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The Book of Storm


Founding Member of C3G and C3V
Site Supporter
The Book of Storm




The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Danger Room set.
Its model number and name are #006 / Storm.

Character Bio - Ororo's mother, N'Dare, is the princess of a tribe in Kenya and descended from of a long line of African witch-priestesses with white hair, blue eyes, and a natural gift for sorcery. N'Dare falls in love with and marries American photojournalist David Munroe. Eventually the family moves to Egypt and lived there until mom and dad die during the Suez Crisis in a botched aircraft attack, leaving six-year-old Ororo as an orphan. Her violent claustrophobia is established as a result of being buried under tons of rubble after that attack. She becomes a skilled thief in Cairo under the benign Achmed el-Gibar and wanders into the Serengeti as a young woman. She is worshiped as a goddess when her powers appear before being recruited by Professor X for the X-Men. Now as an X-Man, she dedicates her life to protecting all people; Human and Mutant from harm. She is a leader and mother figure for most of the young Mutants who attend Professor X's school for the gifted.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • Q:Can Jubilee take a turn after Storm if Storm uses Gale Force Winds? Jubilee's card says "after taking a turn" and Gale Force Winds says "instead of taking a turn with Storm".

    No. The “instead of taking a turn with Storm” inclusion in her Gale Force Winds power means just that, you are substituting that action for her turn. So powers that say “after taking a turn with..” can't be used after Storm uses Gale Force Winds because she didn't take a turn.

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A

-Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses-

  • N/A

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Storm - Designing




LIFE = 5

MOVE = 6

POINTS = 220

Instead of taking a turn with Storm, you may choose a figure within clear sight of Storm. The chosen figure and each figure adjacent to that figure are affected. Place each affected figure on any unoccupied space up to 2 spaces from its original placement. Moved figures never take any leaving engagement attacks. A non-flying figure moved lower can receive any falling damage that may apply. Gale Force Winds does not affect huge figures and can only be used once per round.

Range Special. Attack 4, 3, and 2.
All figures that do not have the Electrically Charged special power that are within 2 spaces of Storm are affected by this special attack. Roll 4 attack dice once for all affected figures. Each figure rolls defense dice separately. After attacking with this special attack, Storm must attack 2 additional times, rolling 1 fewer attack die for each subsequent attack. This special attack can only be used once per round.

Storm and all friendly figures within 5 clear sight spaces of Storm never take any leaving engagement attacks.

Re: The Book of Storm - Designing

I think you could allow Hurricane Winds to be once per round since its instead of taking a turn.

Lightning Tempest is cool and innovative.

I like Cover Fog. :thumbsup:
Re: The Book of Storm - Designing

I think you could allow Hurricane Winds to be once per round since its instead of taking a turn.
I really would like that, but seeing as how much people tend to complain about lava, I was hesitant to do so. Lets see what others think.

Lightning Tempest is cool and innovative.
Thanks. :)

I like Cover Fog. :thumbsup:
Me too. It should be good at helping any army, but I think this and Hurricane Winds is what allows her to feel like a true Leader.
Re: The Book of Storm - Designing

What happens when there are no available targets (opponents' or friendly) during the "must attack" 3 additional times?
Re: The Book of Storm - Designing

What happens when there are no available targets (opponents' or friendly) during the "must attack" 3 additional times?
Just keep attacking until it is done I guess. It certainly wouldn't hurt anything, unless we make it so that Storm can be affected by it.

One thing I really don't want to do is add unnecessary text to a very text heavy card. I am already worried that it may be too much, and we may end up having to cut a power out.
Re: The Book of Storm - Designing

What happens when there are no available targets (opponents' or friendly) during the "must attack" 3 additional times?
Just keep attacking until it is done I guess. It certainly wouldn't hurt anything, unless we make it so that Storm can be affected by it.

One thing I really don't want to do is add unnecessary text to a very text heavy card. I am already worried that it may be too much, and we may end up having to cut a power out.

Just don't roll. :shrug: People often just don't roll defense if no skulls are rolled even though it is mandatory. This is a situation where you use common sense, if no one is there, no one is affected, so no need to roll.
Re: The Book of Storm - Designing

Looks good. On a thematic level I kind of like the idea of her only creating a hurricane once per game. It also helps keep her different than Red Tornado, who can and should be able to do that type of thing all the time.
I think she has a nice collection of powers here and I'm definitely a fan of carrying on the lightning/electricity mechanics established with Elektro with the multiple attacks of decreasing intensity.
Re: The Book of Storm - Designing

Cool. I like the design and I've been wanting to have a C3G Storm for quite some time.

A few thoughts I had:

The comic art you have is great. I like the cape, but the mini is kind of freaky. I prefer this other one personally.


What about lowering her defense to 3 or 4 and upping her life to 6? From what I remember she seems to go down like a rock quite a few times. The life of 6 could be justified because she is a Goddess as well as a Mutant. This would also differentiate her stats a little more from Ice Man, Jean, Gambit, etc. Also, no range?

I'd prefer once per round with Hurricane Winds, but it might be weird to have 2 once per round abilities on one card to have to remember though.
Re: The Book of Storm - Designing

I kinda like the caped figure, personally. :reapershrug: Seems more regal and "force of nature."
I see what you're saying about no range. It seems odd come to think of it that she has a melee attack of 4. It being melee makes it seem that the attack really isn't coming from her powers, and she doesn't seem to be one to hit very hard with her fists.
Re: The Book of Storm - Designing

Great start, Griffin! I was both excited and dreading to open this thread and read because I know she has a ton of powers and only so much space to fit them in, but you did a great job fitting a lot of power into a few mechanics. Nice job!

My suggestions are:
1) keep her attack as is and give her a short range, 2 or 3. She is a good hand to hand fighter because of her losing her powers back in the 80's and because her husband is a fantastic hand to hand fighter. Thus the short range shows her having short electrical strikes normally.

2) Make hurricane winds once per round and incorporate rain into that. Perhaps add in "any figures moved by Hurricane Winds may not target any figureor be targetted for a ranged attack for the rest of the round." That way it incorporates the driving rain of a hurricane as well.
Re: The Book of Storm - Designing

Cool. I like the design and I've been wanting to have a C3G Storm for quite some time.

A few thoughts I had:

The comic art you have is great. I like the cape, but the mini is kind of freaky. I prefer this other one personally.

You may have to poll me over it, because I much prefer the more iconic look of the figure I have up there.
What about lowering her defense to 3 or 4 and upping her life to 6? From what I remember she seems to go down like a rock quite a few times. The life of 6 could be justified because she is a Goddess as well as a Mutant. This would also differentiate her stats a little more from Ice Man, Jean, Gambit, etc. Also, no range?
Great idea, and I am making that change. :up:

I'd prefer once per round with Hurricane Winds, but it might be weird to have 2 once per round abilities on one card to have to remember though.
I am in agreement.

Great start, Griffin! I was both excited and dreading to open this thread and read because I know she has a ton of powers and only so much space to fit them in, but you did a great job fitting a lot of power into a few mechanics. Nice job!

My suggestions are:
1) keep her attack as is and give her a short range, 2 or 3. She is a good hand to hand fighter because of her losing her powers back in the 80's and because her husband is a fantastic hand to hand fighter. Thus the short range shows her having short electrical strikes normally.
Great idea, and I am making that change. :up:

2) Make hurricane winds once per round and incorporate rain into that. Perhaps add in "any figures moved by Hurricane Winds may not target any figureor be targetted for a ranged attack for the rest of the round." That way it incorporates the driving rain of a hurricane as well.
Once per round it is, and once per round it shall stay. :D I am not inclined to add more to the power as you are suggesting though. This card will already be very tight on text room.
Re: The Book of Storm - Designing

Two in. :D

davidlhsl said:

I'm at work when I received the PM, so I can't cheer as loudly as I'd like to, but WHOOOO-HOOOOO!!!!! (Hugs Griffin) :excited:

(Settle down, David...)

Hurricane Winds
Would you need to say "Placed figures never..." instead of "Moved figures never..."?

Are you required to place every figure, or can you leave some figures where they are? I'm thinking you would be required to move all affected figures.

Put some lava on the map with C3G's lava rules, and you'd have a nice Bar-B-Cue! Awesome ability!

Lightning Tempest Special Attack
Whoa! That's awesome!

Cover Fog
Ditto on above. This is a neat aura.

Final Thoughts
I predict Storm will win the Favorite Unit poll when it's her turn. This is a Cat 5 design, for sure!

Eclipse said:
I'd give her Range 4, attack 2-3 personally. I know she does melee ok, but for the most part she'd be better served throwing wind or bolts from range.

Hurricane needs to specify its AoE better. Adjacent spaces isn't really a concept in the game, since adjacency takes height into affect. All spaces within 1 space of the chosen space would be a more proper wording assuming you want the thing to have infinite height.

Her lightning is a little swinging balance wise, but I like it. You may want to put some kind of limitation on it requiring a legal target. If she kills everything with the 4, it would be really lame to have to roll the next 3 attacks for no reason.

One thing that came to mind is that the last 2 attacks
aren't likely to have that big of an effect on the game. It might be more interesting to just have two attacks, one power 4 that hits everything adjacent followed by a power 3 that hits everything within 2 clear sight spaces. You could probably make it less restrictive then, plus it makes the range variance a little more interesting.

I'd word Fog like this:
Storm and all friendly figures within 5 clear sight spaces of Storm are never attacked when leaving an engagement.

Griffin said:
When you guys get a chance, could you please let me know what you think about this writeup for Storm? Thanks for your time. :grin:

The Book of Storm





The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Danger Room set.
Its model number and name are 006 / Storm.





LIFE = 5

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 250

Instead of taking a turn with Storm, you may choose a space on the battlefield. All figures on that space and all figures adjacent to that space are affected. Place each affected figure on any unoccupied space up to 2 spaces from its original placement. Moved figures never take any leaving engagement attacks. A non-flying figure moved lower can receive any falling damage that may apply. You may only use Hurricane Winds once per game.

Range Special. Attack 4, 3, 2, and 1.

All figures within 2 spaces of Storm are affected by Lightning Tempest Special Attack. Roll 4 attack dice once for all affected figures. Each affected figure rolls defense dice separately. After attacking with this special attack, Storm must attack 3 additional times, rolling 1 fewer attack die for each subsequent attack. Storm is not affected by this special attack. You may only use this special attack once per round.

Storm and all friendly figures within 5 clear sight spaces of Storm never take any leaving engagement attacks.

Re: The Book of Storm - Designing

:up: Looking good Griff.

Aren't you the one always telling me that spaces can't be adjacent? Maybe what we did with Harley might help:

Instead of taking a turn with Storm, you may choose a space on the battlefield. Any figure on the chosen space and all figures within 1 space of the chosen space are affected. Place each affected figure on any unoccupied space up to 2 spaces from its original placement. Moved figures never take any leaving engagement attacks. A non-flying figure moved lower can receive any falling damage that may apply. You may only use Hurricane Winds once per game.

I think everything else looks good.

Re: The Book of Storm - Designing

My suggestions are:
1) keep her attack as is and give her a short range, 2 or 3. She is a good hand to hand fighter because of her losing her powers back in the 80's and because her husband is a fantastic hand to hand fighter. Thus the short range shows her having short electrical strikes normally.

Great idea, and I am making that change. :up:

No change in the OP yet? :)
Re: The Book of Storm - Designing

Hurricane Winds still reads once per game, but her Range is 3 now.
Re: The Book of Storm - Designing

:up: Looking good Griff.

Aren't you the one always telling me that spaces can't be adjacent? Maybe what we did with Harley might help:

Instead of taking a turn with Storm, you may choose a space on the battlefield. Any figure on the chosen space and all figures within 1 space of the chosen space are affected. Place each affected figure on any unoccupied space up to 2 spaces from its original placement. Moved figures never take any leaving engagement attacks. A non-flying figure moved lower can receive any falling damage that may apply. You may only use Hurricane Winds once per game.
I think everything else looks good.

No, I have told you that you can't be engaged with a space because engagement implies that it is an "enemy" space, and I have told you that you can't have "clear sight" on a space just recently because it doesn't have a hitzone. However, the term "adjacent spaces" is something that we defined on Black Canary way back in the day and we have used it since then on figures like Harley Quinn and maybe one or two more that currently escape my mind. But essentially, an adjacent space, as ruled by C3G (not officially) has always been this:

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • Canary Cry Special Attack - In Canary Cry Special Attack, figures are considered to be adjacent to a chosen space if they are within one space of the chosen space, regardless of the difference in elevation.

My suggestions are:
1) keep her attack as is and give her a short range, 2 or 3. She is a good hand to hand fighter because of her losing her powers back in the 80's and because her husband is a fantastic hand to hand fighter. Thus the short range shows her having short electrical strikes normally.
Great idea, and I am making that change. :up:

No change in the OP yet? :)
Ummm... you must have looked at the second post, because I definitely updated it to a range 3. But that reminds me, I think maybe we should just start using the second post for the power text anyways, and not put it in the first. What do you guys think? (perhaps that belongs in our discussion thread though)
Re: The Book of Storm - Designing

I must have quoted the wrong thing. I meant changing the Hurricane Wind from once per game to once per round.
Re: The Book of Storm - Designing

I must have quoted the wrong thing. I meant changing the Hurricane Wind from once per game to once per round.

Bats, could you perhaps accept the theme that she isn't summoning a Hurricane each round, but instead just summoning the wind? Perhaps we should change it to GALE FORCE or GALE WINDS.
Re: The Book of Storm - Designing

I must have quoted the wrong thing. I meant changing the Hurricane Wind from once per game to once per round.

Bats, could you perhaps accept the theme that she isn't summoning a Hurricane each round, but instead just summoning the wind? Perhaps we should change it to GALE FORCE or GALE WINDS.

I could but I am not sure I would like to see her that powerful in the Heroscape game. It would feel that she is too powerful when compared to all units before now. :shrug: I understand that she would fall over when attacked but offensively she would be a powerhouse.
Re: The Book of Storm - Designing

I must have quoted the wrong thing. I meant changing the Hurricane Wind from once per game to once per round.

Bats, could you perhaps accept the theme that she isn't summoning a Hurricane each round, but instead just summoning the wind? Perhaps we should change it to GALE FORCE or GALE WINDS.

I could but I am not sure I would like to see her that powerful in the Heroscape game. It would feel that she is too powerful when compared to all units before now. :shrug: I understand that she would fall over when attacked but offensively she would be a powerhouse.
Interesting. Well tell me your preference, and maybe I will put up a poll to figure out what we should do from there.
Re: The Book of Storm - Designing

Maybe I'm the only one who hasn't these before 9 am today, but I am beginning to see where others who have commented are coming from concerning the pacing of this project.

Griffin, The OP was posted at 9:22 this morning. At 2:43 this afternoon -- not even 5 1/2 hours after the OP, you already had 2 ERB responses in.

The only reason I've even seen this at all before this evening is because I haven't been at work today - I've been at the hospital with my mother waiting for the cardiologist to clear her episode as non-cardiac. Lots of hurry up and wait.

I'm all for people having polished drafts to present to the group, but shouldn't the group have ample opportunity to respond? to discuss different options/powers?

It was never my intention with my vote to move the ERB phase at the discretion of the LD to move it to the first 5 hours of the process. In hindsight, it appears that the proposal was merely intended to remove a speed bump to your process.

Please slow down before everyone else gets scared/pushed away.
Re: The Book of Storm - Designing

No, I am sorry you feel that way, but I am not slowing down. If you don't like something, I respectfully ask you to propose it, but we are finally at a point in this group where we/I can have great quality with great efficiency.

With the new ERB rules in place, they are more or less a tool used to help get an outside perspective on a design at ANY point in time. It is only required that we do it at least once during the design phase. I didn't go ERB on Storm today to "rush" anything or get my requirements met, I go to the ERB several times during the course of a design, when I think I need that extra perspective. That was all I did here today. I am not rushing or pushing anything right now at all. I am merely using all the tools I have access to to help polish up this design to the best that we can accomplish. I am not doing a playtest here anytime soon, and in fact, I wasn't planning on doing any playtests for my LDs for a while until I have made time to help out some other LDs that are waiting for some love. Storm is gonna be here for a good while dude, don't worry about anything being moved along beyond the speed of quality.
Re: The Book of Storm - Designing

It seems this is a thread that's still very much in the design phase. It seems a bit hectic and rushed and I can understand Sir G's feeling here and I hope that we're considerate towards his time and his feelings.
That said, it also seems like it's not Griff's intention to rush anything here, but to stay in the design phase for a while and continue to hash things out. Hopefully we can do so in a way that seems inviting and not in a hurry, though. I'm not saying anyone is in a hurry, just that I understand why that impression is here and it's something we might want to think about as we take some big deep breaths.
Re: The Book of Storm - Designing

Thanks for the understanding of both sides.

I am genuinely trying to uphold the level of quality on this design, and I feel that the ERB have been, will be, and should be, a key ingredient to a quality end result.