• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

The HoloNet - HoSS News and Announcements

Sure, go ahead and send the results to me or greygnarl.

Obi-Wan or Tusken Raiders could use a test right now. They are both very close.
I took 2ND place in that contest? Gosh, I figured I'd be somewhere in 26th. Is there anything else that needs playtetsing? I promised the C3G a playtest that I plan to complete this week, but I could do multiple battles on the same day, so WHAT ARE YOU NEEDING ME TO PLAYTEST TO FINISH THIS PROJECT OFF????
We could use one last playtest with the Tuskens to finish them off. There is also Tarkin and R2-D2 that could use some testing. If you are up for it, we could also use some tests on a few of out maps (You can test figures and maps at the same time, just please note any issues with the map when you turn in the report for the unit :)).

GOSH! sorry for the double post, but I FORGOT TO POST MY GREEDO/JAWA PLAYTETS RESULTS!!!!

Sorry, I'm just now looking at my computer, and it seems that my Greedo results have been deleted. Do you guys still even want my Jawa results, because you've already finalized em.
Send them in! I think we already have your Greedo test though (did you do 1 or 2 tests with Greedo?) :)

Edit: Jedi-Ninja'd by a Jedi Master!
Greedo is now finalized and can be used in testing! 11 down 6 to go.

We are close to a release, but we still need help with testing. The Tuskens just need a final push to get them through and the Droids could use tests as well!
A quick update for those of you watching this thread:

We have not joined the Force. We are still working on the Master Set. The last few units we have left are proving to be tricky to get right. But we are inching closer to release. The maps are nearly ready too, with one or two scenarios that are waiting on the last few units before they can be finalized.

Thanks for watching!
Please join me in welcoming Yodaking as the newest HoSS Jedi Knight!
Awesome! After 2 more weeks, I'll be back for Playtesting. That's when the bulk of my school is done. I cannot wait!

Almost there...
Almost there...

HoSS Master Set to be released before the end of June! Any last minute playtesting help would be greatly appreciated.