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The Book of Walker


Champ of C3G Con 2020, 2024, and mindless posting
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The Book of Walker



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Horrorclix figure from the Base set.
Its model number and name are #010-012 / Zombie Cop.


Character Bio - Walkers “relentlessly hunt and eat humans. Even a small […] bite causes a fatal fever that kills in hours or days, depending on the victim. Amputating a bitten limb can sometimes prevent the fever. A [...] bite itself does not cause a person to turn; since the outbreak, every corpse becomes [infected] regardless of how it died, with the only known 'cure' being the destruction of the brain. [The Walkers] move slowly and are not especially dangerous, except in large numbers or with the element of surprise” (Wikipedia, 2014).

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • Q: Can I continue to bring back Walkers with Viral Infection if I no longer control any Walkers on the battlefield?
  • A: Generally, unless otherwise stated, powers stop working after all the figures from the card are destroyed. There is nothing in Viral Infection to except it from this rule, so therefore once all figures with the Viral Infection special power that you control have been destroyed, you can no longer use Viral Infection to bring any of your destroyed Walkers back.

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Walker - Design




LIFE = 1

MOVE = 4


After an opponent reveals a numbered Order Marker on an Army Card that opponent controls, you may immediately move each Walker you control up to 2 spaces. If a Walker ends this move engaged with one or more enemy figures that he was not engaged with at the beginning of this move, you may immediately choose one figure that Walker is engaged with and roll 1 unblockable attack die against that figure. When moving with Walking Dead, a Walker will take any leaving engagement attacks.

When an opponent’s medium figure that is not an Android, Construct, or Undead is destroyed, replace that figure, if possible, with any previously destroyed common Undead Devourer in your army.
Re: The Book of Walker - Design

I figured this is a good, basic one to start with. Any preferences for figures? Lots of good choices here. I'm just going to proxy with the official Heroscape ones myself.

With travels coming up for the holidays, I'll probably be slow to get to the initial here, but I'm hoping to get the initial done before my Christmas road trip at least, so I can tackle the next two starting in January.
Re: The Book of Walker - Design

Are you planning to save WAVES OF THE UNDEAD for the Lurkers, or have you dropped that idea?

Looks pretty good here, though it'll be tough to gauge their full potential until the other Zombies come along.

I will also just be using Classic Zombies, but I think one of the Horrorclix figures would be the best way to go. The Shambling, Hardhat and Cop look best to me for the Walkers.
Re: The Book of Walker - Design

:up: All looks good here.
Re: The Book of Walker - Design

I'm going to save Waves of the Undead for the Lurkers, yeah. They'll be the lynchpin for the faction. These guys will be the core, and the simplest iteration. So I figured I'd do these guys, then the Roamers, and then put the cost of combining the faction together into the Lurkers. The Lurkers will also be the toughest to kill.

Since these are common heroes, and there should therefore only be one sculpt for each, I'm thinking Shambling Zombie here, Zombie Cop for the Roamers, and for the Lurkers, LP posted a picture of a Horrorclix figure around here somewhere that had a woman on a rolling board or something ... the theme was some hillbilly thing, but with some blood painted on, it'd be perfect. Do you know what I'm talking about, LP?
Re: The Book of Walker - Design

My preference would be, as stated, either ZOMBIE LAWYER or HARDHAT ZOMBIE for the mini.

EDIT: But Shambling is equally fine (and I actually have that one I think!), and "Inbreeder" is the mini you're thinking of.

Powers look good as well. Very zombie-ish. :D
Re: The Book of Walker - Design

Inbreeder is the one, yes. :up: That's the plan for the Lurker.

Oooh, I really like the Lawyer. Maybe that one here and the Shambler for the Roamer?

Honestly, a lot of it is going to come down to what we can get pictures for.
Re: The Book of Walker - Design

Should Viral Infection read "destroyed by a Walker"?
Re: The Book of Walker - Design

Should Viral Infection read "destroyed by a Walker"?

If we're going with Walking Dead style zombies, then anything alive has been infected by the environment and will come back as a zombie when it dies.
Re: The Book of Walker - Design

OK, I've let this one hang a bit as I've been busy, but it doesn't look like any changes are needed (let me know if I'm wrong!) so I'm sending this one out to the ERB! :)
Re: The Book of Walker - Design

Thanks! :) Sounds like testing should start at 50 at least, if not higher (especially given their potential to get nastier as the faction is built).


dok said:
Ooooh, interesting one.

Obviously the stats are bad, but I don't think that matters too much, because they have perfect OM efficiency (i.e. you never need an OM on them). Even if they were 1/1 they'd still be decent. Just a handful of them are pretty useful, because you can just slow-roll the rest of your army while they move up and get cut down, and then you get them back with kills. It's really the engagements and the autowounds that drive their power.

They are positively devastating against squad-based armies - probably the best anti-squad squad in the game, as the walkers will just keep coming and coming.

In a competitive build, I'd pretty much always want a few of these guys if their cost is anywhere south of 60 or so. The autowounds are just too tasty to pass up. I might even just shoot my own walkers to start the game if I thought they weren't going to get into position fast enough. They'll be back soon enough.

IAmBatman said:
Here's the first of an eventual faction of three. As always, I appreciate your thoughts, questions, and concerns!

Thanks, guys!


P.S. And, yes, Viral Infection is meant to trigger even when the Walker isn't the one doing the destroying. In the world of The Walking Dead, anyone who dies turns into a zombie, because we're all infected.




LIFE = 1

MOVE = 4


After an opponent reveals a numbered Order Marker on an Army Card that opponent controls, you may immediately move each Walker you control up to 2 spaces. If a Walker ends this move engaged with one or more enemy figures that he was not engaged with at the beginning of this move, you may immediately choose one figure that Walker is engaged with and roll 1 unblockable attack die against that figure. When moving with Walking Dead, a Walker will take any leaving engagement attacks.

When an opponent’s Medium figure that is not an Android or Undead is destroyed, replace that figure, if possible, with any previously destroyed common Undead Devourer you control.
Re: The Book of Walker - Design

That reminds me. Do you want them to be able to come back even after all Walkers are destroyed?
Re: The Book of Walker - Design

Then you should add this to the end:

"even if all Walkers have been destroyed."

And with that, yeah, this might even be broken.
Re: The Book of Walker - Design

Then you should add this to the end:

"even if all Walkers have been destroyed."

And with that, yeah, this might even be broken.

Which is a good reason not to add that, IMO. I think it's fine without that line and thus without them being able to come back if they're all destroyed.
Re: The Book of Walker - Design

Walking Dead is actually already in use on a certain Unique Hero as well. :)

Good catch on Viral Infection. I think the wording is clear, it just forces you to read closely. I don't want to be forced to over-explain wording that's clear so long as you're willing to read it literally, so I think an FAQ is the way to go. :)

Mmm ... black licorice. Darn Wegman's was all out of stock tonight! :-( I had to settle for red.

davidlhsl said:
Walker Texas Ranger

Chuck Norris is a zombie????? Man, we're all screwed.

Walking Dead
I'm checking an older Index, but I was looking to see if there were any instances where an opponent would reveal a numbered order marker outside of taking a turn.

Kang does. Bad Cops' Shakedown can cause an opponent to reveal and remove an order marker, which might be numbered. Even if that happens, I'm not certain if it would really break anything other than giving those Walkers a shot of Red Bull.

Because Red Bull gives you wings!

Viral Infection
Until I re-read your clarification, I think I would've missed the fact that the destroyed figure doesn't have to be killed by a Walker. I wonder if there's a way to emphasize this without getting unwieldy: "Android or Undead is destroyed by any means" ? That might not be necessary, but I'll toss it for review.

Final Thoughts
I'll look forward to seeing what you have for the other two zombies.

There's only one cure for the Zombie Apocalypse, and that's a stick of black licorice.
Re: The Book of Walker - Design



- THEME TEST/ Check to see if there are any powers or stats on the test unit card that does not accurately reflect the theme or likeness of what the character would and could do. Also consider destructible objects, and whether or not this characters powers should affect them.

- MIRROR TEST/ Check to see if the unit were played against itself, if there would be any loops that would upset the balance of the Game.

- BONDING TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing Bonding abilities to make sure there are no continual Bonding possibilities that do not stop appropriately or do not stop at all. This is to prevent loops in Bonding.

- SYNERGIES TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing synergies to make sure there are no factors that could break the game by making any unit to powerful or too weak.

- POWER CHECK/ Consider the test unit and all existing units and all glyphs to compare to and check for any powers that could be over amplified and break the game. Each power must define when it takes place, who or what it affects, and What are the stipulations on the power if there are any.

- FUN TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play.

- FUN COMPETITIVE TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play against.

- DRAFTING TEST/ Consider whether or not this design is worth drafting.
IFFY – but the faction will help them.

- USAGE TEST/ Consider whether or not all of the powers on this card were used or at least usable.

- STRATEGY TEST/ Consider whether or not the design offers any real strategy or interesting tactics to the overall game.


Army Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No?
- What should be the unit's point value? 50?
- Give a brief overview. Going against a primarily squad army should be a dream for the Walkers, but their offense is really limited outside of Walking Dead and they're easy to kill. They seem to need some killers paired with them.
Map: Custom

Units: Walker x10 (600) vs. Arkham Inmates x5 (300), Martian Manhunter (300) (600)
Spoiler Alert!

Army Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No?
- What should be the unit's point value?
- Give a brief overview.
This one was a stinker.
Custom Units: Walker x10 (600) vs. Superman (400), Batman (200) (600)
Spoiler Alert!
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No?
- What should be the unit's point value? 50?
- Give a brief overview. Teaming with all undead limits the ability of the Walkers to come back when their own figures are destroyed. Adding in killers only works if they kill efficiently and Grundy only took out two enemies here (Cyclops and Whirlwind). X-Men blasted the Walkers in large groups, mostly thanks to Cyclops.
Map: Custom

Units: Walker x10 (600), Solomon Grundy (290), Zombie (120) (1,010) vs. Professor X, Cyclops, Whirlwind, Angel, Iceman, Beast (1,010)
Spoiler Alert!

Army Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No?
- What should be the unit's point value?
- Give a brief overview.
It's hard to say here as Darkseid did most of the heavy lifting. The Walkers again never attacked with their normal attacks.
Walker x12 (720), Mister Zsasz (100), Darkseid (380) (1,200) vs. Professor X, Angel, Wolverine, Magneto (I), Banshee, Nightcrawler (1,200)
Spoiler Alert!
Spoiler Alert!

Army Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No?
- What should be the unit's point value?
- Give a brief overview.
Walkers rolled really poorly on Walking Dead despite many, many tries, and Storm and Colossus weren't able to do it all by themselves. Once Graviton entered the fray, the Walkers were really limited.
Walker x12 (720), Storm (220), Colossus (260) (1,200) vs. HYDRA Agents x3 (240), Madame HYDRA (140), Arnim Zola (200), Red Skull (220), Graviton (400) (1,200)
Spoiler Alert!
Spoiler Alert!
Re: The Book of Walker - Design

24 hours on the clock. I know the other zombie designs will make them better and that lowering their cost too much will make them really valuable filler units but I still think 60 is way too high. I think I'd like to go 50 into playtesting, where I suspect folks will still think they're too high, but as long as they're close we can go with them being a tad overcosted knowing the lurkers are coming next, then adjust costs as necessary once the entire faction is together.

I did these tests at 60, but I'm going to update the SP to 50.
Re: The Book of Walker - Design

It occurs to me that I played it where they could come back even if all Walkers had been destroyed without thinking about it ... didn't break them (though I tried). We can leave that particular line as something we can fiddle with going forward, though. I figure that the final balance of these guys will depend on the faction as a whole.
Re: The Book of Walker - Design

In the test v Supes and Bats, you did mean they had a move of 4, right?
Re: The Book of Walker - Design

In the test v Supes and Bats, you did mean they had a move of 4, right?

I was referring to the move on the Walking Dead power (of 2 spaces). Since they're common heroes that only move one at a time on their turn, that's the most common way they move.