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The Book of Thorgrim the Viking Champion
If you cannot see the Army Card graphic, check Hasbro's Unit Page for stats and special powers, plus "character biography" and other non-game unit info.
Character Bio” Not so aggressive as his brother Finn, Thorgrim is more thoughtful, almost a poet-warrior. He has a keen eye for an opponent's weaknesses and a penchant for perfectionism, always adjusting his warband, closing gaps, realigning his forces. Thorgrim's loyal followers have come to trust his instincts as a natural tactician. Like his brother Finn, Thorgrim received an enchanted weapon
from his benefactor, Jandar: the Shield of Gerda. With this shield, Thorgrim is able to project a force field that protects both himself and all who battle beside him. (Hasbro)
-Rulings and Clarifications-
-Combinations and Synergies-
Synergy Benefits Received
Synergy Benefits Offered
- WARRIOR’S ARMOR SPIRIT 1 : Any Unique Army Card
- 4th MASSACHUSETTS LINE : Valiant Army Defense Bonus
Having a Valiant personality, Thorgrim the Viking Champion may aid the 4th Massachusetts Line with their VALIANT ARMY DEFENSE BONUS
*NOTE: See The Book of 4th Massachusetts Line for proper application.
C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
Synergy Benefits Offered
As a Human who follows Jandar, Thorgrim The Viking Champion may aid Sir Orrick with his A BROTHER'S CALL movement bonus.
Synergy Benefits Received
As a Human who follows Jandar, Thorgrim The Viking Champion may benefit from Capt. John Varan's PURPLE HEART wound reassignment.
As a Unique Human figure, a destroyed Ebon Armor you control may be placed on Thorgrim The Viking Champion's Army Card to replace Thorgrim The Viking Champion upon his own destruction.
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
Power Ranking and Master Index
Unit Strategy Review
Rise of the Valkyrie - Master Set
Character Bio” Not so aggressive as his brother Finn, Thorgrim is more thoughtful, almost a poet-warrior. He has a keen eye for an opponent's weaknesses and a penchant for perfectionism, always adjusting his warband, closing gaps, realigning his forces. Thorgrim's loyal followers have come to trust his instincts as a natural tactician. Like his brother Finn, Thorgrim received an enchanted weapon
from his benefactor, Jandar: the Shield of Gerda. With this shield, Thorgrim is able to project a force field that protects both himself and all who battle beside him. (Hasbro)
-Rulings and Clarifications-
- - WARRIOR’S ARMOR SPIRIT 1 : Which Unique Army Card
For Warrior’s Armor Spirit 1, it just says “place this figure on any unique Army Card”. Can I place Thorgrim on any unique Army Card in the game (including my opponent’s), on any friendly card, or only my own unique Army Card?
You may place Thorgrim on any unique Army Card that is in play. It can be a friendly Army Card, or an opponent’s Army Card. (Hasbro FAQ)
- WARRIOR’S ARMOR SPIRIT 1 : Optional Ability
Do you have to place Thorgrim on a Unique Army Card once he is destroyed, or is Warrior’s Armor Spirit 1 an optional ability?
It is an optional ability. You are not forced to help your opponent’s figures. ANSWER (Hasbro FAQ)
- DEFENSIVE AURA 1 : Friendly Figures
What figures are considered friendly?
Per the Master Set rules (page 9) friendly figures are your own figures and teammate’s figures. All figures you control are always considered friendly. Whenever you are allied with a teammate at the beginning of a scenario, any figures you both control are considered friendly. A temporary alliance between opponents during a battle doesn’t change anything. Remember, alliances can always change (unless stated at the beginning of a scenario), so even when you have a temporary truce with an opponent, that opponent’s figure is never considered friendly. (Hasbro FAQ)
- WARRIOR'S ARMOR SPIRIT 1 : Placing Destroyed Thorgrim on Cards Whose Units ARE NOT on the Board
Can I place Thorgrim's "Warrior's Armor Spirit 1" on the Airborne Elite Army Card even though the Airborne Elite have not yet Dropped?
Yes, you can place it on any unique army card, yours or your opponents, on the battlefield, or not. This includes the Airborne Elite before they drop as well as the Retchets. HOWEVER. You do not get to use any of the special powers on that Army Card if the order marker is turned over and they are not on the board. (Hasbro FAQ)
-Combinations and Synergies-
Synergy Benefits Received
- - KNIGHTS OF WESTON / MAC DIRK WARRIORS : Human Champion Bonding
As a Human Champion, Thorgrim the Viking Champion may benefit from Knights of Weston and Mac Dirk Warriors HUMAN
CHAMPION BONDING activation bonus
Synergy Benefits Offered
- - DEFENSIVE AURA 1 : Adjacent Friendly Figures
[list:790c55f747]* DEFENSIVE AURA 1 benefits all friendly units adjacent to Thorgrim the Viking Champion
- WARRIOR’S ARMOR SPIRIT 1 : Any Unique Army Card
- * WARRIOR’S ARMOR SPIRIT 1 may benefit any unique army card still in play.
- 4th MASSACHUSETTS LINE : Valiant Army Defense Bonus
Having a Valiant personality, Thorgrim the Viking Champion may aid the 4th Massachusetts Line with their VALIANT ARMY DEFENSE BONUS
*NOTE: See The Book of 4th Massachusetts Line for proper application.
C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
Spoiler Alert!
Synergy Benefits Offered
As a Human who follows Jandar, Thorgrim The Viking Champion may aid Sir Orrick with his A BROTHER'S CALL movement bonus.
As a Human who follows Jandar, Thorgrim The Viking Champion may benefit from Capt. John Varan's PURPLE HEART wound reassignment.
As a Unique Human figure, a destroyed Ebon Armor you control may be placed on Thorgrim The Viking Champion's Army Card to replace Thorgrim The Viking Champion upon his own destruction.
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
- - TBA
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
Power Ranking and Master Index
MKSentinel said:Power Ranking
Thorgrim the Viking Champion- With Gilbert out now, Thorgrim has trouble seeing the light of day. C+
Vs Finn/Eldgrim http://www.heroscapers.com/community/showthread.php?t=9319
Unit Strategy Review
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