Fi Skirata
New member
The Book of Tomb Skeletons
C3V Wave 3 - Vydar's Betrayal - Barbarians & Bones
C3V Wave 3 - Vydar's Betrayal - Barbarians & Bones
Two of the figures used for this unit are Reaper figures from the Legendary Encounters line. The model names are Skeleton Spearman and Skeleton Swordsman.
The third figure used for this unit is a Pathfinder figure from the Pathfinder Battles: Heroes & Monsters set. Its model number and name is 7/Skeleton.
Character Bio: TBA
When attacking with a Tomb Skeleton you control, if the defending figure is engaged with at least 1 other figure you control, it subtracts 1 from it's defense.
When rolling defense dice against an attack from a figure with a Range number of 4 or more that is not a Cleric or a Wizard, a Tomb Skeleton adds 1 die.
-Rulings and Clarifications-
-Combinations and Synergies-
Synergy Benefits Received
As Undead, the Tomb Skeleton may benefit from the Zombie Hulk's PARALYZING FEAR defense penalty when attacking other figures.
- WARDEN 816 : Guard Leadership
As guards, Tomb Skeletons may benefit from Warden 816's GUARD LEADERSHIP movement bonus.
- SKULL DEMON : Valkrill Attack Aura 1
As a squad who follows Valkrill with a Range of 1, Tomb Skeletons may benefit from the Skull Demon's VALKRILL ATTACK AURA 1 ability
Synergy Imposed
- ANA KARITHON : Turn Undead Special Attack
As Undead, the Tomb Skeletons are subject to Ana Karithon's TURN UNDEAD SPECIAL ATTACK.
- CLERICS & WIZARDS : Skeletal Form
The Tomb Skeletons cannot receive their defense bonus from SKELETAL FORM against Clerics & Wizards with a range of 4 or more. Current Clerics and Wizards with a range of 4 or more include: Ana Karithon, Arkmer, Haduc, Talingul, and Ulginesh.
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
Power Ranking- TBA
Their powers are nice but not enough to keep many competitive armies from hacking through these guys at great speed. C+
Unit Strategy Review
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