My Blood Meridian
I did good close teamwork with Taeblewalker my teammate, but we had a tough time! My Terminator T-800 brillaintly moved forward at start to seize the Wannock glyph, being himself invunerable to its D20 "1" roll of taking a wound! But then when I put a wound on Sherman Davies, he just gave it to Yondu, who could and did heal it at the end of the turn immediately! Who knew the other team also had a character who could in effect ignore the glyph? Curses, foiled again! I should have put it on Kolakoski.
Kraven from a ladder took out my Terminator, and it took Durham Red forever on height atop on of the castle towers to finish him off, with help. Hawkeye also died pretty early, although at least he'd carried Durham Red into the fight on his sky cycle. Yondu went up another tower and shot Ka-zar in the back before he could get into the game. (At least, I think it was Yondu).
I carefully took revenge when Sherman Davies was busy putting OMs on others, to climb yet another tower with Durham Red, my last figure in the game before going to the reserve pool, to get on equal height in range with Yondu, and attacked him twice a turn until he fell. It was a long, spiraling death plunge from his tall tower, and he whimpered all the way down, since he had no OMs on him at all. Die, Yondu, die! (And I'd even given SD his actual mini too).
"Revenge is sweet, and colors all our dealings."
--The Pirate King, The Pirates of Penzance by Gilbert and Sullivan
My very nasty Predator from the reserve pool came in to attack Red Hood, who was a hard guy to take down. But then my big alien had to face off with both of the enemy reserve pool figures who came in, and I lost him all too quickly.
Thanks to Kolakoski for a great map and a great game.
I did good close teamwork with Taeblewalker my teammate, but we had a tough time! My Terminator T-800 brillaintly moved forward at start to seize the Wannock glyph, being himself invunerable to its D20 "1" roll of taking a wound! But then when I put a wound on Sherman Davies, he just gave it to Yondu, who could and did heal it at the end of the turn immediately! Who knew the other team also had a character who could in effect ignore the glyph? Curses, foiled again! I should have put it on Kolakoski.
Kraven from a ladder took out my Terminator, and it took Durham Red forever on height atop on of the castle towers to finish him off, with help. Hawkeye also died pretty early, although at least he'd carried Durham Red into the fight on his sky cycle. Yondu went up another tower and shot Ka-zar in the back before he could get into the game. (At least, I think it was Yondu).
I carefully took revenge when Sherman Davies was busy putting OMs on others, to climb yet another tower with Durham Red, my last figure in the game before going to the reserve pool, to get on equal height in range with Yondu, and attacked him twice a turn until he fell. It was a long, spiraling death plunge from his tall tower, and he whimpered all the way down, since he had no OMs on him at all. Die, Yondu, die! (And I'd even given SD his actual mini too).
"Revenge is sweet, and colors all our dealings."
--The Pirate King, The Pirates of Penzance by Gilbert and Sullivan
My very nasty Predator from the reserve pool came in to attack Red Hood, who was a hard guy to take down. But then my big alien had to face off with both of the enemy reserve pool figures who came in, and I lost him all too quickly.
Thanks to Kolakoski for a great map and a great game.
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