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The Book of Spider-Boy


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The Book of Spider-Boy



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Repainted Heroclix figure from the DC: Origins set.
Its model number and name are #37, 38 or 39 / Animal Man or #201 / Animal Master.


Character Bio - When Project Cadmus attempted to create a clone of Super-Soldier that has the power to control gravity, they used the DNA from one of the researchers, Peter Parker. But when the project was sabotaged, the researcher was killed, but his clone survived. Feeling responsible for the clone, General Ross adopted the clone and gave him the name Peter Ross. The foster father and son became a true family, but all of their happiness was cut short when General Ross was killed by a mugger. Inspired by his wall-crawling powers, Peter vowed to use his special abilities to gain the attention of the public as he thought that he was being dismissed as an ordinary boy. Peter dons a costume and takes the name Spider-Boy. He returned to the place where he was born, Project Cadmus, where he gained possession of a gun called the Web-Shooter that releases synthetic webbing. He later became a photographer for the Daily Bugle, where he sends pictures of himself as Spider-Boy flirting with other super-heroines. - ComicVine, 2020

-Rulings and Clarifications-_________________________________________________________________

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Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:
  • N/A

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  • N/A
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Re: The Book of Spider-Boy - Searching for the Web-Pistol

NAME = Spider-Boy

UNIQUENESS = Unique Hero
CLASS = Celebrity

SIZE/HEIGHT = Medium 5

LIFE = 6

MOVE = 6

POINTS = 230

Start the game with the Glyph of Web-Pistol on this card. While the Glyph of Web-Pistol is on this card, whenever another special power refers to the Web Swing special power, it refers to this special power as well.

Figures engaged with Spider-Boy can only attack figures that have the Daring Decoy special power.

Spider-Boy never takes leaving engagement attacks. When counting spaces for Spider-Boy's movement, elevation changes of up to 3 levels count as 1 space. Once per turn, you may count an elevation change of up to 30 levels as 1 space. After rolling defense dice for Spider-Boy, you may move him up to 3 spaces.

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Spider-Boy Paint Tutorial


The figure used for Spider-Boy is the #037-039 Animal Man from the Heroclix DC: Origin set


Step 1: Paint the chest and legs a dark blue. Paint the boots, jacket, and hands black. Finally paint the entire head a flesh color.


Step 2: Paint the neck and chest into an arrow pointing down using red. Paint a red stripe along the waist of the figure. Paint a single red stripe from the shoulders of the jacket all the way down to the cuffs. Lastly paint just the fingers of the hands red, leaving the rest black.


Final Step: This is the hard part. Paint 2 yellow stripes on both boots and 2 yellow stripes on the figures right thigh. Paint a Spider symbol on his chest. I painted the yellow diamond first and then went back over it with red to get it just right. This is not easy, you may have to start over a few times. You can do it though, I believe in you. Once you have completed the arduous task of painting the symbol. Paint the hair and goggles black. Finally Paint the lenses of the goggles white.​

Congratulations you have your very own Spider-Boy!! Great work!!
Re: The Book of Spider-Boy - Searching for the Web-Pistol

This guy is going to be our toughest Daring Decoy by a decent margin, right? Interested to see how that plays out in practice.
Re: The Book of Spider-Boy - Searching for the Web-Pistol

Big question is whether the Webbing Markers are meant to stack. The wording indicates you can have multiple on a card at once -- are you meant to roll for each on the card, or just roll if there are one or more on the card?
Re: The Book of Spider-Boy - Searching for the Web-Pistol

Big question is whether the Webbing Markers are meant to stack. The wording indicates you can have multiple on a card at once -- are you meant to roll for each on the card, or just roll if there are one or more on the card?

Could subtract 1 from the roll for each web marker?
Re: The Book of Spider-Boy - Searching for the Web-Pistol

There’s no benefit to stacking so don’t place a second marker. Just like there’s no benefit to placing a marker on a common card even though you technically can. :shrug:
Re: The Book of Spider-Boy - Searching for the Web-Pistol

I more meant the text could read more clearly whether you roll for each marker placed or roll once for all markers.
Re: The Book of Spider-Boy - Searching for the Web-Pistol

NAME = Web-Pistol
SUBTITLE = Impact Webbing

When this glyph comes into play, place 6 white Webbing Markers on this card. Instead of attacking with this figure, you may choose a figure within 5 clear sight spaces. Roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 12 or higher, the chosen figure receives a wound and you may place a Web Marker on its card. Before taking a turn with an Unique or Event Hero with one or more Webbing Marker placed on its card by this glyph, that player must roll the 20-sided die. If that player rolls 1-12, that figure may not move. If that player rolls 13 or higher, remove all Webbing Markers placed on its card by this glyph from the game.

Ah I see. This should clarify what you are asking. :up:
Re: The Book of Spider-Boy - Searching for the Web-Pistol

Exactly. :up: I just wanted to check for intent first. That does the trick.
Re: The Book of Spider-Boy - Searching for the Web-Pistol

This being a standalone thing, I'm comfortable moving the Web power to a glyph. It being a pistol means I buy the ability to knock it out of his hands, too.

The "again" at the end of his Web Pistol power, though, feels off to me, since you wouldn't have used the glyph at all that turn yet, since it's an instead-of-attacking power. So I'd trim that.

Also, when a Glyph power is strictly "start the game with Glyph X," we mirror the title exactly. Since this one has some additional stuff, I'd go with "WEB PISTOL MARKSMAN" or something, just to save room for a potential theoretical "WEB PISTOL" power that's just the glyph.
Re: The Book of Spider-Boy - Searching for the Web-Pistol

Should there be a size restriction on Web Pistol?
Re: The Book of Spider-Boy - Searching for the Web-Pistol

Wouldn't mind seeing PGM streamlined. Pretty busy power. What if we cribbed some wording from Bunker and went with something like:

Spider-Boy never takes leaving engagement attacks. When counting spaces for Spider-Boy's movement, elevation changes of up to X levels count as 1 space. Once per turn, you may count an elevation change of up to Y levels as 1 space. After Spider-Boy rolls defense dice, you may move him up to Z spaces.

Plug in whatever numbers you like for XYZ. Probably something like 2-3, 20-30, and 2-3. (Might be nice to go 2-20-2 or 3-30-3 to keep it easy to remember)
Re: The Book of Spider-Boy - Searching for the Web-Pistol

I guess I can move the glyph part to the end of Personal Gravity Manip.
Re: The Book of Spider-Boy - Searching for the Web-Pistol

I do like that wording Ronin :up:
Re: The Book of Spider-Boy - Searching for the Web-Pistol

NAME = Spider-Boy

UNIQUENESS = Unique Hero
CLASS = Celebrity

SIZE/HEIGHT = Medium 5

LIFE = 6

MOVE = 6

POINTS = ???

Start the game with the Glyph of Web-Pistol on this card. While Glyph of Web-Pistol is equipped, after using Personal Gravity Manipulation to place Spider-Boy during a turn, you may immediately use it again.

Figures engaged with Spider-Boy can only attack figures that have the Daring Decoy special power.

Spider-Boy never takes leaving engagement attacks. When counting spaces for Spider-Boy's movement, elevation changes of up to 3 levels count as 1 space. Once per turn, you may count an elevation change of up to 30 levels as 1 space. After Spider-Boy rolls defense dice, you may move him up to 3 spaces.


NAME = Web-Pistol
SUBTITLE = Impact Webbing

When this glyph comes into play, place 6 white Webbing Markers on this card. Instead of attacking with this figure, you may choose a figure within 5 clear sight spaces. Roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 12 or higher, the chosen figure receives a wound and you may place a Web Marker on its card. Before taking a turn with an Unique or Event Hero with one or more Webbing Marker placed on its card by this glyph, that player must roll the 20-sided die. If that player rolls 1-12, that figure may not move. If that player rolls 13 or higher, remove all Webbing Markers placed on its card by this glyph from the game.

Making these changes. Are we happy here after that?
Re: The Book of Spider-Boy - Searching for the Web-Pistol

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!
Re: The Book of Spider-Boy - Searching for the Web-Pistol

I propose we move to initial playtesting here.
Re: The Book of Spider-Boy - VOTE for Initial

Re: The Book of Spider-Boy - VOTE for Initial

I appreciate the tag! Cool to see this design in this stage. PGM is a fun twist on Spidey Senses, and he'll be a real pain for the opponent moving from figure to figure, setting up distractions.
And that mini paint job is phenomenal!