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The Book of Trunks (Future)


Supernatural Mystic
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The Book of Trunks (Future)



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The figure used for this unit is a Gashapon Full Color DBZ figure that is named Future Trunks.


Character Bio - Finding himself up against the near unstoppable threat of the unknown entity known as Goku Black, Trunks, with the aid of his mother, Bulma, crafts a Time Capsule to go back in time and seek the aid of heroes past in defeating this threat. His mother dies before they can go back in time and Trunks is left with just enough fuel to make it into the past and is trapped. Goku Black is summoned into the past with Trunks and a brief battle ensues before Goku Black is teleported back to the future....what will our heroes do next?

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • Crossover Symbol: The Crossover Symbol next to Trunks's name indicates that he is draftable into the same army with other Trunks cards. See C3G's Secret Identity Rules.

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:
  • N/A

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips--Heroscapers Community Contributions-
  • Initial playtest: Karat
  • Second playtest: Dr. Jekyll
  • Third playtest: Arch-vile
  • Art: Comic, Figure, Background
  • Card Art by Dr. J
  • Future Trunks was created by Akira Toriyama for Dragon Ball #330 (June 1991)
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LIFE = 5

MOVE = 6

POINTS = 250

Once per round, instead of moving normally, you may choose up to 3 figures within 6 clear sight spaces of Trunks and roll one unblockable attack die against each of them. If you roll a blank, that figure subtracts 1 from its Defense number when defending against Trunks’ normal attack this turn. After using this special power, you may place Trunks adjacent to one of the chosen figures.

After Trunks attacks an adjacent figure with his normal attack, if at least one skull was rolled, he may attack again, either:
• with his normal attack against an adjacent figure, rolling 1 fewer attack die for each subsequent attack; or
• with his Burning Attack Special Attack.

Range 5. Attack 4.
After an opponent rolls defense dice against this special attack, you may place that figure on an empty space exactly X spaces from its current position, where X is the number of skulls rolled in the attack. A figure moved by this special attack never takes any leaving engagement attacks but can receive any falling damage that may apply.

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Future Trunks is from an alternate future and he hangs out in the regular DBZ universe where there is also a native kid Trunks.

He's definitely the one doing the crossing over
:word: What SW said plus I polled for a direction and seemed like I had majority support to just start it now.

I'm also planning to start up the other Trunks after Medusa wraps to make it a non issue.
I feel like when there are two designs being made back to back by the same dude to be released in the same wave we can be a little loose on rules.

No need to be a bad Prime Directive TNG episode. :lol:
Well I missed that poll, but I'm just curious why we needed to start the crossover design first? Just seems like you're trying to cause problems after the recent discussion we had about crossover symbols. :shrug:
That's not a fair accusation Tickle, considering Karat asked permission first and multiple Heroes voiced support.

Cool design! The Kikoukenjutsu sword style is a Kid Trunks thing only, to my knowledge. I'd recommend calling that power Shining Sword Attack or Rapid Sword Stream. (Both the DBZ wiki pages on those attacks have a few alternate names we could use as well.)

I think there's a risk that the +3 Attack pip is the best option of those by far. I might drop it to a +2 attack, increase Trunks' base attack to 5, and modify the third pip to 3 skulls (or inflicting a wound) allowing the additional attack.
A minority of Heroes (2) agreed to it and there are rules in place. I just wanted to know what the justification for specifically needing to do this design first was.
A minority of Heroes (2) agreed to it and there are rules in place. I just wanted to know what the justification for specifically needing to do this design first was.

The way that Karat currently has Kid Trunks, he requires two other designs (Goten, Gotenks) to really function. So really Karat would have to do 3 designs before this one, or do Kid Trunks and leave an unfinished “project” open just to circumvent the rule on a technicality, which would mostly just be a waste of C3G resources I think.


Before attacking normally with Trunks you may choose one of the following to be in effect for the rest of the turn:
•if the defending figure received at least one wound, you may remove an Order Marker at random from that figure's card; or,
• add 3 to Trunk's attack number this turn; or,
• If Trunks rolls at least 2 skulls with his normal attack, Trunks may attack again with his normal attack. Trunks may continue attacking with his normal attack until he rolls fewer than 3 skulls. Trunks cannot attack more than four times in a single turn.

Range 5. Attack 4 + special.
Choose a figure to attack. After defense dice are rolled, you may immediately move the defending figure up to 1 space for each wound received in the attack. When moving the defending figure, if it cannot move onto a space, roll an unblockable attack die against it. Moved figures will not take leaving engagement attacks but will take any falling damage that may apply and may not be placed closer to Trunks than they were before attacking.


Red things are typos/stylistic issues here:
• This is not consistent with how we have put the Crossover Symbol in other designs.
• Missing a space before the bullet.
• special should be capitalized
• Super Strength gets spelled out
• Errant quote with SS

Do we really need to create a new personality here?

How does this interact with the third bullet? Do you get to keep choosing new effects?

This line doesn't really sound right and should probably be "if the defending figure receives at least one wound...

Why does the number of skulls change from 2 to 3 in the middle of this line?

Why do we need the choose a figure to attack language here?

Not really sure what this line is trying to accomplish? So the attacking player suddenly mind controls the figure and has it run straight into a wall? Should probably use the knockback language from Shocker and Vibe.
A minority of Heroes (2) agreed to it and there are rules in place. I just wanted to know what the justification for specifically needing to do this design first was.

The way that Karat currently has Kid Trunks, he requires two other designs (Goten, Gotenks) to really function. So really Karat would have to do 3 designs before this one, or do Kid Trunks and leave an unfinished “project” open just to circumvent the rule on a technicality, which would mostly just be a waste of C3G resources I think.

For the record, I don't think "I want to do them in this order for no mechanical reason" is a good enough reason to skirt the rules. Especially with only 24 hours of "polling". But I've moved on and added a lot of comments to this design which just feels rushed overall.
Finally getting back around to this. After having looked at other names I had another idea of how to work this.



LIFE = 5

MOVE = 6


Once per round, instead of moving normally, you may choose up to 3 figures within 6 clear sight spaces of Trunks and roll one unblockable attack die against each of them. If you roll a blank, that figure subtracts 1 from its Defense number when defending against Trunks’ normal attack this turn. After using this special power, place Trunks adjacent to one of the chosen figures.

If Trunks attacks an adjacent figure with his normal attack and at least one skull is rolled, he may either:
-attack an adjacent figure again with his normal attack, rolling 1 fewer attack die.
-attack with his Burning Attack Special Attack.

Range 5. Attack 4.
After an opponent rolls defense dice against this special attack, you may Knockback the defending figure by placing it on an empty space exactly X spaces from its current position, where X is the number of skulls rolled in the attack. A figure moved by this special attack never takes any leaving engagement attacks but can receive any falling damage that may apply.

As to Serious, I could have sworn we had already used that. Seems a bit like an odd one not to have on the book but I'm not like dead set on having it anything. The others that we do have that I think could maybe fit are (Confident or Determined).
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The special attack doesn't actually even need special since nothing in the power affects the attack roll at all. What does "it cannot roll any additional defense dice" in the first power mean? Also what does "if you did not roll skull" mean? Is it supposed to be a skull? So you could theoretically make 6+ attacks in one turn? Not really a fan of that and it's going to push him to stat boosters way more.

Still not sure what the movement line in the special attack is supposed to be accomplishing? Is it like temporary control? Do we have any powers that let you move an opponents figure like that without it being temporary control?
Determined fits pretty well.

I like the Swordplay direction. Shining Sword Attack gives him a neat combo with potential autowound, swordplay attacks, and then the Burning Attack to move the opponent. Pretty powerful in theory, but it also caps out at 4 dice per attack not counting height or anything, and it's only once per round and only against one opponent. And it's very reminiscent of his takedown of Frieza.
The special attack doesn't actually even need special since nothing in the power affects the attack roll at all. What does "it cannot roll any additional defense dice" in the first power mean? Also what does "if you did not roll skull" mean? Is it supposed to be a skull? So you could theoretically make 6+ attacks in one turn? Not really a fan of that and it's going to push him to stat boosters way more.

Still not sure what the movement line in the special attack is supposed to be accomplishing? Is it like temporary control? Do we have any powers that let you move an opponents figure like that without it being temporary control?
It's supposed to preclude things like height advantage, and no, it's only supposed to take effect if you fail to roll a skull so kinda like a swordplay failsafe. Precluding any stat boosters or height advantage, it's only be a max of 5 attacks if you rolled at least a skull in the first 3 attacks, 6 if you have height or a +1 from someone, 7+ if you have both. Granted those are ideal conditions as with Swordplay you rarely ever roll a skull on every attack (or at least I do). I usually only average 3 attacks so this would make it so you are guaranteed a chance at 4 attacks, perhaps 5 on average with a chance to knock the opponent's figure back once a round. It's essentially supposed to be whiff protection with a kick.

As for the movement it could just be your opponent doing the movement. Doesn't particularly matter though since you must move them away from Trunks so it'd be the same spaces either way.
Determined fits pretty well.

I like the Swordplay direction. Shining Sword Attack gives him a neat combo with potential autowound, swordplay attacks, and then the Burning Attack to move the opponent. Pretty powerful in theory, but it also caps out at 4 dice per attack not counting height or anything, and it's only once per round and only against one opponent. And it's very reminiscent of his takedown of Frieza.
Determined it is :up:

That's what I was shooting for and I think it helps him be a little more standalone than before.
Re: The Book of Trunks (Future) (Design Phase)

What about something like this?
Instead of moving normally, if Trunks is unengaged, you may choose an opponent's figure within 6 clear sight spaces. Place Trunks adjacent to the chosen figure and roll an unblockable attack die against it. [Any of the previous stuff you want to add back in here.]

If Trunks attacks an adjacent figure with his normal attack and at least one skull is rolled, he may either:
-attack an adjacent figure again with his normal attack, rolling 1 fewer attack die.
-attack with his Burning Attack Special Attack.

Range 5. Attack 4.
Whatever you end up doing here.
Future Trunks is one of the OGs of the trope of the anime swordsman who does the faster-than-the-naked-eye move and cuts through 20 dudes at once, so repping that feels cool.

Making it a choice between continuing to Swordplay and using Burning AAttack is probably a bit of a non-choice in practice (I'm definitely choosing the SA over a 2 die or 1 die normal attack), but I feel like it gives the whole thing a bit more balance and simplicity?
Re: The Book of Trunks (Future) (Design Phase)

Oooh, or just thought of this. Really vibing with it! Thoughts?
Once per round, instead of moving normally, you may choose up to 3 figures within 6 clear sight spaces of Trunks and roll one unblockable attack die against each of them. If you roll a blank, that figure subtracts 1 from its Defense number when defending against Trunks’ normal attack this turn. After using this special power, place Trunks adjacent to one of the chosen figures.
Re: The Book of Trunks (Future) (Design Phase)

Oooh, or just thought of this. Really vibing with it! Thoughts?
Once per round, instead of moving normally, you may choose up to 3 figures within 6 clear sight spaces of Trunks and roll one unblockable attack die against each of them. If you roll a blank, that figure subtracts 1 from its Defense number when defending against Trunks’ normal attack this turn. After using this special power, place Trunks adjacent to one of the chosen figures.

Oh jeez, that sounds awesome! I can totally see Trunks doing this.
Re: The Book of Trunks (Future) (Design Phase)

Oooh, or just thought of this. Really vibing with it! Thoughts?
Once per round, instead of moving normally, you may choose up to 3 figures within 6 clear sight spaces of Trunks and roll one unblockable attack die against each of them. If you roll a blank, that figure subtracts 1 from its Defense number when defending against Trunks’ normal attack this turn. After using this special power, place Trunks adjacent to one of the chosen figures.

That's sweet and feels appropriately anime-sword guy :up: