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The Book of Spider-Man (Avengers)


Tickle Pickle
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The Book of Spider-Man (Avengers)



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Marvel Civil War set.
Its model number and name are #13 / Spider-Man.

Alt Comic Art:
Spoiler Alert!


Character Bio - Despite maintaining a reputation as a loner, Spider-Man isn't opposed to the odd team-up. He's worked with nearly every other hero operating out of New York City, and even some from stranger parts, like Devil Dinosaur. He has long-standing ties with the Fantastic Four and has become an Avengers mainstay in the last few years.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips--Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Team Up) - Breathing




LIFE = 5

MOVE = 6

POINTS = 280

At the start of the game, you may choose one other Unique Hero you control and place a white Avenger Marker on its Army Card. After revealing an Order Marker on the Army Card of a Unique Hero you control that has an Avenger Marker on its card and taking a turn with only that Hero, you may take an immediate turn with Spider-Man and you may not take any additional turns. During this turn, Spider-Man can only attack figures engaged with that Hero.

Enemy figures attacking Spider-Man with a normal attack roll one additional attack die but subtract one skull from whatever is rolled. After rolling defense dice for Spider-Man against an opponent's attack, if he does not receive any wounds, Spider-Man may immediately use his Web Swing 2 special power.

Instead of his normal move, Spider-Man may move up to 2 spaces with Web Swing. When moving with Web Swing, Spider-Man has the Flying special power, but may not move up or down more than 40 levels in a single swing, and will not take any leaving engagement attacks. After using Web Swing 2, you may use it two additional times.

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Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Team Up) - Breathing

My initial thought is to open the Web Shooter up a bit. Maybe have it work more like Web Slinger but without the defense reduction.
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Team Up) - Breathing

My initial thought is to open the Web Shooter up a bit. Maybe have it work more like Web Slinger but without the defense reduction.

Yeah, I'm having a similar thought, but more about the movement aspect: Would this let him get to the top of a Skyscraper? Right now I think not unless there's a DO or Hulk up there or something.

Also, we need a Devil Dinosaur for this wave now. :p
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Team Up) - Breathing

Web shooters could work with skyscrapers easy enough if you opened them up to choosing... obstacles, or whatever they count as. I think at present he'd be able to basically teleport within the building if you just added that in. That might not be the worst thing, though? Going up and down a building and in and out of windows is absolutely in his wheelhouse.

That'd be cool to get working, since urban terrain is Spidey's forte.

On the tracers, I think the extra Web Swing use is mechanically a little muddy, since that's already a power that lets you use it multiple times. They also seem like more hardware than they're strictly worth - unless you're bringing other spider-dudes, not sure the move boost will be relevant often.

Obviously I like the skeleton of the design, though.
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Team Up) - Breathing

I believe that the final designation was that buildings walls act as obstacles and any part of a building you can occupy is terrain.
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Team Up) - Breathing

Does Spidey have a utility belt? I'd call it Spidey's Gadgets or something, but if he stores that stuff on his belt then ignore me.

Still wrapping my brain around the Spider-Tracers, but I dig it overall. A team-up Spidey definitely represents modern Spidey well.
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Team Up) - Breathing



It's not the most iconic utility belt in comics, certainly! He's been using it since '63 though.

Like those random panels indicate, he sometimes has tech-y stuff on it these days. In the old days, it was pretty typically camera, tracers, spider-signal, and extra webbing.

I probably wouldn't shout out terrain in the web shooters, but maybe just add obstacles to the web shooters for the benefit of urban terrain stuff. Letting him pick skyscraper walls seems right.
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Team Up) - Breathing

He does, apparently. I asked the same thing on Discord a bit ago and Ronin verified that he has for a while now, it seems. :p

:ninja: by Ronin with the massive knowledge drop, of course.
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Team Up) - Breathing

Yeah, if Skyscraper walls are obstacles and he can land next to an obstacle, he should be able to swing into open windows at least.
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Team Up) - Breathing

I definitely wanted to add obstacles but I also wanted to include medium figures like Web Slinger does.
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Team Up) - Breathing

Instead of moving this figure normally, you may choose a medium, large or huge figure or destructible object or obstacle that is within 4 clear sight spaces of this figure. Place this figure on any unoccupied space that is on or within 2 spaces of the chosen figure or destructible object as long as that space is not more than 40 levels higher than its original placement. When moved with this glyph, this figure will not take any leaving engagement attacks. After moving a figure with this glyph, if that figure does not have the Super Strength special power, roll one unblockable attack die against that figure.

Thinking something like this for the Web Shooter Glyph. Do we want a height restriction on it?

Do we have wording for the same size as this figure or larger? So like a large figure could only choose large and huge?
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Team Up) - Breathing

Web shooters could work with skyscrapers easy enough if you opened them up to choosing... obstacles, or whatever they count as. I think at present he'd be able to basically teleport within the building if you just added that in. That might not be the worst thing, though? Going up and down a building and in and out of windows is absolutely in his wheelhouse.

That'd be cool to get working, since urban terrain is Spidey's forte.

On the tracers, I think the extra Web Swing use is mechanically a little muddy, since that's already a power that lets you use it multiple times. They also seem like more hardware than they're strictly worth - unless you're bringing other spider-dudes, not sure the move boost will be relevant often.

Obviously I like the skeleton of the design, though.

Think I addressed the Web Shooter bit. I think the extra move on the Tracers is fine because they have to end their move adjacent to the figure with the marker, it's not like they can keep going past them with the extra moves.
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Team Up) - Breathing

I like the idea of going with a figure the size of this figure or larger.
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Team Up) - Breathing

Maybe the Tracers could provide an initiative boost of some kind or let you see OMs? I’m with Ronin, not seeming like they’re getting much use in average non-Spider-Verse play at the moment.
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Team Up) - Breathing

Maybe the Tracers could provide an initiative boost of some kind or let you see OMs? I’m with Ronin, not seeming like they’re getting much use in average non-Spider-Verse play at the moment.

Is that a bug or a feature?
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Team Up) - Breathing

An arachnid actually. :p

I’m mentally classifying this guy more as Avengers/team-up Spidey, not Spider-Verse Spidey. (Although he can work for both, and I don’t know what Tickle and Ronin think.) In an Avengers build for example, it just seems like a lot of hardware for “if Spidey is already within 4 spaces of a dude he can move slightly faster to get to that dude later.”
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Team Up) - Breathing

That’s fair. Maybe they should be more like what we did with Artemis?
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Team Up) - Breathing

When this glyph comes into play, place 1 red Tracer Markers on this card. After taking a turn with this figure, you may choose an opponent's Uniquer or Event Hero within 4 clear sight spaces and place a Tracer Marker from this card onto that figure's card. When rolling for initiative, you may add one to your initiative for each space in between this figure and the figure with the Tracer Marker on its card. When a figure with a Tracer Marker from this card is destroyed, return that marker to this card.

Something like this?
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Team Up) - Breathing

I'm on the same page as Nobody here. I was originally angling for more of an Avengers/Marvel Team-Up vibe here, and Spider-Verse stuff was pretty secondary.
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Team Up) - Breathing

There is a LOT going on here. Bonding, gadgets, gadgets with markers, movement bonus for spider-teammates....

I feel like a gadgets Spidey and an Avengers Spidey and a Spider-Verse Spidey should be three different designs, not all on a single card. I think our current Spide is great for Spider-Verse, so pick either Avengers or Gadgets to focus in on. That's my opinion at least.

Tracers are similar to my Spider-Bots writeup to go with Superior Spider-Man. The Avengers bonding is cool, I just think it's too much combined with the gadgets. Also his gadgets are more of a solo thing, he never really got too science-y in his Avengers appearances.
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Team Up) - Breathing

I can replace the Glyphs with just Web Swing and it still fits on the card at the text minimum if we just want bonding, Spider Sense and Web Swing. What are people feeling here? I don't mind that direction. A bonding Spider-Man will be fun even if it's similar to the original.
Re: The Book of Spider-Man (Team Up) - Breathing

Personally I don't think of this as a super gadget-y Spider-Man design. He's just got the two staples that he uses all the time.