• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

The New York City Gang Of Four


Actually, I told TW just after they were posted that the Zee Dees would be around, so it was only fair that I go public with that info (he wanted to take some). The hint was that they are forbidden to players in the scenario, aren't they? Which is how it came up, while discussing potential army building. But don't worry, they won't all be aimed at you. Some may even be headed for lovable me!

BTW, there is a another hint two posts back, and yet a third (actually the first) in the scenario briefing itself! Together, you now have one hint on all three "surprises" the players will encounter.

Chas the GM
Well met!

New C3G Power Rankings just out. How our units fared:


330 S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents x 3 (C3G) A-
220 Nick Fury (C3G) A-
150 Hawkeye (C3G) B+

240 Hydra Agents x 3 (C3G) B
220 Red Skull (C3G) A+
140 Madame Hydra (C3G) B-
100 Weather Wizard (C3G) A-

240 Judge Dredd (C3G) B+
210 A.I.M. Agents x 3 (C3G) B
160 Scientist Supreme (C3G) B-
90 Vertigo (C3G) A-

Cheerleaders (Weather Wizard and Vertigo) are both A-, even better than I thought.


250 Fire Demons (C3G) B-
215 Quicksilver (C3G) B
120 Firestar (C3G) B
110 Kid Flash (C3G) B+

Fire Demons may only be a B-, but they scare the crap out of me in this scenario.


240 Predator (C3G) B+
280 Kree Soldiers x 2 (Drewman-chu) D*
130 Kree Colonel (Drewman-chu) C*
40 Kree Scout (C3G) B-

Can't believe Drewman-chu's Kree Cloaking Technology is worth the price.

230 Bulleteer (Garada) B*
180 Gorillinators x 2 (Classic) B-**
170 Lara Croft (Grey Owl) A*
120 Nakita Agents (Classic) B**

235 Yellowjacket (Sherman Davies) A*
195 Dreadgul Raiders x 3 (VC) B+**
160 Nightwing (Sherman Davies) B+*
110 Man Bat (Sherman Davies) B+*

Sherman Davies' units are pretty good in this scenario, and also appear to work well as a team. Man Bat Bonds with the Raiders, thus the + in his B+. Yellowjacket's Trample Stomp is especially nasty on [what I'm assuming is] a single based figure.

*My guess for non C3G units.
** C3V/SoV-Inclusive Power Rankings.
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Huh? There are C3G Power Rankings? Really? Ya learn something new every day... OK, no C3G A Range ranked cards (A+ to A-) are now allowed in this scenario!

(Just kidding, man--don't have a cow!)

Lara Croft says she'll take you out to dinner after she gets back from the Amazon Rainforest. Guess this makes GreyOwl happy.

What ranking do you give Zettian Deathwings ('Zee Dees')? Not that you'll meet any. Not that I learned how to use them out on Long Island last Saturday for the first time...MwaHaHa!

How about that brilliant innovation, The Tech Squad? Rated high or low, you need them for specialized scenarios, of which this is only the beginning!

TOP SECRET! More new Kree cards have been secretly sighted in the PMs of a certain independent designer who is not me.

*Now here this! Stand by for more Kree interference in you SuperScape life after this game! That is all!*
Well met!

The Rankings are brand new. And my guesses are just that - they were for non C3G cards that will never be Ranked. I'm likely as not to be off by a full letter in either direction.
Well met!

dok, Dysole, et al. are A+. My guess is I'm an average B.

For all the fancy footwork involved in Glyph grabbing and analysis, even with the added wrinkle of neutral alien aircraft (and whatever other surprises chas has prepared for us), this is a 4-player free-for-all. As I said earlier,
"I expect the usual alliances and another version of Taeblewalker's Charge." Clever of him to find a such a powerful squad (Fire Demons) that allowed him to exceed the 240 points per card limitation imposed only upon heroes.


As of this moment, I consider loose cannon Taeblewalker to be my most dangerous opponent. Others might disagree, but we haven't heard from anyone yet. Maybe if I post a poll . . .

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Well, one of the effects of any of us blazing a trail by using a card new to our table, is that others become familiar with it. In this case, you may recall the C3G Fire Demons as minions of Thanos in one of the recent Infinity Gauntlet games as introduced by yours truly. But yes, its a smart play by TW--I specifically didn't take them so others could. What a nice Game Master. And since they carry and place their own Molten Lava hexes, I don't have to include any in my board set up (although I might). We usually proxy these boys with Minions of Utgar, which scare you anyhow, so its a good match.

I'll also take a tiny bit of the credit for the a minor design change to Lara Croft, from GreyOwl's design. What's different from what you posted now? Just two words, which are actually covered by the special scenario rules: While standing on (or carrying) glyphs... This since Treasure and Equipment Glyphs were introduced after GOs last update of her card. Now she's good to go for my second use of her this time around.

K. is referring to TW's rather tournament style method of dumping order markers on one strong character and taking him to the max point blank against another player. Its not necessarily going to fail, but is usually a kind of double or nothing tactic that we older guys don't often do ourselves. But then, I always lose in tournaments, as opposed to our big 20 x 30 space 4 way maps. The other three guys place quite well in tournaments.

Doc is saying on the new C3G Power Level rankings thread (which I've now printed out) that they will be rethinking some of the cards, so there is no reason you can't do the same, K.!
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Well met!

I don't recall the previous appearance of the Fire Demons. Why are they only a B-?

Well met!

Sherman has submitted a second team:

240 Marro Stingers x 4
240 Enchantress

190 Venom
30 Amanda Waller





As GM, I have approved Sherm's second team. Since we'll be playing 2-3 games, its fun to field different cards for replays of a scenario. A couple of people on another thread have said adding to D20 powers can be pretty overwhelming, but I don't think its broken; but a rather intelligent build.

The last time the Enchantress showed up, it was the C3G version in a game with Silver Banshee, the Scarlet Witch, etc. who could negate one of her powers. This time she's different, and also the only female sorceress on the field. Fantasy character meets SciFi scenario. Or are they the same in Superscape?
Well met!

A couple of people on another thread have said adding to D20 powers can be pretty overwhelming, but I don't think its broken; but a rather intelligent build.

Being able to use the "X" once per Round to add 1 to a 20-sided roll, for Stingers or Venom, is far from overwhelming. Red Skull and my Hydra army, or
S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents suddenly dropping en masse from the sky; now that might be overwhelming (at least here's hoping).

The Who Will Win Poll for this game (not including Sherman's latest army) thus far, with none of the participants voting and an admittedly tiny sample size, gives 2 votes each to Sherman's Yellowjacket army and my
S.H.I.E.L.D. army, and 1 each to Taeblewalker's Fire Demon army and my Hydra army. [Sorry, chas.] Feel free to contribute to that poll - and to write in via post if you like Sherman's Stinger army best.

:grrrr: The Kree are not amused. And that means more pain for Earthlings later!
Upthread on Page 3, you will now find a new description of the free built map for The Illinois Smith Memorial Treasure Hunt, now rising steamy and sweaty from the tabletop of Chas.

Well met!

It sounds like the Start Zones are elevated.


The Amazon rain forest. The steamy, stinking, slimy, snaky jungle. No roads or other man made structures exist in this wild, forsaken, humid wilderness. From a hilltop that marks some of the highest terrain in the area, any recovery party must descend down into a morass of swamp, sandbars, shadow, swamp and other water, sheer rock outcrops, and the thick cover of jungle tree and bush. The hearty adventurer in search of high tech treasure near the forbidden wreckage of a crashed alien spaceship must trudge to the center of this maze. But there, on an island of solid land, await dangers known only to the strange gods that rule this land of desolation!

P.S.: A write in vote posted in
Who Will Win? for Sherman's second army now makes it:

2 for Sherman Team I
2 for kolakoski Team I
1 for Sherman Team II
1 for Taeblewalker's Team
1 for kolakoski Team II

Still no votes for either of chas' Teams.

More Board Detail

The Team Deployment Zones (3 hexes) are each part of one of four large corner 48 hex (24 hexers x 2 or what I call a Building Unit) hills that are up on Level Three. The central crash site is a Level Two BU. The rest of the board is level One or Zero (water/swamp water/shadow).

Rather than being built up of a Four BU (long way) by Four BU (short dimension) rectangle as usual, this board could be called "Floating Islands." Besides the four corner hills, there are two more Level Three hills between the corner hills the long way. Two Level One BUs separate the corners the short way (North-South). Each BU is itself sepreated from all others by a row of water with a path running between each.

Two large Level One sand bars cross North-South between each set of three such BUs as you look East-West. Except for a few 7 hex or fewer "islands, the board is a Level 0 maze as described above. There are swamp water or other 'footpaths' linking all six main BUs, so that flyers are not too advantaged, but in many places these are only 1 hex wide.

This is a long cinematic trudge for the expeditions from the Deployment Zones to the central BU Crash Site, where all eight glyphs may be found scattered about. During your advance you may be attacked by Kree robot guardians or your opponents, both of whom are tracking your movements! There are hidden dangers, and possible actual bonuses, to be found once you reach the Crash Site as well, besides the glyphs themselves.

As we hear in jungle pictures that famous cry of a bird which is actually native to Down Under (I heard it with Taeblewalker on our last visit to the Bronx Zoo):

Re: The "Who Will Win "Poll: I'm just a stalking horse. Feel free to ignore me.
Re: When to Drop?

Well met!

Should I Heli-Drop at the beginning of the game? If not, when?

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To Drop or Not To Drop, that is the question. And where? How about surrounding Taeblewalker's Deployment Zone (I wouldn't let you drop reight onto it)? That would work wonders for Earth/Kree interplanetary relations!

Plus you could help us get our stuff back...
Here's my second army:
Tech squad 100
5x Anubian Wolves 375
Doctor Octopus 215
Heat Wave 110