Embraces the Suck
I move for GaryLASQ's awesome character table to be added to this list of lists. From time to time, people ask for a list of personalities, classes, attacks, etc. because they don't know about his very useful page.
What about Agent Carr and the Ninjas' "Phantom Walk"?GaryLASQ said:The only liberty I've taken with the cards is going ahead and converting Taelord's Flying to Stealth Flying. The official FAQ makes this acceptable, even going as far as say they've considered an errata reprint on his card.
Is there a list with the amount of terrain in each terrain expansion as well as the master sets? I keep searching for it but never find it. If not, it should be pretty easy to determine, since VS shows how many of each kind of hex an expansion has.
Has anyone ever put together a list of the online bios? I need access to them and the darn Hasbro page is blocked at work.![]()
The armour link isn't updated. It says the 404 error.
Is there a list with the amount of terrain in each terrain expansion as well as the master sets? I keep searching for it but never find it. If not, it should be pretty easy to determine, since VS shows how many of each kind of hex an expansion has.
Is there a list with the amount of terrain in each terrain expansion as well as the master sets? I keep searching for it but never find it. If not, it should be pretty easy to determine, since VS shows how many of each kind of hex an expansion has.
YES! Terrain Sets Contents
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I sure think it is a definitive list. Thank you. Added to the index.Rev, I dunno if this is definitive list worthy, I'll let you be the judge...
If not, no problem.![]()
I think this is a great list; but I'd like to keep the definitive lists to those related specifically to the official game. My hope would be that the cartographers list grows rapidly ever longer and could never, therefore, ever become "definitive." <smile>Hi Rev, I don't know if you consider the list of all mapmakers here a definitive list. I still put it here though for you to copy if necessary.
The definitive list of heroscapers.com cartographers by Dignan.