Re: The Book of Zauriel - Vote for Playtesting
27 hours.
You may want to PM him. How much time has expired since the proposal anyways?
27 hours.
You may want to PM him. How much time has expired since the proposal anyways?
Thanks! I'll be testing here in just a few minutes.I've got Z all tested, I'll post the results sometime this afternoon or this evening.
He can be a real boss, but he has counters.
- THEME TEST/ Check to see if there are any powers or stats on the test unit card that does not accurately reflect the theme or likeness of what the character would and could do. Also consider destructible objects, and whether or not this characters powers should affect them.
- MIRROR TEST/ Check to see if the unit were played against itself, if there would be any loops that would upset the balance of the Game.
Pass. Of course they would just use Angelic Scream the whole time…
- BONDING TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing Bonding abilities to make sure there are no continual Bonding possibilities that do not stop appropriately or do not stop at all. This is to prevent loops in Bonding.
- SYNERGIES TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing synergies to make sure there are no factors that could break the game by making any unit to powerful or too weak.
- POWER CHECK/ Consider the test unit and all existing units and all glyphs to compare to and check for any powers that could be over amplified and break the game. Each power must define when it takes place, who or what it affects, and What are the stipulations on the power if there are any.
- FUN TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play.
Pass. Absolutely! I’m very pleased with how he is turning out.
- FUN COMPETITIVE TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play against.
Pass. He’s very good, but has counters, so he’s still fun to play against.
- DRAFTING TEST/ Consider whether or not this design is worth drafting.
Pass. His Flaming Sword is enough influence to draft him in most cases.
- USAGE TEST/ Consider whether or not all of the powers on this card were used or at least usable.
Pass. Angelic Scream still gets use, even if your opponent isn’t playing any Angels or Symbiotes.
- STRATEGY TEST/ Consider whether or not the design offers any real strategy or interesting tactics to the overall game.
- Army Test/ Does it pass, Yes or No? What should be the unit's point value? Give a brief summary. Pass at 320. Zauriel did a hefty amount of damage, while still getting defeated without excessive strain. Luke Cage is a great counter for Zauriel’s Holy Sword of Flame.
Map: Flash Fire
Units: Zauriel, Plastic Man, Deathstroke, and Mole Man (845) vs. Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Spider-Man (C3G), and Human Torch (Jim Hammond) (850)
Spoiler Alert!Plastic Man starts things off by moving, as do Iron Fist and Luke Cage. Deathstroke moves, as does Human Torch, and Luke, engaging Plastic Man. Zauriel engages Luke and attacks, his Sword buffing his attack greatly, but Luke takes just one wound due to Impenetrable Skin. Iron Fist engages Zauriel but misses, and Luke also misses to end the round. Fist wounds Zauriel, and Luke misses. Deathstroke moves and wounds Torch twice, just as Fist slams Zauriel for 3 wounds. Zauriel wounds Fist twice with his Sword, and Zauriel takes another wound from Fist. Zauriel is infuriated and kills Iron Fist, ending the round. Zauriel wounds Luke once, annoyed by he convienence of Impenetrable Skin. Torch wounds Deathstroke with Fireball, and Deathstroke wounds Torch, healing himself. Torch and Luke both miss, and Deathstroke kills Torch. Spider-Man is too far away from Luke to get activated, so Luke simply misses Zauriel to end the round. Zauriel wounds Luke just once, and Spider-Man moves. Zauriel wounds Luke again, and Spider-Man misses Zauriel, as does Luke. Deathstroke comes to the rescue, using Quick Shot to kill Luke. Zauriel attacks Spider-Man in the new round, but he dodges and runs with Web Swing. Spidey returns to the engagement to kill Zauriel, and Deathstroke misses. Spidey faces his fears and attacks Deathstroke, who blocks and returns 2 wounds with Calculated Defense. Deathstroke misses, and Spidey takes another wound from Calculated Defense. Next round, Deathstroke takes a wound, but kills Spidey with Calculated Defense for the win.
Win: Team 1: Deathstroke w/ 1 wound, Plastic Man, and Mole Man.
- Army Test/ Does it pass, Yes or No? What should be the unit's point value? Give a brief summary. Pass at 320. The battle was extremely close. Zauriel has plenty of potential to one-hit many heroes under 250 points, but he has enough counters, like damage-avoiding abilities, to keep him in check.
Map: Flash Fire
Units: Zauriel, Scarecrow, and Doctor Light (650) vs. Daredevil, Batman (Bruce Wayne), Robin (Tim Drake), and Venom (Official) (650).
Spoiler Alert!Doctor Light moves to begin the game. Venom and Robin move, and Doctor Light blasts Venom for 3 wounds. Venom wounds Light twice, and Robin engages. Zauriel flies behind the ruin and uses Angelic Scream, wounding only Venom once. Light takes 2 more wounds from Venom, and the round ends. Daredevil moves, and Robin misses Light. Scarecrow moves and places the Glyph of Fear Gas. Daredevil moves along the road to attack Scarecrow, getting extremely lucky and killing him in one shot. Robin misses Light, and Zauriel uses Angelic Scream. With it he kills Venom, wounds Robin twice, and allows Daredevil to engage with Radar Sense. Batman moves, killing Doctor Light, and Robin engages Zauriel. Zauriel wounds Robin to end the round, and the Fear Gas disappears. Zauriel kills Robin with his Sword, and Daredevil wounds Zauriel. Zauriel misses due to Radar Sense, and Batman engages. Zauriel gets hit from Evasive Strike, and Daredevil misses to end the round. Both Batman and Zauriel miss, as does Daredevil. Zauriel aces his roll (with a few blanks) and kills Batman in one hit. Daredevil wounds Zauriel, who wounds Daredevil twice. Next round Daredevil gets wounded again, and he fails to hit Zauriel. Daredevil wounds Zauriel after dodging an attack, and after dodging another, Daredevil kills Zauriel to win the game.
Win: Team 2: Daredevil w/ 3 wounds.
I was letting the playtests sit for a while before we moved on, in case any concerns came up.Anyone planning on proposing a vote for this guy?