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The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Is Here

The Hunger Games: Cover Speculation

I plan on bumping this thread as often as a can with any kind of information/speculation until Mockingjay comes out. I mean I need to do something until then. :)

Examination of the Covers

Spoiler Alert!

~Rednax, eagerly awaiting August 24th, 2010
Re: The Hunger Games: Cover Speculation

The circle in catching fire looks a little like a rifle scope to me
Re: The Hunger Games: Cover Speculation

The circle in catching fire looks a little like a rifle scope to me

That could be a possiblity too - like the government is hunting Katniss.

~Rednax, who should have known not to post something like this the same day as Preview Wednesday
Re: The Hunger Games: Cover Speculation

The circle in catching fire looks a little like a rifle scope to me

That could be a possiblity too - like the government is hunting Katniss.

That symbol is...

Spoiler Alert!
Re: The Hunger Games: Cover Speculation

The circle in catching fire looks a little like a rifle scope to me

That could be a possiblity too - like the government is hunting Katniss.

That symbol is...

Spoiler Alert!

Thanks. I added that to the post.
Re: The Hunger Games: Less than a Month until Mockingjay

:woot: Less than a month away! :woot:

Re: The Hunger Games: One Week Away

Just one week away from Mockingjay. Unfortunately, I'll be on vacation the week it comes out. So I'll have to wait until we get back to start it.

Re: The Hunger Games: One Week Away

This must be a pretty anticipate book as while on vaca I saw a lot of folks reading Hunger Games, which was an easy ice breaker to start a conversation, and when I mention the 3rd book coming out shortly, they already knew.

nyys, counting the days
Re: The Hunger Games: One Week Away

Any last minute predictions before the final book?

Re: The Hunger Games: One Week Away

Any last minute predictions before the final book?


Spoiler Alert!
Re: The Hunger Games: One Week Away

Did you guys read catching fire? I did. Is there a third out yet?

~CT, hopefully.
Re: The Hunger Games: One Week Away

Hey, what do you guys think about Hunger Games? Sounds like you all love it; favorite, almost favorite??? I just want to know what you guys think.

By the way I have a scenario my friends made for the book in my map thread.
Re: The Hunger Games: One Week Away

Any last minute predictions before the final book?


Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!

Any predictions about who will die?

Spoiler Alert!

A couple more thoughts.

Spoiler Alert!

Remember as you post comments about the book in this thread, to use spoiler tags.

If there's anything that doesn't make sense, post here, and I'll ask it at my school's book discussion club.

Re: The Hunger Games: One Week Away

Spoiler Alert!

Also, it's been great to see how many of my students from last year are counting down the days until the release- some of them did not even read for pleasure before we read Hunger Games in class.
Re: The Hunger Games: One Week Away

I just got a copy! This will be interesting... Must...resist...the...urge...to...peak...ahead
Re: The Hunger Games: One Week Away

Picked it up about an hour ago. I'm only on like page 50!!! Hurry up. Just finished the book Lawnmower!!!!