• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

The New York City Gang Of Four

My Blood Meridian

I did good close teamwork with Taeblewalker my teammate, but we had a tough time! My Terminator T-800 brillaintly moved forward at start to seize the Wannock glyph, being himself invunerable to its D20 "1" roll of taking a wound! But then when I put a wound on Sherman Davies, he just gave it to Yondu, who could and did heal it at the end of the turn immediately! Who knew the other team also had a character who could in effect ignore the glyph? Curses, foiled again! I should have put it on Kolakoski.

Kraven from a ladder took out my Terminator, and it took Durham Red forever on height atop on of the castle towers to finish him off, with help. Hawkeye also died pretty early, although at least he'd carried Durham Red into the fight on his sky cycle. Yondu went up another tower and shot Ka-zar in the back before he could get into the game. (At least, I think it was Yondu).

I carefully took revenge when Sherman Davies was busy putting OMs on others, to climb yet another tower with Durham Red, my last figure in the game before going to the reserve pool, to get on equal height in range with Yondu, and attacked him twice a turn until he fell. It was a long, spiraling death plunge from his tall tower, and he whimpered all the way down, since he had no OMs on him at all. Die, Yondu, die! (And I'd even given SD his actual mini too).

"Revenge is sweet, and colors all our dealings."
--The Pirate King, The Pirates of Penzance by Gilbert and Sullivan


My very nasty Predator from the reserve pool came in to attack Red Hood, who was a hard guy to take down. But then my big alien had to face off with both of the enemy reserve pool figures who came in, and I lost him all too quickly.

Thanks to Kolakoski for a great map and a great game.
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Happy Labor Day Weekend to all. I'm proxy solitaire playing through the new AOA scenarios, starting with the simple ones in the small Battle Box "Battle For the Wellspring." Its like simulating being a new Scaper. There have already been thrills and chills, even in such a small map environment, with such a limited selection of figures. All four scenarios use the same lineups of characters: a Dryad wizard and her two familiars versus some of the Pirates. I'll report more in detail later on this thread:

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Here's a link to a new AOA scenario by Scott, who is a returning and very enthusisastic site member. This battle is particularly well designed graphically with a map and scenario rules. It includes a combination of many elements from both of the new Renegade boxes. Two bands of Pirates battle each other for a magic item:

I'm about halfway through solitairing the new Official AOA scenarios, and will be trying this one out when I'm finished for sure.
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A Superscape Scenario by Chas


1964: The Marvel Universe

Ex Nazi Baron Heinrich Zemo, with his Masters of Evil defeated by The Avengers in the 1964 Marvel Universe, has retreated to strategize with his sometime ally Immortus, a master of time travel. This incarnation of Kang the Conqueror, Pharoah Rama-Tut, and etc. suggests a new plan to him.

He will send Zemo and his team back in time to 1940, to Washington DC, where Zemo and his team will kidnap US President Franklin Roosevelt. This will demoralize the United States, and help the Axis win World WarII. The modern, more sophisticated criminals will no doubt defeatthe “less able” old wartime champions of justice. Roosevelt, as a key figure in world history, is a nexus in time and must not be killed, but he can be taken off the international chessboard at this crucial time in world history. Then Immortus will bring Zemo and his team back to a present when the Axis has conquered the world!

But Immortus betrays Zemo, because he's turned into a good guy, workingfor the alien Time Masters who guard the space time continuum. He's transported Zemo and his evil allies back to 1940 all right, but tothe DC Universe instead! Here Zemo will fight not his old foe Captain America and other Marvel Heroes, but the Golden Age DC members of the Justice Society of America. Immortus reasons that if the Good Guys win, so much the better. If they lose, the timeline messed up will not be his, but an alternate universe— which he can always try to readjust later—a win either way!

Will Zemo triumph and in fact mess up the DC Universe, or will Evil be defeated by the legendary Golden Age heroes?

1940: The DC Universe

At President Roosevelt's white house, the Secret Service try to hold offZemo and his minions, after having calling on the JSA's “MysteryMen” for help. Soon members of the Justice Society of America arrive to thwart the villains. But these heroes have never met these particular villains before; each team is unfamiliar with the other! The fight is unplanned and unrehearsed; each team will have to come up with a strategy on the fly! Who will win?


Half of the players will play Good, and half Evil. Teams will be chosen randomly by D20. The players will select their cards together withtheir teammate(s) simultaneously, based on a card pool from two strength levels of characters, using Levels B and D from the ChasSupers Power Level system.

President Roosevelt in his wheelchair (proxied by Professor X) may only be moved by a character adjacent/behind him, pushing him along at his/her normal movement rate. The Pusher may not make any attackwhile moving the President. The Pusher may not move the President ifan enemy figure is also adjacent to the President.

FiveSecret Service Agents are escorting him; place them in aperimeter 3 hexes away with one pushing him. At the start of eachturn, the Good Players will roll randomly to also control the SecretService Agents, if any are left.

Knockback Rules are in effect. A Pusher knocked back does not move the President!

Good and Evil Card Pools

6 Players: Each Good player will choose 1 hero from Group B and onefrom Group D.
4 Players: Each Good player will choose 1 hero from Group B and twofrom Group D.

There are a total of 16 cards in the game. Note that only 6 of 8 of each side's cards will be used in Game 1. Cards not used then must bechosen for Game 2, when player sides will be switched.

Cards are chosen by mutual team agreement from these groups, so actual point costs don't matter; they are given here just for relative strength impressions of individual characters and side balance.

G =C3G, SD = Sherman Davies, DMC = Drewman-chu, C = Chas
JSA =Specific Justice Society of America card versions

Good Guy Card Pool

All Good Characters are members of the Justice Society of America.

Good Group B

Wonder Woman 320 G
Dr. Fate 290 G
Green Lantern (Alan Scott/JSA) 280 G
Batman 175 SD
Total: 1,065

Good Group D

Hawkman 220 G (JSA)
Black Canary 160 G (JSA)
Dr. Mid Nite 160 C (JSA)
Mr. Terrific 150 G (JSA)
Total: 690

Evil Guy Card Pool

All Evil Characters are members of the Master's of Evil

Evil Group B

Executioner 370 G
Enchantress 240 SD
Klaw 240 G
Whirlwind 190 G
Total: 1,040

Evil Group D

Baron Zemo (Heinrich) 170
Radioactive Man 160 G
Black Knight 150 G
Melter 140 DMC
Total: 620


Good: Defeat all the Evil characters or have the President still onthe board at the end of 10 Turns.

Evil: Defeat all the Good characters or push the President off anyboard edge by the end of 10 Turns.

MSC Notes

Other figures used: Professor X (FDR), Five Secret Service Agents
(Plain Clothes Law Enforcement Card and Figures)

Map: TBD The Lincoln Memorial area of the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

Melter TBD (card adjustment)
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