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The Book of Wonder Woman


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The Book of Wonder Woman




The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Cosmic Justice set.
Its model number and name are #076-078 / Wonder Woman.

Character Bio - Wonder Woman's body is a mystical creation made from the clay surrounding Themyscira. Through divine means, her disembodied soul was nurtured in and retrieved from the Cavern of Souls. Once the soul was placed into the body it immediately came to life, and was blessed with metahuman abilities by six Olympian deities.
  • Demeter, the goddess of agriculture and fertility, blessed Diana with strength drawn from the Earth spirit Gaea.
  • Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, blessed Diana with great beauty and a loving heart.
  • Pallas Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war, granted Diana great wisdom, intelligence, and military prowess.
  • Artemis, goddess of the hunt, animals, and the Moon, graced Diana with the Eyes of the Hunter and Unity with Beasts.
  • Hestia, goddess of hearth and home, granted Diana "sisterhood with fire, that it might open men's hearts to her."
  • Hermes, the messenger god of speed, granted Diana superhuman speed and the ability to fly.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • Wonder Woman's Warrior Engagement is tied to the leaving engagement attack roll against a figure, it is not a separate roll and powers that avoid leaving engagement attacks are able to avoid that special power as well.
  • Q: Are special powers only negated on the turn Wonder Woman moves your figure with Golden Lasso?
    A: Special power remain negated until you are no longer engaged with Wonder Woman or when another figure engages Wonder Woman.
  • Q: If your special powers are negated by Golden Lasso, can you leave and come back and have all of your abilities?
    A: Yes. But remember, not only are you risking a leaving engagement attack, but you are also going up against her Warrior Engagement, so you may not end up moving at all and still take that wound.


-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:
  • As a Champion, Wonder Woman interacts differently with these special powers.
  • As a flying figure, Wonder Woman interacts differently with these special powers.
  • As a figure with the Super Strength special power, Wonder Woman interacts differently with these special powers.
  • Wonder Woman cannot choose tiny, large or huge figures for her Golden Lasso special power. Current tiny, large, and huge figures.

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • If Wonder Woman can get engaged with one opponent's figure she can then lasso another. The second opponent's figure (the lassoed figure) cannot use Special Powers until it breaks engagement, the first opponent's figure breaks engagement & re-enters engagement with Wonder Woman, or a third opponent's figure enters engagement with Wonder Woman. All figures risk Warrior Engagement constraining them to the engagement if they attempt to leave.
  • CharosInCharge's Strategy Tips
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: C3G Wonder Woman - Design Phase




LIFE = 6

MOVE = 7

POINTS = 300


After moving and before attacking, if Wonder Woman was not engaged prior to moving, you may choose an opponent's non-adjacent small or medium figure within 4 clear sight spaces whose base is no more than 10 levels above Wonder Woman's height or 10 levels below Wonder Woman's base. Place the chosen figure on an empty space adjacent to Wonder Woman. The chosen figure does not receive any leaving engagement attacks. The chosen figure cannot use any special powers on its Army Card until it is no longer engaged with Wonder Woman or another opponent's figure moves into an engagement with Wonder Woman.

If Wonder Woman rolls a skull against a figure leaving an engagement with her, that figure may not leave the engagement with Wonder Woman this turn.

When Wonder Woman rolls defense dice against a normal attack from a non-adjacent figure, one shield will block all damage.



Original Post:
Spoiler Alert!
Re: C3G Wonder Woman - Design Phase

#078 Cosmic Justice, likely #076 and #077 as well

I was hoping that the Golden Lasso was going to be tied to either seeing or removing OMs on figures (not just adjacent ones either -- after all it is a lasso).
Re: C3G Wonder Woman - Design Phase

Have you thought about making her Valiant?
Re: C3G Wonder Woman - Design Phase

I love the comic picture, the left box stats, and the silver bracelets. I like the stats as well. I'm underwhelmed by the lasso - I wouldn't mind seeing a power that actually lets her physically move other units, for instance.
I've also never been a fan of the whole tiara throw thing because, honestly, it's just something I've never actually seen her do. I'm sure she must have at some point, but I haven't seen it, so it's not something I'm terribly excited about for a third text power on her.
Re: C3G Wonder Woman - Design Phase

I really like Diana, A3n. I appreciate the simplicity. I love that she's an anti squad figure, yet at the same time can pound down the heavy hitters.

I also really like your version of her lasso. Order marker removal is overdone in general in my opinion.

My critiques:
I'd like to see her life increased to 7. It will give her a bit more staying power against Supes and GL.

I'm not sold on Determined. There's so many different versions of Wonder Woman, though. I could see Valiant, Arrogant, or Fierce.
Re: C3G Wonder Woman - Design Phase

I don't think Wonder Woman should have the same life level as Superman and Darkseid. I like her as higher than Batman and the humans, but lower than Superman. I think 6 is the perfect spot for her life.
I could see Valiant or Resolute for her personality. Not Arrogant, and not Fierce (I don't want her overly similar to Hawkgirl). I'm also happy with Determined, though.
Re: C3G Wonder Woman - Design Phase

I think the thing for me with the Lasso of Truth is that I want to see more Lasso and less Truth. Initiative boosts are yawners in gameplay to me. I'd much rather see something like Toad's Tongue Lash that lets her pull figures over to her - and them maybe give her an attack bonus since they can't move very well - or maybe let her do a Cyberclaw where it works if the figure she just lassoed is the only figure she's engaged with.
The Lasso is a weapon ... I like it playing that way.
Re: C3G Wonder Woman - Design Phase

Just a few thoughts:
  • I don't think that I would make her a flying figure. I know about the invisible plane, but lots of heroes/teams have transportation that doesn't make them flying.
  • For Golden Lasso, I would probably go with a combination of grapple arm, show me the order markers on the figure, tongue lash and cyberclaw. Something about the thought of WW tying me up with the golden lasso,... But I digress.
  • I think that she'd be a great Valiant figure. Thematically, this works for me. WW and Cap America would be a cool team to play.
  • I don't think that she should have Hulk scale cost/abilities.
Re: C3G Wonder Woman - Design Phase

The Modern Wonder Woman has the actual power to fly - unlike the Golden/Silver Age Wonder Woman who only flew with her plane.
I agree that I'd like to see her power levels dropped a bit overall. She's not Hulk and she's not Superman. I like the 280-320 range for her, personally.
Re: C3G Wonder Woman - Design Phase

Just a few thoughts:
  • I don't think that I would make her a flying figure. I know about the invisible plane, but lots of heroes/teams have transportation that doesn't make them flying.
  • For Golden Lasso, I would probably go with a combination of grapple arm, show me the order markers on the figure, tongue lash and cyberclaw. Something about the thought of WW tying me up with the golden lasso,... But I digress.
  • I think that she'd be a great Valiant figure. Thematically, this works for me. WW and Cap America would be a cool team to play.
  • I don't think that she should have Hulk scale cost/abilities.

1. She can fly without her plane.
2.All those seem like what she would use her lasso for I guess, but I think the powers that be here know that and are working on a lasso-licious power. lol
4.I disagree. I view her as playing right around the same range as hulk, supes, and GL.
Re: C3G Wonder Woman - Design Phase

I agree that I'd like to see her power levels dropped a bit overall. She's not Hulk and she's not Superman. I like the 280-320 range for her, personally.

Oh, whoops... I just thought she was around their power levels. I guess i knew she'd be a bit less though. So i guess i agree with you there.
Re: C3G Wonder Woman - Design Phase

I guess I just see her as somewhere in the middle of Superman and Batman (which would make 300 perfect).
Re: C3G Wonder Woman - Design Phase

I always thought she was much closer to Superman in terms of power level. At least in the Justice League cartoons, that's how she's portrayed.
Re: C3G Wonder Woman - Design Phase

While not invulnerable, she is capable of withstanding great concussive force,[22] shrugging off high-powered rifle fire with some pain but little injury,[26] being sent through a building, and even surviving a warp-core explosion.[27] She is even durable enough to survive the depths of space for a period of time before running out of breath. As noted, while her superhuman strength affords her great resistance to blunt-force trauma, her skin can be cut by weapons if they are sharp enough.

Just took that off her wiki. This is from the modern version of her. So she can take a bullet, like superman, but it hurts her. So thats why i figured she would be up there kinda closer to them. i mean, if she gets shot it wont kill her...kind of a big deal lol. But she has to have a reason to use her bracelets. lol
Re: C3G Wonder Woman - Design Phase

Batman can take a lot of bullets with his armored costume too, but will be hurt. The difference is, when a bullet hits Superman, the bullet is hurt. Same with Hulk.
To me, Wonder Woman just isn't in that 350+ class.
300 is no slouch, though!
Re: C3G Wonder Woman - Design Phase

I always pictured WW in the 300 - 340 range. I always put her on the same level as GL.
Re: C3G Wonder Woman - Design Phase

Green Lanterns control the most powerful weapon in the universe though.
Re: C3G Wonder Woman - Design Phase

Green Lanterns control the most powerful weapon in the universe though.
That they use to make giant green fists.

EDIT: I always wondered what Batman would do if he got to keep one of those rings.
Re: C3G Wonder Woman - Design Phase

Good stuff A3n. I love everything on this card except for two things.

I just hate the tiara throw SA. Outside of the campy comics from the early silver age and the TV show, she just doesn't do that.

Lasso of truth just needs a lot more cowbell. I like the idea of her moving people with it. I also agree with Balantai that Order Marker removal is way overdone, so I am glad that you avoided it here.

Re: C3G Wonder Woman - Design Phase

Ok I was after a simple WW & I'm not in love with the Tiara thing, it's just she looked too bland with just the other 2 powers & I was struggling to think of something to fill that gap.

I personally still prefer Determined over the others offered but can definitely go with Valiant if that's the way we all want to go.

Now the iconic "Golden Lasso". I definitely did not want an Order Marker removal. & I was a bit wary about the cyberclaw approach as she is a big hitter & I didn't want to unbalance her by doing that. Although that would be thematic as the Lasso cannot be broken (I think she actually broke it in one storyline, was it the Red Son Superman?). So I am ok with using the lasso to bring a figure to her, I think I was just consciously trying to avoid making her like my own WW which I have played & found that she just didn't do too much moving, this might change though if we made the Lasso work after her movement as opposed to before (like mine).

As to how powerful she is, from my followings of WW she is as powerful as Superman is, but Superman is always holding back. WW doesn't hold back & has fought Gods & won. She gave Supergirl a licking too. So to me she should be around the Hulk range.

What about if we added a the move figure to the current initiative boost? Like:

When rolling for initiative, if Wonder Woman is adjacent to an opponent’s figure, add 6 to your initiative roll.
After moving if Wonder Women is not engaged, you may choose an opponent's figure that is within 6 clear sight spaces of Wonder Woman. Place the chosen figure on a same level empty space adjacent to Wonder Woman.

Although now that I write it, it does look just like 2 powers slapped together. But I did kind of like that you could bring somebody adjacent & gain a bonus from it.

Re: C3G Wonder Woman - Design Phase

Good stuff A3n. for the record, I like Determined.

Perhaps just dropping the Initiative aspect would be a good thing.

I would like a third power in place of the SA that shows her off as a "Warrior". She should be able to brawl you know? Perhaps even a Warrior Enhancement power for other Warriors?
Re: C3G Wonder Woman - Design Phase

I would like a third power in place of the SA that shows her off as a "Warrior". She should be able to brawl you know?
It's funny you say this as I was thinking of the below power but couldn't think of a name. I thought it would show her as a tactical warrior more than a brawler but the effect is kind of the same, & it also goes along way towards being Determined, IMO. :D

For the name I was thinking something that means like a false move, you know that suckered you into exposing your chin for that upper-cut to come through. Anyway...

If Wonder Woman does not inflict one or more wounds from her attack, she may attack one additional time. Wonder Woman does not receive any bonus dice from height advantage or Special Powers on any Army Card or Glyph when making the additional attack.

I am at work at the moment but thought I would just quickly slip this in :D.

Re: C3G Wonder Woman - Design Phase

Good start A3N! I really like the stats! I like her with 7 Life as well.
1) She is comparable to Superman and Hulk because a) her strength level is comparable to Superman's, maybe not quite as high, but much higher than Hawkgirl's, and b) she is the second best trained fighter in the Justice League, second only to Batman. For that reason, she should be equal to Supes in attack.
2) I love Aegis Bracelets, but based on the new ranged counterstrike in D1, I think she should is probably the best candidate for this power.
3) I agree she is difficult to nail down a third power for. A battle fury that doesn't allow her to use Golden Lasso after so many wounds would be cool. Especially with a boost to her Attack or Defense.