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The Book of Wasp (Avengers)


Champ of C3G Con 2020, 2024, and mindless posting
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The Book of Wasp (Avengers)




Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a HeroClix figure from the Chaos War Fast Forces set.
Its model number and name are #004 / Wasp.

The figure used for this unit is a HeroClix figure from the Chaos War set.
Its model number and name are #030 / Wasp.
Character Bio - Janet Van Dyne was […] initially a shallow, self-centered, flighty heiress and debutante, daughter of wealthy scientist Vernon Van Dyne. During an experiment, however, an alien monster was unleashed from an alternate dimension and Dr. Van Dyne was killed. Her father's associate, Dr. Henry “Hank” Pym, had created a substance called "Pym particles", which allowed the user to grow or shrink in size, and had become the superhero Ant-Man. […] He gave her a supply of "Pym particles" and subjected her to a biochemical procedure which granted her the ability to grow wings upon shrinking. Initially, she used a pin to poke people as means of a weapon, and later used a miniature air gun, the original wasp's sting. Eventually, she gained the ability to harness her body's bio-electric current and fire blasts of energy which she called her "wasp's stings". As Ant-Man and The Wasp, they defeated the monster, sent it to its own dimension, and had several more adventures together [….]Soon afterward, the superhero team, which Janet herself dubbed the Avengers, formed. Hank and Janet were among its founding members. Still shallow, Janet frequently commented on the attractiveness of her male colleagues, especially Thor, in order to provoke jealousy from Pym. Never lacking confidence or bravery and by nature an outgoing personality, Janet was always in the thick of battles with villains, who included Norse gods and aliens. Early on in her Avengers career, she was wounded in battle against Count Nefaria. Although she and Hank took occasional leaves of absence, the two have almost always remained members, staying on reserve when not on active duty. After their first leave of absence, she and Pym, as the first Goliath, rejoined the Avengers and battled the Collector. During the course of their many adventures as Avengers, Janet grew as a person, becoming a resourceful and seasoned hero. Several years later, she would be elected leader of the team” (Wikipedia.org, 2013).

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Re: The Book of Wasp - Design Phase




LIFE = 3

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 160

At the start of the game, you may choose one other Unique Hero you control and place a white Avenger Marker on its card. After revealing an Order Marker on this card and instead of taking a turn with Wasp, you may take a turn with any Unique Hero you control with an Avenger Marker on its card.

Range 2. Attack 1.
Instead of moving and attacking normally with Wasp, you may move Wasp up to 4 spaces. Wasp can attack up to 2 times with this special attack at any point before, during, or after this move as long as Wasp is on a space where she could end her movement. When Wasp attacks a figure that is not a destructible object with this special attack, that figure cannot roll defense dice.

Wasp is never in clear sight of non-adjacent enemy figures and she only takes leaving engagement attacks from tiny figures.

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Re: The Book of Wasp - Design Phase

I'll get all the mini info/comic pics eventually.
Re: The Book of Wasp (II) - Design Phase

I'd kind of like to see Com Link work with any other Unique Hero... not sure if we want to give universal bonding like that, though. As-is she's only useful in a larger Avengers build, though, which makes her a pretty poor leader.

I might drop her down to 3 Life, too. But solid overall.
Re: The Book of Wasp (II) - Design Phase

Looks good to me :up:. Similar to (I) but different enough.
Re: The Book of Wasp (II) - Design Phase

I'm not sure I like reusing two of the special powers and her personality from the other design. Is there anything else you could do to differentiate her more?
Re: The Book of Wasp (II) - Design Phase

I'm not sure I like reusing two of the special powers and her personality from the other design. Is there anything else you could do to differentiate her more?

Well, it's the same character. She's got the same personality and the same powers. This is just meant to be more of a factional version, that's a bit tougher, and more of a leader. :shrug:

We could always pull a Ms. Marvel where she lets you put an Avenger's Marker on another figure's card as well at the start of the game, so even without Cap she can still lead someone.

I wouldn't want to lose the Wasp Sting. I suppose Tiny Stealth isn't absolutely needed, but I like it here.

I think how you'd draft and play the two is pretty different. Wasp (I) is a distraction and a defensive figure. This Wasp is an OM hub and a factional tie. Both could be a bit of an assassin, but Wasp (I) is one you're more willing to risk putting in that role, whereas this Wasp you'd want to protect more and hang back with.
Re: The Book of Wasp (II) - Design Phase

I'd rather see her as an Intuituve Leader. Also, was she mostly tiny when she was leading the Avengers? This could be an opportunity to use the medium sized figure (which would also mean dropping Tiny Stealth in favor of another Avengers leader power).
Re: The Book of Wasp (II) - Design Phase

I never knew she lead them at any point. :p No real problems with the design. Not super interesting, but like you said, the character isn't much different.
Re: The Book of Wasp (II) - Design Phase

I never knew she lead them at any point. :p No real problems with the design. Not super interesting, but like you said, the character isn't much different.

The Wasp was elected as chairman of the Avengers, a position she held for a long while, having been molded into a savvy and able leader. Janet and several other Avengers were among the group of heroes summoned to Battleworld by the Beyonder to fight in his Secret Wars. During the conflict, the Wasp appeared to be seduced by Magneto after he captured her, but she was merely playing along in order to find out his plans. Temporarily overpowering Magneto and his new allies the X-Men, she escaped in an alien aircraft that soon crashed. Jan took refuge with the outcast Lizard. The Wrecker gravely wounded her when the Wrecking Crew was dispatched by Doctor Doom to retrieve the Lizard. Left in a death-like state, she was revived by the alien healer Zsaji.
While Avengers chairman, Jan led the team in discovering Jean Grey, an X-Man long thought to be dead. Her teammate Black Knight had an unrequited crush on her for some time, while another, Hercules, chafed at being given orders by a woman.
The most serious test to the Wasp's leadership ability came when the Masters of Evil under Baron Helmut Zemo attacked and conquered Avengers Mansion. Hercules was beaten into a coma by the Masters, and admitted to hospital, and Zemo sent two of the most powerful Masters, Titania and Absorbing Man to finish him off. With the help of the second Ant-Man, the Wasp defeated the two far stronger villains. With every other active team member incapacitated and a small army of supervillains holding their headquarters, it was up to the Wasp to assemble a rescue squad and mount the assault to retake the mansion.
Re: The Book of Wasp (II) - Design Phase

I'm not sure I like reusing two of the special powers and her personality from the other design. Is there anything else you could do to differentiate her more?

Well, it's the same character. She's got the same personality and the same powers. This is just meant to be more of a factional version, that's a bit tougher, and more of a leader. :shrug:

We could always pull a Ms. Marvel where she lets you put an Avenger's Marker on another figure's card as well at the start of the game, so even without Cap she can still lead someone.

I wouldn't want to lose the Wasp Sting. I suppose Tiny Stealth isn't absolutely needed, but I like it here.

I think how you'd draft and play the two is pretty different. Wasp (I) is a distraction and a defensive figure. This Wasp is an OM hub and a factional tie. Both could be a bit of an assassin, but Wasp (I) is one you're more willing to risk putting in that role, whereas this Wasp you'd want to protect more and hang back with.

I like the Ms. Marvel angle so she doesn't need to be played with Cap.

I could possibly see her attack bumped to 4. She is stronger when smaller than human sized and has trained to hit pressure points rather than just random strikes. It could also make her normal attack more of an option than Sting at times and relevant. Not being used willy nilly though as you don't want to throw her into melee combat and take away the benefits of Tiny Stealth.

Skilled Combatant: Janet had adapted to a special kind of hand-to-hand combat that was created by her ex-husband Hank Pym, which takes advantage of the fighter's insect size against a much larger form and physique enabling them to strike pressure points before the opponent even realizes what happened. She was also trained in multiple martial arts and unarmed combat fields by Captain America, making her into an adept combatant.

Janet had the strength of a normal human female of her age, height, and build who engages in moderate regular exercise. The Wasp's strength was boosted when she reduced in size, and increased geometrically when she chose to use her growing powers. At 10 feet tall, she could lift (press) 1,000 pounds, at 25 feet tall she could lift (press) 10 tons, and at 100 feet tall, she could lift (press) 50 tons. The higher she grew past 25 feet, the more of her strength she had to use simply to support her own enormous mass.
I'd rather see her as an Intuituve Leader. Also, was she mostly tiny when she was leading the Avengers? This could be an opportunity to use the medium sized figure (which would also mean dropping Tiny Stealth in favor of another Avengers leader power).

Well she's not Tiny 24/7, but for the purposes of the game and that it takes place during battle, it makes sense that she'd be Tiny during battle because that's what she does. The size of the figure doesn't really matter to me in the size represented on the card in this case. Tiny can be abstract and protect her from certain things or be negative for certain things.
Re: The Book of Wasp (II) - Design Phase

OK, so here's what I'm thinking right now:

Change her class and personality to Intuitive Leader.

Up her attack to 4.

Go with the larger mini, but keep her size Tiny (like Hahma says, it's an abstract).

Keep Tiny Stealth.

Alter the Avenger power like so:

At the start of the game, you may choose one other Unique Hero you control and place a white Avenger Marker on its card.
After revealing an Order Marker on this card, instead of taking that turn with Wasp, you may take a turn with any Unique Hero you control with an Avenger Marker on its card.

This essentially gives you OM flexibility with one other figure when she's on her own, or with an entire army when Ms. Marvel or Cap are around. She also lets you build bigger Cap/Avenger armies.
Re: The Book of Wasp (II) - Design Phase

You know, there's another Tiny figure now (THIS one from Chaos War) that would probably work fine, too.

Definitely happy with the Avengers Comlink (which is generally one word even if it's not technically a word) that you have there.
Re: The Book of Wasp (II) - Design Phase

That's a nice mini. I could go for that one here.

To me, being Tiny is what Wasp does. It's key to her character, like flying and SS on Superman.
Re: The Book of Wasp (II) - Design Phase

I was totally gonna suggest that figure as its the best one out there, its cheap, and it represents the era you are going for here.
Re: The Book of Wasp (II) - Design Phase

Awesome! Thanks for the era advice, Spidey. :) Greatly needed.
Re: The Book of Wasp (II) - Design Phase

OK, SP updated with changes! I'll send her out to the ERB in a minute here.

Anybody have the mini Johnny mentioned so that I can get a height there?

I'll be updating the OP with that mini choice in a second as well.
Re: The Book of Wasp (II) - Design Phase

Looks like you forgot to change the personality and class.
Re: The Book of Wasp (II) - Design Phase

Thanks for the reminder! Updated in the SP.

The ERB has the other version, but I don't think it'll be too big of a difference, so I'm not too worried.

I do feel a little bad that Vision is the only one out there with the Avenger class, though. Not sure they'll be another chance to really use that class again if we don't here.

Also, what do folks think on 3 life versus 4 life? I actually dig the idea of 3, but I'd love to know what others think? Johnny suggested it, so I'll assume I've got his support for that change. :)
Re: The Book of Wasp (II) - Design Phase

:up: to 3 Life.
Re: The Book of Wasp (II) - Design Phase

That's three in favor. One more and I'll make the update, and drop her back to a projected 100 points.
Re: The Book of Wasp (II) - Design Phase

Iron Man MKII is also an Avengers, for what it's worth, so Vision wouldn't be TOO lonely.
Re: The Book of Wasp (II) - Design Phase

:down: Life 3
:up: Life 4 She is still a "human" (mutated) that would have a higher than average constitution.
Re: The Book of Wasp (II) - Design Phase

:down: Life 3
:up: Life 4 She is still a "human" (mutated) that would have a higher than average constitution.

Then why did the original only have 1 life? :p

(Always thought her and Ant-man needed more than 1)
Re: The Book of Wasp (II) - Design Phase

She is slightly taller than 1, which I believe makes her 2, but flying.