8 attack dice. Ganjin may target the same or different figures with each attack.


If an opponent's figure ends its movement within 5 clear sight spaces of Ganjin or attacks Ganjin from an adjacent hex, roll a 20-sided die. On a roll of 11 or better, Ganjin may immediately Bo Vault, and will take no damage.
