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The Book of Zombie


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The Book of Zombie



Comic PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Amazing Spider Man set.
Its model number and name are #006 / Zuvembie.

Note: This figure requires 1x Glyph of Amulet of Damballah
Character Bio - Killed by his gardener and brought back to life by voodoo, Simon Garth is cursed to do the bidding of whomever controls the twin to the Amulet of Damballah which he wears around his neck.

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Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A
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Re: Zombie - Design Phase




LIFE = 6

MOVE = 4

POINTS = 120

At the start of the game, place a Glyph of Amulet of Damballah on the card of a Unique Hero you control. If the Glyph of Amulet of Damballah is on a card that activates Zombie, add 1 to Zombie's Attack number for that turn. Before taking a turn with Zombie, if the Glyph of Amulet of Damballah is in play and not equipped by a figure you control, roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 14 or lower, Zombie's turn immediately ends. An opponent that does not control a figure equipped with the Glyph of Amulet of Damballah may never take temporary or permanent control of Zombie.

After an opponent reveals a numbered Order Marker on an Army Card that opponent controls, you may immediately move Zombie up to 2 spaces. If Zombie ends this move engaged with one or more enemy figures that he was not engaged with at the beginning of this move, you may immediately choose one figure Zombie is engaged with and roll 1 unblockable attack die against that figure. When moving with Walking Dead, Zombie will take any leaving engagement attacks.

After taking a turn with Zombie, remove 1 Wound Marker from this Army Card.


Comic pics:
Background images
Spoiler Alert!
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Re: Zombie - Design Phase

Very interesting! Since he does turn against his controller sometimes, should the glyph have a roll?
Re: Zombie - Design Phase

Never heard of this guy, sounds interesting and looks pretty neat.
Re: Zombie - Design Phase

I don't know this guy. Mechanics look fine :up:. Is he really that strong? (with or without the amulet)
Re: Zombie - Design Phase

So if the Zombie is the last unit in his army left, all you have to do is wound him to knock the glyph off of him and it's game over since he can't reveal OM's w/o the Amulet on his card.

Sure it would be fun to knock the glyph from him to take control of him, but then again, considering his move and being a melee only figure, you can also choose to ignore him and save him for last. The player controlling him to start seems kind of screwed because if they hold him back, he might be the last unit left and lose when the glyph is knocked off. If you send him out early, he will lose the glyph and the opponent will get control of him.
Re: Zombie - Design Phase

We could let him take a turn if no one else controls the glyph, but have some penalty (reduced attack maybe).
Re: Zombie - Design Phase

This one is cool! It even allows for opponent control of the figure.
Re: Zombie - Design Phase

We could let him take a turn if no one else controls the glyph, but have some penalty (reduced attack maybe).

I like that. Should there also be a mechanic that prevents players from taking a turn with him if someone else does control the glyph? (For instance, blocking Master Manipulator or Mind Exchange type powers from affecting him if someone the Amulet Glyph is equipped?)
Re: Zombie - Design Phase

You could also make it so that he cannot increase the distance between him and the glyph during his movement phase.
Re: Zombie - Design Phase

I'd like to see his Defense drop some and his Life go up - that's been our Undead hallmark, so to speak. Easy to damage but hard to take down.

I'd like to see Damballah have a roll and change it to "if an opponent's figure is equipped with the Glyph of the Amulet of Damballah." I mean, if one of YOUR figures is equipped with it, it makes sense he could still take turns... he'd be under your control still, indirectly.
Re: Zombie - Design Phase

Something like ...

Start the game with the Glyph of Amulet of Damballah on this card. If the Glyph of Amulet of Damballah is on this card, add 2 to Zombie's Attack number. Before taking a turn with Zombie, if the Glyph of Amulet of Damballah is in play and not equipped by any figures you control, roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 14 or less, you may not take a turn with Zombie. If you roll 15 or higher, you may take a turn with Zombie normally. An opponent that does not control a figure equipped with the Glyph of Amulet of Damballah may never take temporary or permanent control of Zombie.

That way you can't get sneaky with ways to take turns with Zombie yourself when the glyph is not under your control.
Re: Zombie - Design Phase

Start the game with the Glyph of Amulet of Damballah on this card. If the Glyph of Amulet of Damballah is on this card, add 2 to Zombie's Attack number. Before taking a turn with Zombie, if the Glyph of Amulet of Damballah is in play and not equipped by a figure you control, roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 14 or lower, Zombie's turn immediately ends. An opponent that does not control a figure equipped with the Glyph of Amulet of Damballah may never take temporary or permanent control of Zombie.

Don't need to specify the other condition because you're only rolling in order to take a turn with him.
Re: Zombie - Design Phase

I believe the Glyph will need the standard "take temporary control" language, but I'm set with this one overall.
Re: Zombie - Design Phase

I believe the Glyph will need the standard "take temporary control" language, but I'm set with this one overall.


After taking a turn with this figure, you may choose any Unique Hero figure with the Damballah Control special power. Take temporary control of that hero and immediately take a turn with the chosen Hero. At the end of that turn, control of the chosen Hero returns to the player who controlled the Hero before this glyph was used. All Order Markers that were on the chosen Hero's card will stay on the card.
Re: Zombie - Design Phase

Another possible fix to the looping would be to require the revealing of an OM on the card of the figure controlling the glyph. Thanks for seeing that.

No other figure will have Damballah Control. It's the name of the Amulet that Zombie wears.

What, no suggestion for Class? :lol:

davidlhsl said:
Zombie/Glyph of Amulet of Damballah

I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe.
Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate.
All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain.
Time to ship my pants.

And another design without Class! :p

Damballah Control / Glyph of Amulet of Damballah
I need to comment on these together due to the way these interact. I’m thinking there may be a potential endless loop in the way these abilities work together:

Zombie has the Glyph > Zombie reveals OM and takes a turn > At end of turn, Glyph allows you to choose Zombie to take a turn. > At end of turn, Glyph allows you to choose Zombie to take a turn. >>>

You could probably fix this with “choose any other Unique Hero”. But what if you have another design in mind with Damballah Control? Then you could swap turns between the two figures indefinitely. So that suggestion wouldn’t work.

Let’s consider a battle in which both players draft Zombie and each has their own respective Glyph. I think there was a discussion where it was ruled that if you draft Unique Hero X, you can’t take control of your opponent’s Unique Hero X due to the prohibition of having more than one of the same figure in your army. I don't see this as a problem, but thought it worth mentioning.

In the second sentence, hero is both capitalized and in lower-case. Hmm, this might be correct due to the context in which both words are used. Ok, nothing to see here. :D

Final thoughts
This really does look like a fun design, because having both players fight over the glyph to control Zombie will be a blast. This glyph is highly dependent on this design (or other figures with Damballah Control), so shouldn’t be mixed into a random glyph pool. Due to the massive amount of great designs in C3G, I think you should work in these niche designs into the collection.

Time to ship my ERB.
Re: Zombie - Design Phase

I'm concerned about his low move (he's a zombie after all) and melee only nature. But because he IS a zombie, what about a movement power? It also gives him at least a fighting chance of getting his glyph back.

After revealing a numbered Order Marker on another Army Card you control, you may immediately move Zombie up to 3 spaces. When moving with Walking Dead, Zombie will take any leaving engagement attacks.
Re: Zombie - Design Phase

I think it would be better if it was your opponents OM, Zombies are mainly portrayed as hunters, so-to-speak, & they locate their prey by their smell, sound & movement. :twisted:
Re: Zombie - Design Phase

Yeah, I like that - Zombies are pretty relentless, so a slow but consistent movement suits them well.
Re: Zombie - Design Phase

Like the power Sir G but with A3n's suggestion :up:
Re: Zombie - Design Phase

I accept the friendly amendment.

After an opponent reveals a numbered Order Marker on an Army Card that opponent controls, you may immediately move Zombie up to 3 spaces. When moving with Walking Dead, Zombie will take any leaving engagement attacks.
Re: Zombie - Design Phase

Looks good. And if we ever decide to stray into another Kirkman territory other than the Invincible universe, I hope we use that one on a common squad. :-D