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The Book of Yellow Lantern (Jonathan Crane)

Re: Book of Yellow Lantern (Jonathan Crane)-VOTE for Playtes

Four. I pre-yea'd. And, yes, this passes to playtesting!

Sign up in the playtesting thread, though, Viegon. :)
Re: The Book of Yellow Lantern (Jonathan Crane) - Playtestin

Yeah, I knew I had to sign-up in the other thread, but I was asking if the proposal had passed.

I'll get to playtesting right away, already got somes armies planned.
Re: The Book of Yellow Lantern (Jonathan Crane) - Playtestin

Alright, here's my Public Playtest for YL Scarecrow. Overall, a very fun design that fits well with the rest of the Yellow Lantern faction, and I love the theme with his SA. In my games he felt a little overpriced, like he should be more like 220-230; the problem was, 2 attack on his SA just can't pierce a lot of figures' defense, even with the -1. If you wanted to keep his points up, I think he might be a little more fun if his SA subtracted 2; either that or switch the range and attack numbers on it, so it's Range 2/Attack 3.














Army Test 1
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Pass
- What should be the unit's point value? 250 seems a little high, more like 200-230
- Give a brief overview. With only 2 attack on his Special Attack, Scarecrow just couldn’t get through his enemies defense, and he couldn’t risk just taking them down one at a time. Fun to play, but not quite worth his points.

Normal Attack: 2 Ninja.
Special Attack: 4 Ninja.
Power Usage/Effectiveness:
Yellow Power Shield: 3 markers used up.
Murder of Crows SA: Used 5 times out of 7 attack phases. Used with 1 attack 1 times. Used with 2 attacks 0 times. Used with 3 attacks 2 times. Used with 4 attacks 2 times.

Map: Crash Landing
Units: YL Crane, YL Arkillo, Manhunter x1 (700 points) VS Hand Ninja x3, Ra’s Al Ghul, Talia Al Ghul, Boomerang (695 points)
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test 2
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Pass
- What should be the unit's point value? Again, somewhere around 200 sounds right.
- Give a brief overview. Scarecrow’s SA was great for clearing up the Moloids, but Doom kept risking disengagements with the Corps Soldiers to tie Scarecrow down.

Normal Attack: 1 Moloid, 2 wounds to Doom.
Special Attack: 5 Moloids.
Power Usage/Effectiveness:
Yellow Power Shield: 0 markers used up.
Murder of Crows SA: Used 2 times out of 4 attack phases. Used with 1 attack 0 times. Used with 2 attacks 0 times. Used with 3 attacks 2 times. Used with 4 attacks 1 times.

Map: Crash Landing
Units: YL Crane, YL Sinestro, Sinestro Corps Soldier x2 (700 points) VS Moloid x13, Doctor Doom (C3G), Doombot x2 (695 points)
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test 3
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Pass
- What should be the unit's point value? 250 seemed about right this game
- Give a brief overview. In the beginning, things weren’t going well for the Yellow Lanterns as Arkillo went down quick and the Manhunter’s never got the chance to drain the Green Lanterns. But Sinestro, Scarecrow, and the Corps Soldiers were able to pull out a win.

Normal Attack: 1 wound to Hal Jordan.
Special Attack: 1 wound to Guy Gardner and 1 Battery removed from him, 1 wound to Hal Jordan and 2 Batteries removed from him.
Power Usage/Effectiveness:
Yellow Power Shield: 0 markers used up.
Murder of Crows SA: Used 5 times out of 7 attack phases. Used with 1 attack 0 times. Used with 2 attacks 4 times. Used with 3 attacks 0 times. Used with 4 attacks 1 times. Used against non-Fearless 4 times.

Map: Crash Landing
Units: YL Crane, YL Arkillo, Manhunter x3, Sinestro Corps Soldier x2 (1200 points) VS Hal Jordan, Kilowog, Guy Gardner, Green Construct (Mech Warrior), Weather Wizard (1200 points)
Spoiler Alert!

Hope that helps, great design Flame Gryphon!
Re: The Book of Yellow Lantern (Jonathan Crane) - Playtestin

Thanks! :)

Yeah, looking at that it looks like he might end up having his point cost lowered a bit. I'll run some tests later today at different point costs to see what seems right. :)
Re: The Book of Yellow Lantern (Jonathan Crane) - Playtestin

Yeah, I could see 230-240 (not lower) depending on what comes in on the last test. :)
Re: The Book of Yellow Lantern (Jonathan Crane) - Playtestin

I'll slip one in tonight.
Re: The Book of Yellow Lantern (Jonathan Crane) - Playtestin

You'll get the results tomorrow.
Re: The Book of Yellow Lantern (Jonathan Crane) - Playtestin

NAME OF THE TEST UNIT Yellow Lantern (Jonathan Crane)

- THEME TEST/ Check to see if there are any powers or stats on the test unit card that does not accurately reflect the theme or likeness of what the character would and could do. Also consider destructible objects, and whether or not this characters powers should affect them.

- MIRROR TEST/ Check to see if the unit were played against itself, if there would be any loops that would upset the balance of the Game.

- BONDING TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing Bonding abilities to make sure there are no continual Bonding possibilities that do not stop appropriately or do not stop at all. This is to prevent loops in Bonding.

- SYNERGIES TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing synergies to make sure there are no factors that could break the game by making any unit to powerful or too weak.

- POWER CHECK/ Consider the test unit and all existing units and all glyphs to compare to and check for any powers that could be over amplified and break the game. Each power must define when it takes place, who or what it affects, and What are the stipulations on the power if there are any.

- FUN TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play.

- FUN COMPETITIVE TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play against.

- DRAFTING TEST/ Consider whether or not this design is worth drafting.

- USAGE TEST/ Consider whether or not all of the powers on this card were used or at least usable.

- STRATEGY TEST/ Consider whether or not the design offers any real strategy or interesting tactics to the overall game.

Army Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes
- What should be the unit's point value? 240
- Give a brief overview. This was a pretty heated battle, but the Green Lanterns surfaced as the victors in the end.
Map: Hydra Base Gehanna
Units: Jonathan Crane, Arkillo, Sinistro, 4xSCS, 3xFire Ant(1500) Vs. Kilowog, Hal, Guy, Kyle, 1xConstruct, Zsaz(1500)
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes
- What should be the unit's point value? 240-250
- Give a brief overview. This was a tough match up, won mostly by some amazing Hydra defense rolls and some risky playing with Red Skull.
Map: Hydra Base Gehanna
Units: Jonathan Crane, Red Skull, 4xHydra, 1x Fire Ant(800) Vs. Azrael, Man-Bat Assassins, Elite League Assasins, Talia, 2XHand, Ant-Man, 2XFire Ant(800)
Spoiler Alert!

If You're not careful with Jonathan, he will go down quickly, but if you can get a chance to attack with Murder of Crows before losing a marker, it definitely has that fear factor. Overall, I was originally concerned with him being a cheap Yellow Lantern, but I think it really works here, and I'd say put him at 240 and he's well balanced :thumbsup:
Re: The Book of Yellow Lantern (Jonathan Crane) - Playtestin

With Viegon and Karat both suggesting a drop, 240 sounds like a good resting place to me.
Re: The Book of Yellow Lantern (Jonathan Crane) - Playtestin

Alright, so I didn't have time to do the full playtests, but I'm definitely happy with him at 240. :)

I propose we move to Final Editing at 240.
Re: The Book of Yellow Lantern (Jonathan Crane) - Playtestin

Re: The Book of Yellow Lantern (Jonathan Crane) - Playtestin

Re: Book of Yellow Lantern (Jonathan Crane)-VOTE for Final E

yea to editing

SP said:
Start the game with 3 yellow Battery Markers on this card. Add one to this Yellow Lantern’s Move, Range, Attack, and Defense numbers for each yellow Battery Marker on this card.

Anytime this Yellow Lantern is attacked by an opponent’s figure and at least 1 skull is rolled, instead of rolling defense dice normally, you may remove one yellow Battery Marker from this card and ignore that attack.

Range 3. Attack 2.
After attacking with this special attack, you may attack with this special attack 1 additional time for each yellow Power Battery Marker on this card. Defending Figures that do not have the Fearless personality roll 1 fewer defense die against this special attack.
Re: Book of Yellow Lantern (Jonathan Crane)-VOTE for Final E

This passes to Final Editing.

So, I should be able to do the card today or tomorrow. Hopefully. :lol:
Re: The Book of Yellow Lantern (Jonathan Crane) - Final Edit

Nice! :)
Re: The Book of Yellow Lantern (Jonathan Crane) - Final Edit

Great job! Ha! Even the fog is yellow!