• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

The death of HQ?


assistant leader
So has Hq up and died and this is the new site. I see Netherspirit is back so I'm sorry if somebody already aked this boss :D Any idea what happened to the old site? Though I do like the chat here very much.
Nobody knows. It just wasn't there yesterday or today.

Thank goodness we have such talented and caring people to get us a new home in such short order. 8)
skyknight said:
So has Hq up and died and this is the new site. I see Netherspirit is back so I'm sorry if somebody already aked this boss :D Any idea what happened to the old site? Though I do like the chat here very much.

Use the search button, fool! HAHA.

Like Doc said, no one knows for sure. All I've have heard from GB was that "The HQ is down, and its down hard."

The Chat rocks.
It's always weird starting in a new board. Hopefully either the HQ will revive, or this site will take off.

Though I hope that if we stay here, the skin is changed to something less "generic phpBB"ish :)

Oh, and I wonder if anyone else knows where ninthdoc got this Avatar's pic :) I know where, haven't seen it for several years though :)
Yeah I know I found it like two seconds after I posted this thread. I wonder if Glasswalker abandoned the site because of some of the crap talking. I know the dude was having some life problems and trying to keep three thousand people happy. I apprecdiate what he was doing for us and I am not ready to bash him for it, quite the opposite. I hope Hq's comes back up as well. I kinda like the format and I don't handle change well :D . If he does not get it going again though this will be my new home. I also wonder if Glasswalker pulled the plug after he was about to lose his mods. I saw an episode of Soprano's like that where JR's captains were all doing there own thing and he tried to kill Tony. Hopefully GW doesn't have a bad temper :wink:
Hey guys, I want to apologize on behalf of the HQ staff, we were poorly informed about things like this and have had little to no communication with the site admin. GW was apparently quite tied up elsewhere and it caused the site to fall into decay. We began taking action several days ago with the building of this site. Then before we could announce the site HQ fell. We are trying every means we know to find the stray members and guide them over to here. Now with dedicated members holding the keys, you can trust that this site will be around for a very long time and that we will always cater to the needs of it's members in a timely fashion.
cbs42 said:
Here's to hoping that this site is a little less crowded than HQ was.

Well I'll be attentive to member needs. If overcrowding becomes a problem I'll look into how other forums have successfully dealt with it.
cbs42 said:
Here's to hoping that this site is a little less crowded than HQ was.

I agree. The larger the sites get, the less I participate. In the old days, I'd be that settler who keeps moving on every time they elect a mayor.
Phew, I found my way over here from BGG (big suprise :oops:). This new site looks great, though. So the HQ crapped up pretty good, huh? That is too bad, even though it was running slower than my grandma. Oh well, I hope this site does well. Vivo heroscapers.com!!
I see it three ways, Gw is away on business and cannot do anything, Gw's personal probs got the better of him, or he is pissed at everyone for trashin his efforts at makin a new site. I am voting on number three. I was feeling bad for the dude, people were takin a few shots at him.
If that is the case, then it is truly sad. GW stepped up big time when the original .net site went defunct. I wish him well. Now truth, GB, Oog and company have stepped up bigger. This site will do well, yessiree.
skyknight said:
I see it three ways, Gw is away on business and cannot do anything, Gw's personal probs got the better of him, or he is pissed at everyone for trashin his efforts at makin a new site. I am voting on number three. I was feeling bad for the dude, people were takin a few shots at him.

HQ was down before he knew anything about this. He hasn't been around for months at a time. I HIGHLY doubt he knows that HQ is down right now, even though I've emailed him. I'm glad for what GW did in time that he did it. But when he did it he didn't know he was going to be opening his own bussiness. Unfortunately the bussiness left us by the wayside and something had to be done to keep the community from falling apart due to lack of attentivness to community issues by the administration.
skyknight said:
I see it three ways, Gw is away on business and cannot do anything, Gw's personal probs got the better of him, or he is pissed at everyone for trashin his efforts at makin a new site. I am voting on number three. I was feeling bad for the dude, people were takin a few shots at him.

This entire community has been nothing but understanding of GW's death-by-inattentiveness.

Hero made a decision. GW did it by inattention.

Same result.

The community, and the fans, get screwed, and their efforts lost.

Show me one post on HQ that was remotely rude or that was not totally deserved.

Oh, that's right - you can't- :x

because he never bothered to come back and put any time in for the site, even though I explicitly pointed out this likely problem to him when he first volonteered his server and bandwidth space.
He assured me this wouldn't happen.
Well, guess what - it did, just about exactly how I described to him it could.

GW's not a bad guy, and I'm not mad at him for having RL concerns trump all of ours.
I AM disappointed in him, though, and surprised he left us so in the lurch and on our collective asses even though I made him aware of this exact possibility, and he was very aware of the problems yet didn't come through on any of his statements or promises.