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The Book of Wolverine


Prickly Cactus
Site Supporter
The Book of Wolverine



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Armor Wars set.
Its model numbers and name are #95 and #219 / Wolverine.

Character Bio - "Born as James Howlett in the 1880s, and commonly known as Logan, Wolverine is a mutant, possessing animal-keen senses, enhanced physical capabilities, six retracting bone claws, and a healing factor that allows him to quickly recover from virtually any wound, disease or toxin. The healing factor also slows down his aging process, enabling him to live beyond a normal human lifespan. This healing ability enabled the supersoldier program Weapon X to bond the near indestructible metal alloy adamantium to his skeleton and claws without killing him." (Wikipedia 2010)

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • Q: Which occurs first, rolling for Lava Field Damage at the end of the round, or Healing Factor X at the end of the round?
    A: Treat Lava Field Damage like a special power from another player. Roll the 20-sided die for Healing Factor X and Lava Field Damage (and any other players' powers that occur at the end of the round) to see which comes first.
  • Q: If Wolverine started a turn with no wounds, but receives wound a wound after attacking, would Wolverine be able to attack again using Berserker Rage?
    A: Yes. Berserker Rage does not specify that Wolverine must start his turn with wounds on his card.

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • As a figure with the Healing Factor X special power, other figures with the same special power can benefit from Wolverine revealing the 'X' Order Marker. Current figures with the Healing Factor X special power.
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • Wolverine is especially effective against Speedsters like Flash because of Wolverine's Adamantium Claws special power, and Flash's Speed Dodge 4 is dependent on how many defense dice Flash is rolling.
  • Wolverine's Beserker Rage, Healing Factor X, and Adamantium Claws makes Wolverine an excellent mid-level Hero killer because of his ability to get three attacks of 4 and subtracting 2 from the defending figure's defense dice.
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: Wolverine - Design Phase



LIFE = 6

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 280

Figures subtract 2 from their defense dice when attacked by Wolverine with an adjacent normal attack.

When Wolverine attacks, he may attack 1 additional time for each Wound Marker on this card, to a maximum of 3 total attacks in a single turn.

After taking a turn with Wolverine, remove one Wound Marker from this card. At the end of the round, you may reveal an "X" Order Marker on this card to remove one Wound Marker from each Army Card you control with the Healing Factor X special power.

Spoiler Alert!
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Re: Wolverine - Design Phase

Is this Wolverine a version that is not a part of the X-men? I mean the blue and yellow suits...
Re: Wolverine - Design Phase

He can still be played with the X-Men without the blue and yellow suit. :D

For me it was just my personal choice for the figure, as I have it and it looks better IMO than the one in the blue and yellow costume. There is also a version like the one I posted that has a black t-shirt.

Being that this is a group project, the figure choice is certainly subject to the group's interest.
Re: Wolverine - Design Phase

Hey Hahma, shouldn't that read "A C3G Marvel Exclusive" up at the top?

I like the design here, most of the Wolverine's I've seen tend to be overly-complicated. And that mini looks great (though personally I'm a fan of the brown and yellow suit).
Re: Wolverine - Design Phase

I would suggest separating the two parts of Adamantium Claws into two separate sentences.
Re: Wolverine - Design Phase

Make sure to post the link for this in the Life of a Design thread! :)
Re: Wolverine - Design Phase

A few quick notes ... loving what I'm seeing overall.
Make sure to put his real name (James Howlett?) under Wolverine.
I'm not sold on "Warrior" ... it seems like "Fighter" would feel more contemporary, wouldn't it?
Given the figure choice, which I like, the first comic art looks like the best choice here (and I like it too, so that's good).
I love the stats and the powers (especially Berserker Rage 3!) and I think his Healing Power is set up nicely to be extra powerful without being broken. I like that he needs the X-Marker to get full use of it, so you can't double up with that and Psychic Defense in the same round. I'm guessing this guy is tough to kill as it is (I can't wait to playtest him!).
I agree with breaking up the Adamantium Claws power into two sentences.
I don't see any other necessary changes - I really like the direction here and I think that any power tweaks will need to be done in the playtesting phase at this point. Great stuff!
Re: Wolverine - Design Phase

I love your version of Wolverine, Hahma. Both Beserker Rage and Healing Factor are fantastic. I'm not sold on Adamantium Claws, though. Like everyone else, I don't think a movement based power and an attack power should be in the same ability. At the very least, they need to be split. Also, I'm not a fan of adding an automatic skull. To me, that makes it seem like Wolverine never misses. I can see someone like Bullseye getting an automatic skull, but not really Wolverine. Instead of having Adamantium claws give 1 automatic skull, what about forcing the defending figure to roll less defense dice? This will show that Wolverine's adamantium claws can cut through armored figures like butter.

I am also partial to the first picture. If the mini you chose doesn't have the yellow and blue suit, the comic image shouldn't either. Afterall, there's not a lack of Wolverine photos out there. :D
Re: Wolverine - Design Phase

With the Healing Factor X, you may want to make his Life a 5. Otherwise he may be too tough to destroy.
Re: Wolverine - Design Phase

I love your version of Wolverine, Hahma. Both Beserker Rage and Healing Factor are fantastic. I'm not sold on Adamantium Claws, though. Like everyone else, I don't think a movement based power and an attack power should be in the same ability. At the very least, they need to be split. Also, I'm not a fan of adding an automatic skull. To me, that makes it seem like Wolverine never misses. I can see someone like Bullseye getting an automatic skull, but not really Wolverine. Instead of having Adamantium claws give 1 automatic skull, what about forcing the defending figure to roll less defense dice? This will show that Wolverine's adamantium claws can cut through armored figures like butter.

I am also partial to the first picture. If the mini you chose doesn't have the yellow and blue suit, the comic image shouldn't either. Afterall, there's not a lack of Wolverine photos out there. :D

I could see going with a defense reduction for the claws - I could also see making it just the climb power. With either direction, though, I could see his normal attack bumped to 5. But I'm not sure what any of these changes would do to his cost yet.

With the Healing Factor X, you may want to make his Life a 5. Otherwise he may be too tough to destroy.

Well, I know Hahma's playtested him a bunch already, so I'm trusting him on the power levels for now, until I playtest him myself. I could see eventual adjustments to various stats, though.
Re: Wolverine - Design Phase

With the Healing Factor X, you may want to make his Life a 5. Otherwise he may be too tough to destroy.
I'm not sure I agree with you. Wolverine should probably be the hardest figure to kill in the Marvel/DC Universe. And he only has 4 defense. Currently, Darksied will likely take him out in one round.
Re: Wolverine - Design Phase

With the Healing Factor X, you may want to make his Life a 5. Otherwise he may be too tough to destroy.
I'm not sure I agree with you. Wolverine should probably be the hardest figure to kill in the Marvel/DC Universe. And he only has 4 defense. Currently, Darksied will likely take him out in one round.

What I like about him currently is that he seems like he really takes a full round to take out - a full round of concentrating exclusively on him - and if you don't do it in that round, it's going to take another full round to do it.
Re: Wolverine - Design Phase

I could see going with a defense reduction for the claws - I could also see making it just the climb power. With either direction, though, I could see his normal attack bumped to 5. But I'm not sure what any of these changes would do to his cost yet.
I don't really like using "Adamantium Claws" to represent his climbing. I'd rather just give him Climb x2.

If we chose to remove defense dice, we wouldn't need to bump his attack up to 5. If the defending figure rolled 2 or 3 less defense dice, you're essentially still giving Wolverine +2 attack.
Re: Wolverine - Design Phase

With the Healing Factor X, you may want to make his Life a 5. Otherwise he may be too tough to destroy.
I'm not sure I agree with you. Wolverine should probably be the hardest figure to kill in the Marvel/DC Universe. And he only has 4 defense. Currently, Darksied will likely take him out in one round.

What I like about him currently is that he seems like he really takes a full round to take out - a full round of concentrating exclusively on him - and if you don't do it in that round, it's going to take another full round to do it.
That is a very good point. If you just toy with him, you're not going to do any real damage to him.
Re: Wolverine - Design Phase

I could see going with a defense reduction for the claws - I could also see making it just the climb power. With either direction, though, I could see his normal attack bumped to 5. But I'm not sure what any of these changes would do to his cost yet.
I don't really like using "Adamantium Claws" to represent his climbing. I'd rather just give him Climb x2.

If we chose to remove defense dice, we wouldn't need to bump his attack up to 5. If the defending figure rolled 2 or 3 less defense dice, you're essentially still giving Wolverine +2 attack.

Yeah, but I'd say an auto skull is about as powerful as an extra attack die plus a negative one or two defense dice for the defending figure.
Would we really be losing too much if we just scrapped the whole climb x2 aspect of the Claws power? He'd be less mobile, but so what? He's still really hard to kill ...
Re: Wolverine - Design Phase

Yeah, but I'd say an auto skull is about as powerful as an extra attack die plus a negative one or two defense dice for the defending figure.
Would we really be losing too much if we just scrapped the whole climb x2 aspect of the Claws power? He'd be less mobile, but so what? He's still really hard to kill ...
I agree with both points.

5 attack / -1 or -2 defense would work...but I'd prefer 4 attack / -3 defense. :twisted:

I'm also in favor of dropping Climb.
Re: Wolverine - Design Phase

I would suggest separating the two parts of Adamantium Claws into two separate sentences.
Agreed. They should be two separate sentences at least. Personally, I don't think that Wolverine needs a movement power. I know he has a height of 4, but maybe we can bump that up to 5 since you are using the slightly taller sculpt and Wolverine isn't really portrayed as being as short as he use to be. Then we could drop that climb aspect altogether.
Re: Wolverine - Design Phase

Oh yeah, please post a link in the Life of thread. Thanks.
Re: Wolverine - Design Phase




Wolverine always adds one skull to his attack.

After attacking, Wolverine may attack 1 additional time for each wound marker on his card, up to a maximum of 3 total attacks.

After taking a turn with Wolverine, remove 1 Wound Marker from his Army Card. If you reveal the X Order Marker on Wolverine's Army Card at the end of the round, remove 1 Wound Marker from his Army Card.

My first impression was that he is scary good, but his lack of mobility and ranged attack temper his overall effectiveness. I look forward to playtesting him and seeing how he performs.
Re: Wolverine - Design Phase

I'm not understanding how giving a 4-height, 5-move figure climbx2 is really that useful. :reapershrug:

I love that he has 4 height though! :lol:

When Wolverine attacks, he may attack 1 additional time for each wound marker on this card, up to a maximum of 3 total attacks.
I'm pretty sure that's the way extra attacks normally read. Also, does he need the 3 at the end of the power name since it's not a target number?

As written, he'll berserker rage immediately on being wounded and be able to use that power throughout most of his time in the game. Was that the intention? Is that thematic?

Would you want to make it an extra attack for every 2 wound markers and remove the cap?

4-attack + auto-skull is awesome. 4 defense + regen is also awesome. He's simple, slick, and very strong. I like it.
Re: Wolverine - Design Phase

I like that he starts berserking as soon as he gets wounded - kind of a "that's what you get for messing with me" type of thing.
I think that the "3" should stay at the end of the power to give us future design flexibility for a Berserker Rage 2 power or Berserker Rage 4 or so on.
I think right now the only change I want to see is for the climb x2 part of his Claws power to be scrapped. I think I like everything else as is.
Re: Wolverine - Design Phase

Hey Hahma, shouldn't that read "A C3G Marvel Exclusive" up at the top?

Thanks for the catch Xn F M. :D I have to pay more attention when cutting and pasting.

A few quick notes ... loving what I'm seeing overall.
Make sure to put his real name (James Howlett?) under Wolverine.
I'm not sold on "Warrior" ... it seems like "Fighter" would feel more contemporary, wouldn't it?
Given the figure choice, which I like, the first comic art looks like the best choice here (and I like it too, so that's good).
I love the stats and the powers (especially Berserker Rage 3!) and I think his Healing Power is set up nicely to be extra powerful without being broken. I like that he needs the X-Marker to get full use of it, so you can't double up with that and Psychic Defense in the same round. I'm guessing this guy is tough to kill as it is (I can't wait to playtest him!).
I agree with breaking up the Adamantium Claws power into two sentences.
I don't see any other necessary changes - I really like the direction here and I think that any power tweaks will need to be done in the playtesting phase at this point. Great stuff!

Made the additions and changes.

With the Healing Factor X, you may want to make his Life a 5. Otherwise he may be too tough to destroy.
I'm not sure I agree with you. Wolverine should probably be the hardest figure to kill in the Marvel/DC Universe. And he only has 4 defense. Currently, Darksied will likely take him out in one round.

What I like about him currently is that he seems like he really takes a full round to take out - a full round of concentrating exclusively on him - and if you don't do it in that round, it's going to take another full round to do it.

It takes a concentrated effort to bring him down. Mulitple attacks or a couple big hits can bring him down.

Yeah, but I'd say an auto skull is about as powerful as an extra attack die plus a negative one or two defense dice for the defending figure.
Would we really be losing too much if we just scrapped the whole climb x2 aspect of the Claws power? He'd be less mobile, but so what? He's still really hard to kill ...
I agree with both points.

5 attack / -1 or -2 defense would work...but I'd prefer 4 attack / -3 defense. :twisted:

I'm also in favor of dropping Climb.

I dropped the climbing power, it was just a thematic after thought that I threw in there for the heck of it. No problem losing it as it will help bring him down slightly power-wise with getting height for attacks and defense. I also changed Adamantium Claws to lower the defender's defense by 3. This might drop his cost some more as his chances of whiffing or rolling only 1 skull on only 4 attack dice is much greater. I don't consider 1 auto skull equalling -3 to defense because whiffing comes into play more often than it obviously did when I tested him with the auto skull.

Personally, I don't think that Wolverine needs a movement power. I know he has a height of 4, but maybe we can bump that up to 5 since you are using the slightly taller sculpt and Wolverine isn't really portrayed as being as short as he use to be. Then we could drop that climb aspect altogether.

I put him up against a stack of hexes and he is pretty small. I'll try it again tonight to double check though. He's 5'3", so that's kind of short. I had kind of thought it would help power him down by being a 4, so it's harder for him to get height for attacking or defending.
Re: Wolverine - Design Phase

Cool stuff - honestly, I think this one is ready for playtesting. If enough other people agree, I think we're ready to propose it.