The Holocron of Cloud Car Pilots
Small Expansion 2: Cloud City
Figure card:
Rectangular Cards
The figure used for this unit is a Star Wars figure from the Force Unleashed set. Its model number and name are #49/Cloud Car Pilot.
Cloud Car Pilots PDF
Heroes of Cloud City Art PDF
Heroes of Cloud City Figure PDF
______________________________________________________________Small Expansion 2: Cloud City
Figure card:
Rectangular Cards
Spoiler Alert!
The figure used for this unit is a Star Wars figure from the Force Unleashed set. Its model number and name are #49/Cloud Car Pilot.
Cloud Car Pilots PDF
Heroes of Cloud City Art PDF
Heroes of Cloud City Figure PDF
Character Bio - The Wing Guard Elite cloud car squadron was a highly streamlined airborne security force composed of veteran and commando pilots pulled from the 1st Wing Guard and the 2nd Wing Guard squadrons. Founded by Baron Administrator Lando Calrissian and led by Lobot, the Wing Guard Elite helped to protect Cloud City. (Wookieepedia)
-Rulings and Clarifications-
Q: How does the Cloud Car Pilots Special Attack work when one of them is engaged?
A: The normal Heroscape rules for engagement and ranged attacks still apply here. So any Cloud Car Pilots that are engaged would only be able to target an adjacent figure with the Special Attack. However, since you only choose one Cloud Car Pilot as the source of the Special Attack you can always choose one who is unengaged, then target any figure within range of that figure.
-Combinations and Synergies-
Synergy Benefits Received:
• N/A
• LOBOT / LANDO CALRISSIAN : Effective Administration
Being an Independent Pilot Squad, Cloud Car Pilots may benefit from Lobot's EFFECTIVE ADMINISTRATION special power.
• LOBOT : Network Uplink
Being Independent Pilots, Cloud Car Pilots may benefit from Lobot's NETWORK UPLINK SPECIAL POWER.
• JABBA THE HUTT : Underworld Connections
Being figures who follow the Independent faction, the Cloud Car Pilots may benefit from Jabba the Hutt's UNDERWORLD CONNECTIONS turn bonding special power.
C3V, SoV & Marvel:
• N/A
Synergy Benefits Offered:
• N/A
• N/A
C3V, SoV & Marvel:
• N/A
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
-Power Rankings-
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
• First playtest: Heroscaper2010
• Second playtest: Arch-vile
• Third playtest: Yodaking
• Forth playtest: Trex
• Art by: mac122
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