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The Book of Whiplash (MCU)


Setting the Table for Super
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The Book of Whiplash (MCU)



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a modified Heroclix figure from the Invincible Iron Man set.
Its model number and name are #049 / Iron Monger.

The figure used for this unit is a modified Heroclix figure from the Infinity Challenge set.
Its model number and name are #037-039 / Constrictor.


Character Bio - Ivan Antonovich Vanko was a Russian physicist and the son of the disgraced scientist Anton Vanko. When Vanko's father died penniless due to the actions of Howard Stark, Vanko swore to seek revenge by targeting Howard's son, Tony Stark. Recreating an Arc Reactor based on his father's design and designing an armor similar to Iron Man's, Vanko attacked Stark in Monaco, under the moniker of Whiplash. Though he was incarcerated, he was subsequently broken out and recruited by Justin Hammer in order to use his skills to create a functional advanced armor to compete with Stark's, but Vanko repurposed the armors into the*Hammer Drones, hijacking them and the Mark I War Machine Armor, in an attempt to kill Stark and destroy his legacy. He was defeated by the combined efforts of Iron Man and War Machine, following which he chose to end his life by initiating a self-destruct feature within his armor. - https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Whiplash

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
  • As a Genius, Whiplash has these Genius Synergies.
  • As a figure with a Power Armor special power, Whiplash has these Power Armor Synergies.
Outgoing Synergy:
  • Whiplash may activate Uncommon Androids and figures with a Power Armor special power with his Android Control.
  • Whiplash may self-destruct Androids with his Power Armor: Auto Destruct.
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:
  • N/A

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Whiplash (MCU) - Design Phase




LIFE = 4

MOVE = 6

POINTS = 250

After revealing an Order Marker on this card, instead of taking a turn with Whiplash, you may do one of the following:
• take a turn with up to 2 Uncommon Android figures you control within 8 spaces of Whiplash; or
• take a turn with 1 figure you control that has a Power Armor special power.
You may not take additional turns.

When attacking a small or medium non-adjacent figure with Whiplash's normal attack and two or more skulls are rolled, you may place the defending figure adjacent to Whiplash and attack that figure one additional time. Figures moved with Pull and Pummel roll 1 fewer defense die and will not take any leaving engagement attacks.

When Whiplash would be destroyed, you may instead choose Whiplash and any number of Android figures you control. One at a time, for each chosen figure, roll an unblockable attack die against each adjacent figure, then destroy each chosen figure.

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Re: The Book of Whiplash (MCU) - Design Phase


Comic Art:
Spoiler Alert!

Mini Figure:
Spoiler Alert!
Re: The Book of Whiplash (MCU) - Design Phase

Spoiler Alert!
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Re: The Book of Whiplash (MCU) - Design Phase

Going for the end boss battle here. Interested to see what the mini looks like. Really like the auto-destruct power. A few edits/comments.

After revealing an order marker on this card, instead of taking a turn with this figure you may move or attack with up to 2 Common or Uncommon Android figures you control. Or you may choose an opponents figure that is and Android or has the Power Armor keyword, if you do roll the 20 sided die, if you roll a 15 or higher you may take a turn with that figure.

If Whiplash attacks a Small or Medium non-adjacent figure with his normal attack and two or more skulls are rolled, you may place the defending figure adjacent to Whiplash and roll one unblockable attack die against that figure (is this in addition to the attack result?). If a figure is moved with Pull and Pummel, it will not take any leaving engagement attacks and Whiplash may attack that figure one additional time.

When Whiplash would be destroyed, you may instead choose Whiplash and any number of Android figures you control. For Whiplash and each chosen Android figure, roll an unblockable attack die against each figure adjacent to the chosen figures, then destroy the chosen figures.
Re: The Book of Whiplash (MCU) - Design Phase

Going for the end boss battle here. Interested to see what the mini looks like. Really like the auto-destruct power. A few edits/comments.

After revealing an order marker on this card, instead of taking a turn with this figure you may move or attack with up to 2 Common or Uncommon Android figures you control. Or you may choose an opponents figure that is and Android or has the Power Armor keyword, if you do roll the 20 sided die, if you roll a 15 or higher you may take a turn with that figure.

If Whiplash attacks a Small or Medium non-adjacent figure with his normal attack and two or more skulls are rolled, you may place the defending figure adjacent to Whiplash and roll one unblockable attack die against that figure (is this in addition to the attack result?). If a figure is moved with Pull and Pummel, it will not take any leaving engagement attacks and Whiplash may attack that figure one additional time.

When Whiplash would be destroyed, you may instead choose Whiplash and any number of Android figures you control. For Whiplash and each chosen Android figure, roll an unblockable attack die against each figure adjacent to the chosen figures, then destroy the chosen figures.

Mini is in the Spoiler in the 3rd post. LP made it for me, I think its great.

Added your edits to the SP, thanks.

Yes, the unblockable is in addition to the attack. He can attack and roll 2 skulls which may not do any damage but he can still pull him in for the unblackable and then do an adjacent attack.
Re: The Book of Whiplash (MCU) - Design Phase

I’d love to see Android Control simplified a little bit. I’m at work right now, but later I can try to spit out a few ideas there.
Re: The Book of Whiplash (MCU) - Design Phase

I’d love to see Android Control simplified a little bit. I’m at work right now, but later I can try to spit out a few ideas there.

I would agree, I knew it wasn't really there yet.
Re: The Book of Whiplash (MCU) - Design Phase

Cool. Are there any plans to do drones to go with him?
Re: The Book of Whiplash (MCU) - Design Phase

Just cause I had to look for myself, here's our Android stuff.

I struggled a bit thinking of ideas for Android Control, since I imagine in 2.0 we'll be adding the Power Armor keyword to a lot of older designs. With that context, I almost want to do sommething like Iron Man Mk V and let him recruit a Power Suiter into an Android, like so:
At the start of the game, you may choose a Unique Hero you control with a Power Armor special power. For the rest of the game the chosen figure's species is Android instead of what is listed on the card. After revealing an Order Marker on this card, instead of taking a turn with this figure you may move or attack with up to 2 Android figures you control that are either Common, Uncommon, or have a Power Armor special power.
But I'm not sure that's worth it in 1.0? In general though, I worry about it being a counter-draft against a rare few figures (in 1.0, that is) anyways.

I guess it also feels like you're in a bit of a hard spot with common/uncommon Android bonding - make it too good and you're outdoing the natural synergies that a lot of these designs have, but make it too weak and there's not much of a point.
Re: The Book of Whiplash (MCU) - Design Phase

After looking at the list of android options, I think you could just drop the common androids and focus on uncommon ones. I imagine if a Hammer Drone were to get carded at some point, it would be uncommon rather than common.
Re: The Book of Whiplash (MCU) - Design Phase

Uncommon only sounds about right. :up:
Re: The Book of Whiplash (MCU) - Design Phase

I still really would like him to be able to "hack" into an opponent's power armor, like he does in the movie taking over War Machine's suit. I feel it's important to the design.
Re: The Book of Whiplash (MCU) - Design Phase

Ah, go "two Unique" then, since that covers Uncommon as well.
Re: The Book of Whiplash (MCU) - Design Phase

My comment was in reference to the uncommon & common android aspect, no issues with the Power Armor call out being included.
Re: The Book of Whiplash (MCU) - Design Phase

It’s been a while since I’ve seen IM2 - he doesn’t seize control of the suit while Rhodey is in it, right? He modifies the suit and then uses it like a drone.
Re: The Book of Whiplash (MCU) - Design Phase

Nope he's in it and chases Tony Rhodey is helpless to stop it.
Re: The Book of Whiplash (MCU) - Design Phase

Nope he's in it and chases Tony Rhodey is helpless to stop it.
Cool, so it's definitely thematically justified then. :up: I guess I just worry about him feeling like another Deathlok or Ghost where part of the card just feels useless a lot of the time. Could we at least get rid of the restriction that it has to be an opponent's figure? That way you could bring your own Power Armor/Android figure and not worry about it being only a counterdraft.

Another thought that I've been a bit torn on before...what do you think of getting rid of the unblockable on Pull and Pummel? I definitely get wanting that ability to feel "big" since it'll probably only happen a few times, but I also think ditching the unblockable makes the whole thing feel a lot sleeker.
Re: The Book of Whiplash (MCU) - Design Phase

Nope he's in it and chases Tony Rhodey is helpless to stop it.
Cool, so it's definitely thematically justified then. :up: I guess I just worry about him feeling like another Deathlok or Ghost where part of the card just feels useless a lot of the time. Could we at least get rid of the restriction that it has to be an opponent's figure? That way you could bring your own Power Armor/Android figure and not worry about it being only a counterdraft.

Another thought that I've been a bit torn on before...what do you think of getting rid of the unblockable on Pull and Pummel? I definitely get wanting that ability to feel "big" since it'll probably only happen a few times, but I also think ditching the unblockable makes the whole thing feel a lot sleeker.

I can definitely add Power Armor that you control to the 1st power. My goal of the power is (I should re-write the power) that he can take more or attack with 2 uncommon figures he controls or take the risk to try (via d20 roll) and take control of an enemy power armor figure.

Adding in a Power Armor figure you control would be easy enough.

Pull and Pummel was supposed to be similar to what Spawn does, pull you, possibly do an unblockable wound and then attack. Spawn does the the pull and wound via d20, I wanted Whiplash to do it via attack and unblockable roll.
Re: The Book of Whiplash (MCU) - Design Phase

That being said I can see dropping it
Re: The Book of Whiplash (MCU) - Design Phase

I think it just reads differently (for me at least) because the power itself is providing two “rewards” for succeeding at the pull. (The unblockable and the attack.) Spawn’s does something similar in practice, but the attack he’s getting is obviously just his normal attack, so it gives off a different feel.
Re: The Book of Whiplash (MCU) - Design Phase

I think it just reads differently (for me at least) because the power itself is providing two “rewards” for succeeding at the pull. (The unblockable and the attack.) Spawn’s does something similar in practice, but the attack he’s getting is obviously just his normal attack, so it gives off a different feel.

Yeah, I'll drop it. 3 different chances to wound is too much.
Re: The Book of Whiplash (MCU) - Design Phase

Updated Pull and Pummel in the SP

How does this read for the Android control power? I'm sure there is a cleaner way to say it.

After revealing an order marker on this card, instead of taking a turn with this figure you may move or attack with up to 2 Uncommon Android figures you control. Or you may instead choose a figure that has the Power Armor keyword, if you control that figure you may take a turn with it, if your opponents controls that figure roll the 20 sided die if you roll a 15 or higher you may take a turn with that figure.