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Character Bio - This infamous gang is notorious for its merciless killing sprees. They are often hired by Crime Lords and villainous Masterminds to do their dirty work of being the one to pull the trigger, but just because their job is "dirty", doesn't mean they can't enjoy it.
LIFE = 1
MOVE = 5
POINTS = 130
After revealing an Order Marker on the Army Card of a Unique Hero you control that is a Crime Lord or Mastermind, instead of attacking with that hero, you may attack with the Hired Guns.
When each member of the Hired Guns attacks, he may attack one additional time.
Spoiler Alert!
So that's why you didn't want that power for Madame HYDRA or was it Baron Von Strucker?
Wow, 8 attacks of 3 will be pretty wicked. Plant them next to Black Mask and that's 8 attacks of 4 or adjacent to Cap and get the attack boost along with defense boost. Get them to height and adjacent to BM or Cap and that's even sicker.
At least you'd have to have an OM on a Crime Lord or Mastermind, so it wouldn't get silly with bonding. Though these guys will be really nasty with Red Skull as he can maneuver both Heroes and these guys.
In order for Red Skull to activate these guys, though, he needs to take a turn himself in order to have an attack phase to activate them instead of.
I like everything I see here except the personality. How about Greedy? They're getting paid, after all.
In order for Red Skull to activate these guys, though, he needs to take a turn himself in order to have an attack phase to activate them instead of.
I like everything I see here except the personality. How about Greedy? They're getting paid, after all.
Yeah, I know. I just meant that if you have OM's on him, you can either take a turn with him and instead of attacking, attack with the Hired Guns or after revealing an OM, you can activate a different Unique Hero. Just a little bit more flexibility for him, that's all.
- THEME TEST/ Check to see if there are any powers or stats on the test unit card that does not accurately reflect the theme or likeness of what the character would and could do. Also consider destructible objects, and whether or not this characters powers should affect them. PASS
- MIRROR TEST/ Check to see if the unit were played against itself, if there would be any loops that would upset the balance of the Game. PASS
- BONDING TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing Bonding abilities to make sure there are no continual Bonding possibilities that do not stop appropriately or do not stop at all. This is to prevent loops in Bonding. PASS
- SYNERGIES TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing synergies to make sure there are no factors that could break the game by making any unit to powerful or too weak. PASS
- POWER CHECK/ Consider the test unit and all existing units and all glyphs to compare to and check for any powers that could be over amplified and break the game. Each power must define when it takes place, who or what it affects, and What are the stipulations on the power if there are any. PASS
- FUN TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play. PASS
- FUN COMPETITIVE TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play against. PASS
- DRAFTING TEST/ Consider whether or not this design is worth drafting. PASS
- USAGE TEST/ Consider whether or not all of the powers on this card were used or at least usable. PASS
- STRATEGY TEST/ Consider whether or not the design offers any real strategy or interesting tactics to the overall game. PASS
- Heavy Hitter or Mid-Level Hero/ Does it pass?YES, at 130
Spoiler Alert!
Map: Grundy's Grave
Units: - The Hired Guns VS Sinestro Corp Soldier THG win with 2 men left.
Map: Grundy's Grave
Units:- The Hired Guns VS Penguin THG win with 2 men left.
Map: Grundy's Grave
Units: - The Hired Guns VS Pyro THG win with 3 men left.
Map: Grundy's Grave
Units: - The Hired Guns VS Two Face THG win with 2 men left.
Map: Grundy's Grave
Units: - The Hired Guns VS Harley Quinn THG win with 1 man left.
- Army Test/ Does it pass?YES, at 130
Map: Grundy's Grave
Units: - Hired Guns, Riddler, Body Guards x6, Street Thugs x2, and Black Mask VS Cyclops, Jean Grey, Angel, and Ice Man
Spoiler Alert!
Thugs move out and clash with Jean and Cyclops and Angel, and a squad goes down but Black Mask helped with that, however Jean did take some significant heat, and her throws never worked for her. Riddler riddles Cyclops over, and over, and over, and over, again which just dicouraged the idea of giving Cyclops all the orders. Eventually, the Thugs killed jean, and Angel strugled to rescue Cyclops and Iceman from the approaching Hired Guns being boost by Black Mask, and in that process, Angel too a significant amount of wounds. Once the mutants regrouped, they formed a plan that panned out quite a bit. Angel took Cylops as fast as he could carry him to Riddler by sneaking around the map and past the Hired Guns, and Iceman drew their fire away to help, but he also ended up taking some heat from the Hired Guns. Eventually, Iceman killed the Hired Guns (with Black Masks help), but they did do a LOT of damage to the defensively strong X-men. Ice Man killed the Bodyguards that were surrounding him from Riddler, while Riddler continued to attack the Angel/Cyclops combo to no avail. Cyclops eventually got initiative and with a nice Optic Blast, critically wounded Riddler and killed a couple Bodyguards. Riddler still riddled Cyclops and then killed him personally. Iceman squared off with Riddler and a Bodyguard after Riddler riddled Angel and killed him. Riddler riddled Iceman and caught up with him rather quickly, then the next round, he riddled him again with initiative, and then killed him.
Riddler and 1 Bodyguard wins with 3 wounds on Riddler. (Great fun. Lots of Criminal synergy that isn't all that easy to pull off all the time, but there is enough of it to give you lots of options. Very cool and lots of fun.)
- Army Test/ Does it pass?YES, at 130
Map: Grundy's Grave
Units: - Hired Guns, Doctor Doom (official), Bodyguards x2, and a DoombotVS Superman and Batman
Spoiler Alert!
Black Mask moves up.Then Batman moves up and so do the Bodyguards under Black Masks order. Then Superman flies up. The Hired guns get an Order and advance and attack Superman, and have a hard time, but sneak in a wound here and there with the help/hurt from Black Mask. The Bodyguards tied Superman up and held him down, while the last two Hired Guns shot at him from height and started stacking wounds on him. Batman was afraid to get too close and take the Hired Guns out because Heroic Duty would kick in and Superman would take leaving engagements from the Bodyguards. So Batman worked on taking out those Bodyguards while the Hired Guns continued to put the pressure on Superman. Eventually, the Body Guards were gone, and so were the HIred Guns, so Superman pounded the Doombot for a quick kill. Black Mask took some E-strike action from Batman, and Batman put wounds on Doom and Black Mask, but Doom got Batman within 1 from death. Batman got a good shot in on Doom and killed him, then Black Mask from height was able to get the last wound on Batman for the win.
Yeah, Greedy was my best shot, but I wasn't 100% on that. It's going to take a bit more thinking ... maybe even Ruthless, but I feel like we're starting to overuse that.
Meticulous? Deadly (not really a personality ...)? Vicious? Merciless? (I actually like that last one as the inverse to Merciful, and it's along the same lines as Calloused, Hardened, and Apathetic in that they're emotionally cold).
Other possibilities: Grim ... Cold ... Barbarous ... Cruel ... Cutthroat ... Pitiless ... Relentless ... Heartless ...
I think I like Merciless best, and Cutthroat next after that.
Most of the designs everybody's posting these days are things they've been refining for months (and many of us have already consulted each other on) anyway, so the starting designs have been really polished lately. Look no further than Absorbing Man to see that one.