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The Book of Weapon X

Re: The Book of Weapon X (Final Editing Phase)

I like the silver and red color schemes, nice choice.

Can we get the rock removed from the Hit Zones as well? In the Comic art, can you remove the shimmer line that runs from the front of his helmet to his right hand.

I can, but again since I can't really see the feet on that picture and the only picture that really has the feet still only shows one, either the feet would have to be left off or (more likely) I'd try to add them, which might end up not looking as nice. But yeah, I can do that. And I can definitely remove the shimmer line.
Re: The Book of Weapon X (Final Editing Phase)

Maybe switching to a tundra background would make the feet problem less noticeable?
Re: The Book of Weapon X (Final Editing Phase)

OMFG! Why would they make a clix that is buried in s***????

I agree with the others, & think the best thing to do is to find a background that what ever he is knee deep in looks part of it. Also he could be a little larger.

The helmet in the target icon should be red. The grey you have used there seems too light, is it #b4b4b4 ? Lose the crap from his feet in the target icon, which means you will have to draw some feet in :).

Can you also clone over the signature in the comic pic please.
Re: The Book of Weapon X (Final Editing Phase)

When Weapon X breaks free from the program, and goes outside it is into a snow covered area. So it works thematically as well.

Snow Images
Spoiler Alert!

Also got them linked up.
Re: The Book of Weapon X (Final Editing Phase)

Looks great!

Pre-Yea to On Deck
Re: The Book of Weapon X (Final Editing Phase)

Cards look great to me. Thanks FG!

I'll wait on A3n to approve of them before I propose a move to on deck just in case though.

If there is anything else I can do on my end just let me know. Apocalypse listed in his synergies, any grammar corrections for the bio? I listed Animal Magnetism as the release set.
Re: The Book of Weapon X (Final Editing Phase)

pre-yea for On Deck!
Re: The Book of Weapon X (Final Editing Phase)

I jut realised he would really shine in an Outcast build as you can move him with Avalanche. I like that he still has that faction to work with :up:
Re: The Book of Weapon X (Vote to move to On Deck)

:woot: This passes!

It took longer than what I would have liked, but I'm happy with the end result, and hope others are too.
This is such a good job on theme (and interesting gameplay twists too).
Not really my department, but y'all know you've used 'Savage' as a personality right?

The Zombies over in classic scape already use 'Savage' as a class, but I thought there was an intentional departure from that here and 'Savage' was reserved for a personality in C3G land.

Would Mr. Hyde and Weapon X cancel out Starlord's Ragtag Tactics? I guess not, but it still seems a little weird to have both.