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The Book of Storm (II)


C3G Con Champ 2021 and 2022!
The Book of Storm (II)



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the X-Men Xavier's School set.
Its model number and name are #034 / Storm.


Character Bio - Ororo Munroe, also known as Storm is an Omega Level Mutant and one of the most powerful living beings on the planet. Gifted with the power to manipulate the phenomenon from which she takes her codename she is able to incite all forms of atmospheric phenomenon for a variety of magnificent and devastating effects from watering a single potted plant to global hyperstorms that can cover the planet. - Comic Vine

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • Storm requires the use of up to four Weather Glyphs.
  • Q: If you have multiple figures with Weather Glyphs in a game, and the figure who started with a specific Glyph places it and the another figure moves that Glyph and then dies, does it get removed from the game?
    A: Yes. The last figure to move or place the Glyph is the one it is associated with for it being removed from the battlefield.

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:_________________________________________________________________

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Storm (II) (Breathing)




LIFE = 5

MOVE = 6

POINTS = 270

Start the game with up to four Weather Glyphs of different types on this card. Instead of:
• moving, you may choose a Weather Glyph on the battlefield, and place it onto any space within 2 spaces of its current placement.
• attacking, you may place a Weather Glyph from this card power-side up onto any space within 6 spaces of Storm.
Weather Glyphs cannot be placed on any space occupied by a glyph. When Storm is destroyed, remove all Weather Glyphs that were placed by this special power from the battlefield.

Whenever the 20-sided die is rolled for a Weather Glyph, you may add or subtract 2 from the roll. Anytime Storm would be affected by a Weather Glyph, you may ignore that glyph's effects.

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Re: The Book of Storm (II) (Breathing)

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Glyph art:
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Re: The Book of Storm (II) (Breathing)

She's gonna be very powerful since those Glyphs are all strong. I like Wild for her personality like Storm I, but don't have any preference for Class right now.

Have we ever referenced level of the battlefield like the Thunderstorm Glyph before?
Re: The Book of Storm (II) (Breathing)

She's gonna be very powerful since those Glyphs are all strong. I like Wild for her personality like Storm I, but don't have any preference for Class right now.

Have we ever referenced level of the battlefield like the Thunderstorm Glyph before?

Yes, on Ocean Master.
Re: The Book of Storm (II) (Breathing)

She's gonna be very powerful since those Glyphs are all strong.
I'm thinking point range wise, we have a fair window to work with as her powers, especially once revealed as an Omega Class Mutant, are quite strong. So I'm thinking somewhere in the 280-330 range? We can always dial them in as needed.
Re: The Book of Storm (II) (Breathing)

If we did her as a Queen for class, we could potentially use that as a buzz word for future Wakandan synergy. :p

Not sure if that fits this era, though. It'd be nice to not just repeat Wild Queen, though, for sure. I could see Proud as a Wild alternative if you're looking for one.

Adjudicator? Diety? Loner? Protector? Recluse? Witch?

Not sure what, if any, synergy we're wanting for her other than Mutant. That could be a guiding light for her class.
Re: The Book of Storm (II) (Breathing)

Queen could be fun for the Wonder Woman (JLA) synergy. I feel like they'd have a lot in common. Especially given she could then have even more reason to team with Black Panther as he's a King.
Re: The Book of Storm (II) (Breathing)

Plus Wonder Woman and Storm once fought for the survivals of their opposing universes, so that's cool.

I don't think I'm going to do a Storm-married to Black Panther version at this point, so going Queen her would allow us to not even worry about that, IMO.
Re: The Book of Storm (II) (Breathing)

The first Storm is a Leader not a Queen IIRC. So Wild Queen wouldn't be a total repeat.

I'd definitely be in favor of Wonder Woman/Storm light synergy. It makes a kind of sense and is cool.
Re: The Book of Storm (II) (Breathing)

Really like what you've got here - really cool representation of her weather powers. Feels like it really shows them off in a way her initial card didn't. :up:
Should Tornado affect figures when it's placed or is moved? It doesn't seem to at present.
I'd still support a light-touch Mutant leadership power on her card - she's not dying for space and something like Mutant Leadership or Mutant Tactician would give her a light-touch role as Mutant support, which wouldn't be defining for what she does but still represent her leadership qualities, which were mostly absent from her first card, and give the Mutants the sort of low-key support that they honestly don't have a lot of.
Re: The Book of Storm (II) (Breathing)

She’s not heavy on wording on her card, but you have to consider the mind space her glyphs require as well. There’s that factor, and I like the idea of her being able to be encouraged in other builds and armies rather than primarily Mutant ones. Plus, a 2 power card doesn’t hurt. I think it looks really nice here.
Re: The Book of Storm (II) (Breathing)

FWIW she's no longer a Queen in the period the mini represents - T'Challa annulled their marriage during AvX.

My thoughts:

- I don't think the blizzard should be freezing shadow and molten lava tiles. So I'd rather stick to land/water.
- I also don't like the blizzard completely shutting down turns. Would rather it just slow you down, like subtract from move/range, or force you to choose between moving and attacking.
- Don't like the height stuff on the thunderstorm. Very finicky, limited utility. On a design with a smaller scope I'd be into it, but not here. We should he trimming wherever possible.
- The tornado also feels kind of stuffed to me? Not sure how much can be trimmed there.
Re: The Book of Storm (II) (Breathing)

The Blizzard is a re-use of Ice’s Blizzard special power, in terms of the shutting down mechanics.

Instead of attacking with Ice, you may roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 16 or higher, for the remainder of the round any figure that starts its turn within 5 spaces of Ice cannot move, attack, or use any special power on any Army Card or Glyph during its turn.
Re: The Book of Storm (II) (Breathing)

Wow, this is pretty crazy. Interesting take! This will be hard to cost, and I think hard to play. She'll be a weird one. The glyphs themselves are useful and annoying, but I'm not sure they're THAT useful. A lot of dice rolling and randomness. She won't be consistent at all.

My first though is to try to trim all of the glyphs. That's a ton of text for a single character. I agree about the thunderstorm, I'm not sure it needs the extra clauses, just a simple d20 roll. Fog is good. Blizzard seem like the best one, as denying movement can route the opponents forces. Tornado is annoying, but if the figure has enough range it's not a huge deal.
Re: The Book of Storm (II) (Breathing)

You can use Tornado to throw a figure into Blizzard range though and hope they get stuck by the Thuderstorm.
Re: The Book of Storm (II) (Breathing)

Wow, this is pretty crazy. Interesting take! This will be hard to cost, and I think hard to play. She'll be a weird one. The glyphs themselves are useful and annoying, but I'm not sure they're THAT useful. A lot of dice rolling and randomness. She won't be consistent at all.

My first though is to try to trim all of the glyphs. That's a ton of text for a single character. I agree about the thunderstorm, I'm not sure it needs the extra clauses, just a simple d20 roll. Fog is good. Blizzard seem like the best one, as denying movement can route the opponents forces. Tornado is annoying, but if the figure has enough range it's not a huge deal.
Tbf, I could see the glyphs being reusable, Utility Glyph style.
Re: The Book of Storm (II) (Breathing)

You can use Tornado to throw a figure into Blizzard range though and hope they get stuck by the Thuderstorm.

Ah true. Comboing off of each other would definitely be cool. Still would like to see them trimmed and simplified though. 5 cards for one character (all with plenty of text) is a lot.
Re: The Book of Storm (II) (Breathing)

If it’s a concern to nail down or being too much I don’t mind scrapping it and revisiting it some other time.
Re: The Book of Storm (II) (Breathing)

If it’s a concern to nail down or being too much I don’t mind scrapping it and revisiting it some other time.

I think the design is super cool. I just don't like how much text there is. :) I think if we streamline the glyph we'll be golden.

She might be hard to cost since it's a weird concept, but that's what testing is for.
Re: The Book of Storm (II) (Breathing)

Color me slightly concerned about Blizzard as well. I’m not a huge Ice expert, but in my experience the part that always holds her back is always her survivability. It’s not that Blizzard isn’t fairly powerful, it’s that you can just kill her. (Freeze Blast is also pretty powerful, that definitely factors into it as well.)

Blizzard has a much smaller radius and is harder to move once it’s placed, but can be deployed at range, doesn’t dissipate, has an easier roll, and Storm has a lot better turn efficiency synergy, which means you don’t basically have to waste a whole turn to place it.
Re: The Book of Storm (II) (Breathing)

Some thoughts on potential streamlining based on feedback thus far. I like the idea of her having more control over the Thunderstorm and making it easier to set up with the rest of the stuff.

Glyph of Weather: Blizzard
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Glyph of Weather: Fog
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Glyph of Weather: Thunderstorm
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Glyph of Weather: Tornado
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Re: The Book of Storm (II) (Breathing)

I think the Thunderstorm Glyph could be reusable (maybe a weather centric Thor?) so I'd try to avoid making it too Storm specific. But in general I like those tweaks.
Re: The Book of Storm (II) (Breathing)

I think the Thunderstorm Glyph could be reusable (maybe a weather centric Thor?) so I'd try to avoid making it too Storm specific. But in general I like those tweaks.

How would you do the Thunderstorm Glyph then? I really feel like she needs to be able to be more active with it to get it on the level of the other glyphs. Having to manipulate it so figures are near enough to it at the end of the round seems harder to pull off consistently (but could just be me).