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The C3G Cave - Hangout

Rainbow ******* Randolph

Friends come in all sizes/ That's a fact, it's true/ All the colours of rainbow/ From mauve to blue/ The names are different/ The shoes don't match/ Some like to toss/ And others to catch/ One might say grasp while the other says snatch/ Because... friends come in all sizes/ Take it from me/ Golly gee/ Size doesn't matter/ When you want some friendly patter/ From a pal who is true/ And will lift you up when you're blue/ You can count on him/ He can count on you/ It's true/ It's true/ Friends come in all sizes!/

Die! Die, you stuffed son of fluff! You illegitimate Teletubby! Die, you Muppet from hell! The Rhino's a nazi!
Depression is a very terrible and frightening thing. Slowly, it appears that mental illness is being seen properly as a medical condition, which will hopefully improve the situation regarding intervention and treatment. But there's still a lot of work to go on public education and the ability for the medical establishment to deal with it.

I have a first cousin that committed suicide, so I can attest to the impact that can have on loved ones.

On a more positive note: My favorite Robin Williams moment is a rather odd one: his Snickers' commercial where he's a football coach. "Let's win one for Mother Russia!!!" I howled with laughter at that.

We lost a brilliant mind and creative force.

That was one of the funnier commercials I watched, mainly because Robin Williams was in it.

I just read this article about Marvel movies. I think the author is wrong about most of it.


He has a good point about Spider Man but hes stuck on Sam Raimi, forgetting that those movies weren't all good. I don't think they hold up as well as some of the earlier superhero movies either.

There are two (I was recently reminded) MCU TV shows coming up with female leads that the author seems to have forgotten about.

He also references his previous article, which we discussed (and debunked much of) earlier.
I think his points are mostly solid, since he's mostly talking from a perspective of "Marvel Studios is great but they're going to get stale if these trends continue" rather than "Marvel sucks because of these things."

I think all Spider-Man movies past Spider-Man 2 have suffered from a lot of executive interference. Amazing Spider-Man 2 I was okay with at first, but it's soured for me a lot. Which is a shame, since Garfield and Stone are great and ASM2's Spidey was probably the best adaptation I've ever seen, in terms of fighting style and banter.
Doc Ock, the actor and the character, saved Spider Man 2. Heroes losing their powers stories are the lamest. That was a big problem with Man of Steel too, Superman losing his powers because of the kryptonian air or whatever.

ASM2 suffered because it was trying too hard to set up 5 other movies. There was too much romance story and just not enough action. The action it did have was great but there wasn't even a villain for half of the movie because Electro was in jail and Green Goober hadn't put on his suit yet. Jamie Foxx as a nerd was unbelievable. The dude couldn't not be cool if he tried. He was freaking Django!
Doc Ock, the actor and the character, saved Spider Man 2. Heroes losing their powers stories are the lamest. That was a big problem with Man of Steel too, Superman losing his powers because of the kryptonian air or whatever.

ASM2 suffered because it was trying too hard to set up 5 other movies. There was too much romance story and just not enough action. The action it did have was great but there wasn't even a villain for half of the movie because Electro was in jail and Green Goober hadn't put on his suit yet. Jamie Foxx as a nerd was unbelievable. The dude couldn't not be cool if he tried. He was freaking Django!

There's nothing wrong with depowering heroes as a plot device. It's an interesting way to examine a character, and I don't think it happens so often that it's overused. Also, Spider-Man brought down to normal is a classic story. Check out Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1. Also the first appearance of the Sinister Six.

Point 2: The setting up of 5 other movies was the executive interference. The creative talent on the ASM movies intended to go smaller/more intimate and focus in on the Spidey-Gwen relationship. SONY executives wanted to go big and start making Marvel money (plans that seem pretty well scuttled by ASM2's worse-than-expected performance).

I think more romance story - and more Harry - would have been the way to go, not more action. Agreed that the movie didn't have a solid villain, though. Harry was cool as a civilian and really could have used some more time there, but was kind of weak as the pseudo-Goblin. Electro's origin wasn't exactly compelling stuff; I think they could have cut all his scenes before Harry finds out about him without hurting the character much.

All the crap with Peter's parents and his origin story was really unnecessary, too. What the heck was the point of the opening scene with Richard Parker getting in a fight on a plane? It didn't tell us anything new that wasn't covered at other points in the movie. And it's not like they really needed an action scene there, since the next scene was a car chase.
Anyone still in contact with Ibechief and Strange_Love?

~JS, who had them two cross his mind today
The Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack hit #1 on Billboard. Its the first soundtrack without an original song to do so.
Check out this awesome view as iron workers work on top of an antennae on top of the John Hancock Center in Chicago, which itself is 100 stories tall, not including the extra height of the antennae. These guys are insane!


That is an awesome view. Thought it was funny the one guy is smoking too.

Yeah, maybe it calms his nerves. :shrug:

It's amazing to me how the guy on top is standing on something not much bigger than a manhole cover over 1,100 feet in the air and nothing to hold onto. Sure he's got a harness tied off to one of the little protruding beams, but I don't get how he doesn't get blown off by wind or how he keeps from losing his balance.