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The Book of Yukio


Not just a rat but a rat with a gun!
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The Book of Yukio



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a modified HeroClix figure from the Indy set.
Its model number and name are #010-012 / Scarab.
Its model number and name are #204 / Keiko.

Modification instructions.


Character Bio - Yukio is an occasional thief by profession, as well as a rōnin, a masterless samurai. Yukio has an almost careless disregard for personal danger. According to her own philosophy of life, living in danger is the ultimate adventure, while the peace of death is the final prize that awaits for every person who has truly lived. She is highly skilled in the martial arts and her specialty weapons are scalpel-like shuriken, of which she can hurl several at a time with deadly accuracy.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Yuko - Design Phase




LIFE = 4

MOVE = 6

POINTS = 120

After revealing an Order Marker on any Mutant card you control and taking a turn with that Mutant, you may take an immediate turn with Yukio. During this turn, Yukio can only attack figures engaged with that Mutant and adds 1 additional attack die against an adjacent figure. After using this special power, you may not take a turn with any other figures.

Range 4. Attack 3.
Yukio may only attack non-adjacent figures with this special attack. Yukio may attack up to 3 times with Flying Blades Special Attack.

When rolling defense dice, each blank rolled counts as an additional shield. After defending against a normal attack from an adjacent attacking figure, if Yukio does not take any wounds, she may switch places with the attacking figure. Figures moved by Jujutsu never take any leaving engagement attacks.
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Re: The Book of Yuko - Design Phase

Not sure if I like an unmodded Otonashi here - I think at bare minimum we would need to chop off (or photoshop out) her ponytail, since Yukio's short hair is probably her biggest identifier. Possibly also an all-black repaint, though that might be hard to manage with just photoshop.

Powers look good, though. Shouldn't she be an Assassin/Ninja, though? Not sure if Fearless is warranted, either.
Re: The Book of Yukio - Design Phase

All looks good to me. I don't know the character so I can't comment on her attributes or the look of mini figure, but look fine.

I don't like the "Yukio has been portrayed" statement in the bio.
Re: The Book of Yukio - Design Phase

All looks good to me. I don't know the character so I can't comment on her attributes or the look of mini figure, but look fine.

Re: The Book of Yukio - Design Phase

Bio fixed. I think she's a thief foremost, a ninja second. Also, I don't see her as a ninja leader that Hand Ninja would bond with.

As for the figure, any better suggestions? I wouldn't mind if the pony tail could be photoshopped out (or shortened).
Re: The Book of Yukio - Design Phase

Yugioh? No, Yukio.

Don't know her, but seems the title of Ninjitsu seems odd seeing as how she's a thief, not a ninja.
Re: The Book of Yukio - Design Phase

Batman knows Ninjitsu too. :-D It's a power we're going to be using on several cards, so I think that helps.
Re: The Book of Yukio - Design Phase

I dunno, if you're a Japanese woman dressed in skintight black clothing throwing around shuriken and practicing ninjutsu, you're probably a ninja. :shrug: I don't think it's any more thematic for her to be hanging around with the Crime Alley Crooks than with a squad of ninja.
Re: The Book of Yukio - Design Phase

"Yukio”, aka the Wild One, is a woman without a past, an enigmatic ronin drifter and masterless outlaw living in Japan. Even her name is unknown. Her actual first name seems to be Yukiko (“fortunate girl”) but she has always been known as Yukio (“fortunate man”) for reasons that she refuses to discuss, even with her close friend and occasional lover Wolverine (James Howlett). Wolverine indicated that Yukio took a man’s name when she also started wearing her hair in a more masculine cut, and these minor bits of gender-bending seem to contribute to her fame among the Japanese underworld.

Yukio may have had ties with the Hand, given how much she knows about them. She was once described as a “half-ninja” - which seemed to be about her ancestry or original training, but the remark was too random to hazard hypotheses. In the past she was an international thief who occasionally clashed with Remy Lebeau, the future Gambit. Once, in London, Yukio informed the police about Lebeau to facilitate her operations, but her rival outmaneuvered her and she was arrested by the Met. They also clashed in Singapore and Mila.

Re: The Book of Yukio - Design Phase

Would "Ronin" be appropriate here?
Re: The Book of Yukio - Design Phase

Design looks solid to me. I'll let you guys decise on Class, as I don't know the character.

Should the SA read "exactly 2 or 3 spaces" to match with Crossbow SA? I also wonder if it should be restricted to non-adjacent only.
Re: The Book of Yukio - Design Phase

I could go with Ronin. I wasn't sure if using "exactly" with an or statement would be correct. Bats or SirG?

Also, are we good with using Otonashi's figure for her?
Re: The Book of Yukio - Design Phase

Hmm, yeah, it's a good question with "exactly" .... Maybe:

Range 5. Attack 3 + Special.
When Yukio attacks a figure that is either exactly 2 spaces away or exactly 3 spaces away with this special attack, roll 1 additional attack die. Yukio may attack up to 3 times with Flying Blades Special Attack.

But maybe that's overkill?
Re: The Book of Yukio - Design Phase

If we're not going Ninja I'm personally fine with whatever (Thief, Assassin, Ronin, so forth). It's not a big deal - I'm just generally in favor of calling a duck a duck. :D
Re: The Book of Yukio - Design Phase

If we're not going Ninja I'm personally fine with whatever (Thief, Assassin, Ronin, so forth). It's not a big deal - I'm just generally in favor of calling a duck a duck. :D

After some consideration I would be against duck here :p.
Re: The Book of Yukio - Design Phase

I ordered the lamb, but they were out!
Re: The Book of Yukio - Design Phase

SP is updated. For the mini, would someone (LP) be willing to modify a figure for her? We could probably get an easy paint and head swap that would look more like Yukio than Otonashi.

Also sent to ERB.
Re: The Book of Yukio - Design Phase

If we're going into full head swap territory, might be cheaper to use one of the newer Black Widows (AVENGERS or CAPTAIN AMERICA) as a base. You'd lose the sword, of course, but I imagine most would prefer not cutting up one of their actual Heroscape units.

I'd be happy with just photoshopping out the ponytail, personally, but if we're going all the way to a mod...
Re: The Book of Yukio - Design Phase

Man, those are some ugly minis.
Re: The Book of Yukio - Design Phase

Ah! Yeah, 2+Special makes a lot more sense and it lines up with Shiori better too. Thanks!

dok said:
No major concerns. A couple minor ones:

  • Flying blades is a lot of offense for a 150 point figure, particularly given that she can disengage for free to make it 3 attacks of 4.
  • I'm not sure there are no new corner cases because of Ninjitsu, but I can't think of anything weird that isn't already covered by the special attack versions of that.
Re: The Book of Yukio - Design Phase

More ERB:

Margloth said:
I don't see any issues.

davidlhsl said:

Makers of fine stereo equipment!


No issues here.

Flying Blades Special Attack

Would it create complications to simply say “that is exactly 2 or 3 spaces away with this special attack”?

Otherwise, it’s a cool special attack.

Final Thoughts

Nice design. Hopefully I can send this off before Windows decides to make me reboot to install another update.
Re: The Book of Yukio - Design Phase

From Dok's comment, I realize that Ninjitsu combined with her special pretty much takes all thought out of using the special. I think I'll swap out Ninjitsu for an Acrobatic power instead.

Which Acrobatic powers have we developed already?
Re: The Book of Yukio - Design Phase

Acrobatic Leap
Acrobatic Movement
Acrobatic Maneuver
Acrobatic Mastery
Re: The Book of Yukio - Design Phase

Acrobatic Leap 2/3 would probably be your best bet here movement-wise. Along with Phantom Walk, I figure?

Or Phantom Walk with Defensive Agility or Stealth Dodge if you want another angle on the ninja-esque theme.