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The Book of Techno


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The Book of Techno



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Sinister set.
Its model number and name are #031 / Fixer or #032 / Techno or #033 / Fixer.


Character Bio - Technological genius Norbert Ebersol (a.k.a. the Fixer) was the first villain to be recruited by Helmut Zemo into a new iteration of the Masters of Evil. Norbert helped Zemo to gather other members of the team, and when Zemo decided that these new Masters would masquerade as superheroes, Norbert put his genius towards creating advanced technology that would disguise the villains' faces and voices, preventing them from being recognized by the public. Norbert also created Songbird's harness based on technology appropriated from Klaw, and assisted Abner Jenkins in creating the MACH-I armor.

Norbert adopted the codename "Techno" and continued to serve as the tech expert for the Masters as they went public with their "heroic" identities, claiming to be a new superhero team known as the Thunderbolts. Norbert was the cockiest and most confident member of the team, and the one who came closest to accidentally exposing the team's true nature.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:_________________________________________________________________

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips--Heroscapers Community Contributions-
  • Initial playtest: Ronin
  • Second playtest: Lazy Orang
  • Third playtest: Soundwarp
  • Art: Comic, Figure, Background
  • Art by Arkham
  • Fixer created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
  • Techno persona created by Kurt Busiek and Mark Bagley
  • Comic art by Declan Shalvey
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Re: The Book of Techno (Breathing)




LIFE = 4

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 150

After revealing an Order Marker on this card, you may choose two of the following effects for the rest of your turn:
• add 2 to Techno's Move number and Techno will not take any leaving engagement attacks.
• add 3 to Techno's Range number and Techno can attack non-adjacent figures even if he is engaged.
• after Techno attacks a non-adjacent figure, he may attack one additional time.
• all figures that were engaged with Techno at the start of your turn subtract 1 from their Defense numbers.

If Techno is not adjacent to any friendly figures and is engaged with at least one enemy figure, add 1 die to his normal attack and subtract 1 die from his defense.

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Re: The Book of Techno (Breathing)

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!

Re: The Book of Techno (Breathing)

One last design to bring the T-Bolts home - most all the heavy lifting's been done at this point and Techno's just rounding out the original roster.
Re: The Book of Techno (Breathing)

I like the first two mini pics where you can see his face clearly better than those that follow them. Only the one comic art pic, are you set on that then?
Re: The Book of Techno (Breathing)

I like the first two mini pics where you can see his face clearly better than those that follow them. Only the one comic art pic, are you set on that then?

Not dead set on it, but I have been using Declan Shalvey's Thunderbolts character portraits where I can.
Re: The Book of Techno (Breathing)

I just find the ones with the white background an odd choice for the comic art when I am looking for images. I'm not seeing a ton of options here though after a quick look around.
Re: The Book of Techno (Breathing)

Doesn't appear anything has changed since I last liked it so...I still like it.
Re: The Book of Techno (Breathing)

Tech-Pac looks like fun! :) My only suggestion would be, if this guy's a Zemo loyalist, perhaps he should have a D20 power to leverage Charlatan Coordination?
Re: The Book of Techno (Breathing)

I agree a d20 power seems appropriate here, or maybe simply tweak Tech Pac to require a d20 as opposed to an OM.
Re: The Book of Techno (Breathing)

I agree a d20 power seems appropriate here, or maybe simply tweak Tech Pac to require a d20 as opposed to an OM.
Unless I'm mistaken, the OM thing was meant to synergise well with Citizen V's other leadership power...
Re: The Book of Techno (Breathing)

I just find the ones with the white background an odd choice for the comic art when I am looking for images. I'm not seeing a ton of options here though after a quick look around.

Yeah, he'd probably need to be put on a different background. He really doesn't have a ton of options, though, as you say. I might flip through the digital issues at some point just to double-check those.

I agree a d20 power seems appropriate here, or maybe simply tweak Tech Pac to require a d20 as opposed to an OM.

That's how I had Tech-Pac, and then people wanted it this way.

Tech-Pac looks like fun! :) My only suggestion would be, if this guy's a Zemo loyalist, perhaps he should have a D20 power to leverage Charlatan Coordination?

I'm definitely open to a light touch that pushes the two together. I almost feel like, to emphasize his loyalist status the relationship should go the other way, though - Techno should be complementing Zemo and providing something that helps him out, not the other way around.
Re: The Book of Techno (Breathing)

I could see something like this:

Before taking a turn with a Charlatan you control, you may roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 12 or higher, all opponent’s figures adjacent to that Charlatan consider it a friendly figure for the rest of that Charlatan’s turn.

Kind of a light touch, mostly protects against LEAs but has an interesting touch of bypassing some defensive powers as well.
Re: The Book of Techno (Breathing)

Hmmm... the bio says that he was the one who provided tech to disguise their identities, but also that he was the one who nearly blow the secret... so... playing off the 'Deception' theme in Loki's God of Deception, how about something like:

Technological Deception

At the start of each round, before placing Order Markers, you may roll the twenty-sided die. On a roll of 1 to 4, you may not place your 'X' Order Marker. On a roll of 17 or higher, you may place an additional 'X' Order Marker.


Not guaranteed, so hopefully not too strong, and with a bit of risk to it to represent him nearly screwing everything up, but the extra X allows you to use Justice, Like Lightning! twice if you get it... if. It can also mean you don't get it, or access to the X at all. In fact without Citizen V, those two possibilities are equally likely - with Citizen V, it goes from a 20%/20% to 15%/25%, so they boost each other. (EDIT: Except I forgot CC required a revealed OM... bugger...)

I could see something like this:

Before taking a turn with a Charlatan you control, you may roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 12 or higher, all opponent’s figures adjacent to that Charlatan consider it a friendly figure for the rest of that Charlatan’s turn.

Kind of a light touch, mostly protects against LEAs but has an interesting touch of bypassing some defensive powers as well.

That's another cool option.
Re: The Book of Techno (Breathing)

Margloth's doesn't work for me. Way too much of a reach from the theme to the mechanics, also doesn't particularly key him into Zemo over the other Charlatans.

LO's direction is interesting, though. EDIT: Might be a bit much, though? I don't want anything that's going to bump his cost much.
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Re: The Book of Techno (Breathing)

Yeah he's got a target cost that we are aiming for here and he's not THAT HUGE a character where we need to do too much.
Re: The Book of Techno (Breathing)

Personally, I'd like to see the Tech Pack only get the double option if he has a revealed OM. That would tie him into Zemo a lot more as they'd have a matching limiter to one of their powers and Zemo would be his go to bonder instead of 'anyone without another use for an X OM'.

If there is going to be a D-20 power added, I'd like to see it as something that triggers on an Om reveal but doesn't require him taking a turn. That would give Zemo an in faction way to pull some shenanigans with his bonding power instead of defaulting to Cap and such. 'After revealing a numbered order marker on Techno, roll a D-20. On a # or higher, do a thing/something is true for this player turn/whatever.' That kind of deal.
Re: The Book of Techno (Breathing)

If we were not trying to put him into a 150 point box, I like LO's Loki light idea. He was tested with Loki fairly regularly so the desire to double up on X OM's is clearly there, why not have a thematic ally grant it for fewer points than Loki does (do in part to Loki's higher stats)? Would just need to make it so you didn't want to then double up with both Loki and Techno for 3 XOM's in play. I also kind of like the idea to try and eliminate the CA combo as well though. The reveal OM1 on this card to get some kind of benefit would also be kind of cool for his closest ally on the team. Not sure if both are possible but having Techno's loyalty to Citizen V represented in a power that also cut either CA or Loki from his pool of 'go to options when army building' would be a smart move.
Re: The Book of Techno (Breathing)

If we were not trying to put him into a 150 point box, I like LO's Loki light idea. He was tested with Loki fairly regularly so the desire to double up on X OM's is clearly there, why not have a thematic ally grant it for fewer points than Loki does (do in part to Loki's higher stats)? Would just need to make it so you didn't want to then double up with both Loki and Techno for 3 XOM's in play. I also kind of like the idea to try and eliminate the CA combo as well though. The reveal OM1 on this card to get some kind of benefit would also be kind of cool for his closest ally on the team. Not sure if both are possible but having Techno's loyalty to Citizen V represented in a power that also cut either CA or Loki from his pool of 'go to options when army building' would be a smart move.
Technological Deception

After revealing Order Marker 1 on a Charlatan you control, if all your Order Markers are on Charlatan Army Cards, you may roll the twenty-sided die. On a roll of 1 to 4, you must reveal and remove your 'X' Order Marker. On a roll of 17 or higher, you may place an additional 'X' Order Marker on any Army Card you control.

I'm still hoping that the only limited chance of it triggering and the chance of it backfiring should help keep his cost down. The all Charlatan requirement keeps him away from being an X Order Marker provider in less thematic builds as well as disallowing Loki, and helps make pairing the Charlatans with Cap less tempting as well. This version also lets him benefit from Charlatan Coordination. The D20 rolls can be tweaked if he ends up being too strong this way.
Re: The Book of Techno (Breathing)

My concern is that putting Techno in competition with Cap and Loki would hurt Techno's draftability with the Thunderbolts more than it would hurt theirs. And I really don't have a problem with Loki or Cap being good allies for the T-Bolts. Don't think we should be approaching that as a problem to solve.
Re: The Book of Techno (Breathing)

For what it's worth, I don't mind the KISS version we already have. Particularly if there's a more specifically villainous version of him waiting in the wings.
Re: The Book of Techno (Breathing)

I too am fine with the current version. Every character doesn't have to be over the top thematic in every way. He's a Charlatan, he fits a point total that completes a team, his needing an OM fits with Citizen V's JUSTICE, LIKE LIGHTNING... and his power is indicative of his technological use in the comics. I think Ronin has done a great job of capturing the main points of this character and how he relates with his thematic team.
Re: The Book of Techno (Breathing)

Just to clarify, I don't think he needs a D-20 power, I'm just saying what I'd like to see if he had to have one. Also, I don't think he needs to try and cut anyone out of army building, I was thinking more along the lines of being another option within the same army when playing cap, or a backup option if cap goes down, rather than trying to replace anyone.
Re: The Book of Techno (Breathing)

What about this

After revealing an Order Marker on this card, you may choose two of the following effects for the rest of your turn:
-add 2 to Techno's Move number and Techno will not take any leaving engagement attacks.
-add 3 to Techno's Range number and Techno can attack non-adjacent figures even if he is engaged.
-when Techno attacks, he may attack one additional time.
-all figures that were engaged with Techno at the start of your turn subtract 1 from their Defense numbers.

Gives him a trick to pull when you use Justice Like Lightning, lowering defenses for whatever Charlatans you take a turn with. Also still works with Songbird bonding. Makes him a bit scarier on offense, but he has to stick his neck out to use it. I think he could still land in the target range.
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Re: The Book of Techno (Breathing)

What about this

After revealing an Order Marker on this card, you may choose two of the following effects for the rest of your turn:
-add 2 to Techno's Move number and Techno will not take any leaving engagement attacks.
-add 3 to Techno's Range number and Techno can attack non-adjacent figures even if he is engaged.
-when Techno attacks, he may attack one additional time.
-all figures that were engaged with Techno at the start of your turn subtract 1 from their Defense numbers.
Gives him a trick to pull when you use Justice Like Lightning, lowering defenses for whatever Charlatans you take a turn with. Also still works with Songbird bonding. Makes him a bit scarier on offense, but he has to stick his neck out to use it. I think he could still land in the target range.
That... is actually brilliant. Awesome! :)