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The Book of Spider-Girl


Never CoN a CoN man
The Book of Spider-Girl




The figure used for this unit is a HeroClix figure from the Secret Invasion set.
Its model number and name are #041 / Spider-Girl.
Character Bio - Child of Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson, May (known as Mayday to friends) was born with wit, brains, good looks, and a bright future. While Spider-Man had been long retired by the time she hit her teens, it was at this point May discovered just how special she was. Quickly, the girl realized she had powers similar to her father's - super strength, amazing agility, "spider-sense," and a bio-magnetic field far more advanced than her father’s wall-crawling. When the Green Goblin returned, she took it upon herself to stop the threat, donning a costume and taking up superheroics. Now she followers in her father's footsteps, swinging through New York City as the Amazing Spider-Girl!

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • Q: If an Order Marker is revealed on Wolverine when Spider-Girl is engaged with Jubilee, and Spider Girl successfully rolls for Bio-Magnetic Field 12, can Jubilee take a turn after Wolverine's turn ends using Mutant Sidekick?
    A: No. "This turn" in Bio-Magnetic Field 12 refers to the player's turn, not the turn of a figure. Jubilee is still affected by Bio-Magnetic Field 12.

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergies:Outgoing Synergies:
  • N/A

-Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses-


-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
Card Updates:
21 November 2020 - Swing Line wording update
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Re: Spider-Girl ~ Brainstorming Phase




LIFE = 4

MOVE = 6

POINTS = 140

Immediately after any opponent's numbered Order Marker is revealed, you may roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 12 or higher, all small or medium figures engaged with Spider-Girl may not move, attack or use any special power this turn.

Before Spider-Girl moves, you may choose one small or medium figure adjacent to Spider-Girl. Place the chosen figure on any empty space within one space of its original placement. A figure moved by Field Pulse never takes leaving engagement attacks. A non-flying figure moved lower by Field Pulse can receive any falling damage that may apply.

Instead of her normal move, Spider-Girl may move up to 3 spaces with Swing Line. When moving with Swing Line, Spider-Girl has the Flying special power, but may not move up or down more than 40 levels in a single swing, and will not take any leaving engagement attacks.


Spoiler Alert!
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Re: Spider-Girl ~ Brainstorming Phase

  • As a Mutant, Spider-Girl may be activated by Professor X's Mutant Mind Link special power.
  • As a Mutant, Spider-Girl may be moved by Cyclops's Mutant Field Commander special power.

Is it thematic for Spider-Girl to be controlled by Professor X? Doesn't seem to fit for me. :?

I wasn't sure on that one. It's never directly stated if she's a Mutant or not - it was brought up once, when she was still in utero, where a Sentinel saw she was "beyond the range of embryonic normalcy."

She WAS born with powers, so she's not a Mutate, but she has no X-Gene or whatever it's called, so she's not quite a Mutant, either. While she doesn't identify as a Mutant (isn't one of the X-People or anything), she IS questioned as a Mutant from time to time and one anti-Mutant bigot played a pretty big role.

However, I went with one logical choice - Franklin Richards, son of Reed and Sue, is considered a Mutant (and an Omega-Level Mutant at that!), despite getting his powers from Mutate parents. That's the only solid precedent.

...but I'm flexible on it. It could be called either way, to be honest.
Re: Spider-Girl ~ Brainstorming Phase

From looking at the Marvel site, it seems she is a bit slower with her swing line than Spidey. Maybe bring it down to a 3?
Re: Spider-Girl ~ Brainstorming Phase

It was brought up in one of the What If's that Spider-Man was basically a mutant who's power was instead of dying from a toxic radioactive spider bite he gets spider powers from it. :)

Spider-Girl having nonmagical innate powers and being human makes her a mutant in my book.
Re: Spider-Girl ~ Brainstorming Phase

I'm cool with her being a Mutant.
Is it thematic for her Spidey-Sense to work better than her dad's?
The last line in Advanced Spider-Sense (should it be Spidey like the official card?) needs a lot of cleaning up. Take a look at some official cards that deal with giving wounds - or even look at counter strike for wording help.
I like dropping the Swing-Line to 3 to make her different from her dad.
For those unfamiliar with the character, what's the theme behind her special attack?
Are you basing her power level here (180ish) more on a comparison to the official Spider-Man or to the precedent we set with Green Goblin (230, so Spidey's likely to be 200-220ish)?
Re: Spider-Girl ~ Brainstorming Phase

From looking at the Marvel site, it seems she is a bit slower with her swing line than Spidey. Maybe bring it down to a 3?

I'd be good with that; it'd give her more reason to move normally, which'll definitely help her play different than her dad.

Is it thematic for her Spidey-Sense to work better than her dad's?

Yup - in fact, it's MUCH better, much more precise, and she trained with ninjas making it possible for her to fight blindfolded relying only on her spider-sense.

The last line in Advanced Spider-Sense (should it be Spidey like the official card?) needs a lot of cleaning up. Take a look at some official cards that deal with giving wounds - or even look at counter strike for wording help.

How's this look?

If Spider-Girl is attacked by an opponent’s figure and at least 1 skull is rolled, you may roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 1-7, roll defense dice normally. If you roll an 8-20, Spider-Girl takes no damage and may immediately move using her Swing Line 4 Special Power. If Spider-Girl is adjacent to the attacking figure and does not move using her Swing Line 4 Special Power, the attacking figure receives one wound.

For those unfamiliar with the character, what's the theme behind her special attack?

She has little metal needles she sometimes shoots out of her web-shooters, called Stingers. But honestly, it's as much a filler power as anything; she doesn't use them very often, but they're very potent (which is why she doesn't use them often really), so I thought it might work. But I'd be glad to replace them with something else, or just lose them altogether.

Are you basing her power level here (180ish) more on a comparison to the official Spider-Man or to the precedent we set with Green Goblin (230, so Spidey's likely to be 200-220ish)?

I conceptualized her as stronger in comparison to the official one. But, really, it could go either way. She has stronger powers than her father, which could make her worth more, but she has less raw strength and less experience, making her weaker.

Oh, and one more thing - for her height, I have her as Medium 4, but the figure itself, as you can see, is on a little stand. Counting the stand, she's about 6 tiles high. Without it, just using the literal figure... she's only 3, at best. How would we rule that?
Re: Spider-Girl ~ Brainstorming Phase

The wording looks better, but I think a rules lawyer might try to inflict the wound when he fails on the roll. Perhaps some "either or" wording?
Not sure how to rule that height. 6 would seem strange given she's so small herself, but 3 wouldn't feel right either (she's clearly not standing straight) ... what do people think?
Re: Spider-Girl ~ Brainstorming Phase

Interesting for sure.

The only thing I can critique at the moment is that Special Attack is too powerful. SPIDER-GIRL shouldn't be hitting and hurting Kryptonians that badly. Also, it is a bit boring honestly. So it is a situational attack.... I need more cow-bell. :)
Re: Spider-Girl ~ Brainstorming Phase

I'd echo more cowbell. I think I'd rather see her down to two powers than three powers just to have three.
Re: Spider-Girl ~ Brainstorming Phase

I'd echo more cowbell. I think I'd rather see her down to two powers than three powers just to have three.
I could also echo that, but if I know the allies, they won't go for it at all. :lol:
Re: Spider-Girl ~ Brainstorming Phase

Alright, how's this look for Advanced Spider-Sense?

If Spider-Girl is attacked by an opponent’s figure and at least 1 skull is rolled, you may roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 1-7, roll defense dice normally. If you roll an 8-20, Spider-Girl takes no damage and may either immediately move using her Swing Line 3 Special Power or, if she is adjacent to the attacking figure, deal one wound to the attacking figure.

And yeah, I'd be glad to drop the Stingers. Giving her range would probably only cause problems, anyways, as she's a primarily melee character. And having just two powers seems fine by me - in fact, considering how wordy her two abilities are, that seems ideal.

...oh, and should I be updating the first post yet, or does that wait until the Design Phase? In fact I'm not entirely certain what the point of the Brainstorming Phase is, actually, or when it ends...
Re: Spider-Girl ~ Brainstorming Phase

Brainstorming is mostly for designers who want to see what everyone's ideas are before posting their own. :p Since you didn't take that approach, I'd say we're solidly in the design phase ... though I think the less well-known a character is (like in this case) the less useful the brainstorming phase is.
I think 180 is probably a bit too high for her right now. It's all about the Spidey-Sense power, though, so it's hard to say.
Advanced Spider (should be Spidey!) Sense is looking good textually, except I don't think you "deal" wounds ... Sujoah is the correct reference card here. I'm pretty sure it's "inflict," but double check me.
Re: Spider-Girl ~ Brainstorming Phase

Alright, how's this look for Advanced Spider-Sense?

If Spider-Girl is attacked by an opponent’s figure and at least 1 skull is rolled, you may roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 1-7, roll defense dice normally. If you roll an 8-20, Spider-Girl takes no damage and may either immediately move using her Swing Line 3 Special Power or, if she is adjacent to the attacking figure, deal one wound to the attacking figure.

If you want to give her a little more OOMPH, you could have her inflict a wound if she ends her Swing Ling 3 movement adjacent to the attacking figure.
Re: Spider-Girl ~ Brainstorming Phase

Alright, how's this look for Advanced Spider-Sense?

If Spider-Girl is attacked by an opponent’s figure and at least 1 skull is rolled, you may roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 1-7, roll defense dice normally. If you roll an 8-20, Spider-Girl takes no damage and may either immediately move using her Swing Line 3 Special Power or, if she is adjacent to the attacking figure, deal one wound to the attacking figure.

If you want to give her a little more OOMPH, you could have her inflict a wound if she ends her Swing Ling 3 movement adjacent to the attacking figure.

Oooh ... that would be harsh.
Re: Spider-Girl ~ Brainstorming Phase

I could definitely go for her inflicting wounds on any figure she ends adjacent to, but I pictured it more like this.

Someone attacks her from behind - say, a ninja tries to stab her. Her Spidey-Sense triggers, and she either uses this to swing away really fast OR to counterattack and disarm her opponent, since she's so well-trained.

Or I could remove the range restriction - either swing away or attack. She could easily use impact webbing or Stingers to deal an automatic wound.
Re: Spider-Girl ~ Brainstorming Phase

Would it be thematic for her to tag someone 9 spaces away, though? What if she inflicted a wound first, and then had an option of swinging away after?
Re: Spider-Girl ~ Brainstorming Phase

Let me start off by saying, I like what you have here, Johnny, its a good start!

However, I have to disagree about Spider-Girl's Spider-Sense. It is not really stronger than her father's, just different. For instance, hers is more directional meaning she can tell what direction danger is coming from, whereas Spider-Man can only know where to move to in order to move out of immediate danger. And his Sense grows as the danger is more immediate. Spider-Girl can also intuit if someone is lying to her, whereas Spider-Man cannot. I believe this was an attempt by the writers to tie a woman's intuition into Spider-Girl's Spider-Sense. But on the other hand, Spider-Man can use his Spider-Sense to follow a Spider-Tracer, whereas Spider-Girl cannot. She must use a handheld receiver to follow them.

Additionally, on the Spider-Stingers, I think she doesn't use them enough for consideration here. They are way more iconic for the Scarlet Spider (whose time as Spider-Man is repped by both Spider-Girl's use of his costume and his Web Shooters.)

Her power to stick to things is quite a bit different from her father's. For instance, she has to focus on sticking to things to stick to them. So the accident which caused Peter to discover he had the powers of a spider would never have happened to May. (For the record, he was nearly hit by a car in an alley and jumped up on a wall to avoid it and stuck. She would never have stuck because she would not focus on it because she wouldn't know she could.) Conversely, she can also cause others to stick to the same surface and repel things stuck to her, which helps her to jump from surface to surface. If I touched a wall and she touched the same wall and willed me to, I would be unable to remove my hand. She can also pull things away. For instance, one time early on, she was climbing a wall and a loose brick pulled away but stuck to her hand. She can also touch something and make it repel people or things such as a rooftop, however she has rarely been known to use her power this way. (I believe only once, instinctively, to save herself.)

I think a power where she could keep same level and terrain type occupying figures from moving would be really cool, sorta like a situational version of Stuck (see Blob.)
Re: Spider-Girl ~ Brainstorming Phase

Would it be thematic for her to tag someone 9 spaces away, though? What if she inflicted a wound first, and then had an option of swinging away after?

If you made her Swing Line instead of Move, she'd only be able to hit 3 spaces away.
Re: Spider-Girl ~ Brainstorming Phase

However, I have to disagree about Spider-Girl's Spider-Sense. It is not really stronger than her father's, just different. For instance, hers is more directional meaning she can tell what direction danger is coming from, whereas Spider-Man can only know where to move to to move out of immediate danger. And his Sense grows as the danger is more immediate. Spider-Girl can also intuit if someone is lying to her, whereas Spider-Man cannot. I believe this was an attempt by the writers to tie a woman's intuition into Spider-Girl's Spider-Sense. But on the other hand, Spider-Man can use his Spider-Sense to follow a Spider-Tracer, whereas Spider-Girl cannot. She must use a handheld reciever to follow them.

Well, the Advanced-ness has a lot to do with her training. If I recall correctly, she trained with Elektra (among others) to hone her intuition and rely on her spider-sense more and more. Again, citing her ability to flight blindfolded, using only her spider-sense to attack and defend.

Her power to stick to things is quite a bit different from her father's...

I also tried to fit that in, but... really, with her Swing Line, there's no reason to have any sort of wall-crawling power. If you have a 40-tile cliff next to you, you're not going to climb up - you're just going to sling you way to the top. Just not really applicable.

In any case, first post updated and brought up to the Design Phase because we never had a Brainstorming Phase to begin with.
Re: Spider-Girl ~ Design Phase

Speaking or rebasing the figure...
Would it be possible to cut down the pole she's standing on, so the entire thing is a height of 4, and then drilling the hole in the base as done with flying figures?
I don't have the figure, so I don't know how that pole would fit or cut/etc...
Re: Spider-Girl ~ Brainstorming Phase

Would it be thematic for her to tag someone 9 spaces away, though? What if she inflicted a wound first, and then had an option of swinging away after?

If you made her Swing Line instead of Move, she'd only be able to hit 3 spaces away.

I wasn't referring to the version you suggested, but the suggestion Johnny made after that.
Re: Spider-Girl ~ Brainstorming Phase

I think a power where she could keep same level and terrain type occupying figures from moving would be really cool, sorta like a situational version of Stuck (see Blob.)
Johnny, any thoughts on this idea?

Huh, missed that entirely.

Of course, one problem (or not a problem at all and rather a success) with this is that she'd be able to tie down units easily, and thus make Advanced Spider-Sense much easier to trigger; once they're engaged, it's either attack and risk an auto-wound or just hope someone else comes in to save you.