• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

The Definitive List of Definitive Lists - June 2011

I move for GaryLASQ's awesome character table to be added to this list of lists. From time to time, people ask for a list of personalities, classes, attacks, etc. because they don't know about his very useful page.
I agree that Gary's table is a useful tool. However, since it isn't a list, and isn't housed on this site, I am reluctant to include it in the list of lists listed on this site. I have added a link to it in the first post, though.

I've also asked his permission. If he has any objection, I'll remove the link immediately.
It's an honor to be on page 1 of the Definitive Lists. As long as Hasbro is OK with me maintaining my own Heroscape web pages loaded with their intellectual property (not that I've ever asked them for permission), then the Table will always be there, current and as accurate as the cards are (hopefully a tad more accurate than the official site.) Every once in a while I still notice a stray typo in my transcription of the special powers - so I can't be too critical of the official site.

The only liberty I've taken with the cards is going ahead and converting Taelord's Flying to Stealth Flying. The official FAQ makes this acceptable, even going as far as say they've considered an errata reprint on his card.
GaryLASQ said:
The only liberty I've taken with the cards is going ahead and converting Taelord's Flying to Stealth Flying. The official FAQ makes this acceptable, even going as far as say they've considered an errata reprint on his card.
What about Agent Carr and the Ninjas' "Phantom Walk"?
Even though it makes sense to consolidate them on Carr and Ninjas, I guess I'll stick to what's on the cards. Works out the same.

I was once maintaining my own translation of what I thought were worthy tidbits from the official FAQ and putting them under the Special Powers. Maybe I should revive and maintain that again.

Hmm... the Heroscape-Advanced-FAQ.pdf on Taelord does not go into the in-depth explanation of "this was an early attempt at Stealth Flying ... we are considering and errata reprint ..." like the older official website did on that Strategy Tips and Designer Comments page (or whatever the heck that page was called).
Re: The Definitive List of Definitive Lists - Through Wave 8

Is there a list with the amount of terrain in each terrain expansion as well as the master sets? I keep searching for it but never find it. If not, it should be pretty easy to determine, since VS shows how many of each kind of hex an expansion has.
Re: The Definitive List of Definitive Lists - Through Wave 8

Is there a list with the amount of terrain in each terrain expansion as well as the master sets? I keep searching for it but never find it. If not, it should be pretty easy to determine, since VS shows how many of each kind of hex an expansion has.

There isn't currently. The terrain that comes in the master sets and terrain expansion sets is listed in their respective rulebooks, though.
Re: The Definitive List of Definitive Lists - Through Wave 8

Between your list, ChaosChild, and the rulebooks, I think this one is covered.
Re: The Definitive List of Definitive Lists - Through Wave 8

Has anyone ever put together a list of the online bios? I need access to them and the darn Hasbro page is blocked at work. :(
Re: The Definitive List of Definitive Lists - Through Wave 8

Has anyone ever put together a list of the online bios? I need access to them and the darn Hasbro page is blocked at work. :(

Although they aren't all together neatly, I think the majority of the BOOKS have been updated with the Bios.
Re: The Definitive List of Definitive Lists - Through Wave 8

Thanks for that tip. ;)
Re: The Definitive List of Definitive Lists - Through Wave 8

Is there a list with the amount of terrain in each terrain expansion as well as the master sets? I keep searching for it but never find it. If not, it should be pretty easy to determine, since VS shows how many of each kind of hex an expansion has.

YES! Terrain Sets Contents

And you could have found this and many other great threads by bookmarking 1Mmirg's Index to Excellent Threads and HS Resources.
Re: The Definitive List of Definitive Lists - Through Wave 8

Is there a list with the amount of terrain in each terrain expansion as well as the master sets? I keep searching for it but never find it. If not, it should be pretty easy to determine, since VS shows how many of each kind of hex an expansion has.

YES! Terrain Sets Contents

And you could have found this and many other great threads by bookmarking 1Mmirg's Index to Excellent Threads and HS Resources.

I have seen your thread before and plan on using it. Thanks
Re: The Definitive List of Definitive Lists - Updated 6/16/0

Updated the threads I have authored through Waves 8 and 8.5.
Re: The Definitive List of Definitive Lists - Updated 7/15/0

Hi Rev, I don't know if you consider the list of all mapmakers here a definitive list. I still put it here though for you to copy if necessary :) .
The definitive list of heroscapers.com cartographers by Dignan.
I think this is a great list; but I'd like to keep the definitive lists to those related specifically to the official game. My hope would be that the cartographers list grows rapidly ever longer and could never, therefore, ever become "definitive." <smile>
Re: The Definitive List of Definitive Lists - Updated 7/15/0

I've got another Definitive List for you, RevDyer: Index of Official Army Card Images.

Now anyone can quickly find missing Army Cards they need and print them out or quickly find a image link for their post. Simple, easy, useful. Enjoy.
Re: The Definitive List of Definitive Lists - Updated 7/15/0

Thanks, AliasQTip. It's indexed.
Re: The Definitive List of Definitive Lists - Updated 5/25/0

Thanks to EyeofSauron for the Personalities Definitive List.