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The Book of Thanos (Infinity Quest)

If you have 3 players vs. 1 player, the 3 players are getting 9 turns per round, while the 1 player is only getting 3 turns per round. (Or 4, if Thanos has the Time Gem I guess) It’s pretty standard that if one side of the battle has more players, they get less points in their army.

EDIT: I see now that there’s a special turn structure in play. But still, Thanos is slightly outnumbered in turns, and the enemies will have a lot more figures to grab Infinity Glyphs with, so a point deficit makes sense.

Sometimes, making up your own silly rules can be fun! I mean, that’s basically what C3G is after all. :p
Ah, thank you! I gave a lot of opinions there, but I always assume I'm missing something.

For example, I thought if it were 400pt armies, and one army was just Silver Surfer, he gets 3 turns, but if he dies, that's it. Or if it's Batman (II)+Alfred+Gordon, and Batman dies, Thanos doesn't have much to worry about.

But Squadscape is certainly a thing.

Is there a standard calculation of how that asymmetrical player ratio is defined?
Official scape gives examples of a 2 vs. 1 game where each of the 2 get 1/3 the points of the 1. So 900 points vs. 300 + 300. You could extend that in a 3 vs. 1 game where each of the 3 get 1/4 the points of the 1. (Example 1000 points vs. 250 + 250 + 250)
Re-looking at those numbers, I think you might have to go even lower than 1/4. Maybe even 1/6. 1200 vs. 200 + 200 + 200
I dug around, and I may have scrolled too fast, but here are the 5 examples I found of what you describe:
Spoiler Alert!

They all have some variation of requiring a certain unit be drafted, give specific start zones, glyphs, special rules, special victory conditions, and all designated to each specific map.
They are as you say, scenarios.
Not one is a straight skirmish match, which is what I assume @Ericth74 is going to play.

It's absolutely true that even in skirmish matches, certain units/teams/matchups fair better on certain maps, along with optional C3G rules, like Knockback, Throwing, Destructible trees, ruin defense bonus, etc.

Spoiler Alert!
This links to a defense as to why MCU Captain Marvel didn't help against Thanos earlier.
The answer is that Thanos wasn't a Universe-Level Threat until he gathered so many Gems.
This is in line for this C3G version of Thanos, as each stone he acquires adds to his point value.

Every non-Thanos player at the start of the game puts another Gem on the map.
3v1 is 3 on the map, one in Thanos' hand.
3v2 is 4 on the map, one chosen by his friendly army, one in his hand.
There are more Gems for Thanos to collect earlier in the game in this matchup.
The fewer Gems Thanos has, the more defensively he should play.

In a 2 player matchup, the opponent will either place the Time or Space Gem on the map, forcing the choice for the Thanos player to go with the second best.
Or that opponent could place the least helpful Gem on the board, giving Thanos his first choice, but keeping the next most helpful Gems off the board as long as possible.

I have no idea what Gems these players would pick, what armies anyone will draft, what map they will play on, what optional rules they will use, etc.
I have no idea if 1200+600vs600x3 or 1200vs400x3 is fair.
Sounds like it could pose problems.

I just haven't yet found an official ruling for asymmetric, equal point total skirmish matches.
Looks like I may have got those numbers from the Bloodred River scenario.
Can someone find this precedent?

Honestly for us it's just based on experience of playing some 2 v 1 or 3 v 2 games. In this scenario if the 3 teams are smart they will focus on the smaller Thanos army 1st, once eliminated its 9 turns vs 4 every round, which will lead to a slaughter. Even against a 1200 pt figure.
High regards to experience. That's not only how C3G point totals are determined, that's how official Hasbro rules/points were determined.
I respect that.
I try to factor every official-optional C3G rule every match, when applicable.
Like I said, I try to adhere to rules to a T, so I always refer to precedents.

Here's the scenarios for the Blood River map:

Those feature specifically determined special rules for that map, so to me it's a scenario.

I've not seen any official ruling for a standard calculation of how an asymmetrical multiplayer skirmish point ratio is determined.

If it doesn't exist, it'd be worthwhile to discover what that is.

I honestly thought Beyonder was meant to compete against two friendly 1250pt armies.

I used to almost exclusively play against myself on various maps using:
Thanos vs Cap/IM/Spidey/Hulk or
Thanos vs Red Skull/Doom/Abom/Venom

He one-shotted Doom (375), Red Skull (250), Iron Man (Avengers) (270), and Spidey (250) so many times, I've little doubt Thanos would be eliminating major units/OMs in a 400-600pt army early on.

My earliest posts on this on this board were asking about this card and the Gems, and he's easily my most played unit.

Use Knockback and Throwing. Use the Space Gem to place non-fliers or those without super strength in spots that render them useless; places they can't climb out of or fall from safely or quickly.
Thanos allows one to play as a huge jerk.

I'm not saying it's wrong to ask for a lower point total from the opponent.
Personally, without precedent, but with Thanos experience, I would ask for overall equal point totals between teams.

But I'm often wrong!
I was thinking about Quicksilver to utilize his speed to grab gems for Thanos. I'll have to look at Warlock, as I've never used or even seen his card.
Hello and thanks again for making making this new Thanos. My kids and I love it. Here is an AAR of running this awesome custom in a game the other day.

I woke up the other morning and my kids informed me that they wanted to play some Marvel Heroscape. Of course I said yes and of course I had to be Thanos. I picked this version that is already equiped with the Infinity Gauntlet and one Infinity Stone. I really didn't restrict my kids to points that strictly since I was just happy to play and after all I was inevitable right.

My kids ran two teams against me. My daughter's team was Captain America, Scarlett Witch, and Thor. My son's was Black Panther, Iron Man, and Hulk. The Avengers quickly began securing Infinity Stones, lest they fall into Thanos' hands or should I say hand.

Thanos made short work of Iron Man, but failed to secure the time stone. Scarlett Witch came in and put her curse on the Mad Titan that would prove to be most annoying. Next Hulk leaped into the fray and promptly smashed Thanos for one wound. Thor joined in the fun, but was hit hard by Thanos.

Knowing he needed to escape from the gang pile. Thanos took a chance and gave up two leaving engagement strikes which both hit him and knocked off the Infinity Gauntlet (I lost it alot because of bad rolls, but always got it back). He did escape but then suddenly Captain America and Black Panther appeared out of nowhere having used the space stone to teleport. Black Panther pounced but did minimal damage. Thanos did minimal in return.

Thor approached weilding Mjolnir but was grabbed by the Mad Titan who squeezed the life out of the Asgardian. Two Avengers down, four to go. Unfortunately Hulk found the fun and smashed Thanos into oblivion. But wait. Thanos can rewrite death. He promptly removed all eight wound markers and ended the round.

Thanos had full health again now and he started to focus on Black Panther and Scarlett Witch. Unfortunately because of their abilities. Thanos could only manage to do one damage to each of them per attack. It wasn't long before Thanos was surrounded again and getting hammered by multiple Avengers. He quickly was almost dead again and there would be no resurrection this time. After being hit hard by Hulk, Thanos was reduced to one health and the Gauntlet went flying off his hand.

Scarlett Witch quickly swooped in and put the Gauntlet on. She now had +2 attack. Thanos knew his only chance was a long shot. He needed to give up three leaving engagement attacks, and they all had to fail for him to survive. Captain America attacked and missed. Black Panther took his try and missed as well. Hulk was up and he slammed his fist... into air and missed. Made it out! Now Thanos landed next to Scarlett Witch and promptly knocked the Gauntlet out of her hand. The round ended but Thanos kinda needed a miracle to keep going.

Thanos needed to win initiative and did. Thanos needed to make a roll so the curse didn't take away his ability to fly and did. Thanos needed to survive a leaving engagement strike from Wanda and did! Thanos quickly flew to retrieve the Infinity Gauntlet from the snow of the mountain it had landed on. At this point my kids were in disbelief and I was standing up pretending to put the Gauntlet on.

Next Cap and Black Panther teleported to the mountain. Cap gave up his turn, but Black Panther could still attack. He scored three skulls. Thanos rolled defense and...three shields! I told my kids that "I was inevitable!" Then my son remembered Black Panther had the time stone which allows him to use the X order marker to take another turn. He rolled four skulls. I braced myself and tossed the dice. Three shields! One short. Everyone yelled. What a great, great game. This is one we need to play more often. Great memories.
I've been playing a lot lately with my son. We gave this guy a try and he's very fun although Wonder Woman came up and lasso'd him and removed all his super powers and punched him to death and he didn't come back. I've read through the event hero rules again and checked a couple other places. I'm guessing the answer is "this is definitely the way it works" but ... is this the way it works? Thanks!
I've been playing a lot lately with my son. We gave this guy a try and he's very fun although Wonder Woman came up and lasso'd him and removed all his super powers and punched him to death and he didn't come back. I've read through the event hero rules again and checked a couple other places. I'm guessing the answer is "this is definitely the way it works" but ... is this the way it works? Thanks!
Yeah, Wonder Woman vI was designed before Event Heroes were a thing, so she doesn't take them into account. Definitely not something we'd design today, and it's the kind of thing we're looking to fix with C3G 2.0!

If you want a patch, it'd be safe (and probably approved of by all of the C3G team) to make it a "house rule" that Wondy can't negate Event Heroes.
I've been playing a lot lately with my son. We gave this guy a try and he's very fun although Wonder Woman came up and lasso'd him and removed all his super powers and punched him to death and he didn't come back. I've read through the event hero rules again and checked a couple other places. I'm guessing the answer is "this is definitely the way it works" but ... is this the way it works? Thanks!
Yeah, Wonder Woman vI was designed before Event Heroes were a thing, so she doesn't take them into account. Definitely not something we'd design today, and it's the kind of thing we're looking to fix with C3G 2.0!

If you want a patch, it'd be safe (and probably approved of by all of the C3G team) to make it a "house rule" that Wondy can't negate Event Heroes.

Thanks for the response. That's the way we'll play it going forward. It definitely makes sense.