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The Book of Syndrome


Tickle Pickle
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The Book of Syndrome



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Modified McDonalds figure from the 2004 Incredibles set.
Its name is Syndrome (Just cut him off the top).


Character Bio - After being scorned by his childhood idol, Mister Incredible, Buddy Pine made it his life goal to destroy superheroes, focusing on Mister Incredible specifically. This lead to his creation of the Omnidroids which he tested various models of on other retired superheroes before creating a model that even Mister Incredible could not defeat.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
  • N/A
Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:
  • N/A

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
  • C3G Con 2021 exclusive design brainstormed by tcglkn, SirGalahad, Soundwarp and Tornado
  • Initial playtest: tcglkn
  • Second playtest: Lord Pyre
  • Third playtest: IAmBatman
  • Art: Comic, Figure, Background
  • Card Art by tcglkn
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Re: The Book of Syndrome - VOTE for Initial




LIFE = 4

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 150

At the start of the game, choose an opponent's Unique Hero to be Syndrome's Idol. If Syndrome can target his Idol, he cannot target any other figure. When Syndrome attacks his Idol, add one die to his attack.

After revealing an Order Marker on this card and before taking a turn with Syndrome, you may take a turn with an Uncommon Android Hero you control within 8 spaces. When rolling the 20-sided die for a special power on the Android's card, you may add 4 to the roll. You may not take any additional turns.

After moving and before attacking with Syndrome, you may choose a small, medium, or large figure within 4 clear sight spaces and roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 9 or higher, place the chosen figure on an empty space within 4 spaces of Syndrome. Chosen figures will not take leaving engagement attacks.

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Re: The Book of Syndrome - VOTE for Initial

Looks good.

Only thoughts are some of the remaining ideas tossed around:
At the start of the game, choose an opponent's Unique Hero to be Syndrome's Idol. If Syndrome can target his Idol, he cannot target any other figure. When Syndrome attacks his Idol, add one die to his attack. If Syndrome has not yet attacked a figure this game, he cannot be targeted for any attacks.

After revealing an Order Marker on this card and before taking a turn with Syndrome, you may take a turn with an Uncommon Android Hero you control within 8 spaces. When rolling the 20-sided die for a special power on the Android's card, if it has the Calculating personality, you may add 4 to the roll.
Not things I'm dead set on, but still figured I'd bring them up just in case they slipped through the cracks.
Re: The Book of Syndrome - VOTE for Initial

I’m generally hesitant to add too many “cannot be targeted until X” powers, just cause it feels like it’ll inevitably lead to weird cheese one day.
Re: The Book of Syndrome - VOTE for Initial

I'm also not interested in adding the can't be attacked line. The Incredibles were never fooled by him, all he fooled was the news and general public, but even that was very short lived.

I'm not too worried either way on the personality callout there. Right now Omnidrones are the only Uncommon Android with a d20 power, but I am fine adding that if we do not want to limit design space.
Re: The Book of Syndrome - VOTE for Initial

I’d probably just let him bond with one chosen Uncommon Android rather than having him be an Android Leader guy, since he only worked with one Omnidroid at a time. But I dig the overall take here. Maybe also let him use Zero-Point Energy more than once so he can toss multiple Incredibles around.

Maybe have Rejected Fanboy affect the Android taking a turn too?
Re: The Book of Syndrome - VOTE for Initial

I’d probably just let him bond with one chosen Uncommon Android rather than having him be an Android Leader guy, since he only worked with one Omnidroid at a time.

You want him to choose one Uncommon Android at the start of the game and only work with that one? That seems a bit less fun to me and I don’t think any of our Uncommon Androids are particularly strong right now.

I’m a bit hesitant to let him throw multiple Incredibles around because they care about positioning, between Mister Incredible’s Heroic Duty, Frozone’s rescue, Elastigirl’s Wrap power and Violet’s Aura throwing figures constantly really counters then a lot.
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Re: The Book of Syndrome - VOTE for Initial

Is there a wording that lets him do it with all of that Uncommon Android? So not just picking a single Omnidroid, but picking all Omnidroids?

I generally really dig it. I could see kind of an inverse daring decoy where he can't be attacked while someone is engaged unless he's attacked, but that also sounds like way more words than it is worth theme wise.
Re: The Book of Syndrome - VOTE for Initial

I haven't watched the movie more than once, but would this be more in line with what he does? Does he really use other androids besides the Omnidroids? I can't remember.

After revealing an Order Marker on this card and before taking a turn with Syndrome, you may take a turn with aUncommon Android Hero figure named Omnidroid you control within 8 spaces. When rolling the 20-sided die for a special power on the Android an Omnidroid's card, you may add 4 to the roll.
Re: The Book of Syndrome - VOTE for Initial

No it was mostly to leave his options a little open (and we designed Syndrome first, and when we realized we had time we snuck in the Omnidroid). The other options are Ultron, Doombot, Sentinels and Manhunters. None of those are too powerful and I kinda like the idea that he has some options personally. Also allows for easier army building if he has access to more point cost. I think the combo of the d20 boost he’s offering (none of the other uncommons need that on their turn) and their ability to screen for him with Cyberclaw make the Omnidroid the clear choice for him 95% of the time.
Re: The Book of Syndrome - VOTE for Initial

No it was mostly to leave his options a little open (and we designed Syndrome first, and when we realized we had time we snuck in the Omnidroid). The other options are Ultron, Doombot, Sentinels and Manhunters. None of those are too powerful and I kinda like the idea that he has some options personally. Also allows for easier army building if he has access to more point cost. I think the combo of the d20 boost he’s offering (none of the other uncommons need that on their turn) and their ability to screen for him with Cyberclaw make the Omnidroid the clear choice for him 95% of the time.

That sounds logical. No need to strap him down to just one android then. I've got no problems with him working with other androids, just wanted to make sure that was the intent. Sounds like a fun design.
Re: The Book of Syndrome - VOTE for Initial

Is there a wording that lets him do it with all of that Uncommon Android? So not just picking a single Omnidroid, but picking all Omnidroids?

For an effect like that, I would just do something like:

"At the start of the game chose a Uncommon Android Hero in your army. Before taking a turn with Syndrome, you may take a turn with 1 Uncommon Android Hero you control that shares a name with the chosen Hero and is within 6 spaces of Syndrome."


But personally I don't see a need to limit his options here. Dude controlled robots, robots need more leaders in C3G. I'm personally good with what's in the SP.

Re: The Book of Syndrome - VOTE for Initial

Oh, is there a reason we went robot turn before Syndrome turn? Since he's a throw guy, the throwing seems a bit better if he gets his turn first.
Re: The Book of Syndrome - VOTE for Initial

To screen him. The Omnidroid has disengage during its special move. :shrug:
Re: The Book of Syndrome - VOTE for Initial

Yeah, I was thinking more for the purposes of turns where you want to attack with the Omnidroids - lets Syndrome punt somebody to low ground. Also could set up more convenient paths for Omnidroids for a Rolling Devastation though. Not a big deal, just wanted to make sure we were thinking about it!

Oh, if you play around with Charlatan stuff in testing, I'd mainly be looking at Songbird + Meteorite. Doesn't seem like he'd fit super well with the full T-Bolts stack due to needing his own support units, but I think he'd like the defensive/disruptive stuff that Karla and Melissa are doing.
Re: The Book of Syndrome - VOTE for Initial

I think the inverse is this lets the Omnidroids set up in a position where he wants to lock the heroes down and then lets him throw them there. Of course I suppose if you threw them there first, then the Omindroids locked them down, it'd work the same way.

Either way, dig the overall direction and it seems the lingering thoughts have mostly been addressed, so yea.
Re: The Book of Syndrome - VOTE for Initial

I still think it's a bit of a shame to not have something referencing his master plan on his card. Otherwise it's fine. I do like the Charlatan nod to it, even if he wouldn't really fit in a Charlatan army.

Re: The Book of Syndrome - VOTE for Initial

I still think it's a bit of a shame to not have something referencing his master plan on his card. Otherwise it's fine. I do like the Charlatan nod to it, even if he wouldn't really fit in a Charlatan army.


I thought his master plan was to develop robots strong enough to kill Mister Incredible?
Re: The Book of Syndrome - VOTE for Initial

I still think it's a bit of a shame to not have something referencing his master plan on his card. Otherwise it's fine. I do like the Charlatan nod to it, even if he wouldn't really fit in a Charlatan army.


I thought his master plan was to develop robots strong enough to kill Mister Incredible?

Tricking everyone into thinking he was a hero with technology, and then destroying the concept of superheroes entirely by selling his tech to everyone. "If everyone is super -- then no one will be." Killing the Incredibles was a step of that plan (And getting rich was a nice benefit too). But mainly fooling the world that he's benevolent to satisfy his own mental problems.

This design is perfectly fine. But I just reiterate what I said at the con that I think we're missing out putting a little bit more theme into him. But this is Tickle's baby more than the con baby and I think we all knew that going into it. :lol: