• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

The BOOKS of C3V & SoV Index


Enjoy the Sausage

We ask that you do not use the title "BOOK" for C3V or SoV units without permission to preserve the quality and avoid confusion. Thanks!

Please PM Dad_Scaper for permission before creating a C3V/SoV Book.

@Captain Stupendous 's stupendous C3V/SoV indexing site, here! It has sortable tables and everything! Stunning (and bilingual!) graphic index here, but as of this writing (8/16/22) somewhat incomplete. Thanks, @DanieLoche !

Table showing all the units with links to mini info and where you can buy them here. Thanks, @lefton4ya !

Software to help you make a Book. Thanks, @DanieLoche !

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!

Book of C3V Glyphs

Printing cards for C3V/SoV:
Spoiler Alert!

TL;DR: If you just print the image of the card at the top of the page, you're doing it wrong.

C3V / SoV minis index

* - SoV approved design
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Re: C3V Books of Index

Since C3V and SoV are supposedly working together-ish... at least making sure they can work together, should this books index also hold the books for SoV figures? Or should the SoV display thread be the sole source for links to those books?
Re: C3V Books of Index

Hmm ... since Griff is no longer active in the project, I wonder if the C3V/SoV folks don't want to start a new thread for this and lock this one down?
Re: C3V Books of Index

Can't wait to see this thread fill!

As for locking the thread and starting a new one, we'll have to talk about whether we want to just use our Mods for this job or do a new one. That is a bridge I hope we are crossing soon...
Re: C3V and SoV Books of Index

I don't see why we need to lock this thread, as you see in C3G, the public is free to post in their Books. And they can also help us find errors that we have made. I think all we need is a good cleaning once or twice a month that gets rid of unnecessary posts.
Re: C3V and SoV Books of Index

The card in the book is not the same as the card posted by Thruth in the Home page !!!
I prefer the one in the book.

I was wondering why C3V had revised the text revealed by ZBeeblebrox in Scaper of the week #69
After revealing an order marker on Zaeus, you may take a turn with a squad of Gorillinators you control before taking a turn with Zaeus. The Gorillinators cannot move during this turn.
I was happy to read this.
It's simple, clear and avoid any problems that may possibly occur when a character attacks out of its turn.

The other text seems clear and safe at first, but I fear it is more likely to cause confusion in some circumstances.
Re: C3V and SoV Books of Index

The card in the book is correct. The card on the home page was a prototype.

You have excellent taste, dalu, good catch. ;)
Re: C3V and SoV Books of Index

Yup, there was a little glitch and an early version of Zaeus was accidentally posted to the front page, rather than this correct version.

We'll call him Hatamoto Zaeus now. ;)
Re: C3V and SoV Books of Index

I've done one book! Who will do the next?
Re: C3V and SoV Books of Index

Dad_Scaper is the new Keeper of the Books of C3V and SoV. If you wish to create a book, please contact him (Dad_Scaper)
Re: C3V and SoV Books of Index

Dad_Scaper is the new Keeper of the Books of C3V and SoV. If you wish to create a book, please contact him (Dad_Scaper)
You are correct, sir.

I'll also be doing the same sort of maintenance of the books we see from Rev, trying to keep conversation focused on the experience of playing with the unit.
Re: C3V and SoV Books of Index

Interestingly, all three units currently linked in the OP begin with the letter Z. The Letter of the Day is "Z."
Re: C3V and SoV Books of Index

The card in the book is not the same as the card posted by Thruth in the Home page !!!
I prefer the one in the book.


The other text seems clear and safe at first, but I fear it is more likely to cause confusion in some circumstances.

Yes, your playtest comments were part of the reason it was changed in the first place. ;)

Minor glitch, all fixed now. Nothing to see here, move along folks, nothing to see here. :whistle:
Re: C3V and SoV Books of Index

I am really pumped about the C3V customs. Same goes for SoV. I am really impressed with these army cards--they definitely have the feel of classic 'scape, but they add something new. The figures also look really great.

Thanks so much for all the time and effort you've put into this so far!

I do have a question though--I thought I read somewhere that C3V and SoV were both given the authority (by someone who had the authority) to officially add figures to the Heroscape canon. Was I wrong? Or was it just SoV? Because I saw the notice on the blog-post about how these are not official figures.
Re: C3V and SoV Books of Index

No one actually is adding anything to the official canon, but many members of this community are willing to accept the C3V and SoV units as tournament-playable. They will never be allowed at any official GenCon tournament, but they are thoroughly tested.

At the risk of tooting my own horn, I would say that we have extremely high standards for what we will allow ourselves to accept.
Re: C3V and SoV Books of Index

I am really pumped about the C3V customs. Same goes for SoV. I am really impressed with these army cards--they definitely have the feel of classic 'scape, but they add something new. The figures also look really great.

Thanks so much for all the time and effort you've put into this so far!

I do have a question though--I thought I read somewhere that C3V and SoV were both given the authority (by someone who had the authority) to officially add figures to the Heroscape canon. Was I wrong? Or was it just SoV? Because I saw the notice on the blog-post about how these are not official figures.

We are trying to make sure the SoV/C3V units work well within the Heroscape canon and that they are fully compatible...but its up to your gaming group and/or tournament director if you allow them to be played. There is not official authiority for heroscape. As for GenCon, because mant people come to genCon who do not know what scapers is, it is unwise and unfair to allow them at that large of a Venue.

What I'd like to see though is one event that is a SoV/C3V promotional Tournament at GenCon where its known that SoV/C3V units will be accepted.
Re: C3V and SoV Books of Index

These units are all balanced, like everything that came before, with casual play in mind. The Greater Ice Elemental costs 120 points and will not ever be feared as a tournament powerhouse. Not because he costs too much, but because to get 120 points of value out of him you need the attendant circumstances (map, army, opposing army) to be just right.

When you start talking about competitive environments, it's up to the tournament director. I'm a tournament director, and at my events C3V and SoV are both allowed.

I had the advantage of knowing how awesome the C3V units were, though, when I made that rule.

The Tournament Director's #1 responsibility, in my opinion, is to get people to show up. If people come to his event and have fun, he's succeeded. To my mind, allowing C3V and SoV is a way to keep the hobby breathing and alive for the future, to keep people coming back as they play with new units and new ways they may interact with old ones.

So I allow them.

I'll be interested to see how they are received at events elsewhere, at the events where they are permitted. For now I hope TDs are looking at what we've done and are saying "That looks sharp, let me see what else is in Thormun's Reprieve, and maybe I'll allow it."

But it's their decision and, as I said, I believe their number one priority is to get butts in the seats.

footnote: GenCon is its own animal. I'm glad I don't have to decide anything about GenCon. :D
Re: C3V and SoV Books of Index

These units are all balanced, like everything that came before, with casual play in mind. The Greater Ice Elemental costs 120 points and will not ever be feared as a tournament powerhouse. Not because he costs too much, but because to get 120 points of value out of him you need the attendant circumstances (map, army, opposing army) to be just right.
I thought the Greater Ice Elemental would not ever be feared as a tournament powerhouse because he costs 130 points.