Marcel Marceau
The Book of Varkaanan Greyspears
C3V Wave 4 - Aquilla's Answer - Spears and Claws
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Basic Side Card:C3V Wave 4 - Aquilla's Answer - Spears and Claws
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The figure used for this unit are Confrontation figures from the Wolfen of Yllia set. They are available in the Wolfen of Yllia Hunters Unit Box (4 figures) or the Confrontation Starter Set (4 figures). The name of the figure is Wolfen Hunters.
Character Bio: A spear is thrown and an orc falls to the ground, dead. This was a common sight on the planet of Grut, the world previously home to the Varkaanan Greyspears. The Greyspears are skilled at tracking their prey, leaving no stone unturned. And, once their quarry is found, they hurl their spears with pinpoint accuracy.
Like all of the Varkaanan Unique Squads, the Greyspears have the Wolf Pack special power. The Varkaanan howl at the moon, for the hunt has begun, and the forces of evil will finally feel fear.
_________________________________________________________________Special powers said:WOLF PACK
After revealing an Order Marker on the Varkaanan Greyspears' card, before taking that turn with the Greyspears, you may choose one other Unique Wolf Army Card you control and take a turn with it. You may not attack with more figures from the chosen Army Card than the number of destroyed Varkaanan Greyspears on this card.
While moving, the Varkaanan Greyspears may add 2 to their Move number. If they do, the Varkaanan Greyspears cannot attack this turn.
-Rulings and Clarifications-
- TRACKING : incomplete squad
Q. : Can I use Tracking with just a part of my squad of Greyspears, while the others can attack this turn?
A. : No. You must choose...if you use Tracking, even if only one Greyspears benefits from this bonus, none of them can attack.
- WOLF PACK : How many attacks ?
Q. : When using the Varkaanan Greyspears' Wolf Pack to take a turn with another Unique Wolf Squad, if a Greyspear is destroyed during that other squad's turn (for example, by Dying Swipe), am I then able to attack with an additional member of the other Unique Wolf Squad?
A. : Yes. You may attack with a number of figures equal to the number of destroyed Varkaanan Greyspears, even if one or more (or even all) of those Swiftfangs was destroyed during the other Unique Wolf Squad's turn. Contrariwise, if one or more Greyspears are revived during the other Unique Wolf Squad's turn (e.g., by the Glyph of Sturla), that will decrease the number of remaining attacks you may make.
-Combinations and Synergies-
Synergy Benefits Offered
- WOLF PACK : Unique Wolves Army Cards
Being Unique Wolves, the Varkaanan Greyspears may benefit from the special power WOLF PACK that gives them a special activation bonus.
As Hunter figures, Varkaanan Greyspears adjacent to Arktos may receive an additional attack die.
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
Power Ranking & Master Index
The engine that makes the Vark build go. A-
Unit Strategy Review- TBA
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