We could use one last playtest with the Tuskens to finish them off. There is also Tarkin and R2-D2 that could use some testing. If you are up for it, we could also use some tests on a few of out maps (You can test figures and maps at the same time, just please note any issues with the map when you turn in the report for the unit ).I took 2ND place in that contest? Gosh, I figured I'd be somewhere in 26th. Is there anything else that needs playtetsing? I promised the C3G a playtest that I plan to complete this week, but I could do multiple battles on the same day, so WHAT ARE YOU NEEDING ME TO PLAYTEST TO FINISH THIS PROJECT OFF????
Send them in! I think we already have your Greedo test though (did you do 1 or 2 tests with Greedo?)GOSH! sorry for the double post, but I FORGOT TO POST MY GREEDO/JAWA PLAYTETS RESULTS!!!!
Sorry, I'm just now looking at my computer, and it seems that my Greedo results have been deleted. Do you guys still even want my Jawa results, because you've already finalized em.
Pick one of the ones below:O.K., where can I find a HoSS map?