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The Holocron of Tusken Snipers


was heroscaper2010. Now Beep, Beep, I'm a Sheep
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The Holocron of Tusken Snipers

SSE 2: Sands of Tatooine


Figure card:​


Rectangular Cards
Spoiler Alert!

The figure used for this unit is a Star Wars figure from the Bounty Hunters set. Its model number and name are #48/Tusken Raider Sniper.



Character Bio - The Tusken Snipers are skilled in combat with the Gaffi Stick as well as the Cycler Rifle. The Cycler Rifle was an older design of rifle and fit into the Slugthrower class, firing solid shots enveloped in energy, not blaster bolts. The rate of fire was fairly slow, as many of the rifles used a bolt action mechanism. As such, Tusken Cyclers were not used at short ranges where a fast rate of fire was necessary. Rather, it was used in the sniping role to pick off enemies at long range, and was an effective weapon for its purpose. The Raiders retained the gaffi stick for dealing with enemies in close combat.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
• N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received:
• N/A

A-ZULMUN : Clan Leadership
Being Tuskens, the Tusken Snipers may benefit from A-Zulmun's CLAN LEADERSHIP, TUSKEN BATTLE CRY, and TUSKEN RESOLVE special powers.

JABBA THE HUTT : Underworld Connections
Being figures who follow the Independent faction, the Tusken Snipers may benefit from Jabba the Hutt's UNDERWORLD CONNECTIONS turn bonding special power.

C3V, SoV & Marvel:
• N/A

Synergy Benefits Offered:
• N/A

• N/A

C3V, SoV & Marvel:
• N/A

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
-Power Rankings-
-Heroscapers Community Contributions
• Art by: mac122
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Tusken Snipers

Unique Squad (of 4)

Life 1
Move 5
Range 10
Attack 2
Defense 3
Points 130

Before attacking a non-adjacent figure, roll the 20-sided die.
-If you roll a 9 or lower, the defending figure rolls defense dice normally.
-If you roll 10-18, the defending figure rolls 1 fewer defense die.
-If you roll a 19 or higher, the defending figure cannot roll any defense dice.
If a Tusken Sniper moved this turn, it may not attack a non-adjacent figure.

While on a sand space, Tusken Snipers always add one automatic shield when defending against a non-adjacent normal attack.
Please add the following to received synergies:

A-ZULMUN : Tusken Battle Cry
Being Tuskens, the Tusken Snipers may benefit from A-Zulmun's TUSKEN BATTLE CRY bonus.

A-ZULMUN : Tusken Resolve
Being Tuskens, the Tusken Snipers may benefit from A-Zulmun's TUSKEN RESOLVE defense bonus.
I haven't had a chance to use these guys yet but they look like fun. I love the idea of giving a ranged option to the Tusken faction (besides A-Zulman of course).

I ended up with 11 extra Tusken Raider Sniper figures from an Ebay lot I bought. If anyone wants some or all of them at $1.75 each just let me know, otherwise in a couple weeks I'm going to sell them to an online site. (where they cost $2.49, just saying.) I'll throw in the HoSS card too.
Seen this 500pt army yesterday:
A Zulmun 170
Tusken Snipers 130
Tusken Raiders x4 200

Trick is to make the enemy army come to you as you blast them with A Zulmun and the snipers, then when they get up to you swarm them with raiders. This is a great army, I had the honor of fighting against it.
The following needs to be added to the sniper's synergies:

JABBA THE HUTT : Underworld Connections
Being figures who follow the Independent faction, the Tusken Snipers may benefit from Jabba the Hutt's UNDERWORLD CONNECTIONS turn bonding special power.
The following needs to be added to the sniper's synergies:

JABBA THE HUTT : Underworld Connections
Being figures who follow the Independent faction, the Tusken Snipers may benefit from Jabba the Hutt's UNDERWORLD CONNECTIONS turn bonding special power.
