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The Book of Superboy (Jon Samuel Kent)


Book Wyrm
The Book of Superboy (Jon Samuel Kent)



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Rebirth set.
Its model number and name are #033 / Superboy.


Character Bio - Jon Kent is the Half-Human/Half-Kryptonian son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane. With the attitude of his mother and the powers of his father, this 10-year-old is eager to live out what it means to be a hero. After initially not getting along very well, he has formed a fast and close friendship with Damian Wayne. Together these Super Sons have gone on several adventures. While he's not quite old enough to join the Titans alongside the older Damian, he at least is the taller one.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:
  • Kryptonians can bypass Superboy's Kyptonian Defense defensive bonus.
  • As a flying figure, Superboy interacts differently with these special powers.
  • As a figure with the Super Strength special power, Superboy interacts differently with these special powers.

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Superboy (Jon Kent) (Breathing Period)




LIFE = 3

MOVE = 7

POINTS = 120

Superboy has the species of Kryptonian in addition to the species listed on this card. When Superboy rolls defense dice against a normal attack from a figure that is not a Kryptonian, if at least one shield is rolled, all blanks rolled count as extra shields.

After revealing an Order Marker on the Army Card of a Damian Wayne or Kal-El figure and taking a turn with that figure, if Superboy is within 6 clear sight spaces of that Unique Hero, you may take an immediate turn with Superboy. If an Order Marker was revealed on Damian Wayne's card this turn, add 1 to Superboy's Attack number. After using this special power, you may not take any additional turns with other figures you control.

Range 3. Attack 1 + Special.
Choose a figure to attack and roll 1 attack die, or 2 attack dice if you revealed an Order Marker on the Army Card of a Kal-El figure you control at the start of this turn. For each skull rolled, roll one additional attack die. Continue rolling an additional attack die for each additional skull rolled until either a total of 4 skulls have been rolled or no additional skulls are rolled. The defending figure rolls defense normally.

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Re: The Book of Superboy (Jon Kent) (Breathing Period)

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Re: The Book of Superboy (Jon Kent) (Breathing Period)

Awesome! I'm excited for this one. Not in love with the extra die/re-roll mechanic for Super Son. In most cases, a re-roll is really just a worse version of a bonus die. I mentioned earlier doing a split between normal attack and special attack. Here's how I would personally do it;
After revealing an Order Marker a Unique Kal-El or Damian Wayne card you control and taking a turn with that figure, if Superboy is within 6 clear sight spaces of that figure, you may take an immediate turn with Superboy. If the figure was a Damian Wayne you control, you may add 1 to Superboy's attack number this turn. After using this special power, you may not take a turn with any other figures.

Range 4. Attack 1+ Special.
Choose a figure to attack and roll 1 attack die, or 2 attack dice if you revealed an Order Marker on a Kal-El figure at the start of this turn. For each skull rolled, roll one additional attack die. Continue rolling an additional attack die for each additional skull rolled until no skulls are rolled. The defending figure rolls defense normally.
Re: The Book of Superboy (Jon Kent) (Breathing Period)

Love it! I'll probably bring him with Superman 90% of the time, just because Damian is so squishy and I don't want to lose the bonding, but the theme is super cool.
Re: The Book of Superboy (Jon Kent) (Breathing Period)

I'm hoping we can get a new Damian at some point that's a bit tougher.
Re: The Book of Superboy (Jon Kent) (Breathing Period)

I think I really like that take on Heat Vision. I worry it might feel useless running with Titans, but that's not necessarily a bad thing if it overall keeps his cost coming in lower. My only thought to maybe flip it is maybe foe's defense is reduced if they're next to/were attacked by that Kal-El instead of the base attack reduction? But that's less Rookie and more a team distraction thing, so that'd make Super Son wordier, when I'm digging the separation you thought of there.

My thought on him currently with Damian is that they can be a bit of a fun clean-up pair for the Titans once maybe a core falls apart. They can probably pack a solid punch together for as low cost as they are/hopefully will be.
Re: The Book of Superboy (Jon Kent) (Breathing Period)

I ran into a similar thing with Heat Vision on Mon-El; it's clearly worse than his normal, but does get some use because it's a special attack and simply because sometimes he won't be able to get engaged before attacking. I imagine that power on Jon would be similar if Kal-El wasn't around.

However, I also like the idea of defense subtraction if the enemy is adjacent to Kal-El. That seems like a cool mechanic!
Re: The Book of Superboy (Jon Kent) (Breathing Period)

Yeah I think that's how it'd play, more of a lack of options than a legitimate choice. I'd be tempted to open the Heat Vision up to Kryptonians in general if we went the defense subtraction route for the thematic pairing with Krypto, but I'm not completely sold on the direction. I do know that I'm very pro the punch/heat vision focus split, just still have to land on the best method of showcasing that.

Anyone have any idea where we're landing points-wise? One day I'll figure out how to value special powers in the calculator.
Re: The Book of Superboy (Jon Kent) (Breathing Period)

I'd say about 150ish. He has four different powers worth points, given the flying, so that adds up on the calculator, but his base durability and stats aren't that strong (70 points for base stats and SS).
Re: The Book of Superboy (Jon Kent) (Breathing Period)

Feels a tad high to me. I could see going Rookie Heat Vision as Nobody has it and then maybe dropping his move 1 (6 or 7 makes sense for his speed level) to reign him in more to a 120-140 level.
Re: The Book of Superboy (Jon Kent) (Breathing Period)

Dropping to 6 speed takes him down 10 points on the calculator.
Re: The Book of Superboy (Jon Kent) (Breathing Period)

Awesome! I'm excited for this one. Not in love with the extra die/re-roll mechanic for Super Son. In most cases, a re-roll is really just a worse version of a bonus die. I mentioned earlier doing a split between normal attack and special attack. Here's how I would personally do it;
After revealing an Order Marker a Unique Kal-El or Damian Wayne card you control and taking a turn with that figure, if Superboy is within 6 clear sight spaces of that figure, you may take an immediate turn with Superboy. If the figure was a Damian Wayne you control, you may add 1 to Superboy's attack number this turn. After using this special power, you may not take a turn with any other figures.

Range 4. Attack 1+ Special.
Choose a figure to attack and roll 1 attack die, or 2 attack dice if you revealed an Order Marker on a Kal-El figure at the start of this turn. For each skull rolled, roll one additional attack die. Continue rolling an additional attack die for each additional skull rolled until no skulls are rolled. The defending figure rolls defense normally.

I like this take a bit better than what's in the SP. Not that familiar with the character, but this way differentiates the bonuses enough that it feels more worth it to do the "Supes or Damian, but each one grants a different bonus" thing.
Re: The Book of Superboy (Jon Kent) (Breathing Period)

Yeah, that looks pretty clean.
Re: The Book of Superboy (Jon Kent) (Breathing Period)

Yeah sleeping on it, I definitely like that and it helps a smidge with keeping costs down. If there are no objections, I'll update to that post breathing period.
Re: The Book of Superboy (Jon Kent) (Breathing Period)

Alright. Seeing now that Krypto can move on Kryptonian turns, I think Superman I, Jon, and Krypto could make a really fun 600 point pod, so getting him down to 120 sounds like a really good goal here (plus keeps him round with Damian).
Re: The Book of Superboy (Jon Kent) (Breathing Period)

Awesome! I'm excited for this one. Not in love with the extra die/re-roll mechanic for Super Son. In most cases, a re-roll is really just a worse version of a bonus die. I mentioned earlier doing a split between normal attack and special attack. Here's how I would personally do it;
After revealing an Order Marker a Unique Kal-El or Damian Wayne card you control and taking a turn with that figure, if Superboy is within 6 clear sight spaces of that figure, you may take an immediate turn with Superboy. If the figure was a Damian Wayne you control, you may add 1 to Superboy's attack number this turn. After using this special power, you may not take a turn with any other figures.

Range 4. Attack 1+ Special.
Choose a figure to attack and roll 1 attack die, or 2 attack dice if you revealed an Order Marker on a Kal-El figure at the start of this turn. For each skull rolled, roll one additional attack die. Continue rolling an additional attack die for each additional skull rolled until no skulls are rolled. The defending figure rolls defense normally.

I like this take a bit better than what's in the SP. Not that familiar with the character, but this way differentiates the bonuses enough that it feels more worth it to do the "Supes or Damian, but each one grants a different bonus" thing.

Re: The Book of Superboy (Jon Kent) (Breathing Period)

Alright SP updated with that take, and dropped the move down to 6, as looking at some of the sevens, I think he's believable at that speed given his young age. I'm not sure it gets it down to 120, or if there's even a decent way to get him there. I'll stew on that a bit and once I can get around to it, hit the checklists.
Re: The Book of Superboy (Jon Kent) (Breathing Period)

Unless that trio is especially thematic, I wouldn't worry too much about hitting a specific point total. Loving these changes by the way! I'm excited to get to testing this one.
Re: The Book of Superboy (Jon Kent) (Breathing Period)

Unless that trio is especially thematic, I wouldn't worry too much about hitting a specific point total. Loving these changes by the way! I'm excited to get to testing this one.

Superboy with his Dad and his dog? Yeah. Its pretty darn thematic. The Krypto for Damian isn't as much, but still at that value you can add in Batman I for 800, or make Clark and Bruce their VIIs for 900.
Re: The Book of Superboy (Jon Kent) (Breathing Period)

Yeah, him and Krypto/Damian hitting an even 200 is pretty cool and gives you a lot of army building possibilities.

Here's a cool one if you want to go all the way to 1,000:

Krypto, Robin (Damian), Jon Kent, Robin (Tim), Superman (I), Batman (I)

Or go Batman II and throw in the car for 1300. :-D
Re: The Book of Superboy (Jon Kent) (Breathing Period)

Yeah, him and Krypto/Damian hitting an even 200 is pretty cool and gives you a lot of army building possibilities.

Here's a cool one if you want to go all the way to 1,000:

Krypto, Robin (Damian), Jon Kent, Robin (Tim), Superman (I), Batman (I)

Or go Batman II and throw in the car for 1300. :-D

Yeah. His most thematic allies are Damian (80), Superman (400, 450, 440), Krypto (80) and some undesigned folks like Lois, Maya Ducard, and Kathy Branden. So I lean toward really wanting that 120, as 170 would definitely be too high for him. Definitely shouldn't be only 40 points shy of Conner. I'm assuming the write up right now is probably sitting around 130 with the move drop and the change to Heat Vision.
Re: The Book of Superboy (Jon Kent) (Breathing Period)

In general good with that draft - should make for some interesting games and I think 120 is a good place to aim. Here's a brief rewrite, though, there's some wonkiness in the current versions I'd want to hammer out before we get too far.

I put Damian Wayne and Kal-El in alphabetical order, but that's not super important so you can probably switch them if it matters to you. :shrug:

After revealing an Order Marker on the Army Card of Damian Wayne or Kal-El and taking a turn with that figure, if Superboy is within 6 clear sight spaces of that figure and you control it, you may take an immediate turn with Superboy. If the figure was Damian Wayne, add 1 to Superboy's Attack number this turn. After using this special power, you may not take any additional turns with other figures you control.

Range 4. Attack 1 + Special.
Choose a figure to attack and roll 1 attack die, or 2 attack dice if you revealed an Order Marker on the Army Card of a Kal-El you control at the start of this turn. For each skull rolled, roll one additional attack die. Continue rolling an additional attack die for each additional skull rolled until no skulls are rolled. The defending figure rolls defense normally.