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The Book of Zatanna


Champ of C3G Con 2020, 2024, and mindless posting
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[FONT=&quot]The Book of Zatanna[/FONT]



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

Backwards Text Alt Card:​
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[FONT=&quot]The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Cosmic Justice set.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Its model numbers and name are #055-057 / Zatanna or #219 / Zatanna Zatara[/FONT][FONT=&quot].[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Character Bio - [/FONT]"Zatanna is a powerful sorceress whose abilities are apparently genetic. As a tribute to her father and as a focal point, she usually casts spells by speaking verbal commands backwards (...)The limits of her powers have never been clearly established. She is often depicted working alongside the most powerful magic-users on Earth, including Doctor Fate, Madame Xanadu, and Captain Marvel. She has used her powers to command elemental forces, heal, transmute and transmogrify objects, manipulate minds, and attack her opponents with energy blasts. She has resurrected the city of Metropolis from ruin, merged Aquaman's spirit with the entire ocean in the finale of the "Obsidian Age" story arc, and manipulated time and space. During a portion of her initial tenure with the Justice League, her powers were more limited, consisting in the manipulation of fire, air, water, and earth. Furthermore, her powers seems tied to her self-confidence, as the long series of blunders described in Seven Soldiers left her both emotionally and psychologically shattered, powerless, until she was able to restore her lost confidence. Zatanna may be harmed by magic, even if her training makes her able to defend herself from most magic users," (wikipedia.com) [FONT=&quot]_________________________________________________________________[/FONT]

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:

-Strategy, Tactics, and Tips-[FONT=&quot]-Heroscapers Community Contributions-[/FONT]
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Re: The Book of Zatanna - Design Phase




LIFE = 4

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 240


Start the game with 3 black Negation Markers on this card. After taking a turn with Zatanna, if you have at least 1 Negation Marker on this card, you may choose any opponent's unique figure adjacent to Zatanna. Roll the 20-sided die, subtracting 3 from the roll if the chosen figure has the Magical Defense special power. If you roll 17 or higher, place a Negation Marker on the chosen figure's Army Card and remove all unrevealed Order Markers from it. All of that figure's special powers are negated for the entire game.

After moving and before attacking, you may choose one marker other than an Order Marker on the card of a figure within 4 clear sight spaces of Zatanna. Roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 15 or higher, remove the chosen marker from the game.

When Zatanna is attacked by an opponent's figure that does not have the Magical Defense special power, the most wounds Zatanna can take for this attack is one.
Re: The Book of Zatanna - Design Phase

Possible comic art:








8 )






Re: The Book of Zatanna - Design Phase

After moving, before attacking, you may choose one figure within 4 clear sight spaces of Zatanna with at least one colored Marker on its card. Colored Markers may include Wound Markers or any Markers used for special powers other than Order Markers. Roll the 20-sided die, subtracting 3 from the roll if the chosen figure has the Magical Defense special power. If you roll a 14 or higher, you may remove one colored Marker on the chosen figure's card from the game.

That last line looked kind of wonky, I don't know if my change makes it any better, but we can see.

After moving, before attacking, you may choose one figure within 4 clear sight spaces of Zatanna with at least one colored Marker on its card. Colored Markers may include Wound Markers or any Markers used for special powers other than Order Markers. Roll the 20-sided die, subtracting 3 from the roll if the chosen figure has the Magical Defense special power. If you roll a 14 or higher, you may remove from the game, one colored Marker on the chosen figure's card. [/FONT]

She will definitely be nasty if she rolls good against her enemies, but be helpful in removing unwanted markers from her teammates card, such as Hex Curse Marker, Fear Gas Marker etc.

Team her up with Dr. Fate to get the extra + for the D20 roll.

Her Magical Defense should keep her alive vs. some single attack heavy hitters, but multiple attackers might give her problems.

She looks cool and scary dangerous, but hopefully not too swingy, though testing will bear that out.

Nice work Bats :D
Re: The Book of Zatanna - Design Phase

Yeah, I think she'll be fun ... Not digging the rewrite on the text there ... I could see it having a rewrite, but if so, I don't think we've found the right wording quite yet ...
Re: The Book of Zatanna - Design Phase

I have been waiting for this one for a while. Good job here.
Re: The Book of Zatanna - Design Phase

Hmmm, Bats... Me likey!!! :thumbsup: For the record, I prefer pics 6 and 14, in the opposite order.
Re: The Book of Zatanna - Design Phase

14 would probably be my favorite, except I'm afraid that her head is too close to the top ...
Re: The Book of Zatanna - Design Phase

Why do I get the feeling that you had way too much fun looking for these pics Bats?

I like 3 and 6.

BTW, I really dislike 14 - her face is all mongo...
Re: The Book of Zatanna - Design Phase

Yeah, I think she'll be fun ... Not digging the rewrite on the text there ... I could see it having a rewrite, but if so, I don't think we've found the right wording quite yet ...

Yeah, I wasn't sure about that. The original one might be fine, I guess it just seemed at first glance to have a lot between "remove" and "from the game". But like anything, once reading the power a couple times, you know what it means and you don't have to read it anymore. :D

She'll definitely be kind of neat in that [FONT=&quot]RETLA ETATS 14 can work both for your team and against opponents.

It will be interesting to see her and Scarlet Witch going at it. SW can Curse her, but if she avoids the Curse and hits for Mindwipe, that Negates the Curse Marker on Zatanna and any other figures that get it. That said, a lot depends on d20's for both of them so it will be neat to see the fickle ways of magic play out. :D
Re: The Book of Zatanna - Design Phase

Lots of opinions on the pictures to file away. :) I'll tally results in a day or two. I'm really hoping we can use one that has her hat on as that such a big part of her look, IMO.
Any thoughts or concerns on the powers or should I feel free to start playtesting her?
Re: The Book of Zatanna - Design Phase

Simple, great initial design. But shouldn't it be RETLA ETATS 41? :p
Re: The Book of Zatanna - Design Phase

lol, does she reverse numbers too? :p I figure it's better to keep that one as is for easy reference ...
Re: The Book of Zatanna - Design Phase

6, 7, 9 or 10 (must have hat).
She's too happy in 14.
Re: The Book of Zatanna - Design Phase

Zatanna's low D20 rolls also scared me a bit, so I bumped them to 15 each. It's possible they'll need to go up to 16 eventually, but we'll see in playtesting. :)
Re: The Book of Zatanna - Design Phase

That's probably the best way to go for now. Negating a GL for a game is harsh :twisted: While I know they can hit her with some firepower, it doesn't do much good if she only takes 1 wound at a time. If she gets 3 tries to hit the d20 and does nothing else but Negate Hal for the game, then she's earned her points. Conversely, if you have a multiple attacker like Punisher or a bonding ranged unit like Madame HYDRA and HYDRA Agents, then they can chip away at her 1 wound at a time. So it will be interesting for sure :D

In fact, would it be out of the realm of possibility for her to have a range of 5 or 6 with her normal attack? While her special powers still have a range of 4 to help keep that balanced, I'm worried that with her low range for her normal attack, she can get out-ranged too easily because even though she can Negate Punisher or some others, a lot of them will still have a long range in their base stats with a nice attack and would give her problems. I think the life of 4 will help keep her balance against the HH's because if her life went up to help her against ranged units, it would totally make her too tough for the 300+ club.
Re: The Book of Zatanna - Design Phase

Well she's a ranged flier too, so her overall threat range is still better than Superman's ... I've done most of the heavy hitter tests so far and she's really one you almost need to get the drop on to have a good chance of winning since once she's got you within 4 spaces she can hit you with one of those Mindwipes ... In fact, after testing four times with her rolls at 15, I think I'm going to up them to 16 from here on out. It's just too easy when she can roll every turn without sacrificing anything.
Re: The Book of Zatanna - Design Phase

I do think that 16 is the sweet spot for this, but I wonder if even then she may end up being more powerful than we would like her to be. I do prefer her to cost around 230-250 if possible.
Re: The Book of Zatanna - Design Phase

That's why I upped her rolls ... they may need to be upped again. The army tests should give me a better idea. In a minute I'll post what I have done so far.
Re: The Book of Zatanna - Design Phase



- THEME TEST/ Check to see if there are any powers or stats on the test unit card that does not accurately reflect the theme or likeness of what the character would and could do. Also consider destructible objects, and whether or not this characters powers should affect them.

/ Check to see if the unit were played against itself, if there would be any loops that would upset the balance of the Game.
PASS Zatanna could nullify her doppleganger, or slowly (with the markers) remove her doppleganger's ability to nullify her. No issues here.

- BONDING TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing Bonding abilities to make sure there are no continual Bonding possibilities that do not stop appropriately or do not stop at all. This is to prevent loops in Bonding.

- SYNERGIES TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing synergies to make sure there are no factors that could break the game by making any unit to powerful or too weak.
PASS Doctor Fate might be a slight concern, but I can't test with him yet, since he's not finished ... still, I think his D20 boost has proven balanced, so as long as her levels aren't too powerful on their own, we should be fine (whether they are or not we'll see!)

- POWER CHECK/ Consider the test unit and all existing units and all glyphs to compare to and check for any powers that could be over amplified and break the game. Each power must define when it takes place, who or what it affects, and What are the stipulations on the power if there are any.

- FUN TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play.

- FUN COMPETITIVE TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play against.

- DRAFTING TEST/ Consider whether or not this design is worth drafting.

- USAGE TEST/ Consider whether or not all of the powers on this card were used or at least usable.

- STRATEGY TEST/ Consider whether or not the design offers any real strategy or interesting tactics to the overall game.

- Heavy Hitter or Mid-Level Hero/ Does it pass? PASS
Spoiler Alert!


- Squad / Does it pass?
Map: Platforms 5 and 6
Units: Zatanna vs. Beat Cops x4 (260)
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- Squad / Does it pass? PASS
Map: Platforms 5 and 6
Units: Zatanna vs. Street Thugs x3 (225)
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- Army Test/ Does it pass? PASS
Map: Platforms 5 and 6
Units: Zatanna, Green Arrow (OQ), and Black Canary (590) vs. Flash (BA) and Green Lantern (HJ) (600 points)
Spoiler Alert!


- Army Test/ Does it pass? PASS
Map: Platforms 5 and 6
Units: Zatanna (240), Batman (BW), Robin (TD), Green Arrow (OQ) and Doctor Fate (1000)* vs. Joker, Harley Quinn, Gorilla Grodd, Creeper, and Sinestro (1000)
Spoiler Alert!
Re: The Book of Zatanna - Design Phase

It is kinda looking like 240 to me, and that is cool. Absorbing Man got owned, but with no flying or range on Platforms 5 and 6, that is to be expected. Also, his power depends a lot on stealing high defense and pumping up his normal attack, which in the end is still only gonna put 1 wound on her.
Re: The Book of Zatanna - Design Phase

Yeah, I think that being able to go one-on-one against mostly units with a single attack is very much to her advantage, as magical defense in that circumstance gives her lots of chances to hit her D20 rolls.
Still, I'd rather up them to 16 anyway, since there's no risk involved in taking any of the rolls.
Re: The Book of Zatanna - Design Phase

Zatanna's playtest sheet is updated with all but the last army test.