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The Book of Warpath


Supernatural Mystic
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The Book of Warpath



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The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Web of Spider-Man set.
Its model number and name are #028 / Warpath.


Character Bio - An Apache Native American, Proudstar possesses mutant superhuman strength and speed. He also possesses superhuman resistance to injury, at least enough to withstand short-range gunfire and grenade explosions. He wields a pair of bowie knives composed of vibranium, given to him by Storm. Warpath has been a member of the New Mutants, the original X-Force, joined the Mumbai branch of the X-Corporation, and became a member of the X-Men at Professor X's request. He later became one of the founding members of the new X-Force, Cyclops's covert wetwork team, charged with finding and eliminating Purifiers cells. (wiki)

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Re: The Book of Warpath (Design Phase)




LIFE = 5

MOVE = 7

POINTS = 260


During an enemy figure's turn, if that figure ends its movement within 3 spaces of Warpath, you may immediately move Warpath up to 2 spaces if he ends this movement engaged with that figure. While Warpath is engaged with only one figure, add 1 die to his attack and defense.

Range 4. Attack 4.
For each blank rolled with this special attack, figures without the Vibranium Armor special power subtract 1 defense die. If Warpath attacks an adjacent figure with this special attack, he may attack with this special attack one additional time.

If there is at least 1 Wound Marker on this card, the most wounds Warpath can receive from an attack is one.

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Re: The Book of Warpath (Design Phase)

Nice, solid, and simple! :up: I like it.

I think you want "engaged with" rather than "engaged to," though.
Re: The Book of Warpath (Design Phase)

He looks pretty strong. I don't know all that much about the character but I didn't realize he was a better fighter than Wolverine. Battle Ready is really cool though. I like that he charges out to meet the opponent rather, I can see how that would be useful in terms of pod defense or protect a fragile/important hero tactics.
Re: The Book of Warpath (Design Phase)

I could see Battle Ready being split in two, but I think it works okay as a single power.

8 Move feels like a lot, but I don't know the character well enough to argue with it.

Overall looks good; a simple but efficient hunter. :up:
Re: The Book of Warpath (Design Phase)

Yeah, I'm not sure at all where 8 move is coming from... Quicksilver is a speedster and only has a move of 9.
Re: The Book of Warpath (Design Phase)

While not overly familiar with his story I have always been interested in him so I started doing a little research on the character and I have a few questions about the design. It says Storm and Black Panther gave him the Vibranium Daggers, and that happens fairly far along his story line, after which he was a member of the X-Men and then X-Force (Wolverine, X-23, Hepzibah, Caliban, & Wolfsbane) again. As much as I'd welcome more Mercenary designs it seems like that is not a good class description for him if the card is suppose to represent him after he received the daggers. Then concerning the twin daggers, does he throw them at opponents often and then they come back to him some how? I'm not seeing why or how the SA has a ranged component, I understand that he can throw them but once he does they are no longer in his hands for future attacks. I think I'd just simplify that to melee attacks only.

After reading about his speed:

Superhuman Speed: Despite his great size, Warpath is capable of running and moving at speeds much greater than even the finest human athlete. At his peak, Warpath is capable of running at speeds up to 100 miles per hour. His current speed is unknown.

I'd certainly say a speed of 7 or 8 is warranted. He seems to be faster than many of our 6 move figures.

His durability seems like it is actually quite a bit better than just a base defense of 5, 6 when engaged.

Superhuman Durability: Warpath's body is harder and more resistant to certain types of injury than the body of an ordinary human. For instance, he can withstand the force generated by great impacts. He can withstand impact forces, such as falling from several stories, being hit by certain level energy blasts, and being struck by a superhumanly strong opponent, that would severely injure or kill a normal human. He can withstand high caliber bullets, exposure to temperature extremes, vastly powerful energy blasts from the likes of Exodus, and great impact forces such as being repeatedly punched by the Juggernaut without being hurt. His current level of durability is unknown.

If we keep his base defense at 5, then he needs something more to enhance it. How about 2 shields block all damage, but then drop the life to 5? He does have pretty impressive agility and reflexes, enough to dodge bullets, so autoblocking all different types of attacks seems fitting to me.

Just spitballing ideas here but what about something more like this?


CLASS = ???????


LIFE = 5

MOVE = 7

POINTS = 290?

After an opponent's figure ends its movement within 3 spaces of Warpath, you may immediately move Warpath up to 2 spaces as long as he ends this movement engaged with that figure. When Warpath moves using Battle Ready he will not take any leaving engagement attacks.

When Warpath attacks an adjacent figure with his normal attack, the defending figure rolls 1 fewer defense die for each blank rolled and Warpath may attack one additional time.

When rolling defense dice, if Warpath rolls 2 or more shields he will block all damage.


Two normal adj. attacks of 5 in which blanks rolled reduce defense certainly covers his superior melee combat skills, superstrenght, and twin vibranium blades. The two shields blocks any type of attack on 5 def. dice covers his impressive toughness and quickness. Then the move to engage on an opponents with turn with disengage highlights his speed, agility, and reflexes.
Re: The Book of Warpath (Design Phase)

Knocking his Move down to 7 makes sense to me. I don't really think he needs a defensive power either.

I assume Mercenary is for the Cable synergy? Has he actually been on a team with Cable before? I know he was a part of Wolverine's X-Force, but that didn't include Cable.
Re: The Book of Warpath (Design Phase)

I like what's in the SP for the most part; I could see bringing his move down and/or bumping up his defense, and I'm not sure Mercenary is the best class here (what about going with Hunter instead?), but otherwise I like it as-is, very thematic and simple.
Re: The Book of Warpath (Design Phase)

Cable originally recruited him to the X-Force. I believe we went Mercenary because there wasn't a big thematic class for him and because he's worked both sides and on multiple teams..I agree that it isn't the best fit.

As for the throwing, yes he goes and retrieves them. I prefer it as a special attack though. That power I believe was brainstormed by margloth.
Re: The Book of Warpath (Design Phase)

The battle ready movement is intriguing but I don't think it's really exploitable.
Re: The Book of Warpath (Design Phase)

Then concerning the twin daggers, does he throw them at opponents often and then they come back to him some how? I'm not seeing why or how the SA has a ranged component, I understand that he can throw them but once he does they are no longer in his hands for future attacks.

That's why the ranged attack is a single attack and the melee attack is double.

Karat, Drop his move down one and I think it looks great.
Re: The Book of Warpath (Design Phase)

I agree with the others, I would drop his move 1, otherwise I really like what you have in the SP.
Re: The Book of Warpath (Vote for Initial Playtesting)


Though I don't think we use the phrase "attacking or defending normally" for some specific reason that eludes me.
Re: The Book of Warpath (Vote for Initial Playtesting)

Yea. Good time to tag the CRB for comment.
Re: The Book of Warpath (Vote for Initial Playtesting)

@Yodaking I wouldn't call anyone in the marvel universe a better fighter than Wolverine to be honest. This certainly can't take Wolverine on 1v1 both in the Marvel world and C3G. He definitely is strong though. I like what you have done here Karat.

Like dok, I don't have any concerns.
Re: The Book of Warpath (Initial Playtesting)

This passes. Any army suggestions? I'm hoping to be able to knock this out sometime Friday.
Re: The Book of Warpath (Initial Playtesting)

Armies based around Professor X and/or Cable seem like the basic answer. No D20s to exploit make Outcast armies irrelevant.