Fi Skirata
New member
The Holocron of Tusken Raiders
HoSS Master Set - A New Hope
Rectangular Cards
Spoiler Alert!
The figure used for this unit is a Star Wars figure from the Knights of the Old Republic set. Its model number and name are #52/Tusken Raider Scout.
The figure used for this unit is a Star Wars figure from the Rebel Storm set. Its model number and name are #57/Tusken Raider.
The figure used for this unit is a Star Wars figure from the Alliance and Empire set. Its model number and name are #56/Tusken Raider.
Character Bio - Tusken Raiders, less formally referred to as Sand People or simply as Tuskens, were a culture of nomadic, primitive sentients indigenous to Tatooine, where they were often hostile to local settlers. In the culture of the Tuskens, to expose any part of the flesh was forbidden and seen as a disgrace.
-Rulings and Clarifications-
• Q: If I reveal an Order Marker on the Tusken Raiders's Army Card whose figures have all been destroyed, can I use Desert Ambush?
No. You cannot take a turn with a squad that has been destroyed, so you may not use Desert Ambush "before taking a turn with the Tusken Raiders".
-Combinations and Synergies-
Synergy Benefits Received:
• KHOSUMET THE DARKLORD : Relentless Assault
Having a Relentless personality, the Tusken Raiders may benefit from Khosumet the Darklord’s RELENTLESS ASSAULT attack bonus.
• A-ZULMUN : Clan Leadership
Being Tuskens, the Tusken Raiders may benefit from A-Zulmun's CLAN LEADERSHIP bonus.
• A-ZULMUN : Tusken Battle Cry
Being Tuskens, the Tusken Raiders may benefit from A-Zulmun's TUSKEN BATTLE CRY bonus.
• A-ZULMUN : Tusken Resolve
Being Tuskens, the Tusken Raiders may benefit from A-Zulmun's TUSKEN RESOLVE defense bonus.
• JABBA THE HUTT : Underworld Connections
Being figures who follow the Independent faction, the Tusken Raiders may benefit from Jabba the Hutt's UNDERWORLD CONNECTIONS turn bonding special power.
C3V, SoV & Marvel:
• N/A
Synergy Benefits Offered:
• N/A
• N/A
C3V, SoV & Marvel:
• N/A
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
• HoSS Strategy Review: Tusken Raiders
-Power Rankings-
• B - The Raiders more consistent 6 offensive figures comes at a cost of possibly no offense compared to their Classic counterpart, the Marro Drones. However, they more than make up for it when they can Ambush their opponent on Sand maps.
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
• First playtest: Davidlhsl
• Second playtest: Orgsbane
• Third playtest: Fi Skirata
• Fourth Playtest: Fi Skirata
• Fifth Playtest: White Knight
• Art by: mac122
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