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The Book of Tomb Skeletons

Fi Skirata

New member
The Book of Tomb Skeletons

C3V Wave 3 - Vydar's Betrayal - Barbarians & Bones


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Two of the figures used for this unit are Reaper figures from the Legendary Encounters line. The model names are Skeleton Spearman and Skeleton Swordsman.

The third figure used for this unit is a Pathfinder figure from the Pathfinder Battles: Heroes & Monsters set. Its model number and name is 7/Skeleton.

Character Bio: TBA

When attacking with a Tomb Skeleton you control, if the defending figure is engaged with at least 1 other figure you control, it subtracts 1 from it's defense.

When rolling defense dice against an attack from a figure with a Range number of 4 or more that is not a Cleric or a Wizard, a Tomb Skeleton adds 1 die.

-Rulings and Clarifications-


-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received

As Undead, the Tomb Skeleton may benefit from the Zombie Hulk's PARALYZING FEAR defense penalty when attacking other figures.

- WARDEN 816 : Guard Leadership
As guards, Tomb Skeletons may benefit from Warden 816's GUARD LEADERSHIP movement bonus.

- SKULL DEMON : Valkrill Attack Aura 1
As a squad who follows Valkrill with a Range of 1, Tomb Skeletons may benefit from the Skull Demon's VALKRILL ATTACK AURA 1 ability
Synergy Benefits Offered


Synergy Imposed

- ANA KARITHON : Turn Undead Special Attack
As Undead, the Tomb Skeletons are subject to Ana Karithon's TURN UNDEAD SPECIAL ATTACK.

- CLERICS & WIZARDS : Skeletal Form
The Tomb Skeletons cannot receive their defense bonus from SKELETAL FORM against Clerics & Wizards with a range of 4 or more. Current Clerics and Wizards with a range of 4 or more include: Ana Karithon, Arkmer, Haduc, Talingul, and Ulginesh.​

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-

Power Ranking- TBA
Their powers are nice but not enough to keep many competitive armies from hacking through these guys at great speed. C+

Unit Strategy Review
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Should I put up an Imposing Synergies as well (for the Clerics and Wizards)? I have seen it once or twice in the original books, but I'm not sure what C3V's stand on it is.
These guys remind me of the old Jason and the Argonauts movie with the claymation skeletons.

I am really interested to see how this version of skeletons does as a massive swarm army. I really liked the first set of skeletons and will be hard pressed to move my affection to these ones.
I just answered my own question. I played my son in a game of Heroscape tonight where I played 6 squads of Tomb Skeletons with a few heroes.

What I found is that they work really good. They function especially well with a highly mobile hero. The hero I used was one of my customs that gains temoporary flight, but some official figures that I could see doing really well would be:

-any dragon
-A Theracus + hero passenger
-Air Elementals

or figures with mobility abiliies like disengage, phantom walk, telaportation, etc. That are easily manuevered adjacent to the opponents figures and the Tomb Skeletons kicking off Flanking.

A lot more fun in mass than I thought they would be.
I just answered my own question. I played my son in a game of Heroscape tonight where I played 6 squads of Tomb Skeletons with a few heroes.

What I found is that they work really good. They function especially well with a highly mobile hero. The hero I used was one of my customs that gains temoporary flight, but some official figures that I could see doing really well would be:

-any dragon
-A Theracus + hero passenger
-Air Elementals

or figures with mobility abiliies like disengage, phantom walk, telaportation, etc. That are easily manuevered adjacent to the opponents figures and the Tomb Skeletons kicking off Flanking.

A lot more fun in mass than I thought they would be.

Of those possibilities, I'd venture to guess that Theracus + either Tandros Kreel or Thorgrim would be the best choice. With three hexes, they can engage more. With Thorgrim, Theracus sticks around longer. With Tandros, engaged figures can only attack him. In both cases, an order marker to get one attack from Theracus or the hero isn't usually the best choice, so the heroes are just there to take damage and give the skeletons the chance to flank.

The thing I often look at when designing customs is, "Why can this unit do this and another can't?" For me, it doesn't make a lot of sense that the Tomb Skeletons are the only unit in the game that can flank. But that's just my opinion.
The thing I often look at when designing customs is, "Why can this unit do this and another can't?" For me, it doesn't make a lot of sense that the Tomb Skeletons are the only unit in the game that can flank. But that's just my opinion.

The Goblin Cutters have a very similar power (it simply requires two other goblins to be engaged).

I'm mostly just unsure what to think of these guys. They seem balanced, but what's their purpose? Any insights C3V gents?
I'm mostly just unsure what to think of these guys. They seem balanced, but what's their purpose? Any insights C3V gents?

The Tomb Skellies aren't a unit I would use competitively, but when playtesting or playing with friends I would use them. The appeal for me is how inexpensive they are. If you are playing a 200 point game, you could have 15 Tomb Skeletons! Warden 816 helps them out, and Flanking comes into play more often than you'd think, again because you can afford so many skeletons.

I'm not sure about their true "purpose", and I have only played 3 games with them, but they have been fun and that's enough for me. :)
I can't speak to their purpose since they were nearly finalized by the time I got involved in stuff, but they seem to be to be sort of a filler squad. Or maybe their purpose is more thematic than functional: the game now has a cheap skeleton squad option, something it previously lacked.
I'm mostly just unsure what to think of these guys. They seem balanced, but what's their purpose? Any insights C3V gents?

The Tomb Skellies aren't a unit I would use competitively, but when playtesting or playing with friends I would use them. The appeal for me is how inexpensive they are. If you are playing a 200 point game, you could have 15 Tomb Skeletons! Warden 816 helps them out, and Flanking comes into play more often than you'd think, again because you can afford so many skeletons.

I'm not sure about their true "purpose", and I have only played 3 games with them, but they have been fun and that's enough for me. :)

Yeah, I played against them when playing awesomeunleashed online and they seem fun, just kinda boring, IMO. They are dirt cheap, but that's really the only allure I could find to them. :|

Oh well, I'm sure someone will come up with something. ^_^

Edit: Just saw caps' post:
I can't speak to their purpose since they were nearly finalized by the time I got involved in stuff, but they seem to be to be sort of a filler squad. Or maybe their purpose is more thematic than functional: the game now has a cheap skeleton squad option, something it previously lacked.
I suppose the filler theory could be correct. I had guessed something along those lines, but guessing does little. :p
Yeah, they're not as interesting from an army building perspective, but as bad guys for a scenario or a dungeon crawl they're invaluable.
Yeah, they're not as interesting from an army building perspective, but as bad guys for a scenario or a dungeon crawl they're invaluable.

Don't you just love that invaluable means the same thing as valuable?

To their role in an army, I would echo caps. I wasn't around, but they seem like a thematic filler type horde squad.
They are a nice counter to Zombie builds. They prevent the zombies from coming back and will easily outnumber them. So, in a draft scenario I would definitely take them if my opponent drafted zombies.
How does Heirlooms special attack work in regard to their extra defense? Do they still get it?

Or does the power apply only to base range?
They do not get extra defense against Heirloom, because his base range is 1.
But as a Wizard with a range of 1, I was thinking that if he made a ranged attack against me from more then 4 spaces then I would add the plus one defense, since only wizards with a base range of 5 evade the power.
But as a Wizard with a range of 1, I was thinking that if he made a ranged attack against me from more then 4 spaces then I would add the plus one defense, since only wizards with a base range of 5 evade the power.

The power has absolutely nothing to do with distance. They still get the bonus even if they're adjacent to someone with 4+ range.