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The Book of Zauriel

Re: The Book of Zauriel - Final Editing Phase

I would like the figure to come down and go back more so we can see that cool sword.
Re: The Book of Zauriel - Final Editing Phase

mini card updated.
Re: The Book of Zauriel - Final Editing Phase

mini card updated.
Fabulous. I still don't like Sword of Archangel Michael. It was mentioned that he has the spear, but his Holy Sword of Flame isn't identical to that of Frankenstein's.
Re: The Book of Zauriel - Final Editing Phase

mini card updated.
Fabulous. I still don't like Sword of Archangel Michael. It was mentioned that he has the spear, but his Holy Sword of Flame isn't identical to that of Frankenstein's.

I guess that's fine as it allows Frankie's power to be a little different.

A3n, is it possible to orient the mini so it's the same as the comic?
Re: The Book of Zauriel - Final Editing Phase

mini card updated.
Fabulous. I still don't like Sword of Archangel Michael. It was mentioned that he has the spear, but his Holy Sword of Flame isn't identical to that of Frankenstein's.

I'll defer to you since you, y'know, would actually know this sort of thing, but some sources say it's Michael's.

Either way "Holy Sword of Flame" sounds clunky to me. Flows badly.

Flaming Sword of Heaven?
Sword of Holy Flame?
Re: The Book of Zauriel - Final Editing Phase

A3n, is it possible to orient the mini so it's the same as the comic?
:confused: I'm not quite following what your suggestion is here.

Do you mean so the sword is pointing down with his feet to the right or do mean so the sword is pointing to the top right & his head is down towards the ground? :confused:

BTW I think the mini is much better then the comic, maybe you should find a comic that better suits the mini. :shrug:
Re: The Book of Zauriel - Final Editing Phase

A3n, is it possible to orient the mini so it's the same as the comic?
:confused: I'm not quite following what your suggestion is here.

Do you mean so the sword is pointing down with his feet to the right or do mean so the sword is pointing to the top right & his head is down towards the ground? :confused:

BTW I think the mini is much better then the comic, maybe you should find a comic that better suits the mini. :shrug:

Sorry, I mean so the sword is pointing to the top right.
Re: The Book of Zauriel - Final Editing Phase

I think Sword of Holy Flame sounds fine, I see no problem with it.
BTW I think the mini is much better then the comic, maybe you should find a comic that better suits the mini. :shrug:
I like the mini as well.





Re: The Book of Zauriel - Final Editing Phase

A3n, is it possible to orient the mini so it's the same as the comic?
:confused: I'm not quite following what your suggestion is here.

Do you mean so the sword is pointing down with his feet to the right or do mean so the sword is pointing to the top right & his head is down towards the ground? :confused:

BTW I think the mini is much better then the comic, maybe you should find a comic that better suits the mini. :shrug:

Sorry, I mean so the sword is pointing to the top right.

Gotcha, & NO! I just had a look & looks crappy with his body going basically horizontal.
Re: The Book of Zauriel - Final Editing Phase

I think the comic art being used now or this one would be best:
Re: The Book of Zauriel - Final Editing Phase

Cards look great, I am about ready to vote on this.

Scape, where are we at in terms of getting this wrapped up?
Re: The Book of Zauriel - Final Editing Phase

Scape, where are we at in terms of getting this wrapped up?
There was some discussion about the comic art and the power name for Sword of Holy Flame, but I really like both as is.

I propose we release Zauriel.
Re: The Book of Zauriel - Vote for Release

I really don't like that power name and I think Johnny had better suggestions for it. I can't in good conscious vote for it. I MUCH prefer: Sword of Holy Flame.
Re: The Book of Zauriel - Vote for Release

I really don't like that power name and I think Johnny had better suggestions for it. I can't in good conscious vote for it. I MUCH prefer: Sword of Holy Flame.

Is the Sword holy, or is the Flame holy? That should determine where to put the adjective.
Re: The Book of Zauriel - Vote for Release

I really don't like that power name and I think Johnny had better suggestions for it. I can't in good conscious vote for it. I MUCH prefer: Sword of Holy Flame.

Is the Sword holy, or is the Flame holy? That should determine where to put the adjective.

Cast in the foundries of the Fifth Heaven—a creation of Elemental Angelic Fire. It embodies Zauriel's will and can cut through all bonds, dispel shadows and even wound non-material entities.

So it's made of Elemental Angelic Fire. It's a sword made of angelic flame. So, really, Sword of Holy Flame makes more sense.
Re: The Book of Zauriel - Vote for Release

I really don't like that power name and I think Johnny had better suggestions for it. I can't in good conscious vote for it. I MUCH prefer: Sword of Holy Flame.

Is the Sword holy, or is the Flame holy? That should determine where to put the adjective.

Cast in the foundries of the Fifth Heaven—a creation of Elemental Angelic Fire. It embodies Zauriel's will and can cut through all bonds, dispel shadows and even wound non-material entities.

So it's made of Elemental Angelic Fire. It's a sword made of angelic flame. So, really, Sword of Holy Flame makes more sense.

So is Sword of Holy Flame a deal-breaker for anyone?
Re: The Book of Zauriel - Vote for Release

Not I. I'm going to hold my vote until this issue is resolved, though.
Re: The Book of Zauriel - Vote for Release

I much prefer that and don't want to vote Yea till it is resolved.
Re: The Book of Zauriel - Vote for Release

In fact, I'll put in a Nay just to be safe to make sure this doesn't expire on time while we're figuring this out. (Just to be safe, mind you. I love this design. :) ).
Re: The Book of Zauriel - Vote for Release

Plus there is still a signature on the comic art.