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The Book of Skeletons of Annellintia


GenCon Main Event Champion - 2019 & The Doom of Ma
The Book of Skeletons of Annellintia
C3V Wave 2 - Age of Chaos - Army of Darkness


The figures used for this unit are Confrontation figures from the Rams set. They are available from the Ram Army Box (16 figures), Abysmal Skull Unit Box (4 figures), or Necromancer Skull Unit Box (4 figures). The name of the figure is Skeleton Thrall.

Spoiler Alert!

When a Skeleton of Annellintia you control is destroyed, roll the 20-sided die. If you roll an 11 or higher, place that Skeleton of Annellintia on the army card of any Unique Lord, Lady, Duke or Duchess you control.

After revealing an order marker on this Army Card, before taking a turn with the Skeletons of Annellintia, you may remove one previously destroyed Skeleton of Annellintia from the Army Card of one Unique Hero you control and place it on any empty space adjacent to that Hero.

Undead Legion
After taking a turn with the Skeletons of Annellintia, you may move two unengaged Skeletons of Annellintia you control who did not move or attack this turn up to 4 spaces each.

-Rulings and Clarifications-


-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
  • Zombie Hulk: Paralyzing Fear:
    As Undead, the Skeletons Of Annellintia may benefit from the Zombie Hulk's Paralyzing Fear defense penalty when attacking other figures.
  • Torin: Evil Eye Protection:
    As medium figures who follow Utgar, Skeletons of Annellintia may be protected by Torin's Evil Eye.
  • Ataraxis the Starlich: Terror Enhancement Field:
    As Terrifying figures, the Skeletons of Annellintia benefit from Ataraxis's Terror Enhancement Field.

Synergy Benefits Offered

-Heroscapers Community Contributions-

Power Ranking and Master Index

Skeletons of Annellintia Sculpt Poll

Devastating with a hot d20, but can require subtle play to take advantage of the animation mechanic. B+

Unit Strategy Review


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Re: The book of Skeletons of Annellintia

I just realized that, with the inclusion of Nicholas in the list of figures that can use Necromancy, the mindlessness of a Skeleton horde is reflected. They don't really care if they're fighting for Cyprien or for Nicholas.
Re: The book of Skeletons of Annellintia

Two things:

Capitalize "book" in the thread title and change "form" to "from" in the Reanimate power "...you may remove one previously destroyed Skeleton of Annellintia from the Army Card..."
Re: The book of Skeletons of Annellintia

Army build that came to my head when I saw these guys:

Skeletons x2
495/12 hexes
A bit low on commons, but probably still strong overall. The skeletons are slow and can bask in Raelin's aura for a while.

The ideal build is probably Cyp/Sonya/Skeletons x3, but that's 510 points.
Re: The book of Skeletons of Annellintia

Army build that came to my head when I saw these guys:

Skeletons x2
495/12 hexes
A bit low on commons, but probably still strong overall. The skeletons are slow and can bask in Raelin's aura for a while.

The ideal build is probably Cyp/Sonya/Skeletons x3, but that's 510 points.

It is low on commons, but if you open with the Skeletons, Cyprien can go out and start putting them back on the board once you've lost 5-6. With that build I would probably leave 1-2 in my SZ so as not to lose the card.
I'm having a bit of a tough time justifying paying 45 more points per squad for these over Zombies. Reanimation is more reliable than ZRA, but only half of your destroyed Skeletons are going to come back. Is the extra figure and attack die really worth it? They are definitely stronger, but are they really 45 points more so?
4 attacks of 3 is literally twice as many attack dice as 3 attacks of 2. But just as importantly, the mechanic by which they come back is completely different. Zombies come back by killing opposing figures. Skeletons come back simply by taking turns. While I understand the desire to compare the two squads, the meaningful similarity is just that they are both slow-moving melee squads.

A good way to look at the Skeletons is that they are a 4-figure, 3/3 squad that costs about 53 points, but you get (on average) two squads for every squad you purchase... as long as you can keep your hero alive, that is.

One interesting option that I like, actually, is to play Iskra (without the rechets) rather than Cyprien/Sonya. Iskra is actually not a terrible cleanup hero in her own right, and going cheap on the hero frees up some points for ranged support.
If the Zombies were a 4-figure squad, they'd have to be at least 80 points just to pay for the extra figure. Add in a bit for the extra strength for an extra attack for each OM and you've probably got a 85-90 point squad. So, to my mind, it really comes down to whether the extra attack die and the better chance of returning destroyed figures to the battlefield is worth 15-20 points. Sounds like a good deal to me.
*sigh* :ninja:'d by dok and mac.

Let me add one more thing they didn't cover. Skeleton necromancy is foe-indifferent. Zombies suck wind when faced with Q9 and Deathstalkers. Skeles just keep coming.

~Aldin, bonily
I would think that the problem with playing Iskra is how frail she is. Iskra can go down really quickly to heavy fire, and she will be your opponents main target if she is your only hero.
If you use these with Nicholas, they will do well vs squads, while you can get thralls for the heroes.

Skellies x2
Thralls x5

500, 14
If you use these with Nicholas, they will do well vs squads, while you can get thralls for the heroes.

Skellies x2
Thralls x5

500, 14

Nice! Things don't look pretty for that army if/when Nick goes down though. I think I'd be more likely to play that build at 550, where I could drop a couple of Thralls for another squad of the Skeletons.
That's a pretty good idea. Nick and skellies take down squads, thralls for heroes. And everyone heals/ returns from the grave. That could be annoying to play against. (Fun to play though... hehehe).

A Cyprien, Sonya, Iskra, retchets, Marcu, and skellies VS Nick and his thralls would be a neat battle. I think the skeletons would have the advantage there due to no resurrection limitations (thralls need Nick to kill a non-undead).
I would think that the problem with playing Iskra is how frail she is. Iskra can go down really quickly to heavy fire, and she will be your opponents main target if she is your only hero.
That's very true. In my experience, if you play too aggressively, Iskra drops pretty quickly after having summoned the Rechets.

However, if you keep her in a significantly safe position (height, LoS obstruction, in Raelin's aura, etc), her 4 Life for 50 points could go a long way. I still think, while not very economical, Cyprien best compliments the Skeletons. His 6 Life and 4 Def will keep him in the game for some time, even with sustained fire. Just keep attacking with the squad, then use Cyp for clean-up.

Sonya is a good boost to Cyp, but depending upon the points, she could limit the number of squads you draft. Nicholas seems as though he's better off with some Thralls.

I think that Iskra is a decent option for the Skeletons, but I'd still take the Rechets (and hope I don't lose Iskra before they can be summoned!).
Sonya has the added bonus of evening out your point total if you happen to be playing odd amounts of Skellies.


Skellies x3- 315
Cyprien- 465
Sonya- 510

If your playing 600 points, you could go with-

Raelin v1- 590
And your favorite 10 point Ninja for filler.
Woohoo, skeletons for the Esenwein family of vampires. This should make a very interesting themed army. Am eager to try them out, although I'd be using proxies.

And some shameless advertisement... a few weeks ago, I posted my custom lich, Mal Sayela. It would be an honor if you guys can give him a try with these skeleton army. Comments and suggestions to make him a better unit would be greatly appreciated. Also, the lich was designed with the intention to work with Undead Common Squads, so you can try him with these guys too...

Death Knights of Valkrill
Deathstrike Thrall (C3V)
Phantom Knights
Preyblood Thrall (C3V)
Shades of Bleakwoode
Skeletons of Annellintia (C3V)
Zombies of Morindan
Anybody care to take a guess on Power Ranking? They seem like a solid B+ if not an A-. Synergy with Cyprien, Nicholas, Sonya and Iskra, solid movement ability, decent offensive output against bread 'n butter squads, and much better survivability than most squads in their price range, when you count Necromancy and Reanimation.