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The Book of Spider-Man


Raconteur Extraordinaire
The Book of Spider-Man

If you cannot see the Army Card graphic, check Hasbro's Unit Page for stats and special powers, plus "character biography" and other non-game unit info.
-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • The 'S' symbol.
    The 'S' symbol in the lower left-hand corner of the card signifies this figure has Superstrength. A figure with Superstrength is immune to Falling and Major Falling; the figure is not immune to Extreme Falling however. A figure with Superstrength is also able to ignore any abilities a destructible object has that would give it automatic shields. (Firemaster)

    - WEB SPECIAL ATTACK : Using it on a figure with 0 defense
    If I use Web Special Attack on a figure that has 0 defense dice, do they get any extra damage because they should be rolling –1 defense dice?
    A figure cannot roll less than 0 defense dice. (Hasbro FAQ)
-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
  • TBA
  • TBA

Synergy Benefits Offered
  • N/A
  • N/A
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-

  • - TBA
I must say, Spidey looks like one of the most fun (and most annoying!) figures of all time. Can't wait to give him a spin.
Nice pun! :D

(My :2cents: may change when I get the figure)

Spider-Man- Quite annoying. Has good chance of staying on the board awhile. Gives small defense figures a run for there money. A-
Got an objective to reach? Spiderman is your..er man

My nominee for most rage inducing ability, Spidersense(the other being Deathwalker 9000's defense)

I've only gotten to play with my Spider-Man fig in two games so far, but my luck with his Spidey Sense has been horrible. It's only worked for me about 20% of the time. Sometimes his defense helps him through, but without his dodge, he eventually goes down. It's too bad my d20 luck is so horrible, because Spider-Man is my favorite fictional character.
Spiderman looks really fun. I cant wait to try him out. My Spidey needs a bit of a paint touch-up though. :/

~Yub yub, Commander!
Spiderman is great to pair up with Thanos. Since he's so hard to kill, you generally get quite a few turns to try and revive the titan. Just leave him in the back until he's your last figure, and when all else fails, run around until you can roll a 19.
Spider-man: Best to save as a clean-up character or a last-chance run-away figure while picking guys off with his web special attack. Also effective with characters who boost defense, such as Raelin or Captain America, because his spidey-sense will fail, and 4 defense won't keep him alive as long as will probably be needed. From experience I have noticed that if left in an out-of-the-way spot, he will be fairly ignored until you place an order marker on him. My personal over-all rating: B+
Spider-man: Best to save as a clean-up character or a last-chance run-away figure while picking guys off with his web special attack.
I tried using him once as one of first wave attack team. I was too cocky because of his Spidey Sense 11. He gave Doctor Doom 1 wound and died the 1st round.

From experience I have noticed that if left in an out-of-the-way spot, he will be fairly ignored until you place an order marker on him.
Because of his spider sense, opposing players would rather target a different figure. In pure Marvelscape games, he'd be ignored early in the game because of his Spider Sense 11 and that he has one of the least attack in Marvelscape. He's my #1 superhero, but B+ is quite fitting for him.
Per Silver Surfer above, I've had the best luck in using him as a clean-up figure. In a 1000 point free-for-all, I wound up with only Spidey and Kaemon Awa on height versus a whole mess of Marro. The two of them took down a ton of Marro before eventually succumbing (blast that Hive!--actually, that was my problem, I didn't). But Spider Sense kept Spidey in the fight for a good, long time, and his web attack picked off the swarm one by one.
Man I just love playing Spidey (could you tell by my av?), what makes it great is when I have him in my army he just drives my opponents nuts, his spidersense works probably 80% of the time for me.
He works great as a mid to late game force. His spidersense will keep him out of harms way most of the time and he has a decent special attack to help to bypass some other specials.
He is definately the most fun Marvel character to play, if not the most fun in the whole game.

Go Spidey!!!
...and the fun increases if (per someone's suggestion on this board) you make Spidey-type puns every time that you activate him, and make cool web noises as appropriate.
Sometimes I just want to ban Spidey in games. He friggin pisses me off. Don't get me wrong, I have a Spider-Man tattoo, very much "#1" fan, but he just sometimes drag the game! My gf loves to draft him all the time and I'm like the pissed Doc Oc or villain every time she rolls 11 or higher! I know how Spidey's enemies feel like. Irritated. I once went toe to toe with the web crawler with a perfect health Silver Surfer. I lost.

Ok not ban him...I draft him too. I once killed a perfect life Abomination with a wounded Spidey. :D

Sometimes I feel guilty for drafting Venom over Spidey though.
Spiderman is way under-priced, and should be banned in official games unless both people draft him. (hmmm, a spidey vs. spidey game would be interesting...)
I agree he should be 170 or maybe 180 with an attack of 5 and maybe change his web special attack to something that might remove an order marker, as tying up his enemies is one of Spider-man's main powers.
Hmm... I'm not a big fan of speculating on changes to official characters, and as a big Spidey fan I'd have to say the Marvelscape figure mostly does him justice, but if I were to change him at all I'd allow his web attack to affect more than one figure per turn. I mean, how often does Spidey go around taking out large numbers of thugs in the comics? In this game he gets overwhelmed by squads, and that just makes me sad.
Well... I think of Marvel Heroscape figures as a depiction of what that character would do in the battle of all time, not in his "everyday life." I mean, maybe Spider-Man should be able to wrap up multiple enemies, but maybe he shouldn't be allowed to kill people, either. Because this is total all-out war and not the streets of New York City, it's not a direct translation. Soldiers who are dispersed and watchful, avoiding bullets and bombs, aren't going to fell to a squirt of spider silk as easily as a street gang.
I agree; However, you must take in consideration that that this isn't crazy string. According to the comics, If spider-man wrapped THE THING in his web, it would take him 4 days or weeks (Can't remember) to escape. That's steel string ya got there!

Personally, I often Pair Spidey with the ninjas. They're like mini spidermen, and they have an attack of 4, which is reliable.

Back them up by kravs or nakitas, with some deathreavers mixed in, and maybe old dusty raelin on your top shelf that you never play with because she doesn't have whirlwind, and you got a pretty good army there.