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The Book of Spider-Man (Miles) (II)


Tickle Pickle
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The Book of Spider-Man (Miles Morales - II)



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Earth X set.
Its model number and name are #037b / Spider-Man.


Character Bio - "A hero isn't the one who always wins. It's the one who always tries."
- Miles Morales (Spider-Man Annual Vol 2 #1, Marvel)

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (II) - Design



SIZE/HEIGHT = Medium 5

LIFE = 5

MOVE = 6

POINTS = 240

Any time an enemy figure within 4 clear sight spaces of Spider-Man would be moved, you may first roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 14 or higher, the figure may not be moved for the rest of this player turn.

Once per turn, when Spider-Man becomes engaged, you may roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 14 or higher, the opponent's figure receives one wound and may not move for the rest of this player turn.

After Spider-Man attacks an adjacent figure, he may move up to 2 spaces with his Swing Line special power. If he moves at least one space, he may attack an adjacent figure one additional time.

Instead of his normal move, Spider-Man may move up to 4 spaces with Swing Line. When moving with Swing Line, Spider-Man has the Flying special power, but may not move up or down more than 40 levels in a single swing, and will not take any leaving engagement attacks.

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Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (II) - Design

So I went with Bat's combined version here over Swing Line and Spider-Agility. But I also just realized that does leave him unable to use his Swing power when taking a turn with Spider-UK which I think is enough of a problem that I'll stick with the 4 power version.
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (II) - Design

Fair enough. Lets you drop the Spider-Verse tag at least, then.

I do like how I snuck in the wounding again in the first power (I'm hoping/assuming you noticed?) which makes him a nice pick with a lot of Spider-folk (Recruits, OG C3G Peter, etc.) that like to move figures around so easily.
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (II) - Design

I noticed. This fits at 6.6 font which is probably bigger than most Spider-Folks:
Any time an enemy figure within 4 clear sight spaces of Spider-Man would be moved, you may first roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 14 or higher, the figure may not be moved and receives one wound.

Once per turn, when Spider-Man becomes engaged, you may roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 14 or higher, the opponent's figure receives one wound and may not move for the rest of this player turn.

After Spider-Man attacks an adjacent figure, he may move up to 2 spaces with his Swing Line special power. If he moves at least one space, he may attack an adjacent figure one additional time.

Instead of his normal move, Spider-Man may move up to 4 spaces with Swing Line. When moving with Swing Line, Spider-Man has the Flying special power, but may not move up or down more than 40 levels in a single swing, and will not take any leaving engagement attacks.
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (II) - Design

SP updated with the 4 power take. While this is slightly less elegant, all Web Warriors from Bats really did was combine Agility and Swing Line into one power, but that prevented it from being used when UK gives out his move only turn. So it just doesn't work with a key factional piece in that form.

I think we're good to go to initial testing here so I'll propose that.
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (II) - VOTE for I

Getting about 260 on the calculator. Yea for testing.
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (II) - VOTE for I

This passes. I’ll work on it after Transformers Spidey.
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (II) - VOTE for I

Upped the roll on both powers to 15 (he'll still get lots of rolls at them both and they automatically wound) and I'm gonna start him at 250. Don't mind him being a tad juiced to make up for the old design sucking so much.
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (II) - VOTE for I

250 feels like a lot for Miles. Definitely hoping to see him go down instead of up. (I think him costing more than our "premier" Peter would be a mistake.)
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (II) - VOTE for I

250 feels like a lot for Miles. Definitely hoping to see him go down instead of up. (I think him costing more than our "premier" Peter would be a mistake.)

I see Avengers Peter as our premiere, experienced Peter and he costs 280, Spider-Verse Pete is definitely a reluctant leader and not acting to his full potential in the story. And I think at this point in comics, having Miles cost the same as C3G Spider-Man would be perfectly accurate. He's shown to be just as strong as Peter these days. I did bump the numbers up cause I see 250 as his ceiling cost-wise though.
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (II) - VOTE for I


NAME OF THE PLAYTEST UNIT: Spider-Man (Miles Morales - II)

Version tested:
Spoiler Alert!

Army Test
Map: Artic Redoubt (1 random glyph in the Fortress)
Units: Miles (II) (240), Otto (260), Spider-Army Recruit (600) VS Big Man and the Enforcers (600)
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test
Map: Artic Redoubt (1 random glyph in the Fortress)
Units: Miles (II) (240), Otto, Captain Universe, Spider-Ham (1000) VS Sinister Six (1000)
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test
Map: Artic Redoubt (1 random glyph in the Fortress)
Units: Miles (240), UK, Otto, Ashley Barton, Assassin Spidey (1050) VS Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Shang-Chi, Moon Knight, Jessica Jones (1050)

Spoiler Alert!


Army Test
Map: Artic Redoubt (1 random glyph in the Fortress)
Units: Miles (240), Peter (Spider-Verse), Spider-UK, Silk (1010) VS Fantastic Four (1000)
Spoiler Alert!

THOUGHTS ON THE TESTED UNIT'S COST, BALANCE, & DRAFTABILITY: Miles is fun, but I do think he's coming in too hot. I could easily see paying 270 for him as is. I think I want to either drop his life to 4 or remove the auto wound from Webbed Up. Personally leaning towards the later, but I do like 240 as a price point for him and I think that would get him there. Initially I thought Otto would be his best pairing but then I realize you end up rolling for his d20 powers more not on your turn so while still a nice pairing, it's not his default best option.
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Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (II) - VOTE for I

Went ahead and dropped the auto wound from Webbed Up and I like him at 240 with that tweak. I propose we move to Public Playtesting.
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Miles) (II) - VOTE for Public Te

Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Miles) (II) - VOTE for Public Te

Still need one vote
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Miles) (II) - Public Testin

JoshuaQuinn said:
Rainy weekend made for some good game time.

Here is what I have. Curious when we will see the Web Warrior release. I know there have been a ton playtested. Looking forward to getting official.

NAME OF THE PLAYTEST UNIT: Spider-Man Miles Morales (II)

Army Test
Map: Country Road
Units: Spider-Man (Miles), Winter Soldier (I), Agent Venom, Luke Cage, Songbird, Punisher (I) (1300) vs Doctor Octopus (Sin Six), Absorbing Man, Sandman, Scorpion, Gambit, Catwoman (II) (1300)

Miles Morales found himself paired with a ragtag team of heroes verses the always dangerous Sinister Six. Early in the game Luke Cage engaged in battle with Catwoman and Winter Soldier took her out before she could amount to anything. Absorbing Man retaliated by doing some damage to Luke Cage. Agent Venom and Scorpion traded blows with each other while Punisher began to work on Scorpion from a distance. While Luke Cage and Absorbing Man battled each other, Spider-Man swung in and attacked Gambit. He used his Venom Blast then followed up with a normal attack. He tried to go for Scorpion but didn’t do much with it. While Scorpion was distracted Agent Venom did some damage to Scorpion. Spider-Man swung back to attack Gambit and deal 2 more damage before the end of the round. Punisher got a little more involved and began attacking Absorbing Man. Absorbing Man brought the attack to Punisher and Winter Soldier. He got a few attacks in but Winter Soldier knocked out Absorbing Man. Scorpion was overwhelmed by Agent Venom and Spider-man and fell to Agent Venom next. Angered by the loss of two henchmen Doc Oc smashed Winter Soldier to the ground leaving Agent Venom without his partner. Songbird was continuously trying to attach different villains but never seemed to land any blows. Her extra defense was much appreciated Luke Cage Finished what Spider-Man started and knocked the Cajun Gambit back to the Bayou. While he was delivering the final blow Sandman knocked out Luke Cage and Punisher came after Sandman. Doc Oc brought the fight to Punisher and did some damage. Punisher tried to roll away from the engagement but found Doc Oc had overpowered him. Spider-Man tried to deal with his mentor’s nemesis but was destroyed. Agent Venom was angered by the loss of the younger Web Warrior and destroyed Doc Oc.

In the end only Songbird and Agent Venom were left.

Army Test
Map: Country Road
Units: Spider-Man (Miles), Kingpin (II), Viper, Lady Deathstrike, Catwoman, Absorbing Man, Hired Guns (1450) vs (Teen Titans) Nightwing, Starfire, Raven, Cyborg, Kid Flash, Beast Boy (Trex, Cheetah, Bear), Bane (II) (1350)

In game 2 the young hero found himself manipulated into working for the Kingpin. The Teen Titans were not having any of Kingpins games though. Early on it was clear that good was on the side of Titans and that they would win. The Hired Guns started off by attacking Rocket Raccoon. Cyborg and Nightwing stepped in to save the Alien and took out two Hired Guns. Rocket Raccoon took out one before the finally took him out. Starfire sat her sights Absorbing Man and did damage to him early. Lady Deathstrike looked to take out the leader of the titans but only managed to do two damage to him. That proved to be a costly mistake, enraged by love for her Nightwing she descended upon Lady Deathstrike with all of her force and utterly destroyed her. Giving her no chance to recover. Raven vanquished the last Hired Gun. Spider-Man hoped to knock-out the Sorceress but barely did any damage. This caused Starfire to take note of the little Spider. Though he used his webbing to keep Starfire in her place, it proved worthless. As she attacked from a distance and destroyed the little crime fighter. Imagine the loss she will feel knowing he had been conned into working with the criminals and she left him as a smoking ruin in the bridge. From here it only got worse. After destroying Spider-Man she took out Absorbing Man like he was nothing. Viper was able to take out the leader of the Titans and while this cooled Starfire some it was too little too late. Catwoman had been prowling around and finally snuck up on Cyborg and began to whip him relentlessly. She managed to take out Cyborg, while Beast Boy attacked Viper. Starfire finished Beast Boys work and avenged the woman who had killed her man and removed Viper from the field. Catwoman took on her rival Bane and eventually knocked him out. Raven and Beast Boy worked together to fight the Cat while Kingpin tried to use his superhuman strength against Beast Boy. It didn’t work. Beast boy turned around and finished Kingpin with a bite and Starfire overwhelmed the Cat ending the villains plans.

He has potential to be a real fun unit. The powers are great and he can be incredibly useful on the field. I like how he can control the battlefield and where people go. He will be a good addition to Web Warriors team and fill a spot that doesn’t exist. He also pairs well with crime fighters, and I think he could have potential as a criminal. I am not sure the second army was his strongest showing. The 240 would make sense if you lowered his 20 sided roll value a little. 15 is pretty high and I only managed to use it 2 times, maybe 3 in both games.

I can see him being really good. He is fun and would be great at crowd control. I think his powers need tweaked some. I think his webbed up 15 should either be lowered, or should say that a player can’t move or attack. Or reduce their attack dice by 2, or maybe choose. Lose 2 attack dice or can only attack once??? Same with the Venom Blast. Lower the value from 15-12, or make it a defense only? If the opponent attacks and rolls at least one skull then roll the 20 sided dice. If you roll 12 or higher take no damage and the player can’t attack again and inflict a wound?? For the 240 power that wouldn’t be unreasonable. Considering other 240s are Red Skull (II) who can change dice, Captain America who can add to everyone’s attack and defense, Jean Gray AoA is pretty powerful utility in same range.

Cool. Did you play it to where Miles could swing into engagement and use his Venom Blast on his turns as well as when opponents engaged him? Not opposed to bumping the rolls down a hair, but I found you get to roll so often that it usually worked a decent amount for me.
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