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When attacking an opponent's figure with Wild Child, he receives 1 extra attack die for each Wound Marker on the defending figure's card up to a maximum of 2 additional attack dice for Blood Frenzy.
When attacking a figure that is not a destructible object, Wild Child receives 1 extra attack die for each Wound Marker on the defending figure's up card to a maximum of 2 additional attack dice for Blood Frenzy.
When attacking with Wild Child, he receives 1 extra attack die for each Wound Marker on the defending figure's Army Card up to a maximum of 2 additional attack dice for Blood Frenzy. Blood Frenzy may not be used when attacking a Destructible Object.
When attacking a figure that is not a destructible object, Wild Child receives 1 extra attack die for each Wound Marker on the defending figure's up card up to a maximum of 2 additional attack die for Blood Frenzy.
I just noticed somethings in that revision that need revisions.
When attacking a figure that is not a destructible object, Wild Child receives 1 extra attack die for each Wound Marker on the defending figure's up card up to a maximum of 2 additional attack dice for Blood Frenzy.
Pasteability: BLOOD FRENZY 2
When attacking a figure that is not a destructible object, Wild Child receives 1 extra attack die for each Wound Marker on the defending figure's card up to a maximum of 2 additional attack dice for Blood Frenzy.
Army Test 1 - Does he pass?Sure. - What should be the unit's point value?160-180. - Give a brief overview.Wild Child did pretty darn good this game, killing around 385 points worth. Unit Sum-up: Damage: Normal: 2 wounds to Mark V, 1 wound to Mark III1, 2 wounds to Mark IV, and 1 wound to Mark III2. Power Usage: Mutant Sidekick: Time(s) used 12. Blood Frenzy 2: 17 additional attack die(dice). Healing Factor X: Wound(s) healed 6.
Map: Silence and Solitude.
Units: Army 1: Deadpool (285), Cable (275), Silver Samurai (240), Wild Child (155) (955)VSArmy 2: Iron Man (Mark V)(280), Iron Man (Mark IV)(250), Iron Man (Mark III) x2 (440) (970)
Spoiler Alert!
First Round: Army 1’s OMs: 2 on Cable, 1 on Silver Samurai, and 1 on Deadpool. Army 2’s OMs: 3 on Mark V and 1 on Mark III2.
Initiative goes to Army 2. Round Sum-up: Cable takes 1 wound, Mark III1 takes 3 wounds, and Wild Child toke 2 wounds but healed them.
Spoiler Alert!
ARMY TWO: Mark V and III1 move out.
ARMY ONE: Cable moves up and puts 1 wound on Mark III1; Wild Child moves out.
ARMY TWO: Mark V puts 1 wound on Cable; Mark III1 moves over a space and puts 2 wounds on Wild Child, knocking him back into the Startzone.
ARMY ONE: Cable moves over and fails to wound Mark V; Wild Child moves over and also fails to wound Mark V.
ARMY TWO: Mark V fails to wound Wild Child; Mark IV moves out and fails twice on Cable.
ARMY ONE: Silver Samurai moves out and puts 2 wounds on Mark III1; Wild Child disengages (no wound) and fails to wound 1 life Mark III1.
Second Round: Army 1’s OMs: 1 on everyone. Army 2’s OMs: 3 on Mark V and 1 on Mark III2.
Initiative goes to Army 2. Round Sum-up: Mark V and Mark III1 fall, Cable toke 3 wounds, Silver Samurai toke 1 wound, and Wild Child toke 2 but healed them.
Spoiler Alert!
ARMY TWO: Mark V puts 1 wound on Cable; Mark IV puts 2 wounds on Cable and 1 wound to Silver Samurai.
ARMY ONE: Cable moves Deadpool out and puts 1 wound on Mark IV; Wild Child kills Mark III1.
ARMY TWO: Mark V fails to wound Wild Child; Mark IV puts 2 wounds on Wild Child.
ARMY ONE: Silver Samurai moves up and puts 2 wounds on Mark V; Wild Child moves over and kills 2 life Mark V.
ARMY TWO: Mark III2 moves out and fails to do damage.
ARMY ONE: Deadpool moves up and fails to do wounds; Wild Child fails to do damage.
Third Round: Army 1’s OMs: 2 on both Deadpool and 2 on Silver Samurai. Army 2’s OMs: 2 on both Mark IV and Mark III2.
Initiative goes to Army 1. Round Sum-up: Mark IV falls, Mark III2 takes 3 wounds and Silver Samurai takes 3 wounds also.
Spoiler Alert!
ARMY ONE: Silver Samurai puts 1 wound on both Marks; Wild Child kills 2 life Mark IV.
ARMY TWO: OM lost on Mark IV.
ARMY ONE: Silver Samurai puts 1 wound on Mark III2; Wild Child fails to finish him off.
ARMY TWO: OM lost on Mark IV.
ARMY ONE: Deadpool puts 1 wound on Mark III2; Wild Child fails again.
ARMY TWO: Mark III2 puts 3 wounds on Silver Samurai.
Fourth Round: Army 1’s OMs: 1 on Silver Samurai, 1 on Wild Child, and 2 on Deadpool. Army 2’s OMs: all on Mark III2.
Initiative goes to Army 1. Round Sum-up: Mark III2 would fall, but doesn’t; Mark III2 takes 2 wounds and Wild Child takes 2 wounds, but heals them up again.
Spoiler Alert!
ARMY ONE: Silver Samurai moves up and fails to wound Mark III2; Wild Child would kill Mark III2, but Mark III2 Circuitry Reroutes.
ARMY TWO: Mark III2 puts 1 wound on Wild Child.
ARMY ONE: Deadpool fails to do damage; Wild Child also fails to do damage.
ARMY TWO: Mark III2 puts 1 wound on Wild Child.
ARMY ONE: Deadpool puts 2 wounds on Mark III2; Wild Child fails to finish off Mark III2.
ARMY TWO: Mark III2 fails to wound Wild Child.
Fifth Round: Army 1’s OMs: 1 on Silver Samurai and 3 on Deadpool. Army 2’s OMs: all on Mark III2.
Initiative goes to Army 1. Round Sum-up: Silver Samurai finish off Mark III2
Spoiler Alert!
ARMY ONE: Silver Samurai kills Mark III2.
Army 1 wins with 1 life Silver Samurai, 1 life Cable, unwounded Deadpool, and full life Wild Child.
Army Test 2 - Does he pass?Sure. - What should be the unit's point value?160-200. - Give a brief overview.Wild Child killed about 265 points worth, and taking a couple wounds from Phoenix Fire. Unit Sum-up: Damage: Normal: 1 wound to Ms. Marvel, 2 wounds to Tiger Shark and 3 wounds to Hydro-Man. Power Usage: Mutant Sidekick: Time(s) used 12. Blood Frenzy 2: 11 additional attack die(dice). Healing Factor X: Wound(s) healed 10.
Map: Silence and Solitude.
Units: Army 1: Phoenix (230), Bishop (170), X-23 (220), Wild Child (155) (775)VSArmy 2: Ms. Marvel (350), Tiger Shark (240), Hydro-Man (190) (780)
Spoiler Alert!
First Round: Army 1’s OMs: 2 on both Phoenix and X-23. Army 2’s OMs: 3 on Ms. Marvel and 1 on Hydro-Man.
Initiative goes to Army 1. Round Sum-up: Ms. Marvel takes 1 wound, Phoenix takes 3 wounds, and Wild Child takes 3 wounds, but heals them all up.
Spoiler Alert!
ARMY ONE: X-23 and Wild Child move out.
ARMY TWO: Ms. Marvel moves out and fails to wound X-23.
ARMY ONE: Phoenix moves out and fails to do damage (takes 1 wound from The Best Defense); Wild Child moves out and fails to wound Ms. Marvel also (takes 1 wound).
ARMY TWO: Hydro-Man moves out and places a Water tile; Ms. Marvel fails to wound Phoenix.
ARMY ONE: Phoenix fails to do damage (takes 1 wound from The Best Defense, Phoenix Fire puts 1 wound on both Wild Child and Ms. Marvel); Wild Child fails to wound Ms. Marvel again (takes another wound from the Best Defense).
ARMY TWO: Hydro-Man places another Water tile; Ms. Marvel fails to wound Phoenix.(Wild Child heals on the “X”)
Second Round: Army 1’s OMs: 2 on both Phoenix and X-23. Army 2’s OMs: 1 on Tiger Shark and 3 on Ms. Marvel.
Initiative goes to Army 1. Round Sum-up: Phoenix and X-23 fall, Ms. Marvel takes 2 wounds, and Wild Child takes 3 wounds, but heals 1.
Spoiler Alert!
ARMY ONE: Phoenix fails to wound Ms. Marvel; Wild Child also fails to wound Ms. Marvel.
ARMY TWO: Tiger Shark moves out and Water Leaps up, then kills Phoenix (Phoenix Fire puts 1 wound on both Ms. Marvel and Wild Child).
ARMY ONE: OM lost on Phoenix.
ARMY TWO: Tiger Shark puts 2 wounds on Wild Child; Ms. Marvel fails to kill Wild Child.
ARMY ONE: X-23 moves up and fails to wound Ms. Marvel; Wild Child puts 1 wound on Ms. Marvel.
ARMY TWO: Tiger Shark puts 3 wounds on X-23; Ms. Marvel finish off X-23.
Third Round: Army 1’s OMs: 3 on Bishop and 1 on Wild Child. Army 2’s OMs: 3 on Ms. Marvel and 1 on Tiger Shark.
(Bishop drops) Initiative goes to Army 1. Round Sum-up: Ms. Marvel falls and Tiger Shark takes 5 wounds.
Spoiler Alert!
ARMY ONE: Bishop kills Ms. Marvel; Wild Child fails to do damage.
ARMY TWO: OM lost on Ms. Marvel.
ARMY ONE: Bishop fails to do damage; Wild Child rolls all 3 skulls and puts 2 wounds on Tiger Shark.
ARMY TWO: OM lost on Ms. Marvel.
ARMY ONE: Bishop puts 3 wounds on Tiger Shark; Wild Child fails to finish Tiger Shark.
ARMY TWO: OM lost on Ms. Marvel.
Fourth Round: Army 1’s OMs: 3 on Bishop and 1 on Wild Child. Army 2’s OMs: 2 on both Tiger Shark and Hydro-Man.
Initiative goes to Army 2. Round Sum-up:
Spoiler Alert!
ARMY TWO: Tiger shark puts 3 wound on Wild Child.
ARMY ONE: Bishop kills Tiger Shark; Wild Child moves over and puts 1 wound on Hydro-Man.
ARMY TWO: Hydro-Man moves up and puts 1 wound on Wild Child.
ARMY ONE: Bishop puts 2 wounds on Hydro-Man; Wild Child moves up even and puts 1 more wound on Hydro-Man.
ARMY TWO: Hydro-Man fails to roll a skull.
ARMY ONE: Bishop fails to wound Hydro-Man; Wild Child finish Hydro-Man.
Army 1 wins with unwounded Bishop and 3 life Wild Child (that would heal with the “X” at the end on the round).
Great work and thanks for the quick turn around ZJ!
He did really great in those tests. Lots of activations, equals plenty of chances to heal. He had lots of extra dice to wound with as well, and with all those activations he had plenty of opportunity to try.
A point bump is definitely in order here. I kinda figured there would be, but I was thinking 5 or 10 at most until now. With all those activations, he may have just over performed in ZJ's test. We will have more data to price him at, once Karat's and Viegon's reports come in.
By the way, Karat how's your tests coming along? No hurries or worries just curious. If ya haven't finished yet, go ahead and bump him up by 10 points.
Here are the Synergies and Immunities for Wild Child:
-Combinations and Synergies-
Synergy Benefits Received
As a figure with Mutant Sidekick special power, Wind Child may take a turn after a Unique Mutant Hero you control. Current Unique Mutant Heroes.
As a Mutant, Wild Child may be activated by Professor X's Mutant Mind Link special power.
As a Mutant, Wild Child may be moved by Cyclops's Mutant Field Commander special power.
As a Mutant, Wild Child may be turned into an Outcast by Magneto's Mutant Recruitment.
As a Mutant, Wild Child may be turned into a Horseman by Apocalypse's Horsemen of the Apocalypse special power.
As a Mutant, Wild Child may be activated by Mastermind's Mutant Mastermind special power.
As a Mutant, Wild Child may be enhanced by Sage's Mutant Power Boost special power.
As a Mutant, Wild Child may be enhanced by Black King's Hellfire Club Influence special power.
With the Healing Factor X special power, other figures with the same power can benefit from revealing the 'X' Order Marker. Current figures with the Healing Factor X special power.
Synergy Benefits Offered
As a Mutant, Wild Child may offer an initiative bonus from Sentinel's Mutant Detection special power.
As a Mutant, Wild Child may enable a figure with Mutant Sidekick special power to take a turn after her. Current figures with the Mutant Sidekick special power.
As a figure with the Healing Factor X special power, Wild Child benefits from other figures with the same power revealing the 'X' Order Marker. Current figures with Healing Factor X special power.
_________________________________________________________________ -Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses-
As a Muant, Wild Child may not use any special powers listed on his card if he is within 3 spaces of Leech.
As a Mutant, Reverand Stryker may allow any Citizen attacking Wild Child to add 1 additional attack die if both Reverand Stryker and the attacking Citizen are controlled by the same player. Current Citizens.
Awesome ZJ, thanks for doing those. I was going to wait to do it until the next stage in the process, and then ask you if they looked good. Ya beat me to it.
Great job as usual, and thanks for the additional tests.
Viegon said:
Here's my report.
I'll start with saying nice work on Wild Child. I love the simple reuse of powers that make for a fun and unique sidekick whose got a perfect little role in the game. I enjoyed playing him and have no complaints against him. His "finisher" strategy makes for some fun combos, I really enjoyed just running him and big Mutants (namely Omega Red and the Healing Factor X guys).
Balance-wise I also found him good. In the first two games he didn't make up his points worth, in the third he made about right around his points, and in the fourth he made up quite a bit more than his points. I will note that I do feel like I was getting unlucky with him, at least until the fourth game. Overall, from my games, I'd say his cost is good; if a change was made, it'd definitely be up though.
Army Test 1
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Pass - What should be the unit's point value? 155 was solid, a tad on the high side this game but Wild Child was a bit unlucky. - Give a brief overview.This game was essentially just Marrow going nuts. Marrow with just her two sidekicks and the attack boost from Sage took out the entire opponent’s 1000 point Vigilante army; the Sidekicks combined didn’t even do quite 200 points worth of damage and both died. Wild Child killed close to his points worth and was useful in taking quite a few attacks, keeping Marrow alive longer.
UNIT SUM-UP Damage: 1 wound to Echo, 2 wounds to Robin, 1 wound to Batman. Power Usage/Effectiveness: Mutant Sidekick: Wild Child took 14 turns through Mutant Sidekick. Blood Frenzy 2: Came into affect 8 times out of 12 attacks; 14 total extra dice. Healing Factor X: Healed 4 total wounds.
Map: Sewer Labyrinth
Units: Wild Child, Deadpool, Marrow, Sage, Jubilee, Mastermind (1000 points) VS Commander Rogers, Batman (I), Echo, Nomad, Nite Owl, Alfred, Robin (Dick Grayson) (1000 points)
Spoiler Alert!
First round was slow as both teams moved up, keeping their sidekicks close. Marrow and Jubilee charged at the beginning of the second round, dealing the first damage in the form of 2 wounds to Nite Owl. From here it went back and forth: Marrow took a bunch of wounds but healed most of them, while Jubilee died at the end of the second round; in return, the Mutants slowly picked away at the vigilantes, killing Nite Owl and Nomad early in the third round. Wild Child crept forward at this point to join Marrow in the fight. The fourth round was mostly the mutants failing against Robin while the vigilantes inflicted minor wounds which were healed. Beginning of the fifth round and Marrow changed things up, taking disengagements to charge and kill Alfred before he was useful; at the same time, Wild Child finally cracked Robin for 2 wounds. Then it got slow, lots of attacks failing or doing minimal damage; Batman and Robin fell towards the end of the sixth round, Wild Child in the seventh. This left Marrow and Rogers to slug it out. Rogers got Marrow up there in wounds at one point, but then he started to slip, and by the end Marrow had healed all her wounds before finishing the Commander off.
During the First Round: Army 2 wins Initiative.
ARMY 2: Echo advances and Mimics Rogers’ Range Number; Nite Owl creeps forward.
ARMY 1: Sage gives Marrow a Power Boost.
ARMY 2: Nomad and Robin move forward.
ARMY 1: Marrow and Jubilee advance.
ARMY 2: Batman and Robin move out.
ARMY 1: Marrow and Wild Child continue forward.
During the Second Round: Army 1 wins Initiative.
ARMY 1: Marrow and Jubilee put 2 wounds on Nite Owl.
ARMY 2: Nomad and Nite Owl put 3 wounds on Marrow and 3 on Jubilee.
ARMY 1: Marrow and Jubilee put 1 wound on Nomad.
ARMY 2: Nomad and Nite Owl fail.
ARMY 1: Marrow and Jubilee put 2 wounds on Nomad.
ARMY 2: Batman kills Jubilee while Robin moves in as a decoy.
During the Third Round: Army 2 wins Initiative.
ARMY 2: Nomad and Nite Owl fail.
ARMY 1: Marrow dodges 2 disengagements to use Bone Shards to kill both Nomad and Nite Owl.
ARMY 2: Echo and Robin put 2 wounds on Marrow.
ARMY 1: Marrow fails while Wild Child edges forward.
ARMY 2: Echo and Robin put 1 wound on Marrow.
ARMY 1: Marrow and Wild Child fail on Robin.
During the Fourth Round: Army 1 wins Initiative.
ARMY 1: Marrow and Wild Child fail.
ARMY 2: Echo and Robin fail.
ARMY 1: Marrow and Wild Child fail on Robin again.
ARMY 2: Echo and Robin put 2 wounds on Wild Child.
ARMY 1: Marrow and Wild Child kill Echo.
ARMY 2: Batman and Robin fail
During the Fifth Round: Army 1 wins Initiative.
ARMY 1: Marrow takes a disengagement wound and a wound from Bone Shards to kill Alfred; Wild Child puts 2 wounds on Robin.
ARMY 2: Rogers fails on Marrow.
ARMY 1: Marrow gives Batman 1 wound while she takes 1 from Evasive Strike; Wild Child fails.
ARMY 2: Rogers puts 2 wounds on Marrow.
ARMY 1: Marrow heals while Wild Child fails.
ARMY 2: Rogers fails
During the Sixth Round: Army 2 wins Initiative.
ARMY 2: Rogers fails.
ARMY 1: Marrow takes a disengagement wound to put 2 wounds on Batman; Wild Child fails.
ARMY 2: Rogers takes a wound from Spike Defense.
ARMY 1: Marrow takes 2 disengagement wounds but fails her attack; Wild Child kills Batman.
ARMY 2: Rogers fails.
ARMY 1: Marrow and Wild Child kill Robin.
During the Seventh Round: Army 1 wins Initiative.
ARMY 1: Marrow and Wild Child fail.
ARMY 2: Rogers puts 1 wound on Marrow and 2 on Wild Child.
ARMY 1: Marrow and Wild Child put 1 wound on Rogers.
ARMY 2: Rogers kills Wild Child and puts 1 wound on Marrow.
ARMY 1: Marrow takes a wound from Photonic Energy Shield.
ARMY 2: Rogers puts 1 wound on Marrow.
During the Eighth Round: Army 2 wins Initiative.
ARMY 2: Rogers puts 1 wound on Marrow.
ARMY 1: Marrow fails.
ARMY 2: Rogers puts 1 wound on Marrow.
ARMY 1: Marrow puts 1 wound on Rogers.
ARMY 2: Rogers takes a wound from Spike Defense.
ARMY 1: Marrow takes a wound.
During the Ninth Round: Army 1 wins Initiative.
ARMY 1: Marrow takes a wound.
ARMY 2: Rogers fails.
ARMY 1: Marrow kills Rogers.
Army Test 2
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Pass - What should be the unit's point value? 155 seems high, maybe - Give a brief overview.Really just a game of big attacks, units on both sides falling in single turns. Wild Child was helpful in finishing off Shang-Chi right after Omega Red gave him 3 wounds, but a whiff on defense the next turn finished him off before he even got to heal.
UNIT SUM-UP Damage: 1 wound to Shang-Chi. Power Usage/Effectiveness: Mutant Sidekick: Wild Child took 3 turns through Mutant Sidekick. Blood Frenzy 2: Came into affect 1 times out of 1 attacks; 2 total extra dice. Healing Factor X: Healed 0 total wounds.
Map: Sewer Labyrinth
Units: Wild Child, Omega Red, Psylocke (705 points) VS Luke Cage, Firestar, Shang-Chi, Tigra (700 points)
Spoiler Alert!
The first two turns for either team was just bringing up their troops. The last turn for Team 1 had Omega Red and Wild Child charging in and killing Shang-Chi off before he got to do a thing. Immediately after that, Firestar rolled 4 skulls on her SA, killing Wild Child and wounding Omega Red (followed by a couple more wounds from Cage’s attack). Omega Red got initiative for the second round, allowing him to kill Firestar and heal a wound; but it wasn’t enough, Cage and Tigra still killed Omega Red the very next turn, losing the Mutants an OM. Tigra and Cage charged Psylocke. A back and forth for the next couple rounds, mostly only single wounds being inflicted until Psylocke hit a 20 on Psychic Knife to kill Cage mid third round. Tigra was rolling hot on offense though, and finished Psylocke off early in the fourth round.
During the First Round: Army 1 wins Initiative.
ARMY 1: Psylocke and Wild Child advance.
ARMY 2: Cage and Shang-Chi move out.
ARMY 1: Omega Red and Wild Child continue forward.
ARMY 2: Cage and Firestar move up.
ARMY 1: Omega Red charges and puts 4 wounds on Shang-Chi; Wild Child finishes him off.
ARMY 2: Firestar and Cage kill Wild Child and put 4 wounds on Omega Red.
During the Second Round: Army 1 wins Initiative.
ARMY 1: Omega Red kills Firestar and heals 1 wound.
ARMY 2: Tigra and Cage kill Omega Red.
ARMY 1: Turn lost on Omega Red.
ARMY 2: Tigra and Cage put 1 wound on Psylocke.
ARMY 1: Psylocke dodges a disengagement to reposition and put 1 wound on Cage.
ARMY 2: Tigra and Cage fail, but Cage takes 1 wound from MMA.
During the Third Round: Army 1 wins Initiative.
ARMY 1: Psylocke fails with her Psychic Knife.
ARMY 2: Tigra and Cage put 1 wound on Psylocke.
ARMY 1: Psylocke hits a 20 on Psychic Knife, killing Cage.
ARMY 2: Turn lost on Cage.
ARMY 1: Psylocke fails with Psychic Knife.
ARMY 2: Tigra puts 1 wound on Psylocke.
During the Fourth Round: Army 1 wins Initiative.
ARMY 1: Psylocke fails with Psychic Knife.
ARMY 2: Tigra kills Psylocke.
Unwounded Tigra remained.
Army Test 3
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Pass - What should be the unit's point value? 155 seems good - Give a brief overview. The Titans just weren’t much of a match for the Mutants. Only Mystique went down on the Mutant’s side, while Wolverine and Wild Child pretty easily handled the enemy. Wild Child himself killed roughly his points worth.
UNIT SUM-UP Damage: 1 wound to Wonder Girl, 1 wound to Aqualad, 2 wounds to Speedy, 1 wound to Kid Flash, 1 wound to Beast Boy Pterodactyl Form (and in extension 2 wounds to Beast Boy Human Form). Power Usage/Effectiveness: Mutant Sidekick: Wild Child took 10 turns through Mutant Sidekick. Blood Frenzy 2: Came into affect 5 times out of 8 attacks; 9 total extra dice. Healing Factor X: Healed 5 total wounds.
Map: Sewer Labyrinth
Units: Wild Child, Wolverine, Mystique (600 points) VS Wonder Girl, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Speedy (Roy Harper), Beast Boy (Human, Bear, Cheetah, Pterodactyl, and T-Rex) (600 points)
Spoiler Alert!
The Titans moved out quickly, Wonder Girl lassoing Mystique on her third turn, with Aqualad and Kid Flash right behind her. Through the second round the Titans worked on bringing down Mystique while Wolverine and Wild Child brought down Wonder Girl and the T-Rex. The start of the third round was good for the Mutants as Wolverine finished Aqualad while Wild Child tore apart Speedy. Kid Flash did his best, but Adamantium Claws was too much for him. Beast Boy quickly fell after that.
During the First Round: Army 2 wins Initiative.
ARMY 2: Pterodactyl flies out with Speedy while Kid Flash tags along.
ARMY 1: Mystique and Wild Child move up.
ARMY 2: Wonder Girl and Aqualad move out.
ARMY 1: Wolverine moves up.
ARMY 2: Wonder Girl, followed by Kid Flash, lassos Mystique next to her but fails; Aqualad also fails.
ARMY 1: Wolverine puts 2 wounds on Wonder Girl but Wild Child fails.
During the Second Round: Army 2 wins Initiative.
ARMY 2: Kid Flash, Speedy, and Aqualad put 1 wound on Mystique.
ARMY 1: Mystique puts 2 wounds on Speedy while Wild Child puts 1 on Wonder Girl.
ARMY 2: Kid Flash, Speedy, and Aqualad put 3 wounds on Mystique.
ARMY 1: Wolverine gets caught by Warrior Engagement but kills Wonder Girl; Wild Child fails.
ARMY 2: Beast Boy switches to a T-Rex and Dino-Bites Mystique to kill her.
ARMY 1: Wolverine kills the T-Rex (Beast Boy transforms into Pterodactyl); Wild Child puts 1 wound on Aqualad.
During the Third Round: Army 1 wins Initiative.
ARMY 1: Wolverine kills Aqualad while Wild Child kills Speedy.
ARMY 2: Kid Flash fails.
ARMY 1: Wolverine and Wild Child put 3 wounds on Kid Flash.
ARMY 2: Kid Flash puts 2 wounds on Wild Child.
ARMY 1: Wolverine kills Kid Flash while Wild Child kills the Pterodactyl (Beast Boy goes back to the T-Rex).
ARMY 2: Turn lost on Kid Flash.
During the Fourth Round: Army 2 wins Initiative.
ARMY 2: T-Rex fails.
ARMY 1: Wolverine and Wild Child put 1 wound on T-Rex.
ARMY 2: T-Rex fails.
ARMY 1: Wolverine kills Beast Boy.
Army Test 4
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Pass - What should be the unit's point value? For this game 155 was on the low side - Give a brief overview.Things weren’t looking good for Wild Child early, but after Omega Red put himself in a position to absorb the attacks, Wild Child was given free range to slowly pick away at the enemy, overall doing a lot of damage.
UNIT SUM-UP Damage: 1 wound to Tigra, 2 wounds to Luke Cage, 4 wounds to Jewel. Power Usage/Effectiveness: Mutant Sidekick: Wild Child took 10 turns through Mutant Sidekick. Blood Frenzy 2: Came into affect 7 times out of 9 attacks; 12 total extra dice. Healing Factor X: Healed 3 total wounds.
Map: Sewer Labyrinth
Units: Wild Child, Omega Red, Emma Frost (625 points) VS Luke Cage, Firestar, Jewel, Tigra (620 points)
Spoiler Alert!
This one moved pretty quickly with Omega Red killing Firstar and wounding Tigra in the first round. Start of the next round and Tigra put 2 wounds on Wild Child. Omega Red, with plenty of life left and not wanting to lose his sidekick, engaged as many of the enemies as possible and put himself lower to absorb the attacks. It nearly killed him, and indeed by the end of the third round he’d fallen, but his attacks paired with the now free Wild Child killed Tigra and then Cage. While Emma advanced to help out, Wild Child kept at it and brought Jewel up to 4 wounds while only sustaining a few himself which he healed most of. Finally Emma got there and helped finish Jewel off.
During the First Round: Army 2 wins Initiative.
ARMY 2: Jewel and Cage move out.
ARMY 1: Omega Red and Wild Child advance.
ARMY 2: Firestar and Cage continue forward.
ARMY 1: Omega Red kills Firestar; Wild Child follows.
ARMY 2: Tigra joins Cage.
ARMY 1: Omega Red and Wild Child put 1 wound on Tigra.
ROUND END: Omega Red gets hit by Death Factor.
During the Second Round: Army 2 wins Initiative.
ARMY 2: Tigra and Cage put 2 wounds on Wild Child.
ARMY 1: Omega Red and Wild Child fail.
ARMY 2: Tigra and Cage put 3 wounds on Omega Red.
ARMY 1: Omega Red and Wild Child kill Tigra and put 1 wound on Cage.
ARMY 2: Jewel and Cage put 3 wounds on Omega Red.
ARMY 1: Omega Red and Wild Child put 1 wound on Cage.
ROUND END: Omega Red gets hit by Death Factor.
During the Third Round: Army 1 wins Initiative.
ARMY 1: Omega Red and Wild Child kill Cage.
ARMY 2: Turn lost on Cage.
ARMY 1: Wild Child puts 1 wound on Jewel.
ARMY 2: Turn lost on Cage.
ARMY 1: Emma and Wild Child fail.
ARMY 2: Jewel fails.
ROUND END: Omega Red dies to Death Factor
During the Fourth Round: Army 1 wins Initiative.
ARMY 1: Emma advances while Wild Child puts 3 wounds on Jewel.
ARMY 2: Jewel fails.
ARMY 1: Emma and Wild Child fail.
ARMY 2: Jewel puts 3 wounds on Wild Child.
ARMY 1: Emma kills Jewel.
Sorry it's taking so long. Things have been a tad hectic lately. They seem to be starting to calm down now though. I hope to have my results in by the weekend though.
Not sure if I'll be able to get to this anytime soon, so in the sake of progession, you might want to seek another tester unless your comfortable moving forward with your current results.
Thanks for the heads up Karat, hope ya find some time for fun soon.
I have unofficially played Wild Child several times since the initial testing phase in my "fun" games. In those unreported tests, he felt fine at 160 points.